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August 8, Live Feed Updates

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1:06 BBT

Talk about past and possible POV's FOTH

Feed switched to Eric and Dustin talking well actually just laying there..

Dustin checks to see if Zach is awake...still no conversation

1:10 BBT still no talking from Dustin and Eric....

1:12 BBT Feeds switch to Amber and jen in bathroom talking Amber saying "if you want to tell him tell him I don't care"[don't know if she's talking about Eric or Dick]

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About 12:45 BBT

Dick said it will be interesting to watch the show when they get out of there.

Jen thinks she'll be mad at herself for not working out- calling herself a fat bastard

Dick says Amber will cry

Jen will be expecting everything- and shell smile and wave.

Dick will be pissed

Suggests watching it all next door to where she works- theres a 40 person theater

But then she realizes it will be just like living together

Dick says he hasnt said anything diffrent from what he says outloud to them Amber/Jen not surprised

Dani is out again

Talking about Julie being mean again. This goes on for a bit.

Jen brings up Wheel of Fortune.

When she was 18 going to college.

Wheel of Fortune came to her college- they wanted to use her on the show

Then year and half later was working for them (Vanna)

She was Vannas Ex husbands personal assistant- the kids kept wanting to hang out with her. Then Vanna asked to let her pay her.

Then they move on to talk about Ambers hair.

Start talking about Temtation Islands.

All 4 feeds still on Amber/Dick/Dani/Jen in BY. Everyone else is inside. Some plan on coming out to use the hottub at 3:30.

Danielle talks about looking forward to writing her blog. She doesnt know what shes going to say yet to her BF. Has a lot to say to diffrent people. Been thinking about it since Thursday. Very excited to write. Jen asks if she thinks her BF is mad at her. Dani says No. She wont have a home when she gets out of there. Her lease will be up when she gets out of there and they arent renewing it. "she'll be a free spirit". Thinking about maybe traveling for a month- itd be a perfect time. Her BF is going to move back in with his parents to save money to pay off bills. Hes going to pack her stuff up for her.

Dick complaing about the people who are going to be up all night.

Amber back on her hair. General chit-chat.

Discussing POV- Dick still cant understand how she (Jam) didnt put the highest on the Slop and Bunny suit but went all 5 of HOH's.



1:114 BBt

Dick and Amber talking in kitchen and Amber says she made a promise on hers daughter's life and tells he "you can always change her mind" saying "I found out a lot of bullshit since them"

Amber says she'll get him next week and pay him back for what he did to nick..Dick telling her that you made a promise before you found out all the correct info. and telling her she can "change your mind"

Both saying they don't lie about anything.....

They move out and Dick rehashing the whole Dustin Dick fight from the other night.

Amber saying "Eric has been getting into his ear" about Dustin the way his acting

Dick ranting about Dustin "trust" and his POV prizes...

"for him turning on me like that" and if "I get HOH " he's going up.Ranting about him traeting Daniele like shit when he's mad at him....."what have ever done to dustin?" telling her he's never done anything to him to make him not trust him.

Amber says Jen has told her a lot about not trusting dustin...

Dick rehashing

Amber said "i swore on my daughter" and dick says that his manipulations and lies gives her the right to "change my mind"

Dick "Eric is totally and completely full of shit"

Dani comes out "am I interrupting?"

Amber "i don't know what I'm going to do> Amber says she's devistated "that makes me sick that I would team up with Eric to get Nick out of here" Amber complaining that she got blamed for Nick......

Dani "last week was the biggest mistake of the game " Dick "for all three of us"

Eric comes out and Dick says "can you give us a few minutes"

Dick says "You made a promise to Nick" and Eric manipulated you to break your promise.

Eric wakes up Dustin talking about them tagging up on Amber Dustin saying that they need to be split up now

Back outside Amber "my word is golden"

Dick telling her she can be held to a promise that she didn't have all the info on.


1;35 BBT

Dustin and Eric are whispering in the bedroom and Eric is saying he never had a relationship with jen..Dustin says forget about the banner and it's "a numbers game" and the 5 need to stick together...Eric saying if kail goes and Dick after that Dani Zach and Jen are a force to be reckoned with

dustin "next week is absoulutely critical" and Eric is saying with Jen and Zach we can get a slpit nomination...

Eric saying we need to spend time with jess and Amber and go over possible HOH questions..."refesh our memories"

Eric "dick is suck a fucking ass wipe i fucking hate him" Dustin says he has good intentions and Eric says his intentions are for them to win $250K......

Eric says they control the jury votes and neither will win....


Dustin and Eric in are very quiet (yawn)

About 1:15 BBT

all 4 on : Amber and Jen in bathroom again. Amber brushing her teeth (3rd time tonight)

Hard to understand people talking with a toothbrush in their mouth.

Amber tells Dick to make a wish it's 1:11. Dick says he wishes to get drunk with paris hilton and nicole ritchie (i guess her pregnancy wasnt out before they came in the house- heather).

Jen goes off to bed

Amber/Dick in kitchen

Amber "swears on her daughters life" something about voting

Dick tells her she can always go and say she changed her mind, she made a mistake last week and she wont do it again this week.

Dick working Amber about Eric. Going over everything thats shady about Eric.

(Shes can easily play both sides- she can stay with her group of 5 and easily say well she had promised- and swore on her daughters life, and if she does vote eric out dicks giving her a good excuse of not knowing all the info.)

More whispering and then they go out back to talk Dustin

Dick telling Amber is convo with Dustin.

Dick asked Dustin if he could trust him and Dustin said he could. Dick tells him some stuff. And then the next day Dick told him he wasnt sure if he made a mistake trusting him. Dustin asks if it was b/c of what he told Dani. Dick didnt know Dustin had even said anything to Dani. Dustin reveals how he suggested she "could" put her dad up on the block. Then Dick says well she could put you (Dustin) up and Dick says Dustins face went pale.

Amber thinks Eric is getting in Dustins ear. Dick is very pissed about Dustin. Going off about how he bailed on the last POV and the one before that he took the trip and the money. Dick says hes acting like the king of the fucking place. Mad that Dustin turned on him and if gets HOH next week Dustin will be put up. (A week without Kail/Jen up?- heather)

Then goes off about Eric. Amber says she cant even look at him! Dick now going off about how wring it was to agree to vote Nick out. Dani comes out. (About 1:30 BBT) Convo with Nick continues for awhile.

Feeds 1/2 on Eric in bed- lights off. Then switch to round beds. Jen whispering with (Kail?)

(I have all 4 feeds on delayed so I cant hear them)

Dustin and Eric now whispering.

(I'm jumping ahead 15 minutes to real time)


Dick & Daniel have been tag-team pressuring Amber hardcore in the backyard to vote out Eric for about 45 minutes. It's like watching a police interrogation.


1:42 BBT

Amber saying Dustin is her closest ally and Dick says Dustin should have a talk with him...and Amber saying Dustin "has my back" and Dick says eric is up.

Amber just said Dustin is going on the block if Nick gets HOH and Dick says the i need to talk to him

Amber says she really is considering getting Eric out but is afraid she will lose Dustin....Amber says that she's never talked game with jessica and she talks to "eric a liitle bit"

Dick "if you take you swore on your daughters life out of the equation" Amber "I want Eric gone"

Amber "it's wierd ..it's odd" about them being buddy buddy with Jen. Dani says the truce came about the POV and when they talked Eric because the point of convos "and everything fell together"..Dani says she just wants to "be cordial" .

Telling her about Dustin telling kail she's safe.....and her betrayed the group.

Amber "this whole group thing is retarded" saying when she HOH she going to put up anyone she wants

She saying again of all people in the house Dustin has his back and Dick threatning to put him up.

Dick saying if they can sit and talk and reestablish trust...Amber crying about "the sevret" and dicck says she doesn't want to know and says it was when she was on meth and lied about to keep her boyfriend..

Amber "I'll probably will vote him out" but cries about her swearing on her daughter's life...Amber says "he has to use that lie against me" be cause she doesn't lie......

Dick saying he did trust dustin and is upset he flipped on him.

Dick saying they should bring it out and do it right before the vote.

Amber says she will tell him I'm not voting for you and how "fucking dare you" for holding that secret against me.

Dick says to feel free to tell him that Dick told you about the secret.

Amber says she will tell him right before the show.

Amber says she cries over Nick in every DR...




Dustin left the room after talking with Eric to use bathroom

Feeds 3/4 Amber/Dani/Dick

Dani talking about being cordial with Jen. Says she doesnt like her. Shes happy Jen wont be treating her like crap b/c of Nick. She calls her insensitive and says Jen gives her dirty looks and snide remarks.

Dick says hes not voting to keep Kail in, hes voting to get Eric out.

Amber says the group thing is retarded. (Really?- Heather)

More Dustin/Eric chit-chat.

Amber brings up what she told Eric again. About what lie she told her BF to keep him. Very mad!

Dick talking about how mad he is (again) about how he trusted them and he was manipulated.

Amber on Eric about her BF again, the drugs, the speeding.

Says when she votes Eric out shes going to say, "And thanks for fucking saying that about my god dam Bf, how fucking dare you!"

Says if anyone holds her tears against her shes seriously going to flip out.

(So it sounds like Amber is pretty set on voting Eric out.)

Shes crying again about voting Nick out.

It's now 2 a.m.

I'm done....



2:00 BBT

The tag team on Amber is still going on.....

Dick talking about "the trust thing" with dustin

Amber saying that Dick had said she wasn't crying when she came out of the DR....

Dick says be quiet because eric is right there.

Amber saying how did I get stuck in the middle and Dani says "the were so cinfused" how Amber was part of it and Dani says "it was Eric talking through you"

Amber trying to say she was upset they "had anything to do with Nick getting out of here"

Amber "eric was jealouse of Nick" because he was closer with them and get rid of him "to better himself in the game"

Dani telling her the vote "is for Nick"

Dick says he wants to have a one week agreement where they won't put each other on the block so they can talk it out.

Dick saying we made a mistake with nick let's not make another mistake and not get him out.

dick saying 'if Eric is the final two with jessica..eric will not win" telling her Eric has the "whole game planned out" and Amber "i know"

Dick "do you really want to leave him here " so he can pull out the secret out on you

Amber "why was my name on the banner" because she doesn't lie when dani says there has been more banners....Dick says "today they are starting again" and told eric they will stop when he's gone.

Amber says he kept going up to dustin and Jameka about her vote for Nick......Dani said had they talked it could have been so different.

Dick "we fucked up huge lets not fuck up again" Amber "yeah"

Dick 'look what he's doing right now" and Amber said he wants to know if he's leaving.

Dick says Eric turns people against each other


2:15 BBT Dick "he's using Dustin " to start trouble because look he's pitting Dustin and Hin against each other while he sits back safe.Amber "i'm so fucking over that" using her heart.."i'm so over it" Amber said so embarrassing about the promise and Dani says even her daughter would understand and respect her for turning on eric for his lies.Rehash Eric stories about Nick.Dick about dustin "when we truce" we'll talk .."fuck that mother fucker" about him pitting them against each other.Amber says everything they told her she's realized it.Amber says she will "vote out eric" and have a DR apologize because Jameka won't do it and if she doesn't do it they won't have the votes....Dani say Eric has jessica brainwashed and feels "jessica hates me" and Amber says he's gotten into Jess's ear and Dustin.Dick "me and Dustin were fine" until a few days ago...Amber saying its because its Eric.2:26 BBT They are in broken record mode [so with that I'm otta here til tomorrow..night]


3:01 BBT

Dustin and AMber in the bathroom talking.

Amber is telling Dustin that Eric needs to go. AMber says that it's as clear as day and for the first time, she thinks her head is in the game. Dustin is listening, but putting up the defensive side to keep Eric for the numbers. Amber saying that there is now numbers, that Dick and Daniele have nothing against them. Amber thinks that Eric had Dick and Dani go against Kail and Jen, and now that they're all talking, Amber thinks Eric is trying to get Dustin and Amber against eachother, so he needs to go.

Amber also states that if Eric gets HOH, he;ll either put up Dick and Dani, or AMber and Dustin. Dustin says he'll put up Dick and Dani, but Amber think it could happen either way. Dustin says that Dick has says so many horrible things about her, and Amber says that she'll ask Dick about that.

Amber clearly states that she is voting out Eric. Dustin says that he'll vote out Amber so that Amber won't go back on his word. Amber says do you promise and they agree to go outside to talk to Dick and Dani. Dustin tells Amber to let him lead the conversation.


3:07 BBT

Dustin, Amber, Dick and Dani outside talking.

Dustin says that he'll come clean with them, that Amber swore on her daughter's life that she wouldn't vote out Eric, so Dustin will. He continues saying the the LNC has torn apart, and Dustin blames Dani. Dani gets defensive, saying why me, why me? Dick calms her down, saying lets just talk, and Dustin should blame him.

Dick saying that Eric was the only one threatened by Nick, as Nick wouldn't put up him, Dani, or Amber. Dick explaining that Eric was getting people against eachother, and just sitting on the backburner. Dick references BB7 with Will and Mike keeping Janelle and Erika in the end, because if they kept them, then the girls would keep going after eachother.

Dick talks about making a truce, and not putting eachother up, but Eric needs to go. Dick brings up about Amber's boyfriend lie that Eric knows about, and Dustin wats to know more. Amber says she told Eric about a week and a hlaf ago. Dick explains that Eric came up to him and told Dick that Eric was going to say stuff abot Eric to show her true colors that other people won't like. Dustin speaks to Amber that he can only fault Amber for confiding in Eric.

Dick says all this sh*t needs to be swept aside, and when you do that, you see who's left at the bottom, and that's Eric. Dani tells Dustin that she doesn't have as thick as skin as Dick does, and when Dustin said something to Dani, she came out to the backyard crying. Dani says she doesn't understand why he would do that in front of everyone. Dustin apologizes and explains that it all starts when Dani got HOH when Dick and Dani had ideas in their heads about who was splitting the group up, and Dustin thought Dani was going to hold Nick's eviction against him. Dani says she doesn't blame Dustin aty all for Nick leaving, she blames Eric.

Dustin continues that he understands, but Dani was being distance with him. Dani replies that she was like that with everyone. Dustin is speaking, and Amber starts, and Dustin quickly tells her to stop so he can talk. He goes on about how he took it really personally when his key came out first, and he felt that it was a slap in a face when his key was pulled first, and Eric's key was pulled second. Dani explains she did that because Dustin didn't nominate her last week, so she put him first, and she put Eric second to make him feel safe since Dustin put his key second to last last week.


3:30 BBT

Dustin continues his little 'bash' against Dani. They all are pretty calm, but it does seem like Dustin has his nose in the air. Even Dick is speaking at a quiet tone. Dustin apologizes again for how he has treated towards Dani this week, but says he feels victimized for Nick leaving last week.

Dick: I'm embarassed and pissed off how I have been manipulated like that.

Dick: I had an epifany (sp?) and realized that Eric was continuing putting people against eachother.

Dustin: I'll vote Eric out, so Amber won't go back on her word.

Amber: Are you sure?

Dustin: Yes, I will.

Amber: I knows you will.

Dick trys to basically explain why Amber's word can be turned around. Dick says that Amber made that promise when Eric was lying. Amber says that she will vote him out b/c when she promised, she didn't know all this other stuff and she'll vote him out to make it a 5 vote or whatever and that Eric needs to leave. Amber's afraid, though, if she does, Eric will say in interviews and to Julie Chen that oh, she went against her daughter, and Dustin says he'll vote him out so that doesn't happen. Dick asks Dustin if they still have their agreement, Dustin says yes, and they slap hands together.

Dustin again apologizes to them for how he has been acting, but he didn't realize all this that Eric was doing. Dani says that honestly, she likes Eric, and he might not be like that outside of the house, but he needs to go. Dustin says it's not person, it's strategic.

Amber: Dustin do you promise to vote Eric out.

Dustin: I promise, I promise.

Amber: Should I vote, too, to make sure he leaves.

Dustin: No. Do you trust me?

Amber: Yes. I do.

Dustin: Okay. Then cool it girl.

Amber: You know what will happen if you don't?

Dustin: I know.

Amber: Eric will still be here.


3:37 BBT

The girls leave to use the bathroom, and Dustin again apologizes to Dick about how he's been acting towards Dani. They continue to talk as the girls come out, and they all hug.

Amber: My goodbye message is going to be f*ckin awesome.

Dick: Eric has played this game like a piece of sh*t.

Dustin: He's playing it really smart, not even like a piece of sh*t. You're supposed to play the game.

Amber: But he's been outplayed.

Dick: Eric is a really, really good Joe.

Dustin: Why don't we know about any relationships about Eric.

Amber: Eric said what should he do if he get's HOH and pictures of his girlfriend pop up.

Dick: That's because he's been playing Jessica. His girlfriend stays here.

Amber: No, Eric says she went back.

Dick: Oh really, he said he was going to hang out with her.

Amber: No, she isn't here.

Dick: Well how does he know that? Did they tell him in the diary room?

Amber: Wow, what a f*cker. What a weasel.

Dani: How sad.

Dick: That's the word for it, that's sad.

Dani: But we listened to him and put up with it.


4:28 BBT

(This is just a collection of things that have happened in the last hour. Nothing that big has happened and they're basically talking in circles.-lala)

Dick, Amber, Daniele and Dustin are still in the BY. The conversation is basically the same. They go over who needs to leave next and in what order. Dick asks Dustin who he'd rather go home first, Jen or Zach. Dustin answers Jen, because there are too many girls in the house. Dani and the group agree that Kail can stay for a couple more weeks, but around the time of 3-4 weeks when her no HOH's term is up, she needs to go just in case, so she can't slip by, win HOH, and move forward.

They all continue to bash Eric. Dani repeats herself quite a few times how she's so happy about the look on Amber's face. Amber hasn't stopped smiling since they agreed to vote Eric out. She says she's so excited and can't stop.

Dani hopes that if the vote is 4-3, with Eric leaving, that Julie Chen scares everyone by saying: 'By a vote of 4-3, Kail, you are safe. Eric, you have been evicted from the Big Brother house.'

They have talked about what they want to say in their goodbye messages to Eric and how they should act at the live show when Eric gets evicted. Dani says they should all gasp in shock and everyone laughs.

They even said they're happy that their little family is back together, and they're one big little family again.

Dick: If Jessica wins HOH this week, my ass is up.

Dustin: Karma rules this house. If Eric leaves, Jessica will win HOH.

Amber repeats over and over that she's so happy.

Amber: This is the highest I've been in this house.

They all think that when Eric gets out of the house, he will be obsessed with the show, watching it on tv and the feeds, and they even think that Eric will go on the message boards and talk a lot of trash. They wonder if Nick is all into the show, but don't think he's crazy over it. Dani says she forgot to ask him before he left. Dani says they can ask him next week when Americs votes him back in the house. Dani has sais quite a few times that she thinks Nick is coming back. Whether she believes this, or it's wishful thinking, she's still saying it.

Dani: Are you going to tell Jessica what's up?

Dustin: I'm going to tell her tomorrow, maybe tomorrow night.

Dani: I don't care.

Dick: Maybe we should have another meeting.

Dustin: Give it another day or two.

Dick: On day two, he'll be gone.

Dani: I think we should just let it be and let everyone have fun with the time left.

More Eric bashing and bringing up past happening with Eric and theories around them. Amber has a lot of not nice things to say about Eric.


Amber, Dick, Daniele & Dustin still in BY hating on Eric. Amber says she can't wait to see Eric at the wrap party so she can spit on him. Dick, Daniele & Amber all accuse him of more things than I can count and laugh at him leaving. (classy)


Jessica got up and went back to the bed she is sharing with Eric. Eric whispers very low, but we can get enough to know that he is aware that Dustin is out there on the porch. Dani asks why he doesn't just go out there and he responds that he can't since Dick told him to go away when he went out three hours ago.

He asks Jess if his breath smells - she says like Puppy Chow.

5:05 BBT

Amber and Dustin get into their beds. Then Jameka wakes and Amber takes her toward the kitchen (not showing on feeds now). Eric is aware of this but stays in his bed.

Oh, Amber is in bathroom (waiting?).

Feeds 1 & 2: The Donatos doing Late Nite, Family Style

Feeds 3 & 4: Bathroom

5:10 BBT

Amber has begun bringing Jameka up to speed. <I can't keep up with that woman - won't even try. Am recording it instead!>


Jameka seems relieved to learn that the situation has resolved itself.


Dick enters bathroom and Jameka runs to him and gives a huge hug - then to Dani when she arrives.

Amber reminds everyone that Eric is awake, in Jessica's bed - but they're still being pretty loud. More hugs.

Now comes more repetition but the mood is psyched - not good for sleeping. Dick says he's going to wake Kail and tell her. "Is there any beer left?"


Amber once again calls Eric a m(&*%f*&er. Dustin & Amber go inside. Dick & Dani in BY talking about Amber. Dani is suspicious of her.

Dustin & Amber in bathroom reaffirming that Dustin will vote Eric out.

Dick & Daniele in BY braggin about how good they are.

5:07 BBT Amber & Jameka in bathroom. Amber fills Jameka in on the new plan.


(Wow, I just realized that there are other people in this house, and maybe I should see what they're up to!-lala)

4:54 BBT

Jessica and Eric are in bed together talking. Eric just whispered in Jessica's ear something, and Jess replied with, 'Are you worried?' A lot of ear whispering, so I can't even hear what is being said. Eric did it again, and Jess said soemthing about Dani, and for him to go ask her. Eric does sound worried as he just said someone (maybe Dustin) told him to wait there for a minute, and that was over three hours ago.

Dustin and Amber just told Dick and Daniele goodnight as they are heading to be now. They're now hugging in the kitchen. They head to the bathroom to talk. Amber goes over that Dick and Dani need to believe Dustin that he will vote out Eric. Amber tells Dustin how much she was sticking up for him out there, and he thanks her. They're now headed to the bedroom. Eric and Jess pretend to be asleep. No movement at all from either of them.

Dustin and Amber hug, say goodnight, and Dustin lays down in the big bed as Amber goes into the little bedroom.

Amber: Jameka, are you awake?

Jameka: Yeah.

Amber: I needs to tell you something.

Jameka: Let's go.

They head out to the living room. Eric very worried now b/c Amber just left with Jameka. He had his arm around Jess, but she nudged it off. Amber and Jameka are in the bathroom.


5:08 BBT

Amber tells Jameka about her talk with Jen, then Dick, then Dick and Dani. She then talks about her talk with Dustin and then their talk altogether.

Jameka asks who they're going to put up next week, and Amber says Kail and Jen again, and get rid of Jen or Zach.

Amber is very happy and has a very big smile on her face. Amber reassures Jameka that Dick and Dani won't be mad if the two of them keep their words and vote to keep Eric. Amber tells Jameka that she told them that they have learned their lessons about not promising things like that anymore.

Jameka: This is crazy. Do you have a good feeling about this?

Amber: Yes, I'm on such a high right now.

Amber talks about how Eric brought up the fact that Amber swore on her daughter's life to Dustin, and Dustin thought that was wrong.

They hug.

Jameka seems very happy about all of this. Dick walks in, and him and Jameka hug. Dani runs in and hugs Jameka as well. It's hugfest with Dani, Dick, Jameka and Amber. Jameka telling them how stressed out she was.

Jameka says she's elated.

Jameka: You know who's going to be really happy? Kail!

Dick: I'm going to wake her up to tell her.

Dick goes into the round room.

Kail: Who is this?

Dick: Dick.

Kail: Oh, hi you.

Dick: You're staying.

Kail: Are you sure?

Dick: I'm positive.

Kail: Are you sure?

Dick: I'm positive.

Kail: Oh my God.

Dick: It's done.

Kail: Thank you.

Dick: Jameka and Amber are stilling to their word, but Dustin is voting Eric out. Everyone is up doing happy dances. They've never been this happy about an eviction before.

Kail: Wow.


Dick joins the bathroom group again with Dustin.

Dustin: She's not going to understand (Jessica)

Jameka: Jessica is a smart girl.

Dustin: Don't worry about your word, I'll do my part.

Jameka: This is unbelievable. Another example of karma.

Daniele: We knew you were going to say that.

Jameka: I don't think Eric should know. He'll plant seeds.

Dustin: Jessica won't tell Eric.

Daniele: Are you sure?

Jameka: Jen won't fall for it (Eric planting seeds in her.)

Dustin goes to bed. Amber must have already left, as it's just Jameka, Daniele and Dick in the bathroom.

Feeds switch to Dustin talking to Jessica in the bedroom. Can't understand what they're whispering. Eric is no longer is Jessica's bed. Dustin lays down in the other bed. Jessica gets up and goes to the dresser, by lays right back down.

Back in the bathroom....

Dani talks about how she wanted Jameka to get out of the POV earlier than she did so those bad things didn't happen to her. Dick explains to Jameka what their plan was after nominations and for the POV. Jameka says that the 5 HOH's is what she's upset about. Says she didn't care about the funk, but the slop would have been bad as well.

The three of them move to the kitchen to eat and continue talking.


wow what did I miss is amber a total fool what is wrong with these people. Is this for real Dustin is now going to vote out eric? How lame fill me in someone

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6:00 BBT

Jessica joins them in the kitchen. Dani names Zach and Kail ass the SAA-Sleep Allday Alliance. No game talk going on. Dick goes to the bathroom. Dani's sitting at the bar with Jameka and Jess at the dining room table. Jess talking about how she was sleeping and then woke up and saw Eric sitting there by her bed. Dick and Dani head off to bed, leaving Jameka and Jess talking about Eric. Jess says that Eric is getting weirder and weirder everyday. Jess says when Eric tried to put his arm around her, she said no, because he wasn't in there forr that, he was in there to watch. Jameka tells Jess she would vote Eric out if she didn't give him her word. Jess tells Jameka that Dustin wants to talk to her (Jess) later today. Jameka explains to Jess about how Dani was trying to help her in the pov and get her out early so she didn't have to do anything bad.

Jameka: We shall see.

Jess: Yeah. I wanted Kail out finally.

Jameka: Yeah. Did you give Eric your word, or just say you have nothing to worry about?

Jess: I said you have nothing to worry about.

Amber comes out of the DR and joins Jess and Jameka in the dining room.

Amber's sitting at the bar. Jess explaining to Amber what she already told Jameka about Eric in her bed.

Amber: Do you know what's going on?

Jess: No.

Amber: Oh, Dustin said he's going to talk to you tomorrow?

Jess: Yeah. Is he going?

Amber: (with a big smile on her face) Yes.

Jess: That's fine.

Amber explains that they're keeping their word and Dustin is voting Eric out and the LNC reuniting. Amber asks Jess if she's mad, and she replies with a no.

Amber moves over to the table and they continue to talk about Eric. Jess even adds that she feels stupid.

(Going to eat breakfast-BBL-lala)


Amber tells the girls of her telling Eric a 'secret' but gives no details.

Jess tells Amber that Eric always told her that Amber was jealous of her because he and she were so close. That Amber is always jealous of the girls when the guys talk with them and not her, but that she is especially jealous of them. They all chuckle. They agree that he's trying to turn the girls against each other, just like he's doing/did with the guys.

More chat about how they're glad they could get to Jessica and tell her, that Eric never leaves her alone. Jess had mentioned earlier that no, she hasn't pledged her vote, just is in the 'you-have-nothing-to-worry-about' zone.

Jameka says she thinks the whole group is going to get back together. The other two agree - and the names Jen and Kail return as the next targets.


7:08 BBT

Seems like the girls are still talking about Eric. Everyone else is still in bed. Dick just made some sounds, but don't see him up. The girls agree that Eric is going to look like a fool. They also think next week could be double eviction week.

Amber just says that she hopes that it's the three of them (Jameka, Amber and Jessica) with Dustin as the Final Four. The others agree.


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