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February 14 - Live Feed Updates


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2:15PM BBT

sheila, natalie, and allison talking in the backyard. natalie on the lounge chair too. (how long is allison going to leave those rollers in her hair) talking about baseball player with disease named after him. no cure for the disease. talking about a book named tuesdays with mory (not sure how thats spelled). cancer brings security to some people. sheila says you have to accept it because there is no cure.

2:17pm bbt

cam switches to amanda and parker in the boat room laying on the bed. amanda is talking about someone says that he thinks that hes smarter than me. (think shes talking about alex, her soulmate) parker wishes that he was open with everyone. parker says you know that i have been mostly honest with you guys. amanda says that shes tired and she needs to get her dirty butt in the shower. parker says that he can't wait to get outta here (out of the house) amanda says to see your friends, BB just told amanda to not screw with her mic. parker says that too bad that we can't switch partners. parker and amanda want to be partners. parker doesn't think that he has a fair shot at this with jen as his partner. parker says that he can't wait to hear what his roommate thinks of jen. he is going to know that he was fucked. (you can hear people in the backyard, the walls are way too thin)

2:25pm bbt

amanda and parker both don't like their partners anymore. amanda is with alex. and parker is with jen. parker hates being here knowing that he is just awaiting his execution. parker says to amanda that you have better chance. amanda that people talk a lot of crap. chelsia came in and left. parker looks at the cam and it went up. (so the camera men know whats going on) amanda says that today is so boring (i have to agree) amanda says that we are probably the worst cast ever (after yesterday, i don't think so, there has been so much drama) (neil leaving, sharon coming back, josh crying, sheila and adam, the first night) FoTH

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2:29pm bbt

switching cams, amanda and parker were getting boring. sharon talking to allison in the sauna room. so hard to understand sharon. (one of the mirrors in the sauna room is cracked, what happen there?, did i miss something last night?)

2:37pm bbt

sharon and allison go into the kitchen, sharon takes a look at the memory wall and then walks towards the bedrooms. allison heads outside.

im out for a little while hope that some1 can take over

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3pmBBT well there was just a huge yelling fight between James/Parker then Amanda/James then Amanda/Alex are yelling at each other. James yells at Parker im votin u out! Parker yells at James "ok miss cleo." Amanda telling every1 that james called her "a fucking bitch" which she did call her. Matt is sittin gettin a haircut from Amanda now.

what happen was James told Alex i think Amanda knows Parker outside of house. Amanda & Jen belive Alex is jealous of Amanda likin Parker. Jen says the only way were safe is if we win POV. Amanda says ill never lie on the bible.

Josh is asleep & Matt comes outside and says "i had nothing 2 do with this i was gettin a haircut"

(sorry i have 2 leave again i heard the yellin at came runnin 2 TV SOME1 TAKE OVER its really good right now.)

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3 pm mat told amanda to talk to her partner cause he thinks her n parker know each other out of the house. so she went n got alex went to HOH . He told her that James told him there another twist n to keep eyes open n look at the big picture. amanda immediately runs to parker n tells him James told alex that they know each other n they went straight to james in the BY. Then all hell breaks loose , james tells them f**k u , then alex comes out gets in says thats not what i said , trys to explain but she never gets clue then alex tells her shut up b**ch.

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4:15 PM BBT: Sheila Alex Adam and Allison are in the kitchen talking. Mostly about how Alex i a Mama's Boy. Shelia is talking about her son is at that age where he wants to go off on his own. Shelia said that if a man doesn't like his mother... RUN!! (lol) Adam leaves. Allison starts talking about how she is going to be a bridesmaid for a friends wedding sometime in July. They figured it out that they are in the house because of the writer's strike. The are trying to figure out if the new show will be in June or July (normally July). Shelia says it will be interesting to see (Shouldnt she be focusing on her season right now??? LOL) Sheila starts dishes. Alex is cutting something, maybe for dinner. Allison says that she wants to help with the dishes but Shelia insists that she wants to. Allison goes to get dish washing liquid. Shelia says that her partner doesnt do anything, but dont tell Adam! She says now that Adam picjs up the slack. Her and Adam have "Kitchen duty." Sheila is trying to figure out all what that entails. Allison comes back. Feeds switch to the BR with Parker and Ryan, they are cleaning...

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4:28BBT Amanda and Jen took a shower together in the HOH with sharon sitting and talking with them the whole time. (men would have loved it)

Amanda is going on and on about her partner and what he did or didn't say.

Natalie is getting a massage by Josh and the camera men showed her boob. (tonight is a night for men to watch ;) )

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5:20 BBT Parker is tlaking to natalie and sheila in one of the BR. the rest of the houseguests are around the flower table chatting. My feeds keep freezing up so I dont know what about... Parker just said "she broughti t out on herself" but then my feeds froZe again. I will be back as soon as they stop acting up... anyone else having this prob?

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5:37pm bbt

allison, sheila, jen, and ryan in the sauna room. jen giving ryan a massage or something. allison saying that she won't change unless sheila does. sheila says yes, so allison leaves to go get changed. jen and sheila are talking about how you should win the POV and then fight. lets not fight before. cam switches to kitchen. sharon and alex. chelsia comes in. alex talking that bb didn't care about letting them watch the superbowl. why should they care about today. FoTH (bb probably just told them something)

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5:44 pm BBT - The HG's are dressed really nicely and are making a 'lovely' dinner. Amanda is trying to 'make-up' to James and he isn't giving her the time of day. Amanda says that everyone in the house hates everyone, James: That is what you say. Amanda: everyone is frusterated with each other James: I am only frusterated with a couple of people. Everyone looks really nice.

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5:50 pm BBT - HG's in Kitchen, Alex has been cooking. Chelesa asks Natalie if she is wearing a bra, Natalie says no and starts bouncing up and down. Chelsea starts grabbing and fondling Natalies boobs and they start talking about them. Everyone is getting ready for dinner.

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6:22pm BBT -- All HGs are eating dinner & telling stories of what sounds like past Valentine's Day experiences. Everyone laughing & enjoying stories... lots of awwww's around the table at different past romantic gestures. Close up of Allison during most of convo, IMO, she doesn't look happy. She's not participating in convo or laughing w/ others.

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Amanda and Sharon are in Hoh. Jen is in the shower.

Amanda says she loves Gucci. Sharon akss Amanda why Alison would care if she had BCGB shoes. Amanda says because she only has 1 pair. Sharon says what does it matter your gonna judge a person by what kind of shoes they wear. Jen asks Amanda if she has tampons in the hoh. Amanda says yeah she does. Amanda says BB gave them to her. Jen says she dosnt like the nail clippers because the nails keep getting caught. Jen asks amanda too hand her the towel she usually uses when she gets out of the shower. Amanda starts talking about how alex thinks hes so clean when he isnt. Jen says thats funny. Amanda says guys wonder why girls turn into lesbians. Jen says exactly. Jen says to amanda dosnt that stuff make her face feel amazing. Amanda says yeah it feels very very good. Amanda asks sharon if she thinks chelsea likes her. Sharon thinks its because whenever shes with amanda or jen she will turn away. Jen thinks shes just trying to play the role of in the middle. Amanda asks if jen brought cheese its up there and jen says yeah she did did you want some and she said yeah she does. Jen says she wishes they would of let them watch the first episode. Amanda says too see how we look. Sharon just thinks evreyone is on edge because there waiting for something to happen. Amanda says she isnt. Jen says the POV is going to be them trying to get the thing out of the puzzle. Amanda says james knows how. Jen says the more power too him. Jen says she wishes her zits could just go away. Amanda says she has a big ass one too (ed not eww) Amanda says shes so frustrated with her partner that shes not talking too him. Amanda asks if she saw her avoiding Alex. Amanda then says he said your right you won. Amanda said she know she did. Amanda said had he not said anything they wouldnt be fighting. Jen asked if amanda washed her hair and amanda said yeah she did. There mostly just grooming after there shower. Amanda tried to go to the DR but they wouldnt let her. Sharon tells them that whoever gets called in next tell the Dr sharon needs shoes. Sharon says whenver she goes in there they never do anything about it. Jen says ok. Amanda says that she likes lotion and that alex dosnt like her so she dosnt get what his point was n calling her out when there partners because that makes him a target. Amanda says she dosnt care though. Amanda says she dosnt know parker. Sharon says parker told her he is not heartless like that. Amanda says hes not look at how he was when he had to get rid of her. Jen says she needs a pair of underwair as amanda give sher one. Amanda says shes pretty pissed right now. Sharon says and he did this on valentines day and jen says he said he was going to be nice too her today. Amanda says she knows. Sharon asks if they honestly beleiver parker and amanda know each other. Jen says parker wouldnt do that. Jen is telling Sharon that she was telling amanda that the reason they put her and parker together was because ryan does not agree with intermixed couples so thats why they put her with parker. Jen says that they didnt think her and amanda would get along because they were both attractive to black guys and they would fight over him but there getting along and they hate that. Amanda says she will agree with that. Sharon says it make sense. Jen says she hates this blow dryer and she should use parkers. Jen says they didnt have one up there and amanda says no. Amanda wished her partner would of said something. Amanda says alex said that the girls are bothered she walks around in short shorts. Jen says shes not. Jen says what is that on the surfboard on the wall. Amanda says tape they put up there. Amanda calls alex a di*k head. She says if you have a problem with me pull me aside. Amanda says shes not talking too him, he thinks he can go and be funny like he thinks he is its not funny. Sharon dosnt think anyone knows anybody outside the house. Jan says she really dosnt think so either. Amanda wants to change the screen. Jen says she knows what to do. Amanda says shes hungry. jen is too. Amanda says she feels bad for parker. Jen says she does too hes her freaking partner she feels so bad. Amanda asks who they would of put alex with if amanda wasnt there and jen said allison.

Jen says ryan says alison has feeling for him. Amanda said eww. Sharon said she could see that though she spends alot of time with him. Amanda says shes never seen jens playboy bunny tat before. Jen says its stupid but she dosnt want to removie it because shes had it for a long time. Sharon says she wants to go eat but she dosnt want to go downstairs.

cam switches to james out on the patio smoking a cigarette with ryan. James says he dosnt usually get bummed or bent out of shape hes just like come on serious. Ryan says yeah he knows. Adam comes up and joines them and ryan says parker dosnt know what way he is going too go. James says he knows what way hes going now. Ryan says yeah. Ryan just needs to make sure he has the votes 100 percent he knows with james he does because if hes not sure he will take himself down if he wins pov but if hes sure he will keep himself up there because he dosnt want to risk it. James says ryan knows where he is at. Ryan says he does. Adam dosnt want ryan to tell jen he is voting for him too stay. Ryan says he wont she cant break him down. Ryan says he just needs to win the pov tomorrow. James says there not all playing they didnt all get shoes. Rayn knows that. Ryan says they just need to make sure that they dont get that. James says hes walking around like boss hoss. Sheila asks if this is just a boys club as she walks out. Ryan says there talking about vaginas. Adam is now smoking another cigarette this is second since hes been out there. Ryan is saying in how adam should save him becuase he will need a smoking partner.

They are now all at dinner telling each other why they love valentines day. Adam and Alex are talking on the couch. Alex says he cant see himself liking her or getting to that point. Adam says lesson learned and alex says yeah lesson learned. Adam said he didnt know to look past the beauty and the body either like Alex. Alex says you look at the game and you see how evreybody acts. Adam asks chelsia if they wont let her in and she says nope. Chelsia says but think about it there water runs out quick too. Adam says all natalie doses is look at herself in the mirror the entire time thats all she does. Alex cant have a girl galavanting around not his type of girl as much as he wouldnt mind looking at a girls but not too be thats my girl and that he has to deal with that. Alex says he should really get his slippers his feet are dirty. Allison asks if shes intterupting anything Alex says there just talking. Alex said he had a couple of cigarettes but he didnt want to bring them because he didnt want to get yelled at pay all that money too pack your shit and you loose it. Matt is also there. Matt says alot of his hoodies are gone they didnt pass inspection none of his fitted hats Matt says hes very upset at that. Allison says her brother went to NYU they talk about how any colleges get approved with there shirts. Parker now joines them. Matt asked if he scored a 1600. Allison asks what mat is doing. Alex says he trying to make moves and mat says he was. Allison says its funny because her brother never studied never. Alex said hes just naturally smart. Adam says what up dime to amanda. Amanda says she would rather be half a dollar. Adam and parker leave the conversation. Natalie wanted to go in the hot tub she wonders if here locked in all night. Alex says its open.

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7:20PM BBT: Parker and Matt in are in the HoH talking strategy. Parker says Amanda will not go against them and that Chelsia is mad at James right now and James was mad at Amanda but she apologized. Matt says he is true to only Parker and he just tells Allison what she wants to hear. They are questioning if the two of them and Alex are still an alliance. Parker is grilling Matt about what he might know that Parker doesn

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7:43pm BBT: Alex, Parker, and Amanda are in the HOH room discussing the lack of trust that Alex had for Parker and Amanda. Amanda is discussing the events of the fight earlier between her and Alex.

Amanda is blaming him for the fight circulating throughout the house.

Alex: Use together went outside and that why the house knows

Amanda: YOu could have come to us to squash it.

Alex: your telling me its my fault the house knows

Amanda: Yes

Last time I checked Amanda is the one who caused Parker to run outside and start the fight with James.

Amanda: What did I do to loose your trust

Alex: you walk around the house in booty shorts.

Amanda: im not the only one

Alex: I cannot say about his partner

difference how I feel to my part and how he feels about his. When you walking around like that it bothers me but good for tv and im not stoping you from being that person. you put that out for everyon but when were sleeping we have not spooned

Amanda: last night we cuddled

Alex: your hanging out more with Parker than me and that could be some of my fault because im doing other things.

Alex brings up the message between amanda and parker.

(Sounds like someone is Jelouse)

Alex: Did I walk around looking for you YES. So I had suspicion. james said to be expecting something else. He thinks there is another 2 in the house and this made me think. I did not want to look like a jerk off by bringing this up until something happen.

Alex continues to releive the events that lead up to the fight.

Amanda: when you and I came up you said James said to look at the bigger picture. You said James said to look at the bigger picture but here is the fisshy part. You sent him into the room and I knew something was up because he just walked in and back out and thats how I knew.You told him to go look in the room.

Alex: I told him to go in and take a look. I have apologized to him because he has feelings. Im still down to our 3. Parker Jen, Alex Amanda, Matty and Natalie. Dont think because of all of this im going to give up the POV. By anyone of us leaving deterorates this.

Alex: Josh is telling me how he wants to be in me. I will play that card if I have to. Wont let him put it in me but will....

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8:00 BBT

The HOH room has been a round-robin of Amanda, Parker, Matt, and then Alex coming to a final reolution of conflicts. They verify that nobody knows anyione else in the house, that Parker and Amanda don't have a thing going on, and that they all need to maintain their original bonds and alliance goals. Matt leaves with Natalie who came up to find him.

Alex adds that Joshua is "trying to get into him" and he'll go there if he has to. He repeats, "Not literally - I won't let him put it in me but I'll go there if I have to." <geeeeeze> He then goes on to tell Amanda that although they're tight, she's not his type because of the way she throws herself around.

Amanda cries and Ales apologizes for calling her a f*cking bitch, saying that is just something he says, even though it may not be nice. Parker leaves the HOH room, and the couple continues their talk between A's tears. Alex returns to complaining about Amanda's revealing ways and how much it bothers him. He says Matt doesn't care about Natalie's behavior since he has no feelings for her, just doesn't want Nat to screw up their game. But he (Alex) does care about her and the way she's coming across. (* this might all read lovey-dovey but he's really just playing a master at talking his way out of a paper bag. *)

Amanda says no matter the final four couples, she wants it to come down to them and Matt n' Nat. She and Alex are keeping that between themselves, no matter how much Alex plays to Joshua.

Amanda returns to how her feelings are hurt by the way he treats her, and how 'serving' she has been for him. Alex says his problem is that he came into the house for him, not to have to share with another person. That it turned into something different than he expected - like having to make sure she's happy.

BTW, the other two feeds are on Joshua and Sharon talking on a couch.

8:20 pm

Alex tries to apologize, but Amanda cuts him off with her saying that she has been playing Adam and grimaces to show it's distateful to her. She continues to discuss her interactions with others that are directed at their mutual goals. Alex says she shouldn't be plotting so much - that it makes it obvious to others. Amanda admits it may be immature of her to 'go her own way' because Alex ignores her.

8:25 BBT

LOL . Alex says "Babe, if you wanted to have sex, you'd have to tell me" explaining that he doesn't pick up on such cues. He gets up from the edge of the bed and sits down in a chair closer to her. (* getting ready for make-up sex tonight? *) As if reading my mind, Alex says they don't have to have sex to make it work, and maybe it's his fault that he hasn't been feeling it.

Looks like a large group is getting ready for a drinking game downstairs. Parker came up to see if Alex was coming, but Ales said he wanted to "finish this" first. Parker leaves. Then he comments to Amanda that he doesn't drink anyway, "so what the f*ck."

8:35 BBT

Alex ends it all by asking for a hug. She says "Yeah, but you don't get a kiss." He whispers his apology into her shoulder as they hug. (* It would be really touching if Matt weren't totally aware of the cameras *)

They play with the HOH candy, pose for the cameras, and end with a quick kiss (that Alex asked for). As they come down the stairs to the gang below, Alex confesses to all, "I apologized."

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