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How will the tie breaker work?


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I am sorry if this has been covered - I am a lurker and rarely post. I was thinking tonight - how could Jordan win the money? It won't be from winning the HOH, I just can't see that happening. But if Kevin wins and evicts Natalie... I could see Natalie being angry and voting against him for the money. She is immature and won't see it as game play. So that would allow Michele, Natalie, and Jeff to vote for Jordan. That would be a 3-3 tie. Would America break that tie?

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I don't think anything official has been revealed yet, as to what will happen in case of a tie. The speculation among posters includes that perhaps it will be an America's vote as the 7th vote. Or there could be some other twisty tie, um twist. No way to tell at this point.

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America is the last vote period...

ETA: Sugar you're right it hasn't been announced to us yet, but the house guests have talked about BB telling them America is the last vote...

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Supposedly America's Vote broke any possible tie. But I think they wouldn't even let us know about it until Sunday. Which would be stupid because most people skip the lameass clip show prior to finale. Nobody would even know about America's Vote.

I had a theory that Evel Dick's supposed appearance next Tuesday is for him to either serve as Chima's missing vote or host the reunion special that Julie Chen probably would rather bail out on.

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Supposedly America's Vote broke any possible tie. But I think they wouldn't even let us know about it until Sunday. Which would be stupid because most people skip the lameass clip show prior to finale. Nobody would even know about America's Vote.

I had a theory that Evel Dick's supposed appearance next Tuesday is for him to either serve as Chima's missing vote or host the reunion special that Julie Chen probably would rather bail out on.

There isn't going to be a show on Sunday, and I promise you that Evel Dick isn't the tie breaker, and I will even go so far as to tell you he isn't going to be on the show Tuesday at all...

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