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Danielle and Marcellus


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I don't know if any of you guys have noticed it, but it seems that Marcellus and Danielle have a secret alliance going on. They came on and played this HATE CARD really hard. And to be perfectly honest she didn't do anything that bad to Marcellus for him to be hating her 3-4 years later. Additionally, whenever people are talking about who to vote off, Marcellus alwyas says how much he hates her and will vote her off, but after his rant he always finishes with a BUT and gives a reason as to why Alison should go. This seems like an alliance they planned before coming in and nobody would know about it. Could be very beneficial for the both of them. What do you all think?

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I was thinking the same thing...However he is such a flip flopper it is hard to tell. He did that in Season 3 with Roddy..I thought for sure he was going to the other side but then I dont know.. He had a crush on Roddy. So it is hard to tell.. YOu know Dani was on his radar them WIll began to be on his radar because of the Argument that WIll tried to instigate (sp) Has anyone notice how Marcellous let his emotions get the tter half of him sometimes.. Strategically he needs to leave his emotions at the door or Janelle might get fed up.

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It would be beneficial for Marcellas to align with Danielle cause no one would suspect it. I kinda think his hatred is real though. If it is, he needs to let it go. Dani isn't after him. She's got bigger fish to fry.

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you laTE :D

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I was thinking the same thing last night,..and now after seing Erika and Allison make up,..weirder things have happened! But I was thinking they were playing it awful hard too,..but woudl Marcellas REALLY chance goign against Danielle in the final two????? I mean I doubt he'd win because the likelyhood of them voting for him over a two time final twoer?She'd win for sure! Don't you think anyway?

I just think Marcellas thinks no way could he win against her but then again,..maybe he thinks he COULD win against her cuz he believes she will hang herself AGAIN!???Who knows!

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I don't think there is an alliance, Marcellas truly hates her, calling her a traitor to her race is a bit harsh, just cause she dicked you in a game. And lets not forget you had the dang golden veto, but was too stupid to use.

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I have a hard time buying the secret alliance when he's cmpaigning to get Damielle out when she's on the block.

Marcellus is playing the right angle right now by teaming up with those on the other side of the rivalry. If he gets Jase, Erika and Mike, he can coast until there is at least 8 weeks left and then turn the screws. He knows that Will needs to be taken out and to cozy up to the ingrown alliance that already exists.

I'm good at calling these things and called it after week one last season as well. That was when the whole house was cozying up with Eric.

You're going to have three alliances in this house.


Marcelles and the stragglers cozying up to BB6ers to fake an alliance for a while.

Then there is Mike and Will trying to pull strings on everyone else.

If Kaysar gets HOH, or James gets HOH, Will is going up next week.

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"IF" they get HOH... you bet they are putting Will up. They would be stupid not to. He is slowly turning wheels. They do not need to let him get too much time in the house and too much into player mode. Then they will not know what hit them and it will be too late.

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