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Saturday, October 3, 2020 Big Brother 22 All-Stars Live Feed Updates

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If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal commentaround the text.

Remember your time zones. Big Brother Time (BBT) is West Coast Daylight Saving (See Map Here).

Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations or nicknames not used in the house.


To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who.  Mortys-TV-BB22-HG-Reference-Guide.pdf

Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:

Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet (WC)
Comic bedroom (CBR)
Photo bedroom (PBR)
Key bedroom (KBR)
Showmance room lounge (SRL)
Kitchen (KT)
Dining Table (DT)
Living Room (LR)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
Storage Room (SR)

It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. 


Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at https://www.tvfanforums.net/chatbox/room/1-lobby/ Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds at dish the HGs at the same time.  


Please feel free to post info for other updaters to let them know how long you can update, or when you're taking a break and you want someone else to take over.


...And pictures, screen caps are welcome here too.

Thank you!

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12:04 AM BBT Cody is awake in the HoH. He talks to us. He says that he is the worst late night eater. If he is awake, he eats. It's an absolute nightmare. He goes downstairs to get a snack. 


12:06 AM BBT Cody takes his snack back up to the HoH. He washes his hands and then sits at the table to eat.  He is looking at the cameras and says that meats and cheeses are foods that you can't go wrong with. He could eat it all day long. For an appetizer, lunch, snack in between, for dinner and late night he could eat sore more of it. 


12:10 AM BBT Tyler and Enzo are in the PBR. Tyler talks into his microphone to ask that BB do a memorial lights out countdown in honor of David. Tyler counts down from 20. BB hits the lights just as Tyler is saying and 1.  Meanwhile Cody is upstairs talking to the cameras. He asks "Who would say not to going on a show in which you can lie and backstab? And then you get to talk to people and lie about the lying and backstabbing. When you say it out loud, it sounds pretty f***ed up." 


12:15 AM BBT Cody is the only one out of bed and talks to us from the HoH room while he eats a snack at the table. He says that is was so different when he did the show with Derrick. He was such a smooth talker. He was always calm. He would just lay out what they needed to do. This whole game has been crazy. Cody says he wants the fans to clip this footage and share it with Derrick. "In this moment of the game, I want to know what he thinks I should do, why I should do it, what he would do and how he thinks I have done up to this point." Cody says that he knows that Derrick watches when he is mentioned on the feeds. He says that Derrick had better write up his responses for Cody so he can read it when he gets out. 


12:16 AM BBT Cody continues to talk to the cameras. He says that Enzo has kept him sane this season. He makes him laugh. Nicole makes him laugh too. He can't believe she didn't invite him to her wedding and she practically invited their entire cast. He says that he is hurt. 



12:18 AM BBT Cody says that he needs to win the veto. Derrick is probably saying that he is winning too many comps. He doesn't need to win so many. He says that this season is crazy. He says that he is talking to himself in there and then getting paranoid that someone may be in there listening to him. It is crazy to be that paranoid all the time. That is why people say and do stupid stuff in there. It is what happens with the crazy stuff that goes on in there. He goes to the WA and continues to talk to us while brushing his teeth. 


12:20 AM BBT Cody talks to the cameras while sitting on the side of the tub in the HoH bathroom. He is trying to get us to understand what it is like being in the BB house. "Imagine your best friend told you their deepest darkest secret and you told someone else. You know if that person tells them, then it will be catastrophic and your life will never be the same again. Imagine that feeling if you did that to your best friend. Imagine that feeling of how bad it would be and that is literally us on a daily basis. Because you have no idea if something you said something gets back to someone else and absolutely ruin you chances in this game. We live in the heightened state of paranoia 24/7." 


Cody 1.jpg


12:25 AM BBT Cody continues to talk to the cameras. He is frustrated that there is no clock in the HoH. And they need a dog in there. He holds up a photo of his dog. He is a puppy in the photo and when he gets home, his dog is going to be huge by the time he gets home. They are cute when they are small and are beasts when they are bigger. And he is missing that only time when they are small. 


12:28 AM BBT Cody crawls into bed with his music and his photos. 


Cody 2.jpg


12:41 AM BBT Cody gets up from bed to turn out the lights. Everyone is now in bed with all the lights out. 

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9:10 AM BBT Wake up call


9:22 AM BBT Feeds return. Memphis is up and in the KT. He makes coffee. BB "Good morning HGs. Wakey Wakey HGs. Thank you very much. Good morning HGs. There are fresh batteries in the SR." 


9:24 AM BBT BB "It is time to get up for the day." 


9:29 AM BBT The only HGs seen on the feeds this morning are Memphis sitting alone at KT counter and Dani and Christmas heading to the WA. BB keeps calling out for the HGs to change their batteries and "Wakey wakey HGs." 


9:32 AM BBT Most of the HGs are now up and doing their ADL's. Nicole is talking to Memphis in the KT. She was dreaming about eating pizza last night. She is going to do oatmeal style slop this morning with honey and milk. 

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9:35 AM BBT Nicole and Memphis are speculating what the veto may be. Nicole is thinking a veto where everyone has to wait in a room by themselves. Nicole is called to the DR. 


9:39 AM BBT All 4 cameras are on Memphis alone in the KT. Feeds 1 and 3 zoom in on his face. He looks like he is reading the back of food labels. 



9:48 AM BBT Memphis is asking Nicole about her family tradition where they go and cut their own Christmas tree. He hasn't done that. He says he may just show up when she does it next. Nicole goes to get in the shower. Christmas is at the WA sinks talking about all the makeup that she is running low on. 

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10:00 AM BBT All 4 feeds are on Nicole in the WA who has just gotten done taking a shower.


10:07 AM BBT Memphis and Christmas are talking at the KT counter. Her boyfriend didn't know it was dangerous to look directly into the sun. She had to tell him. Memphis "I am pretty sure that if you look directly into the sun, and you can, then you can look into the sun . If you look directly into the sun and you can't, then you can't." [He is implying that your body won't let you continue to look into the sun if it is actively destroying your eyes~Goldylucks]


10:11 AM BBT In the KT, Memphis tells Christmas that it is messing up their schedule that they don't pick players for veto this morning. For all they know, it could be in an hour. They don't recall ever doing a morning BB comp. He asks Nicole. She doesn't ever recall doing a veto before. 


10:14 AM BBT Memphis and Christmas are joking in the KT. He says "I am a good time. If you don't like me, then you don't like a good time. So just take a seat then." Christmas says she is going to make everyone in the house listen to her sing "You Are My Sunshine" for her son's birthday. 


10:16 AM BBT Christmas tells Memphis about the first time she heard Loyal's heartbeat in a sonogram. It freaked her out because she wasn't prepared. She made them do it again so she could record it. 


10:22 AM BBT Feeds 1 and 2 are on Christmas and Memphis talking in the KT about balancing work and family. Feeds 3 and 4 are on Nicole talking to herself as she does her morning moisturizing. 


10:25 AM BBT Nicole talks in the WA while putting on makeup "Happy supposed to be wedding day to Victor. At least I am still here, so it is worth it. I hope you have a good day with family."


10:27 AM BBT Christmas goes into the lounge to talk to the feeds while Memphis is called to the DR. She says it has been a crazy week. She sets up the room with the pool toys to frame her background and just as she says "Good morning" the feeds all switch to Nicole putting on the rest of her makeup in the KBR. 



Christmas Morning.jpg

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10:32 AM BBT The feeds switch back to Christmas talking to the cameras in the lounge. " And Memphis, we are locked in. Enzo is locked in too, but he is also locked in with Cody and Nicole. So he is riding that out to see who he ultimately wants to be with in the F3. It is in my best interest to keep Tyler in this house over Enzo. Enzo showed me he is not in my corner. So, hope you are following Enzo is double dipping. That's fine. Everyone does that in BB. For this week, If I am on the block against Tyler I am good. If I am on the block against Enzo, I am good. If I am on the block with Memphis, I am going home. Let's face it. Nicole is not going on the block. If I win the veto, I believe that Cody would put up Memphis over Enzo. He knows that Memphis is closest to me. I can convince Memphis to keep Tyler. If Nicole, Cody, Memphis or Enzo, noms stay the same. If it's Tyler, he comes down and I pray that Enzo goes up. If Memphis goes up, then I am out. That is worst case scenario."


10:36 AM BBT Da*n it, I don't want to go out 6th. Best Best scenario is Tyler comes off the block and Enzo goes up. He will vote for me to stay. Then there are 3 nasty beasts going into the HoH. Enzo is smart, but I am not down with giving him my game. Best bet is I have to find out from Memphis how positive he is that he won't go up as a replacement nom. If I am not winning it, I would like Tyler to win it. That's ballsy. It's brave. I just need to make sure that Memphis votes the way that I want him to vote. I need to know how close he is to Cody. It might be in my best interest to keep Nicole because Cody is a comp beast. He has a clean sweep twice. We are final 6. We only have a few more HoH's before we get to F3.

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10:41 AM BBT Christmas says it is time to "Win or Die. Even if you have protection, you can still lose at this." She starts using the pillows to demonstrate how the next HoH comps need to go. She further demonstrates the importance of the next few vetoes. The one she really wants is the veto that guarantees her to make F3. Nicole is called to the DR. 

Christmas Count Down.jpg


10:47 AM To sum up, Christmas says that next week, Memphis needs to win HoH. Cody leaves because he is too good a player. Nicole is not shining like she used to. She is not as potent. 


10:49 AM BBT Christmas gives out a shout out for her son's birthday next week. She tells the feedsters that she knows she has hate out there. But she says it is completely different being in the house from seeing it on feeds. And she asks that her family be respected and left alone next week. She promises herself that she has her loyalty to her God, her family and herself. She is going to do things she would never do in real life. She will leave it in this house. She adores everyone in this house. It did break her heart to send Bayleigh out. She likes Dani, but doesn't like her game. It is impossible to understand if you have never been in this house. All fans or non fans of Christmas, I hope you give us a little grace. I want to win this for my family. 


10:54 AM BBT Christmas continues to talk about how proud she is of her son. She says she has been on the pit crew for NASCAR, has been on BB, and a best selling book, but Loyal is the best thing in her life by far. 

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11:03AM BBT Xmas asks Nic if she wants to play backgammon. They set up the game. Xmas gets called to DR. Cody is asleep in th HOH BR.


11:09AM BBT Tyler and Memphis talking in the KT about what time the Veto will be. Memphis says it would be nice to have an early one. Tyler making something to eat. Looks like seasoned garbanzo beans. 


 11:17AM BBT In the KT, Nic, Tyler and Memphis talking about when they get out of the house. Tyler tells Nic that she has the holidays and then her wedding all in the next few months. Nic says and hopefully getting pregnant. Nic asks Memphis about his kid's school. He says he isn't exactly sure but says it is a large school.


11:24AM BBT All 4 cams on Cody sleeping in the HOH BR. 

11:29PM BBT Tyler, Nic and Memphis talking about school and if they were book smart. Memphis says he hopes his son gets his mom's smarts.  Other cam still on sleeping Cody.

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11:52 AM BBT

Feeds cut to stars


12:03 PM BBT

Still on stars

12:06 PM BBT

The feeds return to Nicole and Memphis talking about HOH music choices in the loft. Nicole says she would prefer if they would let them choose a mix of musical artists so they could hear a better selection of tunes. Enzo, Tyler and CHristmas are talking about the veto competition. They have done a good job of cleaning up the house.

Tyler: please don't let it be Hide and Go Veto

Enzo begins talking about the spelling competition and how Donny won with splitters. Enzo is mimicking his accent. 

Tyler: I always wanted to meet Donny

They discuss that BB had to look it up in the dictionary to make sure it was a word

Nicole: DOnny was a great competitor. Shout out to Donny.

Memphis: he won a lot of shit

Nicole: great competitor

12:14 PM BBT

The feeds cut to stars again. Cody is still sleeping, so it's likely a wake up. The HGs efforts of yelling to Cody to get him up haven't been working.


12:15 PM BBT

The feeds return

Enzo calls out "Jackie, did you like that triple eviction?... was that funny? I know you guys were nervous as fuck, Yo." 

Nicole: what is going on in this house? We are all losing our minds

Christmas: I was just dancing in the mirror...popping my pony...what are they gonna do? I don't care

Enzo: that shit was a horror movie

Christmas says anytime people are locked in a house it's a horror film

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12:23 PM BBT

Tyler is shaving his chest. Enzo decides he needs to do the same "I'm gonna f* with it in the shower, Yo"




12:30 PM BBT

Cody is finally up and preparing some food in the kitchen. He explains to Tyler that he couldn't sleep last night.



1:08 PM BBT

The feeds cut to RCHS for the veto competition

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4:50 PM BBT

The feeds have returned after the veto competition

Cody won Power of Veto




Cody, Nicole and Memphis are talking over each other, still excited over the competition. It sounds like they all struggled with the directions. It involved pictures.


4:56 PM BBT

Nicole and Cody meet in the Storage Room to celebrate

Nic: I could have won that. Why are you so good at everything?

Cody tells Nicole she could have won if she hadn't overthought it. SHe says she knows and orders him out of the SR. She is genuinely happy for Cody, but really wanted to win.

They flutter their fingers for Final 2.


4:59 PM BBT

Christmas is in the KBR throwing Tyler under the bus "I play a straight up game, and that can be a problem. But, he doesn't. He has bags of shade shit everywhere"

Enzo tells her to play it cool this week.





Tyler is sitting alone with his head in his hands in the PBR.






5:16 PM BBT

Nicole is trying to prepare something to eat with the slop. She plans to bake some slop in the oven and try to fry pickles again now that she has ground flaxseed.

Christmas tells her the protein batter will stick better with the flaxseed because it works as a binder.

Cody reports that both shower heads in the HOH shower are steaming hot after he used Nicole's hack

Nicole says she tried telling Memphis but he wouldn't believe her.

[From what I remember, her hack is to turn on one of the showers downstairs, and it for some reason makes the HOH shower super hot. They have some major pipe issues in that house  -MamaLong]

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5:22 PM BBT

Inspired by Da'Vonne's homemade ranch from approved slop condiments, Nicole is trying to make some for herself.

Enzo enters the kitchen and says "I can hear them taking it down"

Memphis says they must not like his shuffleboard idea

Tyler: no masking tape

Memphis: no

Enzo: what was that comp called

Tyler: I don't know

Nicole: Shuffle Snapshot

Enzo: Snuffle snap shit


Christmas is making dinner for everyone else


5:30 PM BBT

Enzo says he went through Tyler's HOH basket snacks

Tyler says he went through all of it

Enzo: I was like I am vegan now

Cody: your stomach doesn't know what the fuck you are and your ass is a result of that (Enzo has had trouble with constipation and hemorrhoids all season) 


5:32 PM BBT

Cody is looking forward to going outside. He wants to drink his wine and get a good night's sleep. Cody says he hasn't slept well in the house and he thinks it's all the artificial lights. Tyler offers up a pair of his sunglasses. Cody puts the mirrored sunglasses on and says that his eyes are constantly burning and pulsating


Tyler says he wouldn't have gotten that competition in two full hours. He just couldn't figure it out.

Cody: I just looked at the objects...what was in their hands, and how can that fucking tell me where I need to go.

Tyler said he laid them out really bad.

Cdy: I pulled them out left to right. I didn't try to figure it out until I had everything laid out.

Tyler: I pulled straight...just random ones

Cody: oh, so you were doing it one by one?

Tyler: mm hmm

Cody: some of these comps.....you get a road black and can't switch them up



5:49 PM BBT

Christmas prepared zucchini boats, and stir fry chicken strips with veggies. She also warmed up a jar of pasta sauce.

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5:54 PM BBT

Memphis was first to get his plate.

Cody comes in and says the food looks great. Nicole says she is trying to not look, but she has a slop meatloaf in the toaster oven and it's looking pretty good. Her fried pickles are coming out okay, too. But, her ranch doesn't taste like ranch dressing at all. Cody turns his nose up saying it just smells like vinegar.

Christmas tells Tyler the meal is vegan friendly because she didn't use butter "I'm learning"

Tyler: I appreciate it!

They are all enjoying their meal while Nicole continues prepping hers.

Nicole looks at the camera and says "Happy would have been wedding day Vic"




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4:56PM BBT: Nicole and Cody are in the Storage Room celebrating Cody’s POV win. Nicole asks him why he’s so good at everything, and he tells her she could have won if she hadn’t overthought it.


4:59PM BBT: Christmas in the KBR talking to Enzo. She tells him that she plays a straight up game and that can be a problem, unlike Tyler. Enzo tells her to play it cool this week.


5:15PM BBT: Nicole making something to eat with slop. She’s trying to recreate a slop dish Day made before.


5:21PM BBT: Enzo enters the kitchen where Nicole and Christmas are cooking and says he can hear people taking things down outside. Memphis says they must not like his shuffleboard idea. They talk about what the comp was called. Nicole says it was called Shuffle Snapshot. Christmas is making food for the house.


5:43PM BBT: Enzo and Cody in the HOH room talking about a conversation Enzo had with Tyler before VETO. He said Tyler told him that he thinks he’s on the block because he told Enzo about their Committee alliance. Tyler enters and says that no one is talking to him. Cody tells him that Nicole isn’t ignoring him, she’s upset because Dani, her final 2, was voted out.


5:46PM BBT: Cody tells Tyler that Christmas jump started the whole thing about trying to vote Nicole out. The three talk about Nicole and how they need to take her to final four and vote out Christmas. Cody tells them he can talk to Nicole and get her to vote for Tyler to stay since Dani left and she’s looking to him.


5:48PM BBT: Tyler asks why Nicole would vote to keep him if he put her up. Cody tells him that Nicole has floated through this whole time, and he’s closer to Nicole than he is Christmas and Christmas is the target.


5:50PM BBT: Tyler, Christmas, and Enzo talk about how Christmas got second place today in the POV, and Tyler had a time of 25 minutes. Enzo says he had the first 3 right, and he couldn’t keep up. Tyler says he’s never timed out on a comp, but he just told them to clock him out because he couldn’t keep up.


5:52PM BBT: Christmas come in the HOH and interrupts the conversation to let them know dinner was ready. They all go down to the KT.

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5:59 PM BBT

Nicole (AKA Sloppies)  finishes preparing her meal and shows the camera her happy plate of slop. She made the slop meatballs the eyes and fried pickles as the mouth. She used the dressing as eye brows.

Nicole: Slop

Enzo: very nice

Nicole: I am ready to be a mom (because of her plate decorating)

Cody: Nice

Christmas: is it good?

Nicole: It's tolerable




Cody says the zucchini tastes sour and he thinks he is having an allergic reaction to it. He wonders if food poisoning comes from vegetables. Nicole says it comes from dairy, and Christmas adds, "or bad chicken."  

Enzo says it could be Visine.

Christmas explains that Visine removed the ingredient that made be get diarrhea

Memphis: the worst that could happen is it will leak out of your ass later.

Cody: the taste is going from the back of my throat to my sinuses.

Cody mentions looking for Benadryl. Christmas said she seasoned it with salt and pepper (and olive oil) 

Memphis: keep eating and let's see what happens

Christmas laughs

Christmas: it might be VIsine....we probably shouldn't joke



[I'm out for the night    -MamaLong]



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6:04PM BBT: HGs still eating. Not much conversation going on.


6:08PM BBT: HG's are discussing how they are hopeful they will get the BY tonight. 


6:13PM BBT: Christmas is doing dishes. She does Nicole's dishes and Nicole tells her she doesn't have to do her dishes. Christmas tells her it's okay and she will accept payments in the form of bat gammon.


6:23PM BBT: Nicole is in the HOH room. Cody comes in and Nicole tells him she was chilling in there so she didn't have to go in the dungeon by herself. They talk about the comp and who to vote out this week. 


6:24PM BBT: Cody tells Nicole that Tyler and Christmas are both comp beasts and Memphis already wants to keep Christmas and that's not good for their game. Nicole says that strategically, she wants to get rid of Tyler because she can't stand him. Cody says they are in trouble because he can't play in the HOH.


6:27PM BBT: Cody says that there are a million different scenarios that could go on next week that would be bad for him and Nicole, unless her or Enzo get HOH next week. They talk about the comp and Nicole asks him if Tyler threw the POV to Cody. Cody says that he thinks so, and there was no way he timed out on that comp.


6:29PM BBT: Cody tells Nicole that Tyler wants him to use the POV on him and put up Memphis to make sure Christmas goes home. Nicole says if they keep Tyler and he gets HOH next week, he will put up Nicole and Cody.


6:31PM BBT: Nicole says Tyler was being really weird at the POV comp. He timed out and told Nicole that she was really fast and he was listening to everyone. She then tells Cody that since Tyler told Enzo about the committee, he can get Memphis on his side. Nicole says she's ready to get Tyler out, and Cody says "Let's get him out then!"


6:34PM BBT: Cody tells Nicole to tell Tyler she isn't going to vote him out this week and then blindside him and vote him out. All cameras go to Tyler looking at a picture with a mask on.


6:35PM BBT: Cameras return to Nicole and Cody. They are trying to figure out if Tyler grabbed Christmas to talk to her on triple eviction night, or if Christmas grabbed Tyler to talk.


6:40PM BBT: Cody tells Nicole that he's going to be nervous next week. He says that they are playing with a bunch of good people and Memphis is so smart. Nicole tells Cody that him and Memphis are the best, and Cody tells her she is. He then talks about Dani and how she became sloppy. Nicole says Dani got too close to too many people and she couldn't trust her.


6:44PM BBT: Christmas and Memphis in the KBR talking about Dani and how much clothes she had.


6:48PM BBT: We now have animals.


6:50PM BBT: Feeds back on. Tyler, Cody, and Nicole in the HOH room talking about past comps from previous seasons.


6:54PM BBT: Cody is talking about Zack in his season. He says Zack approached him and Derrick and wanted to make a final 3 alliance called The Los Tres Amigos. 

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7:01PM BBT:  Enzo and Nic in the HNR talking through how they really need Tyler to go and that Tyler has asked Cody to use the POV on him.  "For real, man"  Bak in the HOHR, Tyler is campaigning to Cody.




7:04PM BBT: Cody goes in circles about "some type of way" with Tyler in the HOHR.   Tyler says it's in Nic's best interest to vote him out.   Cody is inserting "like" into every sentence and Tyler is slurring.  [their go-to for lying].  Back to Enzo in the HNR with Nic, he's yo'ing a lot.


7:16PM BBT: Christmas is now in the HOHR with Cody/Tyler and explaining how heroin works vs. fentanyl and morphine.


7:18PM BBT: Nic has the giggles while Enzo tells stories about his dad.


7:30PM BBT: Christmas talks about movies, etc. with Cody and Tyler.  Cody has his sunglasses on.  She moves on to talk about how she needs to talk to Nic and understands that it's a game.


7:32PM BBT: Christmas asks Cody if he's going to change the noms.  He answers with a question "I don't think so?  Because it would just piss people off."  She says "but it is Big Brother".

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