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March 14 - Live Feed Updates

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I think they are having an HOH lockdown. It looks like thats were everyone is heading.

Or not. Matt and Nat are still in their bedroom.

Now nat is sitting on the livingroom sofa. Matt just went up to the HOH.

Adam is NOT playing in the PoV. When he laid down in the HOH room, he really hit his head. Shelia said 'Thank GOD you're not playing today!'

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Based on what I gathered from watching the feeds the following are playing in the POV:

James, Ryan and Sheila (obviously are playing)

Chelsia (drawn by Shelia) and Josh (drawn by James) are also playing. (Chelsia and James talking while she was giving him a massage)

Matt (drawn by Ryan???)

(The host is Natalie)

This is from earlier probably from: 10-11 BBT range

Nat was giving Matt hints as to what she's learned about the GP cage during their talk in their room before HOH lockdown

Nat is going over the numbers on the blocks, there used to only be one numbered one and that is 9 (BB9 anyone?)

now there is 2 9's, also there is a 2 and 3.

Nat was also talking about how the lettered blocks spell something like houseboat or boathouse and that she say yacht in there as well. (she may be on to something here)

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They just showed the picture wall. The PoV was hanging on James? bottom second from the left.

Natalie jsut said to Matt in the BR that at least they will leave it the same.

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everybody ( except nat) is in the KT now eating

james just went to nat and told her that he is keeping it the same, if ryan goes.....good, if sheila goes.....that's good too

he said he just wants whoever gets HOH next week just put up two people they'd like to see leave and stop with the back dooring, nat said she feels the same way, she said she is so glad she voted james back in the house, nat told james she has his back, if she hears anyone's coming after him she'll warn him, she tells him, him keeping his word means a lot to her

she said i love you james, he says ok cool and leaves to go back to KT

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2:15PM BBT: nat and sharon in the SR trying to find food to cook for dinner tonight (just finished eating pizza, lol)

they are looking to see what meat to take out since it has to defrost.....no game talk

other two feeds are on matt adam in ryan in their room laying down, looks like matt and adam reading bibles

nat and sharon have decided to go with steaks and potatoes for dinner tonight

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Sounds like Natalie got to hold the GP during the PoV comp. She just said, "I loved holding them, they're so cuuuute."

Looks like everyone is napping seeing they were woken up so early today.

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James and Chelsia talking about taking a shower together. Wants her to hang with the girls and she is kind of griping about Natalie and Sharon being glued at the hip. He tells her to be nice to Sheila and not talk down to her. She gets a little indignant and says she doesn't talk down to people and he interrupts her and says yes she talks down to people.

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2:46 BBT

james and chelsia taking a shower together in HOH BR

feeds change to nat and matt's bed

i hear snoring, i think it's adam, matt sleeping, nat reading bible

ryan sleepin on the floor in that room too so and the camera just went straight to him and i heard snoring, so it's probably ryan

(ok nobody cares about who is snoring......sorry) LOL

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Flames and no sound, audio sometimes. All kinds of crap. anyway...

3:22PM LD was over.

Now - 2 feeds on James outside and two feeds on flames. Change to all feeds on James.

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**plane goes over**

All feeds still on James...

Wait, all feeds on Sheila on the hammock. She asked James if she could talk to him when he has a second. He said yeah and went inside. (I think he was called to the DR?)

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