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Your Dream Task For AP

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his 1st task should be to name someone else as america's player... he's a poor choice... he's a "cowboy BB6" wannabe... f*ck F*CK f*cker

wow.. i see some anger management classes in your future.. :animated_rotfl:

but seriously, its not the first time i have seen a cowboy reference, i am just trying to figure out why? lookwise? i cant see it. cowboy was very uhh, lets say tardy looking.. eric is not. cowboy dressed... tardy looking... eric does not. cowboy talked gibberish... and eric just curses...

so still at a loss why eric is being compared to cowtard?

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maybe he has turetts (sp?) .. hey, for the fun mission we can get him to have a tick instead of saying the F word. so everytime he wants to say the F word he has to have a tick.. like jerk his head to the Left.

:animated_rotfl: i am sooooo rotten. i think i might be dick's long lost daughter. wait, i am too old. darn.

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Eric has to make a speech that God is NOT playing the BB game... he has more important things to think about/do!!!

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lol :flags_unitedstates::flags_unitedstates::flags_unitedstates:

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