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July 15 Picture Thread


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George drunk

Janey making oatmeal waffles.. the actually turned out well

Howie re-reading the food restriction guide

Diane and Nak talking about how hurt they are with today's noms.. especially Diane

Janey feeding Howie her various creations... poor Howie!

Kaysar testing some massive golf set... I'm not sure if this is to prepare them for pov, a new toy, or if it's one that's been around for awhile and I just haven't seen.

Howie watching Will take a shower...again

Yummy Jase in the shower...oh my

James talking with Boogie and Will about the sov. Boogie trying to convince James that he'll have to break up with them sooner or later. James agreeing or letting on that he agrees saying, "I already got taken down by them last year". Also talking about how versatile it was to have pb and J over this slop which as James says, is "Brutal.. I gotta hand it to you BB".

Elll's late night/early morning pictures

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