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The hooka....

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i like kaysar i think he's a good guy and the hooka thing is kinda fun too but last night i was thinking it seems that kaysar doesn't really smoke it outside of the house as he was saying and to me it seemed that the only reason he brings it out is to further reinforce his middle eastern background but i do like when they all sit around and smoke it and i bet its a nice break from the norm for the house guests too

last night i was thinking and wondering if kaysar smokes other herbs out of it when he's not in the BB house? i know it's a silly question but i kinda think he does.

also will last night when smoking was talking about half baked and he asked if anyone seen it... everyone looked at him like he had lobsters crawling out of his ears, i couldn't believe that no one in the house has seen half baked it seems like such a popular movie that they play on tv alot. well will went on to explain most the key parts in half baked but he's not the greatest story teller so i think most of it got lost in translation but it all made me wonder if will smokes herbs outside the house too lol

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Kaysar is a Muslim...he doesn't get high. Not sure about Dr Will though it does seem that people who watch stoner movies are stoners. PS, remember you don't have to drug test to be a DR...or a teacher...or the president of the US, lol

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is that true about not drig testing for doctors and teachers? cause thats messed up i know they drug test at the mcdonalds down the street and i could care less if my mcdonalds order taker was on drugs, but my doctor..... thats messed up

i kinda think BB does extensive drug testing... or at least i'd assume so

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I think they don't drug test doctors because they trust that if they're willing to spend four years in college, four years in med school, and 4(+/-, depending on the type) years of residency, they're not going to do something as stupid as taking drugs, which could flush all those yars down the drain.

Maybe they should, though, now-a-days.

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omg Shady...your post made me laugh "the mcdonalds down the street"...


Kaysar was talking about where he buys stuff for his hookah last night... I even went to the website of the company!! So, I think he does outside of the house...he doesnt seem like the type of person to do it for "show"...now any other the other houseguests is another story!!

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we have one of those hooka "bars" or whatever they are in town i went to it once with a few freinds, it was strange i'm not a smoker so i really didn't care for it but it had huge pillows all around that you just lay on and all kinda different flavors...... but if i were to smoke i think i'd just take up a pipe like sherlock holmes seems like the same thing just less hassel

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if will was on anything, it would probably be more like speed. i've heard a lot of stories where doctors take drugs to help them stay up studying or working 36 hour shifts as interns. it seems pretty common.

i don't smoke anymore, but i'd like to try the hookah. they say it smells and tastes good with the flavoring. seems like so much work to put together though.

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Oh, countryangel...where do you live and do you teach? Here in texas there is no drug test for teachers. My best friend was an eduacation major and through her I know lots of teachers and nope, no test. And Shadyalaska, nope dr's generally don't have to test either...it is jacked up that MikkieD's workers have to be clean but not people with jobs that affect my health or our childrens lives. I think its funny though how no one commented on the pres of the us not being drug tested, everyone just said about teachers and doctors, lol.

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quote: "and i could care less if my mcdonalds order taker was on drugs"

You would care if he was some hardcore junkie who happened to contract hep A from a third world country person he buys his drugs from and then goes into bathroom and forgets to wash his hands after using the facility and then prepares your food....or because of his drug habit he has no disease but likes to spit in people's food.

Oh yeah and I forgot...smoking a hooka does not break any laws! It's some kind of tobacco.

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personally i could care less if the pres is a crack addict he doesn't run the country anymore now a days it's all the greedy corporations (that probably do drug test) running the show ha

come to think of it did'nt our last pres smoke pot...... i hated clinton but for other reasons like adultry but i don't think anything is wrong with pot i feel it gets a bad rap cause of prohibition, they learned its easier to never legalize a drug then to legalize it then try to outlaw it like the did back in the prohibition days, and thats why pot will never be legal

with all that said i'm probably not the best person to comment on all this because i don't smoke or drink (not that i have anything against drinking but my girlfriend doesn't like to drink so by default i don't either lol) but i do like when the house guests get alcohol more than when they get the hooka, alcohol + stress = drama in the BB house hehe

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quote: "I think they don't drug test doctors because they trust that if they're willing to spend four years in college, four years in med school, and 4(+/-, depending on the type) years of residency, they're not going to do something as stupid as taking drugs, which could flush all those yars down the drain."

Hate to burst your bubble, but I work at a military health facility and know of doctors who have been caught taking drugs. Usually it is handled very quietly by their peers. There was even one high ranking doctor who was found dead from an OD in his office.

Medical training is rigorous and stressful and doctors, like others, will sometimes "self-medicate"

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Quote: " ginger.. thanks a lot, i wil always worry about "catching" something at Mc Donalds now. "

No problem...you know how I love to help everyone out here by providing very important information that has absolutely nothing to do with the BB show. :D

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You would care if he was some hardcore junkie who happened to contract hep A from a third world country person he buys his drugs from and then goes into bathroom and forgets to wash his hands after using the facility and then prepares your food....or because of his drug habit he has no disease but likes to spit in people's food.

haha i worry about that anyways, mcdonalds workers don't need to be on drugs to do that too you..... its the risk i'm well aware of every time i eat at mcdonalds

on a side note one time when i was very young at a restruant chain (that i will not name cause this was like 20 years ago... not mcdonalds either lol) my parents went out to dinner and left me with the babysitter 2 days later it was all over the papers that one of the cooks didn't wash his hands after using the restroom he had some sort of hepitites so everyone that ate there that weekend had to go get some kinda shot i remeber laughing at my parents cause they said the shot hurt like hell and i was very glad they left me home that night.... they are ok to this day they never got the disease but i guess a few people had and had a major law suit going

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Ok, I have to set you straight. Teachers ARE drug tested in all states. They sign a document stating they will not use drugs and that they will go along with random drug searches. Having said that, once hired, a teacher is not usually tested again "unless there is cause." All it takes is a complaint from a student, parent, fellow teacher, etc. for a teacher to be drug tested. Also, in some states, teachers must be tested every year before school starts. I know because I have taught school in three states.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Does anyone know what Kaiser, Erica and James were smoking when sitting outside Saturday night? They were passing something around that looked like a peace pipe attached to a bong or something. And Erica was blowing lots of smoke rings - what did I miss here???

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Guest StarBaby

It's kinda like a bong, but they smoke flavored tobacco in it. Kaysar got it when he got HOH, and I guess they let him keep it. He also had it last year, but I think only when he was HOH.

LOL at Hash. They WISH!

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Thanks for the info - can't believe I don't remember him getting this with his HOH wins. Just started live feeds and this is the first time I can remember seeing it. Sure seems like a complicated way to smoke tobacco.

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I'm kind of ignorant on the hooka thing. What exactly does it do? I'm not a smoker, so I really have no clue what it does or how it differs from other smoking devices. I saw Chicken George smoking it and I was surprised, because he didn't seem like a smoker.

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A hooka is not an uncommon device. It is used in every country in the Middle East, not just Iraq. It is very popular in Israel, Spain, Britain, Russia, Indonesia, Africa and even Egypt. Living in Southern California and NYC, I have used one a lot .. you see them in a lot of "popular," modern, hip clubs.

A hookah is a traditional Middle Eastern or South Asian device for smoking, which operates by water-filtration. It can be used for smoking many substances, such as tobacco, but is mainly used to smoke herbal fruits .. you will rarely see a hooka used for tobacco.

Most Americans are not used to a hooka, but Hooka Bars are becoming very popular now.

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