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The Ultimate Revenge


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I will be so pissed at Janelle if she evict's Erika because that still leaves one person in the house that can beat her in the final's(Will). This would also be great for Janelle in the jury's eyes because she was the one that got Will out. I also think that this could be what Janelle means when she said that she would go after CT, after them evicting Howie. It would be so sweet of her to do it to him.

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She will get rid of Erika and if she wins the next HOH, she will take Will with her to the F2 and then she will lose. Most likely Will does not personally want to win the next HOH, if possible, he will try to let Boogie win it which sends Janelle to sequester. Will wins easily then.

Of course, all any of us can do is speculate but imo at this point, Will is the strong favorite to win again. B)

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janelle doesnt have the guts or vaginals to evict WILL. ERICKA is another female so she is gone. ERICKA is a leech so it is best she goes and let the bb legend collect his money he so deserve once again

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Erika was doing serious butt-kissing last night after Janelle's HOH win, promising her the moon. She can't afford to believe her at this point. Erika is the one that has the best chance of beating her in the final 3 HOH, and Erika is almost sure to win the endurance part. Her best move os to evict Erika now, and then she is the odds-on favorite to win the fnal three HOH. If she does, then she has to send Will to sequester and put up with Boogie for 5 days. Then, in my opinion, she wins the jury vote 5-2, getting everyone but Will and Erika.

But if she does take Will, I still think she wins, but by 4-3. She'll get Howie, Marcellus, Danielle, and George's vote, and possibly James.

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I agree Tarman. I'm sure Erika would win the endurance portion, that would put Janelle in a tough position to have to win the other two parts. If she can off her now, her chances of getting to the final two would be much better. Janelle knows and has said, that no one will take her to the end, she HAS to take herself.

I think James will definitely vote for her. He said in all his after the show interviews that he and Janelle are great friends outside the house. His perception is that they'll still be friends. I really can't see him voting against her. I'm also pretty sure James will take Sara's feelings into account and not vote against Janie.

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what hell does sarah has do with voting for who you think played the best game gtfoh :lol:

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Erika swore on her mother she would take Janie to the finals.

Then Erika's mother's toast! :P

If Janie makes it to the final two, Erika is her best bet because she's a leach. Voting for Janey: James, Marcellas, Howie, Danielle, CG, Will. Voting for Erika - Booger as a sympathy vote (unless he's a real scumbag).

If Janey went with Will to the final two: Marcellas, Howie, CG would vote for her, Booger and Erika would vote for Will. James and Danielle would be a toss-up, but would probably vote the same way.

If Janie goes with Booger to the final two, James and Danielle would be more likely to vote for her, but it isn't for certain. Will would be there trying to convince people that Booger was the brains behind the operation and deserves it more than Janie. James might just still be pissed enough @ Janey to fall for his crapola one last time.

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James would vote for Janelle. He would respect how many times she had to win comps to save herself. He was in the same spot last year. If it comes down to Janie and Will in final 2, I think the fact the has ALREADY won once will also be a factor.

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I thought Will's winning before would be a factor before I saw the make-up of the jury. With a couple of exceptions, these aren't AYSO "everybody plays and even the kid who comes in last gets a trophy" type. Most of the jury members are pretty self-centered types who'd agree with the maxims "Win @ all costs" and "winning isn't everything - it's the only thing." If it came down to Will or Erika, do you really think Erika would take the cash just because Will won before? Not with this group - they aren't going to give Erika a $500,000.00 sympathy vote.

The only way his winning might make a difference is if it came down to someone who was EQUALLY strong - and since no one has had the cojones to take on CT yet, no one truly is equally strong. Janie got played by Will in the green room Thursday. Had she put up Will and Booger instead of George and Erika, even if Erika's POV had saved Booger and sent George home, it would have been seen as a strong, gutsy move. Didn't happen, so I don't see Will's win complicating things for him at all.

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More so this year than last year I feel Will and Janelle if they were final 2 would be equally deserving to win. For different reasons. They played different games but they both played it the best of each style. When you vote it depends on your perspective of the game as to who is the best player.

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If Danielle and James vote for Janelle over Will they're hypocritical about what they preach. It would remove any sympathy I feel for Danielle for getting robbed in her season.


but i wouldnt be surprise this was the possibility . danielle we never seen her on a jury before so i wouldnt be surprise if she holds a grudge against WILL for getting her out i know she has one against ericka for sure.

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Will can never beat Janelle in the finals.

Will's only game play was lying and manipulating and he has never won a thing.

It's not the same as him being up against Nicole who no one really liked in his season..

I think anyone up against Janelle would and should lose to Janelle

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