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Sunday, April 13th


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We won't know for a few days. They will change their mind a million times before then.

Sharon has a way around the boys and I'm sure she and Sheila will work magic and get nat out this week.

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Earlier today I had posted

"UNTIL they all confront him (RYAN) next week about all the multiple alliances he's made"

You can interchange any HG's name in place of Ryan... lol

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What is bothering me is the girls are on trial and criticized all the time and being called names.

The guys can do whatever they want and make whatever deals and nobody criticizes them. WTF?

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Ryan has had deals with everyone but they are all gone except Sharon and she won't call him out.

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I'm sorry but there is way too much testosterone in this house. So, let me get this straight, this is the Bros' house and did they just not make it clear that they will be the last ones standing, and they want to know where the loyalty stands. Pretty much the girls need to decide who is with them. Shouldn't this be about individual game play now? If I had been in Natalie's shoes I would have told them I was being loyal to MYSELF.

Is this what I got out of the big meeting and the side meeting? Interesting!!!!!

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The Bros are running the show and the house. I think they are going to keep Natalie. Now that they have made Natalie say in front of Sheila that she is with the guys then they have busted up the girl alliance. They are safer now to get rid of Sharon. They have turned Nat and Sheila against one another.

Even though the next HOH is important the POV is just as important.

Bye bye Sharon

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could be, and these guys are a cpl of tools, they flippy dip more than anything, Sheila will have to fight for her life if Nat stays, but I do not think this fight is over by a long shot, I have a feeling do not get Hoops stirred up or Sheila either if they think they are threatened, the guys opened up a can of worms today, and i hope it bites them in the ass some how.

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I don't usually make predictions on this game, but I may have to agree with you, Marty.

But, hey, ya neva know!!!!!

The guys may have opened up a can of worms, but these gals need to open up a can of whoopass!!!!

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Sharon should leave, she's done absolutely nothing in this game other than squeal like a pig and be the pawn. Even in the last few minutes of BBAD, she was so damn cocky and didnt hang around for the conversation because she is now taking for granted that she will never leave.

BB is not on yet and the Tudors start in 26 minutes. It looks like I won't be watching all of BB tonight.

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Been lurking for awhile and the first time positng hope I do this right. I don't think the guys have a choice Sharon needs to go. If I remember right you need only 4 votes to win. IMO Sharon has 3 already (jos, Chel, James) if she stays I think she picks up Nat or Shelias since their TC alliance turned against them. But these guys are thinking with the wrong head.

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I was just going to say the same thing GingerSaps. No BB yet and it's almost time for the Tudors!! I'll be watching the Tudors.

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Welcome Maulers40. Good first post and IMO right on target.

I was just going to say the same thing GingerSaps. No BB yet and it's almost time for the Tudors!! I'll be watching the Tudors.

It sucks. I watch two shows a week and this week I am getting screwed out of one. Eh, it was a no brainer choosing the Tudors over BB.

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I am keep showtime because of it, I am DVRing Tudors tonight and will watch BB,lol

oh and welcome maulers40, good first post,lol

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Just remember one thing. One tiny little detail. Shiela brought this on herself.

Shiela was the one out of the four who actually went ahead with a plan to go against the final four plan. Others made mention of going against the final four but never put plans into motion. Shiela did. Shiela actually sided with Sharon who was not in the final four and set plans into motion to get rid of Natalie.

So like I said, she brought this on herself.

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What did she bring on XAL, am I missing something that is goin on now??

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Just remember one thing. One tiny little detail. Shiela brought this on herself.

Shiela was the one out of the four who actually went ahead with a plan to go against the final four plan. Others made mention of going against the final four but never put plans into motion. Shiela did. Shiela actually sided with Sharon who was not in the final four and set plans into motion to get rid of Natalie.

So like I said, she brought this on herself.

Here we go again. It is all about the girls. Ryan has had a final 3 and aligned with Sharon for a long time. Sheila does not have a F2 deal with Sharon but Ryan does.

Why why why does everyone keep bagging on the girls and leave the guys out of it?? :angry:

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I thought I had missed somethig, and yes, it is always the girls fault, I agree with you 100% Marty

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DVR is a great tool!!!

Wife is watching Desperate Housewives, DVRing Tudors, then at 9 watching Eli Stone and DVRing Dirt.

I'll be in the living room watching BB.

If Sharon goes tonight and some how Sheila makes it to the F2 (which I think she will because HOH means sh!t this coming week POV is more important) then that means Shelia will win because Sharon will be her vote along with J/J/C

I dont think the boys are buying anything about Nat and I dont think Nat is smart enough to keep her mouth shut in the next few days and I would put the poker money I won last night on the fact that she WILL run to Shelia and make plans with her before Wednesdays vote!

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After rereading the meetingI figured it out......

The reason the meeting seemed kind of passive is because thats the way that it need to be.

Notice the parts where Shelia is playing dumb about knowing things.

The guys did this on purpose. By only focusing on Nat and not Shelia or Sharon it give Nat just enough rope to hang herself for good with them.

She can act all pissed off and go to Shelia and try to convince her that she is still working with her and not the guys and then they have her.

Thats why I think the meeting was just enough to make Nat go into overdrive and make the final mistake that puts her in her grave.

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Hey everyone :)

I have been really busy with the new baby ( he's doing wondeful) and don't have much time to read the live feed updates or the message boards. I was hoping someone could quickly tell me if Nastalie is still going to go so far??

Thanks :)

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