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"Why do you have to spit on the black person? Spit on the white people."


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Quoted from the updates page:

Will says he doesn't see any reason the women can't remove their tops. He says he and James are totally bored. Danielle says you first. They are seemingly having a good time. James spits on Danielle and she says "That's just gross. Why do you have to spit on the black person? Spit on the white people." Water fight ensues and then James takes the water bottle that was in the refrigerator and pours it on all of them. Erika bails out because of the cold water. Everyone except George get out of the HT and go to the HoH. They plan on jumping on Boogie's bed in their wet clothes. They ring the bell, beat on the door, the walls and chant the bet-you-can't-sleep wake-up call. Boogie is trying to sleep, rolls over and flips a bird.

I'm assuming james accidentally spit due to his lisp. While getting spit on IS gross, why did she have to bring black and white into it? Can you imagine the uproar if (lets say) Janelle reversed it and said it to Danielle???? (if Danielle had done the spitting).

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He actually was SPITTING water on her and others...not because of his lisp... He was pretty drunk last night in the hot tub and doing some pretty random things...

If the comment were reversed we would have 50 threads on the board calling someone a racist... go figure!

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They were all drinking and joking. Dani had her "attitude" on. She makes a lot of black/white comments. iI wasn't implying anything racial - they were all laughing. I didn't see who spit on Dani and I wrote "someone". Morty or one of the mods filled in the blank.

(Sometimes I listen and type and can't always watch the feed at the same time.) There was so much going on last night, I didn't go back and play it over to see what happened. Maybe someone else saw the feed and could report how it actually happened.

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If he was spitting water on everybody than her comment was uncalled for! Not the first time she said something like that...didn't she warn Marcellas that "you can't trust a white person as far as you can throw them" of course she was one of the first to turn on him........go figure that!

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I saw the title of the thread and I thought he had actually spit on her-----y'know, saliva and stuff. :lol:

I have no tolerance for James, but in his defense, he seldom drinks. I think this is the first time in two years I've heard of him drinking on the show, so he probably gets blitzed pretty easy. That's no excuse though, it's a pretty gross thing to do. And while I didn't see it, I'm inclined to think that Danielle's comment was in jest also. So it's probably making a mountain out of a molehill.

The comments about what would happen if the roles were reversed, though, were sadly right on, I'm afraid.

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I think in this situation, everyone was drinking and having a good time in the HT, and she was just joking and it shouldn't be taken all seriously. I didn't actually see it though, this is just my opinion from reading updates. Nevertheless, I don't think it was a racist thing to say. Although, if a white HG said it the other way around, it would probably be offensive since there is only one black HG (left).

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i find it offensive that white people cant be offensive when a black person says something offensive.. but if a white person says something offensive like that the media is alerted and all the black folks get all offensive. no joking around for white people... its offensive. but if its said by a black person... it must be all in fun. i am offended.

type the word offensive too many times and it looks funny.

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The use of the word "offensive" over and over again has offended me!

It's an assault on my senses!!!!!!!!!!

But, I totally agree with you.

BTW - once is silly, twice is "Offensive"....Danielle can't hide behind alcohol regarding the other racial comment made.

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It's such a double standard.

If we're all supposed to get to know one another based on ourselves and not our skin colors, then why constantly remind people that you are in fact different than them? I suppose it's just a great defense mechanism, you can always say, well they didn't like me because I am white/black/brown/red/green/orange, not because I"m an insufferable jackass.

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reminds me of when i was in high school on the gymnastics team. i was really good friends with this black girl (danelle.. weird hu?) and i went to chalk up to get on the uneven bars and danelle said "hey! where is ______? i cant find her in all that white chalk" ohh everyone laughed and thought that it was funny.

but then one time when the lights went out in the locker room and i said "hey, where is danelle??? i cant see her in the dark" everyone gasped!!! :o (well, danelle laughed)

needless to say nobody ever said "where is jose? i cant find him in the rio grande river" cause then all the wetbacks mexicans would be all offended!

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i find it offensive that white people cant be offensive when a black person says something offensive.. but if a white person says something offensive like that the media is alerted and all the black folks get all offensive. no joking around for white people... its offensive. but if its said by a black person... it must be all in fun. i am offended.

type the word offensive too many times and it looks funny.

LOL... Agree that I'm offended, offensively as well. As not only would there be flames on the feeds but on these boards as well, if the situation had been reversed. Just the same, wish words were not given such credibility to create such drama. Then again if that was true then what I just wrote is crap as Dani's comments were.. too. ha ha Even so, it WOULD be like Dani to take it to a whole other level had the tables been turned..

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Saw it all. Come on people, she was joking just like everyday on housecalls bunky say ok why'd he say that to the gay guy. This is the problem with race. People deny all the time there isn't any racism. If there wasn't any racism her phrase wouldn't have been a problem to anyone of any race. Who cares she's a black women married to a spanish guy and her biggest alliance is w/ 3 white guys one who is Jewish. Where is the racism? James says don't pick on the white guy to Danielle ok big deal where is that thread. This was a simple comment among friends not to b taken seriously, no one in the house had a problem neither should we. I figured that many of the people who posted did not see the the feed and do what many of us do, jump on the bandwagon for a cause we no little about or had even seen or researched information for ourselves. Come on people, the only race we need to be taking about in this forum is the race to the 1/2 million dollars. For goodness sakes.


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My point was more about "if the tables were turned" than what she actually said. It seems to be alot more common (at least in my demographic) that blacks can joke about race issues. I suppose thtas good in a way because it allows it to be open for discussion more than it use to be. It just seems to be a double standard (again, maybe its in my Southern demographic) that one race can joke about and another can't. I do think Dani was saying it jokingly.....however if Janelle had said it jokingly.......or Will.......or Boogie.....

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