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Eriks Vote


Eriks vote  

47 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think that Erik lied about he's vote or is its Americas vote not he's

    • Erik lied
    • Erik didn't lie

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Of course he is lying.... what are you talking about?? He HAS TO VOTE how AMERICA VOTED, and we picked KAIL...so his vote was for KAIL to be evicted.

I don't understand the question?????? If you are asking if he lied to the HG, then yes....of course. He can't tell them "I'm AP and I voted to evict Kail because America told me too"

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(taking out my message board to English dictionary)

Was the question supposed to be something like...

When Eric says he wasn't the second vote to evict Kail, is he lying, because it technically is his vote, or is he not lying, because he's simply passing on America's wishes (and he really wanted to vote the other way)?

I say he lied.

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i think maybe i know what you are asking :animated_scratchchin:

since eric's vote is not actually HIS vote, its AMERICA'S vote, then when he says 'I did not vote to evict kail'....he could justify this is not a lie because he sees that vote as not being his (because this week he actually would have wanted to evict nick)

is that sorta it?

i guess its a stretch, but technically then...he's not lying!

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that's what I thought was maybe being insinuated...but I was confused.

I guess you could say He isn't lying because it's not "his vote"

BUT you could say He IS lying because the "cast vote" is technically casted under "eric's" vote

but I can see the loop hole here where he could get out of it when all is said and done

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I noticed this week he didn't even voice his vote in the DR to Julie.

She said America's vote was automatic and he was just in for show.

So he didn't actually vote out Kail.

His personal vote was definately for Nick.

Therefore technically, no, he isn't lying.

BB seriously needs to start giving him the voting info earlier.

Everyone complains he isn't doing what the viewers want but when he's told to flip-flop on the last day it makes everything he's been going along with the others a little difficult.

CBS told the viewers the vote ends midnight last Thursday so why doesn't he get this info Friday?

Is he really supposed to tell everyone while they are brainstorming that he wont have an opinion on who he thinks should go until next Wednesday again?

With Eric's luck, we'll find out next week America voted for him to evict Jessica and everyone will complain that, like the Nick vote, he waited till the last minute and made another half-ass attempt to get rid of his closest ally.

Jeez, let the guy know early. Everyone always begins the eviction plotting the first night of a new HoH anyway.

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Does not matter it is still his vote .He knew beforehand the obligation and he is agreeing to the terms of the vote.The record had to have a summary of did he vote or not, if it was cast it is his vote and he is bound by said vote.

I agree!

BB seriously needs to start giving him the voting info earlier.

Everyone complains he isn't doing what the viewers want but when he's told to flip-flop on the last day it makes everything he's been going along with the others a little difficult.

CBS told the viewers the vote ends midnight last Thursday so why doesn't he get this info Friday?

BB calls him to the diary room late Thur. night after voting ends to give him the info, and the same on Tue. night so he has plenty of time to do his task he's just to dumb to do it right.

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BB calls him to the diary room late Thur. night after voting ends to give him the info, and the same on Tue. night so he has plenty of time to do his task he's just to dumb to do it right.

It was my impression that last week Eric got the AP vote news after his DR session on Wednesday.

After he came out of the DR the other HGs commented on how wierd he was acting and then he immediatly began talking about evicting Kail right out of nowhere.

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Either its Americas vote or its Erics vote. It cant be both.

Who is making the decision? Eric or America? Its that simple.

One cant claim to have a vote if that entity has no control over that vote.

Eric could have wanted to voted against Nick 100% last week. Actually he did but he had NO CHOICE IN THE VOTE. :)

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seriously if it wasnt for ap imho eric would have been out early in the game. he doesnt have bb savy jmho btw

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