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August 22, Live Feed Updates


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5:26 BBT

Jameka and Amber continue talking in the bathroom. Jameka made a comment that her target would be Zach and Dick. Amber didn't understand that, saying Dani could win the POV and save Dick, and that Jameka needs to look at that, too.

Dick walks in to use the bathroom. He says he can't sleep and is surprised they are still up. Amber says she's about to go to bed. Dick goes back outside.

Amber says Eric is more capable of f*ing with people's heads and putting things into their thoughts. Says that Dani is a competitor. Amber suggest putting Jessica and Eric up, and if someone get's POV'ed off, putting Zach up. She then says that then Zach would go home, and that would be a waste.

Amber says she's going to bed and suggests Jameka going outside to talk to Dick?

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Seems like Jameka went outside (cam I was on didn't follow her. When I switched to quad)

Jameka was coming back inside, went and used the bathroom, then went to the bedrooms. Some quick whipsering between her and Amber, then Jameka went into the small bedroom.

All four feeds on sleeping HGs. Don't know where Dick is, if he's still outside or is sleeping inside. Might be him in round bed (thought he wasn't sleeping in there because of Jen).

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5:42 BBT: Jameka finally crawls into bed. Amber is in bed. Jen is in bed but seems to be restless (tossing and turning). Eric is in his bed sound asleep and Jessica is in her bed sleeping. Can't see the HOH room, but think Daniele is fast asleep there. Dick is still up.

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9:10am bbt all 4 feeds still on night vision of sleeping HGs

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10:50 am BBT

All is quiet still. Some coughing ( I think it was Eric) and sniffling (?) but everyone still in bed.

Appears Feed 1 is on Jen in the round room

Feed 2 - overall of round room with Jen and Dick (I can't believe she still sleeps in there!)

Feed 3 - Have no idea who that is

Feed 4 - overall of small bed room......

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11:51 BBT: all house guests are still sleeping...

Side Note: Jem's connection has gone down and Morty isn't here today, so can we please try to make sure we post often and if anything happens in the house at all, please post it ASAP...

Thank you all!!!

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10:53 am BBT

Jen up rubbing her face in bed.....gets out of bed, she leaves the room and camera doesn't follow her at first then it does. Jen has a towel and she goes into the bathroom to do ADL's (she appears to be staying up....)

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10:57 am BBT

Jen out of the WC, mumbling to herself (cannot hear it exactly)....she is looking at a pair of pants? Continues doing ADL's in the bathroom

(see your message and it's not a problem Yana....I'll stay on as long as I can today. I do have a meeting at noon out of the office but I should be back by 1:30)

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11:00 am BBT

Jen outside, she appears to be looking for her stuff (at least I think that is what she's doing). She is laying on the ground outside at the storage bin and digging through it. She pulls something out of it and then heads back inside and into the storage room. There are suitcases in the storage room (probably belong to Amber and Danielle), Jen opens them and then closes them. Jen standing there, glancing over at the suitcases every so often. She looks at the tag on one of them. Then leaves the storage room. (she knows that stuff isn't hers....why was she touching it?)

Jen walks into the big bedroom, she opens drawers, closes them and then goes back into her room and lays back down.


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(my out of town visitors are gone finally and the kids are in school so here I am reporting for duty. )

Jen isn storage room, not really doing anything just kind of looking around. Looks like she took a bottle of pop and something else and left the SR. What ever she did take she took it to her bed and went back to bed with it. (I have to say the facial expression she had in the SR looked like she was in a daze or sleep walking.)

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11:07 am BBT

Dick keeps coughing (I don't think he is alseep anymore).

All 4 feeds on sleepers/laying in bed people. Someone is snoring really loud.

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11:12 BBT: Dick is up in the bathroom doing ADL's and then goes outside to smoke... Someone else is up in the big bedroom, but I can't tell who it is... Looks like maybe Jen is looking for clothing... Dick goes back inside... Goes into the small room and doesn't speak to whoever that is that is up in the big room gets something and goes back outside...

Jen is now in the gym and Dick is outside smoking...

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11:15 am BBT

(sorry had a client walk in dont know if I missed anything)

Dick is outside smoking and spitting.

Jen appears to be starting a work-out in the gym - she's put a bottle of water in there, but she's gone back to the bathroom and is putting creme on her face.

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11:21 am BBT

Jen was working out (it looked like she was wearing bedroom slippers)....she soon stopped then got off and went back to the bathroom (again!) to use the restroom. Jen is out of the bathroom and has her bathing suit bottoms on....Jen goes outside.

Dick still outside, coughing, spitting etc. No talk. He does sigh when she walks out.

Jen grabs her a towel and heads to the pool area.

Other feed on small bedroom & sleepers.

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