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Same Old Crap Year After Year


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my god when will bb producer stop doing same the old crap year after year. it is obviously broken. take the hoh comp same trivia comp for hoh week after week season after season is lame. this season looks like a allstar edition where multiple hg will throw comps if the format stay trivia. we need more luck comps.

delete this mod repost by mistake

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my god when will bb producer stop doing same the old crap year after year. it is obviously broken. take the hoh comp same trivia comp for hoh week after week season after season is lame. this season looks like the allstar edition where multiple hg will throw comps if the format stays trivia. we need more luck comps and creative comps.

the twist have all been done before

bb imho is on its last leg and i blame the producers :flags_unitedstates::flags_unitedstates::flags_unitedstates:

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glad to see you back to your ways uvp.. someone was here trying to steal your thunder last night.. but i refused to play along cause it was not you.

i got your back. i only play that game with you! :dance2:

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you mean bb is rigged thread :flags_unitedstates::flags_unitedstates::flags_unitedstates: started by such and so poster

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i work nights so i wont be here everynight :flags_unitedstates::flags_unitedstates::flags_unitedstates:

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i dont see what was so great about it. you had hg left and right throwing the comp. i bet if they made a rule the first four hg who lose in any hoh goes on slop the throwing of hoh comp will decrease ten folds :flags_unitedstates::flags_unitedstates::flags_unitedstates:

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C'mon why limit HG's stratigies, avoiding the HOH is strategic. What next first four to form an alliance must go on slop.I tell u what is lame and takes up show time. is the features with the House Guest Families. Who care's ? we want to see the back stabbing and alliances and such. Not why poor dick dosent get along with his daughter.

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just seem more overdone the last two season of bb. this bb everyone except for kali and jen, joe have the same lay low strategy. i dont see no masterfu\l gameplay by the like of dr. will or maggie, allison in any of these hg or future bb. even the janelle all comps is nonexistant in this group of hg :flags_unitedstates::flags_unitedstates: :flags_unitedstates:

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i like seeing the family segments. i liked seeing the pics of Dick when he was young. and when they show the other players families they usually show us pics of the players when they were in highschool and all dorky looking.. now thats fun.

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thats the best part of the thursday show :flags_unitedstates::flags_unitedstates::flags_unitedstates:

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just seem more overdone the last two season of bb. this bb everyone except for kali and jen, joe have the same lay low strategy. i dont see no masterfu\l gameplay by the like of dr. will or maggie, allison in any of these hg or future bb. even the janelle all comps is nonexistant in this group of hg :flags_unitedstates::flags_unitedstates::flags_unitedstates:

We are only on day 12 of the hgs being in there...way too soon for all of them to be playing aggressively. They'll be targets for sure if they come on too strong. Wait a few weeks...these people will start playing a lot tougher and more stratigicaly. Kail, Zack and Mike got lucky by having Jen win HoH...she won't target them...but many of the other hg's would have if they had won HoH. Those 3 started playing too soon...and have targets on their backs right now...just lucky no one is gunning for them this week.

And, as far as it being the same old crap...again...we are only in the first 2 weeks of the show...be patient. I'm sure there will be some interesting competitions, surprises or twists coming.

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even the slop is played out. last it was like wow slop now its whateverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :flags_unitedstates::flags_unitedstates::flags_unitedstates:

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gosh...doesn't sound like you like this show too much....why you watching it?

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because i can. deal with it :flags_unitedstates::flags_unitedstates::flags_unitedstates::animated_bouncy::animated_bouncy::animated_bouncy:

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No problems here on my end bud! :animated_bouncy:

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i know lol :flags_unitedstates::flags_unitedstates::flags_unitedstates:

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Out of all the "trivia" comps, I actually do like the Majority Rules one - but that doesn't mean I want to see if every damn season.

From BB2-4 they had a much better variety of HoH comps, but since BB5 most have been of the trivia nature - and almost all of these have come down to a tie-breaker.

I know the bigger competitions can't be done in the 5 minute live slot, but there surely must be numerous things they can do where HGs are challenge to do something in a minute and whoever does the most wins etc.

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Really starting to get bored with BB. There is no variety in the games or what they have the house guest do for compeitions. Too much game talk with them also, let me have the first two seasons back and it would make me happy.

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Same Old Crap, Year after Year

Think I'll go and get me a beer.

Throw the comps, yeah, that's the plan

We'll fly under the radar if we can.

I don't wanna win, says our friend Jen

So I'll just give it to the old mother hen.

Gays in the house, oh boy what a hoot

Let's team up and give one the boot.

Two women together in the HOH room

Let's toss in some firecrackers

And hear 'em go boom.

Same old crap, year after year

And the same next year - have no fear!

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