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The Fish and Inside The Fish Tank

Guest ranster627

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Guest ranster627

Wouldn't it be funny if a houseguest dropped a note in the fish tank that said, "Help I am being held hostage in the Big Brother House!"

or another one ...

"Big Brother is watching Squirrel and Crazy ... and your live feeds are boring!"

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That would be funny but I'm pretty sure they're not allowed to have writing instruments. Remember Jase? What did he use to write with on the cereal box?


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Hi everyone. Sorry if I am in the wrong "room." I just entered for the first time ever. Yeah! I am all paid for the live feeds. I hear everyone talking about seeing the fish tank. I am not getting anything. I log in and it just takes me to the "log in" page and says welcome Nancy, but it does not go any further. Can anyone help? If I need to go to another page to ask this question, please let me know. Feel free to tell me where to go. :oops: Thanks. Nancy

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Hi Nancy and welcome to Morty's... If you go to the thread that is titled important read me at the bottom is the links to the feeds... Hope this helps...


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I caught alittle earlier, the names of the fish. One is Pe pe... Another else know the names of the rest of the fish that they have for them? I heard one even has a head wound or something like that. Maybe a tumor?

Ok, another fish name... Bentlee However that's spelled. Anyone else get the other fish names?

Peanut is another name. Advear is one I think.

there might be more fish, and another one with problems maybe. ??? Can't believe they are even keeping track. Can we say "bordom"?

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Guest Grant

Omg I think a fish died! :(

All the girls were freaking out about it! They ran to the diary room to get help. But then it cut away from that scene.

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Guest Grant

They Houseguests just said that it's still alive.

There's a lockdown now so they can check the tank.

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