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can the hoh competition be aof a little more variety


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man kaysar won thats not the issue here. but i am sick of these Q & A type competition. i mean the producers have all week and this is the best they can do. i dont care about time limit cut out some sements if they have to. the first was ok but was kinda lame too because you had no way of really avoiding the log or whatever it was. same week after week the hoh comp is questions. such a vital postion is based on who can guess the most answer to the most question

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I think they have to mix it up between ones you have to use your brain (or at least memory) for and those that are more 'athletic.' If they were all 'athletic' it wouldn't be fair to the Chicken George's of the world.

Of course, the thinking ones aren't fair to him either... :lol:

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i dont really care for physical ones but more so ones that they the producers put effort in to. like throwing a ring at a target for points.

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Since when did a true or false test become an intellectual exercise? You have a 50/50 shot at getting the question correct even if you don't know your arse from a hole in the ground. I think the comps that test true mental ability are the ones with some sort of problem solving involved. A mix of those with the physical comps would be the best combination, IMO.

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