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Big Brother 2 Is Still The Best Big Brother

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That's because he really wanted to win. Some of these hg's act like they are on a paid vacation and have nothing else to do with their summer. And of course, others just want the publicity and don't care in the end if they win or not. Actions speak louder than words.

Also, the game took a turn for the worse when the majority ruled who was leaving for the week. In the past few seasons (I think it started with season 7 and Howie's blunder of going with majority rule) the game became very predictable each week. People were turning on allies just to go with the majority. Stupid moves that costs alot in the end.

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yep will was all about the win'

yep if you arent in majority your chances of winning bb is screwed

majority imho is a clutch for weak players eg. jameka who hides behind majority to advance

seem like we are getting unanimous evictions votes of 7-0 8-0 7-1 each week

i missed days when voting was at least a toss up to the eviction

imho unanimous is a sign of weakness

shake things up for a change

throw out a lone vote

as much as i hated ap concept the lone voting by eric did bring a certain amount of drama and paranoia to the game

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