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I'm sooo confused!!!!

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Of course I am kind of loyal to the BB6ers since they are the most recent cast....I say kinda b/c I really don't want to see Janelle or Kaysar win, but I'm kinda turning around to them b/c I know they will cause much drama in the house. I like Diane, kinda feeling Jase, so I'm just all over the place right now!

Will is weird, Chicken George is going to get annoying real quick (even though he seems nice), and I'm just waiting to see what Marcellas is going to do. I would love to see Allison and Janelle get into it, or Kaysar and Will. Will and Kaysar seem like opposites of the same coin (or maybe the same side, they kinda look alike) :P

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I am right with you on that.

Kaysar and Will are destined to have words. They are already hinting at it.

Jani and Alison... probably. Alison needs to get off her high horse, she wore me out! I am at a loss right now.

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Yeah, Allison is talking a lot of smack, hope she can back it up. We know Janelle can, lol.

By the way, I noticed you are from NC....what part? As you can see under my name, I'm from Grimesland, which is outside of Greenville, which is about 1 1/2 hours from Raleigh.

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dont like ericka never did.

everybody else cool with me.

but danielle one of my alltime favorites is dropping on my list

i understand allison that is allison being

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where was marcellas anyways??? after his giddy jump for glee when his name was called to go into the house, he kinda just dissapeared. either he is trying to lay low or he realized he is out of his league with all these game players.

whatever the case, i am glad i didnt have to sit and watch an hour of giddyness. :blink:

i am also confused on who i like... right now i am just boggled at how they instantly want to target the "season 6" group. its 10 against 4 ohhhhhhhh scary

if anyone would learn anything about the season 6 group is the fact that they have bad luck and cant win. they make stupid moves and trust the wrong people. i think they should worry about the others in the house, the season 6 people will take care of themselves... lol

ps you probably cant guess, but i am a fan of howie, janelle, and kaysar... two of those people that cant help but ruin themselves and need no help :lol:

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Janelle- Same girl from BB6, dont really like her

Kaysar- The popularity seems to have given him a new confidence (not in a cocky way though), hope he sticks around for a bit.

Howie- Isnt it ironic that just last season he was saying April was too weak to waste an HoH on, and now he will certainly fit that bill for the first several weeks?

James- At this point, seems to just be another attention seeker (but didnt get any on the show)...hope he proves me wrong.

Danielle- Honey, you need to brush up on your game. Playing both sides this early is fatal!

Marcy- A little immature about the Dani thing...he is the one who doesnt want to put in the effort to mend things.

George- I think he will go far, seems to be enjoying himself.

Boogie- Yawn? Waste of space.

Will- Already starting to get sick of you and I liked you in BB2. Get new material (we have heard the robot bit already).

Erika- Hi, won't see you untill some of the bigger threats are picked off, bye.

Diane- Laying low maybe? Think she is in good with the non BB6ers and could go far!

Nakomis- Good girl going after those BB6 kids in the HoH comp! Hope to see you for a while!

Jase- Wait...why do I like you all the sudden? Are we seeing the side of you that Arnold saw when in BB5 casting (the "good guy"). I am rooting for you already!

Alison- Hmm. Cant gauge her yet, I can say I will either love her or hate her (hated her in BB4).

I wish Ivette could have made it :(. She would have been much better than Erika, Boogie, or George! She looked so crushed....damn.

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The main reason I am jonesing for the feeds to come up?????...............

To see those first four ladies sleeping in one bed!!!! I just cannot see poor Nik fitting in there...

And personally, I would have been rethinking that decision really quick!

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Nodoubt, I like your analysis of the HGs...I too find myself drawn to Jase this time around. And Kaysar is so cocky right now, it's sickening. James is going to PO some HGs b/c he keeps making reference to how the BB6ers were the first crew in the 2 story house.

Angelia, I've heard of Whiteville. Never been there though :) . I know that you guys have a National Spinning there? Or maybe it's going by Caron now? We had the other plant in Washington, which is outside of where I live.

i am also confused on who i like... right now i am just boggled at how they instantly want to target the "season 6" group. its 10 against 4 ohhhhhhhh scary

But remember, even last season the sov were a force to be reckoned with when it was down to a few members. And they've got golden child Janelle who seems to have the luck of the Irish or something!

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I too kinda like Jase's style so far. And i hated him in season 5. I think if he could make it pretty far if he plays smart and doesn't get caught playing all sides. The girls are gonna catfight back and forth until they take each other out so my guess is a guy is gonna win this one.

Erick and Diane are playing smart by laying low for now. Eventually they'll have to actually play the game but for now they staying under the radar, which is a good move.

Danielle is one of my favorites, but she just came out blazing. I don't think that was smart gameplay on her part. I just don't understand why she came up with this big idea then wanted to tell Janelle. Maybe she has an alternate plan or is actually in with Janelle's group. Who knows, Dani is prettty sneaky.

I think Marcellas and George will go far just by being liked. Nakomis is laying low but will probably piss someone off eventually and put a target on her back.

Will and Boogie's two man alliance probably won't get very far. I dont' see them lasting pass week 4. As for the Sov's, i like them but some of them will be taken out early just because they are an obvious alliance that everyone else wants broken up. My guess is it will be Janelle or Kayser because they are the strongest. Howie really isn't a threat to anyone and James isn't really a loyal part of their group. He'd be better off to go against them then to let them take him out again.

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I've got to say that I was pleasantly surprised with Jase! I could not stand him in season 5 but now I'm rooting for him - hmm, I guess people can change for tv!

I also like Diane and Erika. I think both could slide under the radar and do well this season.

Really tough to say though how things will turn out - as only one episode has aired!

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I like so many as well, and they are all from differnt groups, I think. Don't really know where everyone stands just yet. But I like Janelle and Howie, but could care less if they go after the other 2 BB6 people. I like Danielle, Erika, and Jase. I didn't watch the first 2 BB's, but I already can't stand George, I i like watching Will. I can already see why they call him Dr. Evil. This is going to be an interesting season! I don't know who to root for it win.

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It's hard to decide who to route for. I like almost everyone. It is just wierd because we are already routing for people in rival alliances. I still haven't decided whether I like Will or Kaysar's group better.

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fizzle: if anyone would learn anything about the season 6 group is the fact that they have bad luck and cant win. they make stupid moves and trust the wrong people. i think they should worry about the others in the house, the season 6 people will take care of themselves... lol

I agree fizzle. I like them all so much but I feel the the winner is not amongst them due to the reasons you mention.

I would love to be wrong but I doubt it!

I am kinda liking Jase at this stage too.

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It's really to early in the game to make accurate predictions..I'm a Season 6 supporter, it was imo, the BEST season by far.

I really hope Janie and Howie brought their A GAME cause it's going to be a hell of a season. I'm seeing Howie as a really easy target for some reason, he seems to be acting carelessly. James I see switching alliances all season..playing the players just like last season...Janie, she's my girl and I have a lot of faith in her, she just needs to watch her back..Kaysar, hmm....I really liked him last year but this time around he's too arrogant..as for the rest of the crew, I see alot of spinning wheels, they already seem to focused on the big picture and not paying attention to details..ie Danielle and her big mouth last night.

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