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How CBS/BB are portraying Will.....


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Has anyone already talked about this sorry if it's a repeat

but I was thinking of all the times they have shown Will on the TV shows and two weeks in a row they made a reference to him and Howie sexually.

each time they have done it Will physically cowered in disbelief so I'm thinking he's not too happy that they are doing that to him ( for entertainment purposes or not which I know Will wants to do) but he just doesn't look thrilled with it.

So I wondered if CBS/BB wasn't doing it on purpose to keep him in line and stop messing with the rules etc.

What do you think?

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didn't that happen in a BB from some other country some one filed sexual harrassment and that counrty wanted to ban BB.... i thought i heard something like that.... could be a dream

but yhea i almost expect will to scream sexual harrassment as part of his game plan sooner or later :lol:

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Shady, you might be thinking about the recent scandal on Australias BB where one male HG held down a female HG while another male HG rubbed his genitals in her face. It caused an uproar over there and I think the female HG is planning on suing for sexual harrassment. The government in Australia right now is VERY conservative and lashed out at the incident and the show in general and were trying to find a way to get it yanked off the air.......hmmm, that actually sounds like something that could happen here.


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The Australian incident would be well beyond harrassment in this country. Here it would be sexual assault.

Since Will and Howie are equals (not supervisor/employee), Will would have to tell Howie to stop. It isn't harrassment unless he makes it clear that Howie's attention is unwanted and it continues anyway. He also could speak to the producers @ any time.

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This is like that Jenny Jones incident awhile back where the guy was surprised by his secret crush and he was a guy...ended up killing him outside the show a couple months later. Of course Howie is just kidding, but Will is definetly not amused. Dont be surprised if Howie just mysteriously disappears.

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I think it was planned by the producers. I'm talking about what happened after the veto ceremony. Howie did what he did in the beginning and that just stopped, but CBS was making it into a storyline, and had to continue with it. How do I know? Because Will is a bad actor. When he said "I can't believe they didn't put me up. I really was expected to go up." It was different from other times he said it on the live feeds. Also, Howie's approach was fake. Producers, stop messing around and just let them be!

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I agree that to a certain extent, the houseguests are giving CBS a bit of what the network is looking for in terms of storylines when they are in the diary room.

This whole "I can't believe I was not nominated" and "sexual harassment" thing from Will in the diary room was, I am convinced, either done voluntarily by Will to help the network, or simply asked for by the network.

I am sure that they say "can you do this so we can do a storyline with it?" at times.

That would go along tactics such as asking houseguests why they should keep or get rid of someone who is nominated before voting. That's all part of building stories and momentum on the show.

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