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Jameka - Week 11 Evicted


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Watching the show tonight I think Jameka really suffered from not having enough belief in herself, she seemed so defeated in the hoh contest when she missed a question. Dick even when they were down stay right up, that is what you have to do.

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Jameka's problem was that she FLOATED along all season, like . . .

The smoke from Dick's cigarette on a summer eve.

The warm breeze wafting through Amber's hair.

Daniele's toy boat drifting on her imaginary sea.

Jameka's words to God as they ascended heavenward.

Eric's sock as it rose to the top of the soap suds.

The ice cubes in Dick's iced tea.

All the hg's as they eased away from Zack.

A butterfly with gossamer wings landing on Jess' nose.

A wounded sparrow settling in Dick's hair.

Amber gliding majestically into the DR.

The words of posters drifting forever in cyberspace.

I could go on, but hope you get my drift . . .

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oldguy, you really have a way with words.

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Jameka never floated. Dick & Danielle floated. Zach floated. Jameka was alligned with Amber and never moved. She was then alligned with Eric & Jess (another part of the bigger alliance), she never swayed. How in the world do you consider her a floater?

Zach sucked up to who ever was in power. D&D alligned with any group that was bigger. Jameka stayed true to her alliance. When no one else was left, she spoke to everyone.

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Jameka hasn't done Jack and she doesn't deserve to win anything.

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saying Jameka doesn't deserve to be there is like saying none of them deserve to be there. They are all there because no one else took them out. Eric & Jess are not there because they had faith in D&D, stupid them. If you hate that Jameka is there, blame D&D. They are the reason she's there.

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There is and was no group bigger than D&D, they are related and are a team, and true team, Jameka did not have her head in the game at all for weeks. I do not know what she was thinking, if you just be friends with certain people who you think have power and you stay with them and keep them safe, you will FLOAT to the end. You have to play the game, win competitions, and certainly not give up the right to not play for hoh for 5 weeks, that hoh is s a huge part of the game. Even Jameka realizes she waited to long to jump in and play for herself, she said so. And Zach floated and aligned with who ever he thought had the biggest power, and only after the comps were decided, otherwise he stayed by himself, and did not really try to interact with people, the girls thougt he was creepy, and because he was such a floater and easily manipulated different people kept him in the game thinking he would be easy enough to get out later, he did not play this game with big strategy any more than Jakeka did.

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Jameka didn't need to play the game because it was preordained who's going to win. :animated_rotfl:

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