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8/21 - Live Feed Updates

Angelo Joe

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10:13 BBT

"alright who wants to see my HOH room" as they ascend the stars as Natalie first to plant the lips and says "i can't wait to see your hot friends"

First they look at the pics..."that pops" and Jeff says it was...they thought he looked big..."that was a couple weeks ago"

People enthralled with Pics as Jeff "aww these are my nieces"...Natalie "man Jeff you look different in your pictures" natalie says...Jordan "none of your pictutes look different than you"

10:17 BBT Natalie "jeff you're a cutie" as Jordan "what's in your fridge......chese spread" and says "you got cookie dough" Jeff "that's jardiniere" as Michele says she's had that..

They keep talking about his pics and how he doesn't look like him....

10:20 BBT Jeff reads his letter.."loved "missed"....."be strong"..and talks about his nephew born on Aug 12th....the letter was really short and nice...

They keep going back to the pics....as now they joke if he's a twin twist...as Jeff keeps going back to his nieces and Jeff got "Bob Marley"

10:22 Jordan saying a pic his haircut looked like "dumb and dumber" {how appropiate}...Jeff about his pic "what's up I look like a fatso here" as they say his face looked fuller...

Jeff asking "what's wrong with this picture" as Jordan "i swear you better not have a twin" ....

10:24 BBT they continue to talk about his pics.......Jeff looks like his letter "my mom was scared to write more stuff"...

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10:26 BBT

Jordan tries out the deoderant...not eating it but on her pits..as she goes through all his HOH goods..

Jeff got "holy water" and says he uses it "for prayers" and says "you put it on stuff you want to bless" as his "cross" his parents sents from his "confirmation" says he didn't want to bring it because he was afraid he would lose it..

Jeff has all his scarves his deceased Gma's made...Jeff says he would have cried if "my letter would have been longer....thanks mom"

10:30 BBT Jeff going through goodies "i'm gonna make ravioli's with the vodka sauce"....

10:32 BBT Jordan keeps bringing up the pics and how he looks...as does natalie...

Jeff saying "my brother's don't even look like me".....

10:34 BBT everyone sitting around waiting for the alone time with Jeff and others to leave..just making small talk....

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10:36 BBT

Jeff suggests "let's go downstairs" as he says he doesn't want to make people feel wierd to be the first to leave...."you guys are welcome up here" Jeff offers as he says "lets go drink some beers" as everyone leaves the HOH....

Natalie tries to get on Jordan's good side "you want a quesadilla" and Jordan actually says no as Russ is called to DR...

10:38 BBT Natalie "if you guys drink...I'll drink".....as Kevin says no and Jordan says "as long as you don't get in trouble" { Boy these people are so cluseless about her eal age} as the open the bottle of wine...Jeff "get her a wine glass" as Jordan was going to put it in a plastic cup...

10:40 Natalie smooching up against Jeff's buttocks..."that was a fun room" about his HOH and says like the others there was nothing negative...

Jeff says if his letter had been longer he would have cried...

10:42 BBT Jeff talking about being catholic...Natalie trying to peddle her quesadillas as Jeff refuses one....Jeff heads outside to play pool with Michele follwing close behind...

10:44 "Kudos" Michele says to a smoking Jeff and says he's happy and tells him he "got cuter with age".......Michele backtracks.."not to say the other pictures you weren't cut".......

10:45 BBT Out comes Kevin to talk about his friends in the pics and jeff talks about his friends...

10:46 Natalie saying "i'm already nervous again" to Jordan in kitchen....and talks how she did better...as Natalie says she's happy Russ "gets to experience a have not" because he hasn't yet...

Natalie blabbing how it will be fun "no name calling...no drama".....

10:48 BBT Outside Michele and Kevin talking to Jeff about nothing important......

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10:49 BBT

Jordan talking about Lydia saying "i hated Lydia since day one" as Natalie continues saying she was his target......Natalie talking about all her and Lydia's blow ups..

10:50 BBT Jordan bashing Lydia {as best as Jordan can bash} but mostly her actions.....

Natalie says "she threw Jeff under the bus" about Lydia and that's why everyone "hated him"....

10:52 BBT Natalie "thank you for Keeping me" and tells her she appreciates a lot..and says "your welcome"..as natalie goes on she will go with them "i'm good wit chu guys" and if anyone says different.."its not true"...

10:53 BBT Jordan goes outside as he sports his tie dye shirt....it looks bad and Jeff says "mine's the worst" and says he will sell it "for a minimum of 500"

Michele sports her shirt and looks slightly better than Jeff's..

Jeff goes in to a wet paper towel for Jordan as Natalie telling him "i was shitting in my pants" she couldn't sleep and says she is good with them to the end....."we're good in my book" Natalie practically begs as he says we'll talk later "let's enjoy the final 6"...

10:57 BBt Michele says her husband tells her "you have bad breath and you smell bad" and says he's "really mean"..as out comes Natalie to join the {kiss ass} session on the patio..

10:58 BBT talking about flatulence as natalie says tonights HOH was the most fun as they talk about HOH...

Jordan this comp "i didn't care who won' as Jordan starts "russell gets so competetive" and said when Kevin paused him he drilled em in...

11:01 BBT Kevin talk he wasn't going to use the gold cans but Russ started so he did...as they talk about how competetive he was...as they all talk about how Russell played HOH..Jordan "he gets into it" as Natalie says "Mr unbeatable" was "Mr second was Mr second to last"

11:03 BBT More HOH talk

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11:04 BBT

Still talking HOH as they says they though Michele was gonna win...

11:06 BBT..."oh no he didn't" about Russ getting gold canned By russ saying "production" kept announcing to remind them to use gold cans...get BB warning..

Jeff going on how russell kept messing him up and thanks Kevin "for putting that thing on him" as he "drilled em" after that...

11:08 BBT more repetetive HOH talk....

11:09 BBT Russell still in DR as the rest of the house outside talking....as Kevin says the comps will get "funner"..as Natalie "the next one will be an endurance for sure"...Jeff "when are nominations" they all says tomorrow as Kevin says this veto might be "how bad you want it"...

11:11 BBT Natalie talking how well Michele and Jordan did in the POV...and talk when they went out....Jeff says he could hear how people stepped...and Natalie couldn't Jordan says she could hear Michele "stomp' some of her answers...

11:12 BBT they talk about tie breaker question as Michele wonders iff BB "makes the numbers up" because all say it didn't seem like that many..

11:14 More talk about the live show...natalie saying how nervous she was....."guarantee she's cuddling with Jesse right now" Jordan says "i bet you they do it" and says if she goes to JH she gonna make sure her bedding "is clean"

11:15 BBT Jordan says "i'm gonna be sad" when its over and none seem to be excited to get back to their real lives...as Michele says her job may not be secure when she gets back because she's over 1 day allowed on her leave.....as Jordan says "you have a good reason' and Michele "no some people think this {BB} is stupid"

11:18 BBT Jordan goes on how all the stories she told when she left for California to be on BB...

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11:20 BBT

They are talking about before they left their real lives before getting into BB.......

Talking how "corny" their videos were.."they made me put on a blow up crown" Kevin says..Jordan was drinking on hers to "loosen up" as BB warns talking aboutproduction..

Talking about Laura's boobs...."i felt up your boobs..but I never seen em" Michele says about Jordan who's talking about her "boobs" as she says "if you say me you would say her boobs are fake" they say no and says Jeff hasn't seen em....

Kevin aslks Jeff 'for a little flash....

11:25 BBT Jordan talks about ugly vaginas as Kevin expresses his disdain of them.....as natalie "i get too embarrassed" to talk about it..Jeff "guys are gross" naked....."Guys are amazing".....as Jeff sticking to guys being gross...Jordan "most guys have little butts" as Natalie saying Kevin's never "tried" to be with a girls as Michele steps up saying if they are gay "you cannot convert them"

11:29 BBT Jordan talking about sex with a guy....and asking Kevin...gay sex questions.....the talk scares Jeff away as Jordan gets really personal as does Natalie...Kevin obliges with the answers..

11:32 Gay sex ed continues...

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11:35 BBT SEX TALK if you're easily offended..Don't Read

jordan very funny about her 69 experience....it actually was hilarious..making faces like she was gagging..

More sex talk...

Jordan "see the beach doesn't it make you like do it more" as Michele says no "sand in the crotch" isn't fun..

natalie "you need to be with a girl...give it a shot" and says "you want to die an old man" without every trying....

11:37 BBT Jordan asking about "toys" and "dress up"......Jeff has a look of embarrassed interest...

natalie called to DR....as Jordan goes on about her first time..

11:40 BBT Russ has come out to Join sex talk.. Russ was "14" when he first had sex.....two stories going on at the same time....as Jordan goes on...Kevin "girls get attached when they lose their virginity"

Jordan says she was and was a "basket case" when she broke up with her BF....Jordan says "i can't" sleep around with guys "i can't bring myself to do it" as she says she has to have a guy who cares and wouldn't get "screwed" over...

11:44 BBT..Jordan goes on about all her dates....

11:46 BBT Jordan goes on about guys s and her criteria to date...

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11:49 BBT Jordan talking about men marrying women who are gay.....Jordan says she would "be pissed" and talks about "a close relative" who was gay...and Kevin says most of his family didn''t know he was gay..everyone seemed suprised by his statement.....

Jordan says she would want them to "feel open" if she had a gay daughter/son..

11:53 BBT Michele talks about getting caught looking at a girls boob and made fun of and was warned by her parents she better not be a lesbian..

11:55 BBT talking about cliques in HS.....

11:57 BBT Jordan talks about the cyber bully case that involved a mom and daughter....of course they get all the facts wrong about the case...Jordan now getting the cases right "i watched it on Oprah" BBAD ends and feeds are FOTH...

11:58 BBT FOTH..

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12:01 BBT

Feeds return and talk about California's "prop 8"..as Kevin says "they changed the fucking consitution" to ban gay marriage and says "that's huge..they raley do" ammend the constitution{actually it's been amended over 500 times so Kevin doesn't know what he's talking about}

12:03 BBT Jordan asks if Shwarzenegger is "a good Govenor and feeds got to FOTH {I say he's one of the worst..my opnion}

12:05 BBT Still foth...

Feeds return as Jordan talking about her conservative family but says "i'm the opposite" saying she is more open...

12:06 Kevin talks about "choice" as some people think it is.... as Michele says there is "scientific evidence" that its biology and not choice as Kevin said if their was "a straight pill" he would take it as he would have "never chose" to be gay and all the hate and bigotry that comes with it..

Kevin saying "its very rare" for monogamous relationships and says he lives his life and "be an example"

12:10 Michele explains the scientific evidence to Russell who has asked......"i never knew that" Russ says..

Michele goes on...Jordan says "the person in my family" knows "he was born gay..he's known since he was 5" and Kevin says he's known "since I was 5"

12:12 BBT Kevin "my parents think......" and we get foth..

12:16 BBT FOTH

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12:20 BBT Still FOTH...

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12:27 BBT Feeds return

as Jordan still talking baout her openess and "my mom's side" close minded..

Jeff now saying he doesn't care just how he's treated is how he treats other people..

12:30 BBT Michele called to DR as the Natalie is back "the longest DR ever" she says..as she plops herself next to Jeff..

12:31 BBT Jordan catches Natalie up.....

12:32 BBT Jordan talks how much her parents hate each other "don't speak or nothing" and triggers another FOTH

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12:35 BBT Feeds return with Jordan talking about Trust love and making it stronger....

as Jordan says her mom "wasted years" staying and depending on her dad...

12:37 Jordan goes on.....no game talk

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12:42 after a couple minute FOTH Jordan continues to dominate the convo about relationships........

Talking about Cheaters "men actually do that" Jordan says about guys who travel and cheat on their wives/girlfriend...

12:44 Keevin says it easy to cheat being gay because its easy to pick up a guy....

Russ listening quietly as I think he doesn't want to leave J or J alone with Natalie/Kevin...

Kevin says "you just need to find the right guy" as Kevin "do you know with Jeff" as nat/Kevin tease her.....Jordan says she hopes she will keep in touch "after the show".....

12:47 BBT Natalie and Jordan don't have Facebook or Myspace.....

12:48 BBT They start talking about AOL dial up and we get FOTH because the imitaed the sounds to it I would guess..

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12:51 BBT

Feeds return with Russell talking about his Motorcycle accident just to have Jordan talking about someone friend of a friend got a DUI and we get another FOTH {would someone gag her and throw her up to the HOH}

12:55 BBT FOTH...

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12:56 BBT

natalie talking about her BF he looks like "Landon" fro "real world" as she says he's blond " a muscular"..."my boyfriend's short though......he's Russell's height"

Jordan asks if she's a virgin and Natalie says she doesn't want to talk about it as "my dad" may be watching..

Michel and Russ are not out there...

12:59 BBT Now they are slowly talking about Russell Natalie says "russell's catching up"and says she did not "want him to win" as Jordan says she didn't care who win....if "any three" of them won...

Michele is in DR...

natalie "its going to be boring'as all they have "nominations"

Jeff says "i have plans" when Kevin asks if he's being nominated..and says he doesn't want to "divulge" them and says they can come talk to me tomorrow...as Jordan says not to be seen..

Natalie saying Russ went in to see who was Jeff talking to..

1:02 BBT....Natalie saying kevin says he was going to nominate Russell and was mad Jeff won..

1:04 BBT Natalie "final 5" after this week... this is done....as natalie saying splish splash will be closed

talking about being a "good accomplishment"...

1:05 BBT Natalie says "i was wondering if you are going to put Russell up" as Natalie says it would have been "a perfect" opportunity as natalie keeps bring up Russell ...as Jordan talks.....

Natalie "there is no more backdooring...everyone plays" as Kevin and Natalie lie that J&J are safe...

1:07 BBT Jordan goes on how much she trusts Kevin and Natalie...

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1:08 BBT

Jordan talking winning at least $10,000 as they bring up Russell has won it..

1:09 BBT Jordan talk about Hawaii as Jordan says 'you're not going to have sex" if she went with him....

Jeff in the HT as Jeff says he will take her "as friends"....

1:12 Jordan talking how long the DRs are...

Kevin wants to start "faux drama".....for fun...

1:13 BBT Russ comes back outside and plants it on the couch...

natalie wants to make blueberry muffins with the mix Chima left...

1:15 BBT as they talk about HOH some more..atalie and Kevin go play pool...

1:17 BBT Jordan and Jeff at HT..as Jordan talks about his cookie dough in HOH he didn't even ask for....Jeff asking if she's putting her "hair stuff" back upstairs..because "you want to use it"...

Russ sitting alone....J&J at HT and Natalie/Kevin playing pool.

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1:20 BBT Russ and jeff laughing about the HOH and Russ describes himself "a ballroom dancer with two left feet"

1:22 BBT Jeff wonders if they ever get to see family and friends via TV.....Natalie yammers that no they don't..

1:23 BBT....Jeff says 'my parents wouldn't know what to do ..I hope they go to my brothers house" Jeff says about the family segements and get FOTH..

Jeff saying he's close with both his parents...Jeff saying "my dad's not a big talker" "laid back" and his mom "is real quiet" says he gets his mouth from his Gpa from his mom's side..

1:27 Another FOTH...Feeds return wit pretty much the same going on....Jeff looking over at Kevin and Natalie getting along so weel and happy at the pool table..Russ sitting at the couch silent...

1:31 BBT Jordan is in the house and Michele in DR..

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1:32 BBT Jeff's called to DR as Michele is out...

1:33 BBT Kevin and Natalie paired up at the pool table... Russ watching from the couch..

1:35 BBT they finish their game and head indoors for a "midnight snack" ..Michele and Jordan are already in the kitchen...eating..

natalie telling michele "you would have benefitted" from the slop pass..natalie says "i'll eat em" about "old brownies" from "july 8th" as natalie brings up Chima's blueberry muffins..

Natalie says she's try em as it says "best before" July 8th..

Russ come in...as him and Michele talk slop..and Jordan says "she got creative" with the slop...

1:40 BBT Everyone in kitchen talking about farting Jeff in DR and Michele talking slop with Russ...

{i'm out be back tomorrow}

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2:53 AM BBT Michele goes up to HOH to immediately talk to Jeff about final four plan. First words out of her mouth is Russ wants to know if he is going up. She asks if she is, Jeff says "shut up".

Now going over POV and Michele wanted to know what was it Jordan wanted to tell her after POV. Jeff so know she was just going over all scenarios of if he won/she won etc.

Talk of fish, now Michele nervous talk about Jeff's basket, hows she wired from coffee, now talk about his pics

(Note when I first sign on real, M/R in BY alone, I got the impression they were discussing the talk with J/J and something about trying to cover each other during it without exposing??? Then RUss said good luck as Mich left to go up to HOH)

3am BBT Mich is ready to go to bed, says goodnight hugs J/J and immediately heads to by to Russ....tells him go to sleep ... finale four in ON. Russ wants to know if he was sincere. Russ getting paranoid. Russ pushing for word for word. Michele is telling truth (for a change).

Now they are talking about how he wondered how Michele could through him under bus yesterday, but then figured it out that THEY MUST OF LISTENED to them. He is saying he is good at reading people. He knew each one and who they were gunning for. Ronnie was really gunning for Russ. Michele was the hardest.

THey are rehashing the GR lie. Russ is saying how he was after Ronnie to clip Jessie #1 and Chima #2 alliance. They figured the GR Lie was an exageration. Russ going on and on about how he figured out Ronnie and his lies.

Michele says they got to keep winning and NO scheming! THey had to go to bed without talking, but they have to do that so that J/J don't think they are scheming...

Russ says he got all POV questions right, Michele still mad she changed her answer. Mich wanted to take off Nat so Nat wouldn't of gunned for her. Russ says wait she would of put me up, but no Jordan was putting up Kevin in that case. Now on to talking about Chima was bad influence on Natalie. Chima bashing...

3:15 am BBT J/J have turned off lights and are going nitey nite for now.

Russ and Michele continue about Chima....

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3:30 am BBT

R/M talking all scenerios to get to f2 and wondering of course what J/J plans are as to Nat/Kevin. They feel that anyone who goes to f2 with Jeff gets second.

Now talking about BB10 and Dan winning. Russ asking Mich to explain how it went down.

Now back to Lydia..

Now back to Chima's order of eviction...

Now Nat and poker player, ??

Nothing interesting and got to take care of MIL early meds....if anything interesting will get back to you.

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