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1:15 pm BBT

Eric and Jessica acting out scenes as instructed by either each other...or Zach. They are having fun.

Seriously....something is wrong with Eric. It really does look like his has a hard-on.....or maybe it was just his underwear or shorts or something. The camera has panned up so I can't see the pants anymore....

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1:21 pm BBT

Dick, Eric and Jessica talking about HOH and what it could be. Jessica wonders if it will be endurance. She thinks that if it is she will win. Eric says he would lose. They wonder if it will have to do with holding a button. Jessica says she doesn't know if she could do it because she has ADD (joking). Says that she normally takes "her hearty dump on Thursday" so she may do better. (ed LOL). Dick and Eric both laugh.

Jessica laying out says she can smell her skin burning. Dick says she just thinks that it is her skin,....I just farted.

Jessica now going to take a shower (at the shower outside). Jessica playing in the shower and Dick says "it doesn't take much to entertain her."

Zach is sitting at the kitchen bar....no one is around him. He's just sitting there.

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1:25pm BBT Jessica says she can smell her skin burning but Dick says no that was my fart. Dick swears he just saw bubbles some from over the fence. Eric tells Dick that if julie asked him about the naked jumping jacks he said he would say something reguarding him as the "tripod" comepared to Zack as the "stick". Jessica starts singing her "sun song" and he get FOTH. Jess teh sings "bboyah booyah" and we gets FOTH again. Eric says hes bored and Jess tells him to come in the sun. and Eric says hes still kinda red. we have 2 feeds on outside Eric & Dick on coach and Jess sunbathing an inside Jam in Gym puting makeup on and Zack sitting alone in kitchen. Jess says shes losing her mind and Dick says you need to have one 1st. Eric says he wants toi take a nap and Dick says he wants to go swimming but his trucks are in the HOH room(where Dani doin blog) Jen walks outside then back inside and Dick/Eric both coment how today its plane after plane overhead. Jen goes into SR. you can hear screaming outside of the house and Dick screams and Jess asks what they are doing and Eric says kids these days causing troble. Eric says the last day will be fun me & u(Jess) gettin engaged and Zack winning the money and Jess says no way.

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1;25 pm BBT

Dick and Eric chit chatting about DR sessions and what will be shown on tV. They talk about Carol (?) don't know why. Jessica starts to sing her Big Brother Song "i love the sun and the sun loves me" and we get FOTH

It was short FOTH

Jessica laying out.

FOTH again because Jessica continues to sing these dumb songs (she made them up so why are we getting foth?)

Still chit chat in the BY....nothing relevant. Lots of talk of Jessica and Eric and their "engagement" and Zach going to "win $500,000" and Jessica says "no way jose" (she is cute!)

Jen in storage room....eating! Then goes into the round bedroom where there is a suitcase (not sure if it's hers) she opens it then closes it and just stands there. Jen goes into the kitchen with Zach. Zach says he is waiting for Danielle and the camera (today? picture day is wed) Jen says that she "is up there blogging (today?)

Eric gets up from the couch and goes to lay out in the sun next to Jessica and she says "finally!". He says "did you miss me" and she says "yes."

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1:35 pm BBT

Jen eating a bowl of cereal....camera guy having fun zooming in and out on the bowl of cereal.

Jessica and Eric laying out. General chit-chat. Jessica complaining that it's hot and her suit is already dry (from being in the outside shower earlier). Eric says that he's only been out there 2 minutes and he's already tired and hot. He says it's unpleasant outside (tell me about it!). Jessica talking about how she has a schedule and takes a nap at 4pm. Jessica saying she is tired and Eric says well you stayed up til 4am and she says "someone wouldn't let me go to sleep."

Quiet now. Jessica and Eric laying out. Jen eating bowl of cereal still.

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1:41 more and more bubbles pour over into yard as Zack/Eric/Jess yell. Eric thinks it has to do with HOH tommrow and Jess says yes we will have to sit in giant bathtub. Jess/Eric talk about movies they have to watch and which movies they lover and the ones they hate. Jen walks over and involes herself into convo by naming movies too. talk movies to musicals and Jen says they dont have many here and Eric says its a NY thing. only 3 minutes after Jen sits by them they head inside to nap. Dani is seen of feed 1 on upstairs hallway coach using the candy as HG's. Jess/Eric enter inside and Zack starts rambing of movies after movies. Zack notices Dani upstaris and asks if she put him in blog saying hi to Nick. Eric/Jess lay in bed as Dani/Zack takes pictures with the 2 week old cake in his mouth with nick face in his mouth. Dani says its scary with Nick in Zack's mouth. Zack says cake tastes awful as Eric comes out and looks at that picture. Dani sneaks up on Amber and takes a pic of her asleep as Zack snaekes up and sits on Jess and tickles her. Jess tells Eric not to as Eric lays down on ironing board.

Zack locks Eric in Jen's suitcase with his head sticking out as everyone luaghs and take a pic of him. Dani tells Zack to just drag Eric around in that and put her panties in there. they let Eric out of the lugage. Zack tries to remove Jess top and Jess says America already saw my boobs.

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1:40 pm to 1:54 pm BBT

Jessica asks if he liked the movie "Along Came Polly" and Eric says that he liked it didn't love it. Jessica said it was funny that guy that does the clearing throat noise (wish I could type something that sounds like it)

Zach yells "bubbles" (earlier Dick had noticed them too).....they all wonder where they are coming from. Jessica says it is for HOH tomorrow, Eric says "no way" and Jessica says it will be "a bathtub HOH"


Jessica sighs. Eric asks her what is wrong and Jessica says she is tired. Eric says it is too hot and he doesn't think he can be outside anymore, he asks if he can go back to bed. Jessica says no. She tells him to go in the pool. Eric says he can't swim in the shorts he has on because they "get him in trouble."

Jen is done with her cereal and she heads to her room. She stops at the front door and looks as if she is trying to peek out of it. Jen is just wandering around the house.

Jessica and Eric talking about movies. Eric isn't a Lindsey Lohan fan. They are talking about movies she's been in....Eric says that contrary to others belief he isn't a "nancy boy". Jessica still rattling off "she's the man" and other movies that Eric hasn't seen.

Jessica says their movie interests aren't the same. Eric says we can see comiedies. jessica asks about love stories...Eric says he will go every once in a while.

Jessica asks about "my best friends' wedding" Eric hasn't seen it and Jessica says "oh my god are you from China" and Eric says "no...new york"

Joe Dirt - Eric hasn't seen it.

Jessica wonder if "this will work" since he hasn't seen any of the movies. Eric says not to worry she can show him all of them.

She is having a fit that he hasn't seen Mean Girls.

Eric says that he did see Just my Luck - he watched. Jessica says that was a good one too.

Jessica asks about Meet the Fockers - Eric says he loves those movies. Jessica says "thank god"

Jessica wants Eric to name movies. Borat, they both loved it.

Jackass - Eric loves those....Jessica says they are okay.

Napolean Dynamatie....Eric didn't like it and Jessica says "that is a problem"

Anchorman....they both love it. Eric says he likes those types of movies.

Last Kiss....he liked it but Jessica hasn't seen it.

Jen says "Zoolander" Jessica liked it.

Eric says he loves American Psycho.

Jen says a movie (didn't hear it). Jessica loves that movie, she watched it with her Mom.

Jen says "leagally blonde". Eric says he saw the musical before coming to BB....he says it was good. Jen asks if he likes going to musicals and Eric says "I do."

Jen says they don't have them a lot here. She thinks it is a New York thing. Eric says "it is."

Jessica says it is nap time. Eric says you said we couldn't sleep. They both decide to go inside...it's hot (I actually think it's because of Jen).

Jessica says what about "don't cry for me Argentina" and Eric says "Evita" and Eric says he didn't like it. Jessica says it was a sing song movie. He says it isn't the same. They talk about "Rent" and Eric says the broadway show was much better.

They continue to talk about movies.

In the kitchen Zach starts saying you don't watch any good movies and rambles off all the chick movies (probably just to irritate Eric).....

Danielle getting the camera ready. Zach asks if she did her blog and she said yes. Zach asks if she wrote about him in the blog. She said no.

Danielle and Zach in kitchen getting camera ready.

Jessica and Eric in bedroom just chit-chat. I can see Amber still in bed sleeping.

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1:55 pm BBT

Danielle talking pictures. She just took a pic of Amber who is still sleeping in bed. Amber opens her eyes and says "bitch"...Danielle laughs. Danielle asking what they should take pictures of.

Eric laying on the ironing board to take a picture....Zach says "iron his weiner"

Eric climbing into the suitcase that is in the round room....Danielle is cracking up. Zach stands it up....Eric actually fits into it and everyone is laughing. Zach rolls him out of the room now and says "come with me."

More picture taking.....

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2:00pm BBT Eric tells Zack to get Dustin's crown and take a pic with it on. and they do as Eric keeps sayng "silence!" as Dustin use to. Eric makes fun of ack as he is eating a cold uncooked hotdog. Eric then gets pic taken with crown on. those 4 head outside 4 pics. they take picture of Dick sleeping with mouth open. Zack puts Eric into dryer and takes pic(dani took pic) as BB says "Eric knock it off". Eric takes pic of Zack & Dani in BR wearing big glass vase over their heads but pic comes out bad to to reflection. but pic come out ok with flash. Eric says why wsant that a knock it off? Jameka enets and tells Dani she doesnt want her pic taken. Zack takes pic f Dani/Eric in workout room.

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2:02 pm BBT Dick is asleep on the couch in the BY....Danielle takes a picture of him. Jessica says "his mouth is open".....More picture taking.General chat about what kind of pictures to take.Eric climbing into the washer.....BB says "Eric.....knock it out". They all say "wait a sec". He says it is really hot inside there so he gets out and they continue talking pictures.....

2:04 pm BBT Eric taking a pic of Danielle and Zach ...they have these bowls on their heads (LOL). Eric says it's blurry...that it is giving a blur from the bowls. They are still trying to take the picture. It takes.Jessica apparently got tired of pictures...she is laying in bed with her eyes closed.Jameka has been doing her make up in the gym forever now. They walk in and want a picture and Jameka says not yet. They (Danielle and Eric) decide to pick up some weights and take a picture because it would be funny. Jameka asks where is ED and Eric tells her he is sleeping outside on the couch.More picture taking.

2:10 pm BBT Short FOTH....continued picture taking.

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2:08 pm Dani/Eric/Zack planed taking a picture with turkey burgers by jen's pic but Eric sees her coming and they instead take pic of the ants. as Jen enters kitchen to join them. Jess is know asleep in her room also is Amber. the awake bunch(Dani,Eric,Zack) shows Jameka the pics. unknown where Jen is know. Jam & Dani say the pic of Nick cake pic in Zack's mouth is disturbing. Jess gets up to take pic of Dani/Zack holding bunnies. As Eric washes hands Jen fllows im and asks what are you doing. Dani talks to Amber whispering and Jess groans. Jameka asks Dani if she can wait forher to put makeup on.

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2:15 pm BBT

(don't know if I missed anything I had a call)

Nothing going on anyways....picture taking and ADL's by Jameka and Jen.

Amber finally getting out of bed. Jessica is asleep in her bed.

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2:27 pm

Still picture taking. Jameka, Zach, Eric, Danielle. Jessica is asleep in her bed.

Jen is sitting on the round couch in the bathroom alone just sitting there.

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Jen is looking everywhere for her clothes. She went up to HOH room and seemed to want to search in there. Dani explained that Dick took three big bags out last night because she didn't want anything to do with it.

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2:40 pm BBT

(sorry....had to do stuff at work dont know what I missed)

Jen wandering again.....she is at the storage room door and peeking out the front door....it looks like she wants to leave! She goes into the storage room....looking for something.

BB calls Danielle to the storage room (?)

Jen wandering the house after leaving the storage room. Heard a loud bang as she closed the door to the WC (?). All 4 cameras are on the door to the bathroom.

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2:44 pm BBT

Eric, Jameka and Amber talk about where Amber went....talk about that people knew who they were where they went. Jen is there....but no one is talking to her. Jen asks about her clothes to Eric, Eric doesn't know where they are. Jameka says just ask "them"...Danielle in the kitchen says "i'm not lying...he took them out my room" (Danielle doesn't want any part of it).

Talk of bed times last night.....

Jen goes outside. All 4 feeds are o her looking for her clothes (ok camera guys...this is getting irritating!) Jen just found her clothes in the jack shack!!!! She is taking them inside....Dick wakes up and says "if you touch anything else of mine I'll throw your stuff over the wall" Jen asks where the rest of her stuff is and Dick says "I'll tell you when I'm ready."

Jen goes inside with her stuff.

General chit chat with Danielle Eric and Jamaka in the kitchen.

(so sorry but I have something at work I have to do.....hope someone is here to cover!)

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Jen still searching for all her possessions. Asks at the table and everyone says they don't know. (nice people). She says she will get the stuff anyway at noon tomorrow because they have to move out of HOH.

She continues searching and finds some of it in the BY in the Jack Shack. She starts to carry it in and Dick shouts at her not to touch anything of his or he will take her stuff and throw it over the fence. She asks where the rest of her stuff is and he says he will tell her when he feels like it.

She is now in round room trying to pack the stuff she found.

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hmmm jenn looking for her stuff in the kitchen and her bikini top just popped off in front of all at the table she is laughing ohhh how what the hell how did that happen..shes laughing Jam trying to get her to take her top with her..as shes starting to walk off

HG's dont look very impressed..

Dick walks in and Eric says you missed it Jens top just mysteriously popped off...ED says glad I missed it..

she is now back dressed looking for rest of her stuff.

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jen goes back to kitchen with clothes on. Says all she had to wear was her bathing suit until she found her clothes.

No one speaks to her

She leaves and Eric starts making fun of her again

Dick makes another comment. "why didn't you wait until your interview with Julie Chen to take your top off".

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Jen just asked dick if the rest of her stuff was up in danis room..

He tells her no..and she will never find it..he will give it back to her 5 minutes before the show..your just lucky I didnt throw bleach on them and break them..

she is now "ripping up the set" (as per eric) she says what I have to look everywhere..

(they are all out back)

she is now in the Round room packing her "suitcase" (not the bb bag)

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3:23pm BBT Dani & Eric bash Amber as Dani said she was crying on plane back saying she hates all these people and she does not want to go back to house. feeds switch to Jen askin Zack where her stuff is(atleast she had her shirt of this time not topless like early). back to Dani/Eric who talk about Jen and Dani said it was nice to talk to people outside of house. Eric says he tried to get TV time while they were gone. Jen's back inside digging through plants & stuff looking for here chothles she just dumped the plant and Eric told her to destroy the coach while you are at it. as she just broke styrophom Jen said i want my stuff and i dont want to ruin my look by goin out to Julie without makeup. Zack rambles on about the ants everywhere and that BB sucks cuz they are not doin anythin about ants. Zack saying im gonna spray om my god(he yells) theres a whole trail of them Dani then say on my god! you can hear Je4n smashing things going through house for things. Dick told Dani/Eric BB told him he has to give her her stuff back. Dick when she ever goes to DR we will put her stuff on her bed.

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zach in kitchen (ants all over kitchen again)..Dani whispering to Eric at table not making out much other then its about amber and amber did not want to come back she "hates everyone in the house" Eric: little does she know" (trying here all but kids interupting and I am multi tasking :blink: )Jen questioning zack now about her clothes zack saying he doesnt know and she apparently found one big bag and the slop bucket)More amber bashing between dani and eric at table..Eric why dont you just rip up the cushions just in case there in there Jen what do you want me to do I have looked everywhere, Eric well your ripping up the house..Jen is rampaging the house big time she doesnt want to go out of the house with out make up..Eric telling her its not necessary to break the house Zack yelling at the ants...Jen now saying he (ED) probably left it up in HOH pretending it was his stuff and she wont get it til noon tomorrow ED out of DR...said he has to give her back her stuff..he said it would magically appear when she goes in for her cbs mogel

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3:34pm Eric tells Dani that they are 4 keys missing(Amber,Jameka,Jen,Dani). Dani & Eric make stuff on Jen running around house and what Jen told Dani in SR as Eric erupts laughing. Jen's puttin on her makeup as BB calls her to DR. As Jen wals by heading to DR Dick lets a huge fart go. Dick heads to HOH room as Dick gets Jen's stuff while shes in DR and heads down to kitchen as Jen has come out of DR then back in DR and Dick brings her stuff to her drawn and puts it in their and says to BB "i always keep my word" Eric says when Jen boobs were exposed i went blind, Dani makes fun of her laughing and Amber said she glad she got half look. Eric tells story of Jen walking away with out top then telling her to take it from her. Dick said yeah opps i accidently untied top. Eric says he hopes he can go to sleep till 24 hrs later. Dick hopes we get 25 beers tommrow night to celebrate Jen's leaving. Eric did something and BB " says stop that" Dick & Eric that was uncalled for. Eric says hes heading to bed. Zack asks Dani about Nick's family then tends to the chicken on grill. Zack kisses up to Jen saying the entire Jen thing was all Dick fault that Jen didny cause it(well i did not see it that way) then Zack changes story when Dick comes out and tells Dick he instigated it. Dick yells at Zack says she sat down right next to me! Zack says yeah it was all her for the most part.

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3:30pm bbt

Jen still searching for clothes

Zach complaining about the ants in the kitchen

Eric talking to Daniele at the table

Eric: her behavior is completely calm today, yesterday, when she went off.. crying and slaming stuff, the eating, the cigarette, the rules, she's just the entire time she was crazy, this is calm, the swimming this morning, this is completely calm

*Dick comes walking by: they told me I have to give her her stuff back, I said it would reappear when she goes in for her CBS mobile (when she is in the DR)

Eric: it was all like, totally over the top crazy behavior, eratic shouting nonsense, I can't explain it because you won't understand it, she like had like a psychotic break where she lost her mind, like it wasn't her being annoying, it was like there was an actual crazy person saying gibberish and acting eratically, and then later after she ate she said maybe it was the slop

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