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Saturday 12 August


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James just called Toronto lesbians Fat slobs!!

He said after the show, Howie and Marcy are going to go there, get married and rent a room from the fat lesbian slobs...

Marcy is acting like a child...

Erika is withering away...

Dani is going around buying souls...

George is floating around...

Howie is thinking about the shack...

Boogie is being himself, an assclown...

Dr Will is a funny guy...

Janelle is thinking about me...

Thats about it...

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omg Skeletor (lol bbs! :) ) I mean Erika and Boogie just kissed in the hottub and Will the '3rd wheel' looked at the camera and said they've been dating/living together for 6 months!

And Will just called me a nerd for typing this into the computer . . . jerkwad! :P Now he's saying he loves us and is infatuated and wants us to vote for them if there is an America's Choice . . . you're still a jerkwad Dr. Will and my cat adds that you're a jerkwad too for picking on cats! :P

PS King I think maybe you are dreaming but I will not wake you up! ;)

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Right now Boogie and Will are bragging about running the show...

Boogie and Erica have been living together for six months and are planning to get married.

They are a trip!!! Thinking everyone will care more about their twist than about the Sov 6.

To the three of them I say KMA (and I am not a Sov fam)

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Janie and Howie picked up on the fact that Dani and Erica know that the Sov call them the floatherd. They are mad at Will and Boogie for telling them about that. LOL, looks like they finally got one clue but are short a few more.

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If it's true that booger and skeletor have been dating for 6 mos, then he might not like seeing erika flirt with kaysar constantly, telling him 'ok i'll be your gf' and 'ok kaysar, i'll marry you'. and then crying in the dr as she left him a goodbye message.

i dont understand how they've kept it quiet this long, not sure i quite believe it? i don't know. maybe they are.

and FUDGE, i hope janie and howie catch on that ct tells all as does james and dani.


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I think these two might be trying to get some internet exposure, now they're talking as a couple.

Call me a cynic, but why didn't they go for it the other night when they were alone in the HoH. She got up and left then. Makes me wonder if they know about America's choice.

Now they are spooning because they're alone in the red room, jumping every time they thinik someone's coming.

I don't know if I believe this, no kissing, not even quickly.

Boogie now asking if this is on the live feeds. Puh-leeze, like he don't know.

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I'm not sure who would be the better 1/2 between Boog & Erika. YUK!!! I read on another post that Boog told Will that Erika stayed over the night B4 Sequest. & he thought he would get "some" in the morn. cause he is a morning man (personally I think he is a night man cause to me he looks better in the dark) but thats besides the point. When he woke, she was gone. Also, Will (Boogs puppeteer)told Boog to keep playing Erika like this is a Showmance but dont come on too strong.

I for one dont believe the diarrhea that poured out of Wills mouth. That was his insecurity needing attention because Jani did not do as Will said & left him being the 3rd wheel. What better way to get out of an awkward situation. Besides, the other day Boog was telling Will about the "Footjob" If they were really dating, I dont think Erika would appreciate those conversations. Then again..who knows what she would do for $$$$. As for the Kayser crap that they were saying... as much as Will can be funny... that was just classless & rude. Erika, like a bimbo laughed it off. I dont remember her laughing when she talked to Kay (cried) about her boyfriend (Season1 dont know his name) breaking up with her.

As for Jani & Howie ..... WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LUV THEm BUT THEY ARE A SCARY DUO!!!! :)

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I think there are a few possibilities.

Maybe B & E were just starting to date as they came into the house and now things are starting to escalate.

Maybe E is feeling desperate to stay in the game and Boogie is her ticket to safety on some level. Not saying she's playing him completely, but maybe she's playing like she's more into him than she really is. I don't see B getting played on national TV though, not again anyway. :rolleyes:

and this to me is the least possible.... maybe they really are just starting a legit showmance. :P

Either way, I don't think it's in Boogies best interest to get caught with Erika just yet. There's only so much lying/deceiving CT can get away with before they make a mistake. I think if he keeps this up, Erika might just be that mistake. If Janelle gets wind of it soon, I think that'll be it for Boogies credibility with her.

And I forgot to add...ewwwwww

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W/B/E were just messing with the live feed viewers, imo. B and E are just using each other, until they have to cut one of the other. If you've noticed E gets all cuddley with B whenever she's on the block but, as soon as she's ok... she distances herself. Doesn't surprise me at all that she was nominated yesterday and he's suddenly back in her bed and they're kissing/etc.

And, I don't believe Will when he says that the fly doesn't have anything to do with the coup d' etat phrase... he's just trying to throw off the rest of the houseguests, imo.

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Erika is just doing what she need to do to get Boogie's vote. I hope this means that we will be able to get out Dani.

Vote to evict Dani - Janelle, Howie, Mike, Chicken George, Marcellas

Vote to evict Erika - James, Will

But then again at this point so much can happen.

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Guest StarBaby

Janelle needs to watch that spy cam more. Would have been a hoot if she had tuned in to see Erika and Boogie gettin busy last night while Will was sitting right there in the HOH room.

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