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  1. 9:23PM BBT: Derek F is listening to music in HOH. Tiffany and Sarah are still playing chess. 9:36PM BBT: Xavier, Whitney, Alyssa, and Azah are now in the hot tub. Christian sits nearby. General conversation. 9:43PM BBT: Derek F has set up the tub in the HOH bathroom for some HGs. Azah, Alyssa, and Whitney starts to get in then adds cold water saying it’s too hot. Christian brings 2 chairs in for him and Xavier to sit next to the tub. 9:58PM BBT: Whitney, Azah, Alyssa, Britini, Xavier, and Christian are still in the HOH bathroom playing a game using old TV shows they used to watch, while other HGs are downstairs in the kitchen eating. 10:08PM BBT: Sarah and Tiffany finish their game, and Hannah takes Sarah’s place. 10:15PM BBT: Brent and Derek F are laying on pool chairs having general conversation. 10:33PM BBT: Derek X is hiding behind the HOH door to scare the person that is in the DR. 10:42PM BBT: Sarah joins the group that is in the HOH tub, and they talk about guilty pleasures they have. 10:45PM BBT: Conversation in the HOH RR switches to sports teams. 10:59PM BBT: Sarah and Alyssa say they haven’t heard Claire’s game. Sarah goes into the HOH RR and Kyland scares her, then hugs her. 11:02PM BBT: Sarah and Derek X hide in the bathroom to try and scare someone. 11:05PM BBT: Britini is singing a song she made up to help her remember the days. Shortly after, Tiffany and Claire join her in going over the days. 11:28PM BBT: Alyssa, Tiffany, and Sara in the BA talking about the next weeks comps. Alyssa says that Hannah and Whitney are going to throw the next HOH comp, so all they have to worry about it the Jokers. Alyssa then says she thinks Whitney still wants to win it though, and Tiffany agrees. 11:30PM BBT: Alyssa runs HOH scenarios with Tiffany and Sarah. Sarah says they should put Derek X and Whitney against each other in the knock out comp. 11:35PM BBT: Alyssa and Xavier are in the HOH room talking about the next HOH comp and who to pair with each other if it’s a knockoff comp. They both believe it will be endurance. 11:36PM BBT: Alyssa tells Xavier if they have a double eviction, she would want to win HOH. Xavier says he would want to win veto. 11:38PM BBT: Tiffany and Sarah are in the BA talking. Tiffany says she wants the votes to be unanimous to evict Brent so he knows no one wanted to vote for him. 11:45PM BBT: Xavier goes to the BY with Kyland. He asks Kyland what is up with Derek F, and says he was different after his talk with Brent. Kyland thinks Derek F might know that the Kings and Queens had a meeting, and Kyland tells him not to worry about it. 11:48PM BBT: Derek F joins Kyland and Xavier in the BY. They ask him what was up, and Derek says he doesn’t like how people aren’t cleaning right and now they have ants. Xavier tells him he will bring it up at the next meeting.
  2. 12:03AM BBT: Britini and Azah in the YR talking. Brit says she told Kyland that her and Whitney are cool but Whitney is social and smart. She says Whitney isn’t coming for her. 12:04AM BBT: Azah tells Britini that Whitney doesn’t talk game to her, she flirts with people, and she isn’t sure who she is working with. 12:11AM BBT: Britini tells Azah that people keep asking her who she might nominate if she gets HOH. Azah tells her to keep it to herself. 12:13AM BBT: Christian and Alyssa are in bed together in the PR. Christian says Derek X might not be scared to make a big move. 12:37AM BBT: Derek F and Kyland are playing pool in the BY while Azah talks about her career and acting she has done. 12:56AM BBT: General talk around the house and in BY.
  3. 7:02PM BBT: Enzo in the WC. Cody finishing his dinner. 7:04PM BBT: Enzo now in the KT with Cody eating. Cody is washing dishes. Nicole still napping. 7:11PM BBT: Enzo making a salad with Cody sitting at the bar behind him. Enzo says he was laying on the floor just to do something different. Cody says he was thinking Enzo was just done. They both laugh. 7:16PM BBT: Enzo gets in the shower, Nicole is still napping, and Cody is sitting alone in the KT. 7:26PM BBT: Enzo still in the shower talking to himself. Cody goes to the CBR to ask Nicole if she is hungry, then goes to the KT. 7:32PM BBT: Nicole is in the KT with Enzo and Cody. They are making and eating dinner, and talking about foods they would like to have for the next few days. 7:46PM BBT: Enzo laying on the couch in the LVR talking about Halloween and movies he likes. Cody playing backgammon alone in the KT. Nicole washing her dinner dishes. 7:54PM BBT: HGs are trying to come up with different topics to talk about. They then begin to say they should do accents for an entire day and try to find the best one
  4. 6:03PM BBT: Cody is debating what to make for dinner. He starts playing backgammon by himself and talking to Enzo. He says he will start dinner around 6:30 and has only eaten eggs and bacon today. 6:15PM BBT: Cody still playing backgammon alone. 6:30PM BBT: Cody still playing backgammon alone. Nicole is napping. 6:40PM BBT: Cody going to ST to get things to prep for dinner. Nicole still napping. 6:44PM BBT: Cody cooking dinner. Enzo upstairs in the loft napping. Nicole still napping. 6:55PM BBT: Cody sits at the KT table eating alone. Nicole and Enzo still napping.
  5. 5:10PM BBT: Nicole and Enzo are both napping. 5:14PM BBT: Enzo gets up and goes to the WC. Cody is getting dressed. Nicole is still napping. 5:25PM BBT: All HGs are napping. 5:47PM BBT: Cody is up. He makes his bed, then goes to the WC. After that, he goes to the KT and makes a protein shake and plays backgammon alone.
  6. 2:27PM BBT: Cody and Enzo are in the PBR talking about how Memphis is lying about being cool with them and probably planned to send them both packing. Nicole is cleaning the HOH room. 2:44PM BBT: Cody tells Enzo he trusts Nicole and Enzo. He says people are going to do what’s best for themselves. Enzo says he doesn’t trust anybody. Cody says you trust me. Enzo says yeah. 2:45PM BBT: Feeds go to stars. 2:47PM BBT: Feeds return. Cody and Enzo are still talking. Enzo says he needs to start winning comps and it would be better for him to win an HOH because the POV comps are getting much longer. 2:50PM BBT: Enzo tells Cody he was thinking of naming them The Commission off of The Committee. Cody laughs. 2:53PM BBT: Nicole is alone in the HOH room studying events that took place this season. 2:59PM BBT: Cody and Enzo talking about Day and Dani. They say that if Enzo ever went on the block, no one would have voted for Enzo to leave, so he would’ve been a pawn. 3:02PM BBT: Memphis and Christmas are upstairs. Memphis says he should have brought the cornhole game inside to play. Feeds go to stars. 3:03PM BBT: Feeds return, and Christmas is in the HOH room talking to Nicole. She says she’s been anxious for the past few days. Nicole tells her she has too. Feeds go back to stars. 3:09PM BBT: Christmas and Nicole talking about Memphis and how she hopes Christmas doesn’t hold a grudge against her for putting them up. Nicole tells Christmas that Memphis doesn’t really talk to her and has no control. 3:13PM BBT: Memphis is walking laps upstairs. Cody joins Nicole and Christmas in the HOH room after Enzo is called to the diary room. 3:23PM BBT: Christmas tells Nicole she is ready to win the next HOH and hopes to control the week with Nicole with a POV win. Christmas then says she wants to take Enzo with them to final 3. Nicole tells her that’s a good move. 3:36PM BBT: Christmas goes to the loft and sets up a backgammon game with Memphis. He finishes his laps upstairs and joins Christmas. Nicole goes and joins Enzo and Cody in the PBR. She tells them they can switch up the votes this week if she wants, she doesn’t care. The three contemplate who would be worse at knowing the weeks and trivia. 3:47PM BBT: Enzo, Cody, and Nicole in the PBR practicing tongue twisters and acting techniques. Christmas and Memphis still upstairs in the loft playing backgammon. 3:57PM BBT: Enzo, Nicole, and Cody are still talking about acting and the movie Cody played in. Christmas and Memphis still playing backgammon upstairs in the loft.
  7. 8:00PM BBT: Feeds are back. HGs are all in the KT eating dinner. 8:08PM BBT: HGs in the KT eating and talking about what they will eat when they get home. 8:12PM BBT: HGs are finishing their dinner and some are eating cake. Cody goes to open the BY door and notices they can not go to the BY. He says something about the laundry and we are back to animals. 8:50PM BBT: Feeds still on animals. 9:11PM BBT: Feeds give us a peek at Nicole in the HOH room listening to music, then back to animals. 9:18PM BBT: Feeds return to Nicole in the HOH room talking to the camera. She says Memphis and Nicole have been pleasant even though she put them on the block. 9:22PM BBT: Nicole talks about how close she was with David and how she wishes they could have made it to final 2 together. She then talks about Ian and Day. She's talking about HGs that have been voted out and saying things she likes and dislikes about them all. 9:25PM BBT: Nicole goes through all HGs that have been voted out and lists things about them, then feeds cut back to animals after she asks if that's about it.
  8. 5:12PM BBT: All cameras are on Nicole in the HOH room listening to music with something over her eyes. 5:14PM BBT: Cameras go to Christmas in the WA. 5:26PM BBT: Nicole is putting things in her drawers downstairs. We are on animals now. 5:48PM BBT: Feeds are still on animals.
  9. 4:59PM BBT: Christmas has her feet in the hot tub and tells BB that it’s almost warm. Her and Memphis start talking about the Titanic and how they haven’t seen that movie in forever. 5:02PM BBT: Christmas is relaxing with her feet in the hot tub. Memphis asks her if she got a nap, and then asked her if she wants a nap. She says kind of. 5:04PM BBT: Christmas goes inside to the WC. 5:05PM BBT: Enzo, Memphis, and Cody are outside joking around about how nominations are going to go now that there aren’t as many HGs. 5:07PM BBT: Christmas makes a protein shake then returns to the BY. 5:13PM BBT: Cody and Enzo are sitting in the BY. Memphis is in the BY jogging and working out. Christmas is outside laying down. 5:27PM BBT: Christmas and Enzo are laying down in the BY. Cody is jogging and Memphis is walking. 5:45PM BBT: Enzo and Christmas laying down in the BY still. Cody and Memphis still working out. 5:53PM BBT: Cody and Memphis are in the BY finishing their workout and making fun of BB. Christmas says they are mean. Memphis then asks what time it is and asks if their show is on. 6:05PM BBT: Stars 6:10PM BBT: Feeds return. Nicole is in the WA curling her hair. Memphis is sitting in the BY. Cody is still running and working out. 6:21PM BBT: Nicole is in the HOH room putting things away. Enzo is running. Christmas is still laying down. 6:23PM BBT: Memphis comes out to the BY with a few oranges. He starts a conversation with Christmas and she lays back down. 6:31PM BBT: Stars again. 6:55PM BBT: Feeds still on stars.
  10. 12:00PM BBT: HGs still in the KT talking about famous artists they like. Feeds go to stars. 12:03PM BBT: Feeds are back. HGs are eating breakfast. Christmas made everyone eggs and avocado toast for brunch. 12:07PM BBT: Enzo and Christmas are talking in the KT. Enzo tells her he hopes they get the BY today because he needs to do some laundry. Memphis returns from the WA. Nicole is in the HOH room listening to music. 12:14PM BBT: All cameras are on Nicole listening to music in the HOH room. 12:24PM BBT: Enzo, Memphis, and Christmas are in the KT. Enzo says he wants to watch a movie and go to bed, and Christmas agrees. Stars again. 12:27PM BBT: Feeds again. Memphis is upstairs walking laps. Nicole still listening to music in HOH room. Christmas makes a protein shake then goes to lay down. Cody is up now and heads to the KT. Christmas tells him there is toast and avocado in the for him. 12:46PM BBT: Enzo is laying down looking at pictures in the PBR. Christmas is laying down in the KBR. Nicole is still listening to music up in the HOH room, and Cody is taking a shower. 1:00PM BBT: Cody is out of the shower and freshening up. Enzo is asleep in the PBR. 1:04PM BBT: Cody is out of the WA and walks into the PBR where Enzo is. Enzo wakes up when Cody enters. Enzo tells Cody that Christmas left him some eggs and avocado toast and where to find it. Cody then leaves and goes to the KT. 1:05PM BBT: Cameras go to the KBR. Memphis and Christmas are joking around with each other. Memphis leaves. 1:07PM BBT: Memphis goes up and knocks on the HOH door. Nicole wakes up and tells him to come in. He asks her how she’s doing, and she says she doesn’t sleep well up there. Memphis starts chatting with her about POV. He says he doesn’t expect her to use the POV. She says there’s always potential. 1:08PM BBT: Memphis tells Nicole the idea of using the Veto is crazy to him. Nicole tells him that she will use it on someone if it will benefits her game. He says basically there’s 2 comps left and she can’t play in HOH, but nothing he tells her will make a difference. He says he’s open to whatever and they can talk about it. 1:09PM BBT: Memphis tells Nicole they are beneficial to each other’s game and they can easily take each other and there is a good chance of either of them winning. Nicole says that she gets it and she would definitely want to sit by someone in the final 2 that she could win against. 1:10PM BBT: Memphis tells Nicole that if she decides not to use the POV, and leaves the decision up to the guys, to please let him know so he can campaign to stay. 1:12PM BBT: Memphis tells Nicole that getting to know her has been awesome because her spirit is the cutest and he thinks he could get along with her entire family. He says he’s harsh at times, but he thinks she’s awesome. Nicole tells him he can be a little intimidating at times, but he’s so nice. 1:13PM BBT: Memphis leaves, and Nicole tells the camera she feels like a jerk face because Memphis is so nice and she’s been dogging on him the whole season
  11. 9:30AM BBT: HGs still asleep. 10:00AM BBT: HGs all asleep still. 10:37AM BBT: We have stars. 10:48AM BBT: Feeds are back. HGs received a wake-up call. 10:50AM BBT: Memphis is in the KT drinking coffee. Christmas is up. The remaining HGs are still sleeping. 10:56AM BBT: Christmas enters the KT from the WA and is washing a cup. They are talking about being sore from POV comp. She gets some coffee and sits next to Memphis. Feeds go to stars again. 10:59AM BBT: Feeds return. Memphis and Christmas are sitting in the KT talking about liquor and sponsors. 11:02AM BBT: Feeds on stars again. 11:06AM BBT: Feeds are back. Christmas and Memphis are still in the KT talking. 11:11AM BBT: Nicole comes down to the KT. Enzo is now up. Christmas and Memphis still in the KT talking. They are hoping to get the BY soon. 11:18AM BBT: Feeds go to stars. 11:30AM BBT: Feeds return to Enzo, Nicole, Christmas, and Memphis are in the KT. They are talking about how long it’s been since they were outside. 11:42AM BBT: Christmas, Memphis, and Enzo sitting in the KT. No conversations going on. Nicole is in the Storage Room going through all the produce. 11:50AM BBT: Christmas is cooking. Enzo, Memphis, and Enzo are sitting in the KT. Nicole is talking about what she can cook. 11:55AM BBT: Nicole starts a conversation asking the HGs if they were a famous singer, who would they be like.
  12. 8:01PM BBT: Nicole and Enzo still talking in the HOH room. Enzo says he feels like Memphis’ jury vote will be based on comps and who played better. Nicole says she definitely doesn’t feel like Memphis will vote on a personal level, but strategic level. 8:02PM BBT: Nicole tells Enzo she is going to wake up Cody to go to the HOH room with her so she doesn’t get stuck with Memphis and Christmas by herself. They then talk about how fit Cody is and how bad he eats. 8:05PM BBT: Nicole talks about Dani and how she was overplaying the game by talking to everyone about alliances and how Dani was telling Tyler that Nicole and Cody had a final 2. Enzo says yeah she had to go. Nicole says that Dani and Cody clashed a lot, and she’s friends with her, but she was bad for her game. She then says she hopes her and Dani can remain friends outside the BB house. Memphis then comes up and tells them food is ready. 8:07PM BBT: Cody is awake now. HGs are in the KT making a plate. Nicole asks Cody if he got a good nap, and he replies “No.” 8:17PM BBT: HGs are all in the KT eating. Light general conversation. 8:25PM BBT: HGs in the KT except Nicole. Light conversations about food. 8:34PM BBT: Christmas and Memphis are doing the dishes. Enzo is eating still. Cody is making a drink. 8:44PM BBT: HGs still in the KT. Christmas finishes the dishes and goes upstairs to the HOH room where Nicole is listening to her music. Stars. 8:53PM BBT: Nicole and Christmas in the HOH room trying the pedicure booties Nicole got. Enzo and Cody in the LR playing with the ball and talking about who should leave. Memphis joins. They talk about what will happen if Christmas stays and wins HOH next week. Memphis says Cody will leave if that happens. Feeds go to stars. 8:56PM BBT: Feeds return. Memphis and Cody are in the LR playing ball still. They are talking about Christmas and how she plays the game. Cody says she brags about herself too much, and she doesn’t have much reason to.
  13. 7:07PM BBT: Nicole in the HOH eating her snacks talking to Enzo. Memphis is lounging in the WA watching Christmas giver herself a pedicure. They have general discussion going on. 7:08PM BBT: Nicole tells Enzo that Cody was so stressed out. Enzo tells her he feels like he’s a big target in the house. Nicole says she knows he feels like that. They talk about how if Nicole wouldn’t have won HOH, Christmas and Memphis would have made Cody their target because they don’t think they can beat him. 7:09PM BBT: Nicole tells Enzo it was so easy to put Christmas and Memphis up. She says she felt bad for a whole second, but after a bit she didn’t because they tried to get her out. She says she respects Memphis for trying to cut her a deal and trying to talk to her. 7:16PM BBT: Nicole talks about opening a Pandora's Box. She says the only good thing that might come out of opening Pandora's Box would be the opportunity to play in next week’s HOH. Enzo says he just wants a luxury comp where they can either watch a movie, or get like a family montage, and be able to pick someone to join them. He says it was cool to have the Dr. Will thing with the prizes and money, but a luxury comp would be great. 7:19PM BBT: Nicole and Enzo are discussing the prizes HGs have won. Nicole says Dani won an at home gym, David won $10,000, and other HG’s won prizes equal to about $35,000. 7:21PM BBT: Enzo and Nicole are talking about the HOH comp and how difficult it was. 7:23PM BBT: Nicole is watching the monitor and telling Enzo what Memphis is up to. Memphis is still relaxing in the WA with his foot propped. Christmas is headed upstairs to the HOH room. Nicole see’s it on the monitor and tells Enzo she’s coming. 7:27PM BBT: Memphis is in the KT cooking for the HGs. Nicole, Enzo, and Christmas are in the HOH room. General conversation. 7:30PM BBT: Christmas and Enzo are in the HOH room talking about how the next few weeks will be. Christmas had asked him what him and Nicole talked about. Enzo says there are only 2 more POVs and 2 more HOH comps, so what ever happens, it is what it is. Nicole comes back in from the KT and Christmas leaves to go help Memphis in the KT. 7:32PM BBT: Enzo tells Nicole that Christmas asked him what him and Nicole talked about. Nicole says she would never go up to someone and ask them what they talked about. Enzo tells her that Memphis needs to go because he doesn’t trust him. Nicole says that Cody wants Christmas out because he feels like Memphis would take him to final 2, but Christmas will not. 7:35PM BBT: Nicole tells Enzo that Memphis needs to go because he’s too smart. She says if Memphis goes to final 2, he will win because he’s so smart. Nicole says that Memphis would not take Cody to final 2. Enzo agrees and says that if Tyler would have stayed, he would have won. 7:47PM BBT: Nicole and Enzo are talking about what a comp beast Memphis is. Enzo says that at the last POV comp, Memphis got second place because he got like 7 things right. Enzo makes jokes after that and Nicole laughs. 7:51PM BBT: Nicole talking about her HOH win and how she felt bad for screaming, but she was so excited to win her first comp. She says she apologized to Christmas for yelling, and Christmas told her that she would have screamed louder if she won. 7:53PM BBT: Enzo said Christmas was telling him different scenarios about if Enzo wins the POV and takes someone off the block. Enzo says he already knew, but listened anyways. They then talk about Christmas’ cooking and how they don’t want to go downstairs until it’s finished. 7:57PM BBT: Nicole and Enzo are talking about what will happen if there is a tie vote. Nicole says she will vote out Memphis. Enzo says it’s like a conundrum. Last week Tyler was the better player, this week Memphis is the better player. He says it sucks that Christmas keeps floating by, but they need to get out Memphis while they can. Nicole agrees and says he’s too smart.
  14. 5:00PM BBT: Feeds still on animals for Nomination Ceremony. 5:26PM BBT: Christmas and Memphis were nominated. Cody and Enzo are telling Nicole how good her speech was. 5:27PM BBT: Christmas and Memphis are in the KBR talking about nominations and plans with the POV. 5:35PM BBT: HGs are in the KT. Nicole is sharing her sushi with the HGs. They talk about not having family videos and weather they will get one or not. 5:37PM BBT: Cody and Memphis are in the KBR. Memphis is telling Cody about what Christmas told him earlier. He says she is assuming stuff. Memphis tells Cody that they’ve built something awesome. Cody says yeah and leaves the room. 5:40PM BBT: Christmas and Memphis go into the KBR. Memphis is talking to Christmas about what he is going to cook tonight. Stars.
  15. 1:00PM BBT: Enzo, Memphis, Cody, and Christmas are in the LR. General discussion. Nicole is in the HN room studying. 1:07PM BBT: Cody is relaxing on the LR couch. Christmas is sitting on the other couch. Tyler is making a protein shake. Nicole is still in the HN room studying. Enzo is walking around. Now we have stars again. 1:12PM BBT: Feeds are back. Enzo and Cody are in the LR. General conversation. Memphis is at the Kitchen table with Christmas. Tyler is making something to eat. 1:17PM BBT: Cameras back on Nicole. She is still studying in the HN room. Christmas and Memphis are at the KT table still. Christmas made Memphis an ice pack and is wrapping his foot and ankle. 1:20PM BBT: Feeds on stars again. 1:27PM BBT: Nicole is still practicing in the HN room. She’s practicing days and comp questions that may be asked. She says she wants to be confident in her answers and doesn’t want her anxiety to get in the way. 1:54PM BBT: All cameras on Nicole studying. 1:56PM BBT: Christmas is in the KT cutting oranges and juicing them. Memphis is at the table watching her with an ice pack on his ankle. Nicole still studying. 2:06PM BBT: Nicole walks into the KT where Christmas is making orange juice. Nicole tells her it smells good, and Christmas says she will save her some. Back to stars. 2:16PM BBT: Tyler in the Picture BR putting on a face mask. Enzo is in the BA shaving. 2:19PM BBT: Christmas takes out the trash. 2:35PM BBT: Nicole in the HN room studying. Christmas and Tyler at the KT table playing backgammon. 2:44PM BBT: Nicole is in the KT eating. Memphis goes upstairs and starts walking laps. Christmas and Tyler still play backgammon. Cody is in the HOH room watching the monitor and listening to music. 2:55PM BBT: Cody in the HOH room listening to his music and working out. Nicole walks back upstairs. 3:02PM BBT: Memphis and Christmas are walking laps upstairs talking general conversations. Enzo is in the KT cooking bacon. 3:11PM BBT: Christmas and Memphis still talking and walking upstairs. Enzo is eating in the KT. Tyler joins Cody in the HOH room while Cody works out. 3:12PM BBT: Cody and Tyler are talking about how hard it is to work out without having the BY. Feeds go to stars when they start talking about election day. 3:19PM BBT: Cody and Tyler in the HOH room. Tyler says we should play charades tonight. Cody says he’s down. Memphis and Christmas still walking laps upstairs. 3:26PM BBT: Cody and Tyler are talking about how many more weeks are left in the house and how many evictions are left. Cody says they thought there would be no double at one point. 3:43PM BBT: Enzo, Christmas, and Nicole in the KT eating and talking general talk. Tyler is cooking. 3:49PM BBT: HGs in the KT talking about the 2 hour live triple eviction and how insane it was. Enzo says he bets they will all be shocked when 3 people walk into the Jury House back to back. They talk about how bad the POV comp was and how awful the clothes were that they had to change in to. Stars again. 3:55PM BBT: HGs in the KT still. Talking about a comp they played in before and how hilarious it was.



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