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Bradford Place


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< A repeat of my post in this morning's live feed thread, since it has come up again this afternoon. If it keeps going, we have the beginning. If it doesn't, the thread dies just like their concept.>

Just before going to bed, Janelle and Marcellas stood at the memory wall for at least 10 minutes. Marcellas was doing most of the creative "storyboard" as they developed a soap opera based on the houseguests.

Janelle offered the name of the show: BRADFORD PLACE (she had some connection for the name but I couldn't hear it)

-- George owns a cosmetics firm, but Will actually owns more stock in it.

-- Janelle is in advertising and is dating Will, with no idea of how evil he really is.

-- Jase, George's son, is in marketing.

-- Diane is the country bumpkin who is actually the illegitimate daughter of George (and therefore half-sister of Jase). This is her secret and she's out to take down her father's company.

They had more characters placed but I don't remember them now. Marcellas said if he were on Housecalls this is the type of thing he would throw out to the fans and they would just run with it. For example, "Give us a name for this show." That's when Janelle came up with Bradford Place.


Live feed discussion reveals that it was being discussed again this afternoon (no details). Does anybody know anything more? Maybe the Marcellas brainstorm is over.

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If anyone has video of the "Bradford Place" discussion from this afternoon, I would LOVE it! I'm still laughing over the plot "twist" that Howie had tasered Allison and instead of her being gone from the cosmetics company, Howie is holding her HOSTAGE...

Too funny for words man...what people will do when they are bored (it has to be worse that I watched it all afternoon...)

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I think the house is on Radford Street-----I saw a map of that area of Studio City with the house pinpointed. I can't remember where I found it though-----

Maybe Janelle's Bradford Place is a combination of Radford St. and Peyton Place or Melrose Place.

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Right -- it is Radford Place.

Found the videos of the original planning. Haven't seen/found any of the afternoon work (yet)

Part 1


Part 2


Part 3

Part 4


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Marc is trying to come up with a tagline for this show. He is now talking with Erika. So far, Marc has "The only way you can leave is if you die." He then said, "It's a nice place to visit."

Now we have, "Where beauty, intrigue and avarice meet"

Dani says that people who watch soaps do not have that kind of vocab. (Hey! I watch soaps! My vocab is on par with theirs! Why must we hate?!?!)

They decide now on "Beauty, intrigue and lust"

I think it is Radford Place and not Bradford Place though. Has anyone mentioned that? I didn't really notice.

Okay, now Erika is reading off the walls. She suggests "Honesty, deceit, loyalty and betrayal."

(Pick it up guys. I want to see what you come up with already!)

"Love, hate, loyalty and betrayal. Find them all at Radford Place" - Marcellas' final answer.

Janie and Marcie are planning when to make scenes.

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Someone is getting married. Marc says that Howie is the minister. They say that James looks more like a minister.

Marc talks about the minister saying "two souls finding each other and merge as one" then adds "is there any reason why these two should not be in joined in holy matrimony"

At that second, Will comes through the door with papers that makes it look like Diane...

Marc gets side tracked...Diane is prego but Jase does not know it. You are getting married because you are in love, not because you got knocked up. You think you may be prego, that's why you (Diane) got the test. Dr Will knows about the test and got the results. Dr Will has doctored the result. He makes it seem they are brother and sister. This is why you cannot get married. You (Diane) turn to George and say "Dad?" and realize at this moment where you have looked your entire life for your father. Realizes that it's your father. Then you are like, Jase - brother. Then she runs out of the thing.

Then there is a little bit of an interchange between Jase (you are an asshole to Will) and Will (laughs). George says "Why are you trying to ruin my family. Why are you trying to ruin my life." Those are his big two lines. So, Jase comes running out. Grabs you (Diane) by this door, exit to the chapel. There is a moment where they are like this is crazy, I love you. Jase is like, I know. Jase goes to touch you. You (Diane) say don't because he is your brother. Jase says, "We can work this out." You (Diane) say, "There is no way that this can ever be right, you are my brother." She gets into her car.

Kaysar is in his car, drunk. Diane is in her car, crying - blinded by tears. It is a stick and she does not know how to drive it - her wedding dress is all over. BAM! Kaysar hits her. End of scene.

Diane is taken to the hospital. They get blood work done and find out that Jase is not her brother. They decide to get married. George decides to give Diane away at their wedding anyway even though he is not her father. Then Marc decides that it could be a cliff hanger.

Then Howie finds out that he has Ali in a basement and is tasering her. LOL! Howie thinks it is great and is amused. I love having this in the house. I love watching how they entertain themselves!

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lol dumblonde.. i was just thinking the same thing. i personally think he is trying to get a deal from the soap world to air his soap... <_< it is getting to be very irritating.

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Man, some of you folks will find any reason to hate and pick at what the HG's do.

This whole "Radford Place" tings has been fun to watch and when they are all working on it and discussing it, it is fun to watch the feeds and see something other than strategizing and backstabbing. Oh and way more fun than listening to Will and Boogie talk about everyone they know and all of their big hollywood experiences. Oh, and don;t forget more fun than listening to Howie run around saying boobies.

At least this is something the whole house can participate in. And on Wills season, BB did provide a video camera for them to film their little skit and it turned out quite entertaining.

If you don't like soapy dramas or campy comedies, then maybe you just don;t get it, but what they are doing is fun and a nice change from the norm.

Don't hate on people just to hate, and remember, you can always switch to one of the other 3 feeds and see the exact same thing just from a different camera angle ;)


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Depeche please don't put words in my mouth. I do not hate Marcellas. I actually like him but I cannot stand that stupid boring droll soap opera crap any more & I am not alone. If you like it fine then listen to it & be happy but I can't stand it & U can't make me like it :P:lol::P

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There ya go!!! Also better than having Howie over for Thanksgiving dinner and stepping away from the table to get the gravy boat, only to come back and find Howie, mounting the turkey and shouting

Oh Turkey, Oh Turkey, do you like the Howie Saber? Yeeeah, Yeeeah, Mommy Mommy, I want a turkey doll.



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Late last night Marci blocked out a scene where Howie tasered Jani and was supposed to drag her off to the storage room. That is where Howie, the head of shipping is holding Alison as his sex slave.

I like Radford Place, it gives the HG a chance to step outside of the game and enjoy each other if only for a few minutes at a time.

Will and Jase got into the acting and it was funny watching Marci in his robe as the director saying "Roll film and..... Action!"

This diversion keeps the HG from being bored and boring on the feeds. I say keep it going guys.

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Dep, that cracked me up, thanks for the laugh!!!

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