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Monday, April 7th


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Nat, Shiela, Ryan, Adam or Sharon...hmmmmmm wonder who will have the most posts.

IMO, the boards will be dead dead dead.

I'm done :blink:

I couldn't even watch the show last night. Every time Natho speaks about my God, I want to hurl. She is giving true Christians a bad name. She is a "self professed" Christian who has no idea what it really means to be a follower of Christ. :bangin:

Anywho...bye James, it was fun while it lasted.

I will be back for BB10

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I hope next year is not all a bunch of dysfunctional wanna be celebrities. This year was the worst. The religion has been over done the crying card is really boring and the show is not anything like the original.

So was BBAD any good last night? Sould I just delete it?

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I was gone all evening and thought the show when I did get home and watch it was a complete bore. I was really sick of Natalie, the very first thing she said after Adam won HOH, in her diarary room she said I had a dream............ Geesh what the hell ever Natalie, I do not believe she had no stinkin dream. I was also surprised that James burst into tears up in Adams HOH room, and I do think those tears were real, but , I feel he is unstable to just burst into tears over feeling alienated. The boy has like self-esteem issues and maybe was not treated well coming up in his life, I would be upset at knowing my dream of winning 500 G's was squashed, but I would not be breaking down like that over the idea that I was gonna get put up, way over enotional to me anyway. I also thought Sheila acted a little entitled to not be put up and did not handle it well, on one owes anyone anything in the game of BB, so Sheila pouted, and I thought that was silly, it is funny tho cause the folks watchin the CBS version do not know all that is goin on like we do, so they left off with Sheila and Sharon on the block, sheila pouting, and James with a glimmer of hope, crazy!!!!

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The great thing about being a CHRISTian is that you are forgiven. Natalie is just naive. I think she is trying really hard. Who are we to judge her belief or how far along she is in her Christian walk. A sin is a sin is a sin, if you miss the mark you are sinning, is that not all of us. She is not afraid to speak up and talk about God. Now I do think the team Christ is going overboard, but her heart is in the right place.

And although I am sure you know what you are doing when you do it but when you put an x in the place of Christ in Christian or Christmas, you are crossing out Christ.


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oh, I do not think anyone was crossin out Christ, just that they did not want to type it all out, the typing gets to be a drag, especially if you hit the wrong letters like I do constantly and the cap lock too, so no one was putting a X to mark off Christ, and I am not judging Nalalie in any way, I am saying she is driving me crazy with an explanation and having a sign for every little thing, and sayin she knows about it before it is gonna come down, she is peppy and cheery and all but that wears thin after a while, I do not think people have a problem with her referencing the bible or believeing in her religion, but the hypocrocy of it is what people take issue with. Just because you believe God will forgive you does not give free reign to run amok, that is not how it works, I believe forgivness comes thru realization of what and how we have Lived our lives, owning it and making amends, and then who knows, ya may or may not get ot the pearly gates,lol I am a spiritual person, but not a church goer, I believe in a higher power, but the stuff Natalie spews is not any church or relioion I want to follow, just sayin

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Last nights BBAD was pure torture. Can we tape the episodes and use them as interrogation techniques in GITMO? I used to think that Natalie had an ounce of intelligence, but now I am convinced that she is just a dumbass and that there is no-way it is an act. She has skated through this season on shear luck by bad moves from the rest of these morons. The only player i find interesting is Adam, so he gets my vote as the least irritating HG.

I just want BB to know, that if BB9 is your blueprint to future seasons, Big Brother is dead as far as I am concerned.

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Adam is my breakout player too at this time,lol, I tend to think that the stuff he said was BS and he was trin to seem like cock of the walk with the guys, he is only 28 and it is all about testosterone, believe me. My brother and I were just having this convo last night about testostrone being a driving force with how and why you do some of the things you do, from his view point as a man

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kywildcat I don't think so. I miss the old days when they had REAL alliances and then it was game on.

These people this year are all losers.

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Season 6 was my all time favorite. There was so much loyalty. I loved the war between SOV and Nerdheard.

This season there is not clear alliances and just makes me thing they all suck.

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The great thing about being a CHRISTian is that you are forgiven. Natalie is just naive. I think she is trying really hard. Who are we to judge her belief or how far along she is in her Christian walk. A sin is a sin is a sin, if you miss the mark you are sinning, is that not all of us. She is not afraid to speak up and talk about God. Now I do think the team Christ is going overboard, but her heart is in the right place.


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yep, it's as if no one has a real plan. If you have nobody to really have your back in the game, ur screwed, imo. Even Dr. Will had Boogie. I sometimes think Sheila really has Adam's back but he doesn't have hers. Then I hear her getting mad at him and saying, "don't trust Adam." Nat has an alliance with everyone but I wonder who it is she really wants to go to the end with. And Ryan/Adam; do they really want to take each other to F2 or is that bs too? I don't even know who Sharon is really with. One minute she's with Ryan and the next minute she's screaming "girl power."

At this point in time, I'd like to see Sharon/Sheila in F2. I can't see it happening but that's what I'd prefer. Nat's got on my last nerve and Adam/Ryan are pretty much interchangable as far as gameplay. Sharon's flew totally under the radar and escaped eviction again and again as a harmless pawn. Sheila's been 'in your face' but still deemed harmless enough to use the pov on twice. Their games may seen unintimidating, but they are playing and either of them could very well win. Wouldn't it be a hoot if one of them went up against Nat in F2 and beat her??

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Hard to say what they're planning to do. I think it's a lot depends on who wins HOH on Wednesday. If Natalie wins, who knows she might side with. If Ryan wins, Natalie will probably stay with boys. If by some miracle Sharon or Sheila win HOH, Natalie will switch sides to girls.

I really think Ryan will put Natalie on block if he wins HOH.

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I really think they all want to put Natalie up at this point and get her out of there. I think it would be something that would be easy for all of them.

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I'll tell ya Natalie makes me grossed out the way she smacks and licks her fingers constantly, yuk

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