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July 21st Live Feed Updates

Guest ranster627

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Guest okw fan

2:40 pm BBT

April and Sara upstairs at chess table...

April: Hope Kayser isn't on their side. I know I'll go up. It'll be me and Jenny.

Now they are talking about things-how many of them are there, what colors. Still 14 chairs around table, 11 keys in the wall, 4 burners. April asked what time the micro clock said when they entered the house and Sara didn't know.

Now they are walking around the house, doing the same thing. End up in the bathroom, where James just got out of the shower. Eric is in the HOH shower.

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Guest okw fan

April and Maggie talking in kitchen-

A: I told BB this morning that if Mike says anything about me or my family tonight, watch out. Live is live. Then BB called MIke into the DR.

Chatting about leaving the house, pros and cons to going out.

Ivette joins the conversation. They are saying there is no reason why we shouldn't get it (talking about HOH). Probability is we should, but you never know. It's not from lack of trying.

Talking about Jan and Mike and Kayser.

Kay and Rachel are in the living room talking. He asked her a question, and she said to change the subject.

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April: He'll (mike) leave tonight but i have a feeling its not over. I just want you to stick up for us if they start sh!t talking after this. Only one to trust is Kaysar he is honest, he is true.

Maggie: you don't want anyone sitting pretty

April: my husband will be happy i'm sticking up for myself

Maggie: all our families are gonna love us

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Jen's mom would get cookie dough from school fund raisers.. Jen likes to eat raw dough [so do I!]


outdoor LD over, HG are headed back inside

comments of naptime, lunchtime, and how much cooler it is inside

Jan heads to bathroom to brush/flat iron her hair... Howie says he is going to 'walk the house'

Howie, Ivette in the storage room for food(kidding each other)

H: alone at last, I've been wanting to tell you...

I: yea riiiiiiight...


5 turkey dogs left, Beau just had one

munching and flat ironing going on...


Baked Lays are Beau's favorite

cam of empty living room, two of HG sitting at round table, one close up of Beau

[my biggest pet peeve, along with other feed watchers, has to be when the cams show HG-less shot or multi-cams of the same thing, when HGs are in other areas of the house... I've heard the complaint asked on Housecalls and they laugh it off... I just don't understand the reason for it, is BB trying to frustrate us? It's not THAT hard to change to cams with HG on it!]


Discussion of wearing dresses over jeans tonight...

Maggie thinks this batch of Triskets are fresher...


Sarah, April at the chess table

A: I hope Kaysar isn't on their side(M/Jan)

A: the good thing about Jan, Kaysar, they don't do much around the house, so they don't know anything... I'm sure it will be me and Jen going up(nominated if Jan or Kaysar win HOH), because they are listening to him

now looking over the rail, counting things, 2 green 2 orange stools, still 14 chairs.. keys on the wall... 4 burners... what was the time on the microwave when we came in the house... carpet colors, blue black red green.... salt pepper shakers... tie breaker will have to be a number.....


A: remember, there are 5 cots, 5 beds... I'll bet Eric's getting ready...

they think he's in the shower, they try the doorbell to HOH room, no answer, so they go downstairs... slowly... counting steps... go in gym... count pieces of equipment... into bathroom where others are getting ready... April complains about the quality of the flat iron...


Kaysar, Rachel are sitting in the lving room, each on a couch

April comments that if the HOH is about the house, they will know more because they spend more time cleaning than 'others'

A: I feel better because they forewarned him... they called him into the DR after I talked to them... I said if he says anything vulgar about me, or my husband, anything, on live tv, I'll walk out of here... then they called him into the DR...

Maggie: he hasn't done that to me...

(fish for a few seconds)

A: the sad thing is, he voted for Ashlea to stay, and Kaysar really believes him, that he voted for him to stay... I look at it, if it's my time to go, it's my time to go

Mag: chances are, we are all going to go...

A: I just didn't want to go this early... most likely they will put up me and Jen, and one of us will have to go... or it might be Ivette, because he's worked his magic on the dumb blonde

A: out of respect, I told him I didn't vote for him to stay... what I told him is, Janelle is safe... he said he was ok with that... but that was yesterday... (April saying to Maggie about Mike's suggestions to her of causing trouble before leaving)

I joins them: I've been praying... there is no reason we shouldn't be able to get it

(they don't know who 'they' will put up)Mag: what they know is, if we get it, they will go up

April telling how Jan has been flip-flopping on liking/not liking Mike

A: it's so sad, because she is pretty and smart, but what she's done... breaking up with her boyfriend, and start making out with him that day!

I: I can't wait to get in the real world and bump into her


switch to Kaysar, Rachel on couch, (Kaysar seems to be growing a beard)

R: I hope I have some people left(if I get to the final, people on the jury that like her)

she looks at water bottle and comments about the river/streams/mountains pictured... tells Kaysar about skiing a long time ago... knee injury...

Eric is down, they laugh at his jeans... Rachel likes idea of sitting in lodge with hot chocolate more, with irish creame...

Kaysar likes idea of snuggling[?]

Rachel says Colorado weather in winter isn't as cold as others think, sometimes it's in the 60s

K: when does ski season start?

R: starts later, we don't get snow til December, but goes into June

K: you mentioned a drought?

R: not last year, but 3 before that, it was bad

K: when it rains here, people freak out... all the girls run inside, worried about their hair... I think you'd hate it here...


Rachel had her surgery a year ago, ACL... shows Kaysar her scars and demonstrates how they did it... supposed to be 175% stronger than original...


switch to bedroom with Beau, James.. Beau talking about a womanizer

J: worse than Howie? [lol]

Beau is talking about working a fashion show(I recognized Cindy Crawford's name, not others)


someone must have their clothes laid out on a bed for tonight, looks like a person run over by cement trunk is flattened out laying there... lots of sitting around... Howie now being provoked by others to turn his underware into a g-string... someone says it doesn't take much...


April, Jen, Mag sitting at the round table... April hopes that others stand up for them if he's talking stuff[April working to cover herself/Jen if Mike spills their alliance before leaving?] Says Mike told her Kaysar is the only person she should trust in the house, because he won't lie, but April says Kaysar did lie...

A: I think at first we were pre-judging others

Mag: we are past pre-judging... now we are judging! [lol]

April comments on what her husband will think, and Maggie says all their families will love them...[ie, you don't have to worry about your family getting upset over your actions in the house]


Maggie fixing her face in the bathroom, April in the shower, Eric, Ivette, Beau, Kaysar, Sarah(maybe more) in the bedroom.. Howie walking around...

closeup of Maggie plucking and pinching and inspecting her face[it hurts me just to watch someone doing that! ouch!]


A: I hope I don't get too worked up, I already am...

Maggie now in the other shower... others in bedroom appear to be falling resting or talking softly

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Howie in gold room with Janelle talking strategy.. explains that if you are HOH, it's better to put two individuals from two pairs up, instead of putting a pair up(April and Jen)... that way people will be working to save their partner, and it will stir up more in the house than having a pair on the block

(I haven't seen Mike anywhere for a long time now)

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Guest BigBroAddict

Ivette talking about her accent and how she's gonna go back to Miami and be made fun of because she is picking up there talk with "ya'll"

James is wearing Beau's shirt.

James is giving Sarah a massage, Beau, Eric and Ivette in the room too.

Ivette is talking about a movie about these people who pack cocaine into capsules. My feeds froze so i missed what they said next AHH

The next thing I hear is about a baby who was killed and stripped of the insides and stuffed with drugs.

Ive: God, please dont make me that desperate for money, ever.

Beau, Eric and Sarah left in the room after Ive and James exit.

2:10 BBT

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Guest BigBroAddict

Howie to Jan: Do you think Ashlea is gonna watch tonight?

Jan: Ya, she'll be rooting for us.

James joins the convo with Eric, Sarah and Beau again.

Howie and Jan in kitchen (possibly others too)

Bedroom talk:

James cant fit on the small beds and has to sleep half way off. James says he is 6' 2" and he has a large arm/leg span (ya know what else is big then...: his shoes :) )

Someone asks Beau if they like her shirt (she is off the cam, sounds like Jen).

Eric seems to be sleeping, no movement out of him.

Kaysar is in the bedroom do, doing his hair in some mirror, then puts on a hat.

Everyone has now left the room except Eric who is motionless.

Howie talking about Janelle's boobs: Once's Michael's gone I am gonna get on Jannie. I want her to lay on me and have her boobie accidently fall in my mouth.

Howie is talking dirty...as usually.

Girls are in restroom primping and getting ready...Maggie is doing makeup, Sarah is blow drying her hair and Jenny is just looking in the mirror at herself.

Howie is in kitchen with James.

Beau is also in the restroom primping up.

Howie still talking about boobies.

2:18 BBT

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Guest BigBroAddict

Howie talking about Muslims and how Kaysar is "evolved" because he is in the house with scantly clad women, friends with a gay guy.

Howie says "SOHCAHTOA" and saying it means Bless You...someone says "In math language"




Howie talking about pancakes and if anyone wants them.,

2:27 BBT

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Howie making protien pancakse in the kitchen, Jan watching him while snacking from a box, still no sign of Mike from here...

H: I'm almost as cute as Michael right?

Jan: oh, yea, yea..

H: you're not just saying that, right?

Jan: nooooooo

H: I mean, like, if you saw me out on the street...

Jan: I'd be like, he is smokin! yea...

[i'm never sure how serious to take Jan, but I think she's the same way about Howie lol]

H: thanks Jannie... I think you're kind of attractive too... do you think I cuter than Roddy and Eric?

Jan: yea!

H: how about Marcelas?

Jan: nooo

H: but you like Jason?

Jan: no, you're my favorite!

H: thanks Jannie...

Howie does practice Jedi lightsaber motions in the kitchen at James... tells how he could have won the POV by cutting the other cable during the comp... or cutting Jan's ropes free in the first POV...now using his lightsaber on his little Beau-beau.. while girls work on getting ready... Maggie's jeans are ripped so she may not be wearing them tonight...

Howie: I can't believe I came in here without my lightsaber

James: I can't believe, that being a Jedi, they let you come in without it... how long have you been a Jedi?

H: couple years

J: how much does that pay? Does it pay good?

H: no, you do it strictly for..

J: pro bono?

H: no, is voluntary... to save the republic and all that... they provide the first light saber, but if you lose it, you have to buy the next one

J: aww, that's too bad.. do they have stickers, so you know it's yours?

Howie goes on to tell Beau about the galaxy and all that is out there.. where did Yoda come from? how about time travel? if you get in a space ship, and go from here to Florida in a blick of an eye... 30 years ago, it was unheard of... your mind just doesn't fathom, you have to think outside of the box... [maybe that's it, Howie is from another galaxy? lol if he can keep the R-rated comments out, can anyone else see him as celebrity weather guy on a morning show?]

now uses Kaysar being in the house as example.. who'd have thought he'd be unMuslim-ized

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Howie, Rachel, Jen in the kitchen

Rachel says she likes Jan's legs...

H: how about mini legs?(refering to Jen)

R: I think Jen is the cutest girl ever.. you are, you know it

H: except for her stuck up, snotty attitude, walking around the house since day one, with her nose up in the air, like Mrs. Cool, because she's dating an aviator, like I care about Daniel

cut to Kaysar, James playing chess, talking strategy... James says he fells like he's been tricked..

James revealing his thinking on alliances, I/B and H/R [hard to hear them]

J: whisper whisper...

J: think about that for a while...


Jan comes out to model her outfit for everyone... only camera to show her is long shot, but everyone is amazed at how she looks... Jan comments about 'if I get evicted', and everyone assures her...

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Guest BigBroAddict

Something weird happened!

We heard Julie Chen talking...maybe she is recording part of the segment for tonight! We heard "the graphic design...Orange County, California"

Something...then fish on Cam 1/2...Weird.

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James calls Kaysar on taking his hand off a chess piece, then wanting to go back and move back. Sarah says he was cheating when playing checkers with her...

S:you moved your piece, I double jumped you, then you moved all the pieces back...

K: oh, is that what you are talking about?

James: do you remember that?

K: vaguely... [lol]

just heard Julie Chen's voice, sounded like part of the intro recap for tonight's show... comment about "if a pair" [maybe Julie is entering the

house tonight as part of the Summer of Secrets twists? lol]

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2:50 -

Kaysar and James playing chess. James says to Kaysar something like 'if you didn't vote to evict Janelle' they will be mad at you (it seemed James was implying that he'll be viewed as having no loyalty at all if he doesn't vote to try to keep Michael.)

Kaysar says he has no friends in here - James says no one does...

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UUUUGH! Fish fish and more fish.... ya know whast is funny, when they say you have 24/7 live feed, they really aren't kidding... it is live feed but exactally what we want to see!!!! Some one grab a rod n reel! Lets get these fish!

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Guest BigBroAddict

The temp. in the house was 78 (or 70 something) and Eric thinks BB did it to piss off the HG.

Rachel is LIke "OMG it is hot in here!"

They are discussing the questions but everyone is talking AT THE SAME time and it makes it hard to deciefer what they are saying.

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