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Friday, October 2, 2020 Big Brother 22 All-Stars Live Feed Updates

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 5:00PM BBT Feeds are back. Tyler and Xmas are on the block.Xmas comes into the PBR and tells Tyler that Cody is so scared of Nic. Tyler says it makes no sense. Xmas says she knew it was going to happen. Xmas says she respects that Cody is saving his girl but Nic isn't staying. 


5:11PM BBT Cody and Nic in the HOH BR. They are discussing the Tyler and Xmas vote. Nic says they are blaming it on Dani. Cody says they need to win the Veto and then figure out what is going on. Nic says that Ty and Xmas ran off right after noms. Cody says they got caught and were obvious in what they did.


 5:20PM BBT Cody and Xmas talk in the HOH BR. Xmas says he said everything in his speech. Cody says that he doesn't have it out for her. Cody says he is just trying to get some clarity on what happened. Xmas asks him if he has any questions about what happened and she is happy to give anything she recalls. She is crying. She says she respects him and thinks he is the best. She says she only pops off at people who come at her.



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5:26PM BBT IN the WCA, Tyler is rinsing his mouth. He spits it all in the sink and walks out without rinsing out the sink. He starts working out. In the HOH BR, Xmas is full on crying and wiping her runny nose. She is going on and on about feeling honored to be there and hopes Cody has seen that. She says she is going to go for the Veto and then they will talk. 


5:30PM BBT Nic and Enzo in the HOH BR. Enzo says that David was told to campaign. Nic says that Tyler/Xmas messed up in several ways. She says that they never talked to Cody about what they did and Cody was not happy. Enzo says they have to win the Veto. Enzo says that he has been with Cody and Nic since the beginning. Nic says that Xmas has already turned on Tyler. Enzo says she told him the same thing. Enzo says that Xmas told him that no one told her.


5:35PM BBT Xmas tells Cody that she needs some candy. he tells her to take what she wants. He gives her a hug. She goes out to the loft. She is mumbling different names. She says they knocked her down. She keeps saying the HG names. She says her name outloud and does a thumbs up. She continues to her sniff from crying.


 5:46PM BBT Xmas is in the KBR talkignt o feeds. Telling the feeders that she is not who she is in the house. She is doing this so that her son can spend time with her parents and have them move closer. She keeps repeating she is doing this for her family.

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5:59PM BBT: Christmas is now talking with Memphis in the KBR, talking about what a high yesterday was.  He tells her that they hit a milestone, but "still got sh*t to do".   Tyler is in the KT lifting weights.




6:04PM BBT: Nicole comes downstairs and tells Tyler that she has bubble guts going on. He asks if she wants a protein shake as he starts doing arm lifts on the stairs

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6:10PM BBT: Nic joins Christmas and Memphis in the KBR and they laugh that Christmas will be making jokes at her own expense to help her cope.  Tyler has joined Enzo in the PBR where Enzo's hiding out.


6:15PM BBT: Christmas and Memphis are trying to figure out if Nic's fake UGGs are actual animal. The consensus is yes as Memphis found the tag.  Nic seems disturbed by it, thinking that they were synthetic. 






6:19PM BBT: Memphis talks about Penelope Cruz, and Christmas and Nic don't believe that she's a real person.  He then says that he's 100% sure that Bob Seger is dead. (which is 100% false)

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6:14 PM BBT

Christmas finds a tag in her Ugg boots and asks Memphis if that means it's made from animal. Memphis takes a closer look and says the tag says the exterior, interior and sole are made from animal hide

Nicole: That's terrible...why is Uggs still using animals still? It's 2020.

Christmas: I was hoping they would be synthetic for you

Nicole: no wonder I've never owned a pair of Uggs before. I'm not missing out.   

Memphis: maybe it's koala bear

Christmas: it is not koala 

Memphis says he was joking








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6:25 PM BBT

Tyler joins Memphis, Nicole and Christmas in the KBR with a face mask on

Talk continues about the Ugg boots using animals "two animals"

Tyler comments that the Uggs "are fucked up"

Nicole: it is f*ed up

Christmas applies meds to the scab in her nose

Christmas: sorry but I have a scab in my nose


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6:34PM BBT: Enzo is deep in thought by himself in the PBR.  Cody is upstairs (no cam on him) and the other 4 are chatting in the KBR.


6:37PM BBT: Production won't let Enzo sleep.  Tyler goes in there pretending to be Jason from Halloween with his white mask on.  




6:41PM BBT: Christmas and Nic are in the KT making a charcuterie board  with pickles. Tyler goes in the PBR and tells Enzo that Memphis almost used a steak rub on his face.







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7:00 PM BBT

Christmas has been trying to make fried pickles for Nicole, but the batter isn't sticking. Christmas is sure it's because they are out of flax seed mill. Nicole heads to DR to request ground flax seed so they can try frying pickles tomorrow "thanks for trying"

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7:01PM BBT: Enzo is up out of bed. Christmas is making dinner with leftover pizza in the KT while Memphis watches.












7:22PM BBT: Enzo walks through the KT and Christmas asks if he's going out on the town on this Thursday night.  They remind her that it's Friday and she's legimately shocked.  Memphis says "OMG - this one".  

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7:20 PM BBT

Christmas and Memphis are sitting at the kitchen table. Tyler is in the kitchen. Christmas is staring at the memory wall. 

CHristmas: (to Memphis) you have a twin brother

Memphis: what?

Christmas goes on about how the guy on the wall is not him, so it must be his twin brother

Memphis: and now you know me

Tyler says the guy on the wall has never been in there

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7:23PM BBT: Christmas keeps looking in the mirror and flipping her hair, thankful that she washed it today.



2 minutes ago, MamaLong said:

7:20 PM BBT

Christmas and Memphis are sitting at the kitchen table. Tyler is in the kitchen. Christmas is staring at the memory wall. 

CHristmas: (to Memphis) you have a twin brother

Memphis: what?

Christmas goes on about how the guy on the wall is not him, so it must be his twin brother

Memphis: and now you know me

Tyler says the guy on the wall has never been in there





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7:24 PM BBT

Enzo finally heads to the kitchen

Tyler: I can't wait to go outside

Enzo: I know....I feel like it's gonna be a night fucking veto though

7:27 PM BBT

Memphis and CHristmas settle in the Key Bedroom for a game of backgammon. Christmas is giving him a tutorial as they play.



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7:38 PM BBT

Tyler and Enzo are eating some dinner in the kitchen. They both made wraps, and Enzo is also eating some pizza. Cody comes downstairs and starts looking around for his dinner options. He has decided on chicken nuggets. COdy complains about not knowing what time it is in when he is upstairs



[I'm out for the night  -MamaLong]

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915pm Big Brother Time


Cody and Nicole F are in the have not room talking about Christmas and Tyler.


Nicole F says that Christmas and Tyler are both throwing each other under the bus, she says it makes her wonder if they were really a final two.


They talk about Danielle and how she moved between them (Cody and Nicole F) with information.  Nicole F thinks it was manipulation, Cody says they will connect after the game but not often.  Cody mentions the goodbye message he left Danielle about knowing what she was doing. 


Nicole F tells Cody that if it is the two of them in finals there is no way Danielle would not vote for Cody.  She tells him he needs to beat her 9-0.  Cody tells her he would not be in the position he is in if it weren't for Nicole F.  Nicole F says Cody is the best ally she has ever had, getting her through the triple and this next week.  


Enzo and Memphis are talking about the possibility of Christmas taking herself of the block.  They know it will keep them completely out of it.


Memphis says he is upset about Christmas telling him that Tyler and Nicole F told her to flip the vote.  He thinks it was a real risk when she knew she had an alliance with Enzo and himself.  Memphis says that Christmas plays too hard and now she is in the corner and now she is on the block with Tyler.  Memphis hopes Christmas gets herself off the block and Nicole F goes up instead.  They will send Tyler home.  They know it doesn't matter, they will go to the final three if this works out for them.


Memphis says at that point one of them has to win at the final three.  He doesn't care who is in the final three, Christmas or Cody. The odds are now in their favor, their hope is that they will be in the final competition, one of them will win and take the other to the final two.


They want Tyler to go home, leaving Memphis, Christmas, Nicole and Enzo in the next HOH competition.  They think in that scenario one of them will win.  Enzo says they let Tyler get by when he was up against Ian, they aren't doing that again.


They say if Christmas wins and puts Tyler and Nicole F on the block, they will vote Nicole F out.  They are counting on Nicole F not winning (they don't know that if she wins she will most certainly put Christmas on the block--Grannysue)


Enzo says Cody doesn't have a target, he just wants the nominations to say the same so he doesn't have to put anyone else up.


They say that putting David out worked out well because it put a target directly on Tyler and Christmas.  They messed up by making one person mad because they tried to flip the vote against her, and one person mad because they were blamed for it.


They both think Cody will cut ties with Nicole F, even if they are together when the time is right.


Cody comes into the room, they say Christmas and Tyler are talking.  Memphis says he is trying to keep the peace with Christmas.


Enzo says they tried to get him to flip the vote, and they blamed him for it.  Memphis says she tried to flip blame towards him as well, even though he told her up front that David was his target.


Cody says he saw them point and say David, not voting him out was a slap in the face to the HOH.


Memphis says he hasn't addressed what happened with them, he is acting like it didn't happen.


Cody says Tyler and Christmas are blaming each other, Christmas told him she felt "duped".  Enzo and Memphis laugh.  Cody says Christmas told him she should have just done what she wanted.


Memphis says they (Tyler and Christmas) ran into the downstairs lounge, Cody says he watched them do it, but Christmas denied talking to Tyler.


Cody says Christmas is good, but gets frazzled, he doesn't want Tyler off the block.  Cody says they need to beat Tyler in the Veto, they shouldn't worry much about Christmas winning.


Memphis says both of them know they are in danger of going home, and that will create stress.


Enzo wonders if it will be a night time Veto so the stress level builds up.   Cody, Enzo and Memphis agree to gun for the Veto tomorrow.


Cody says he asked Christmas if she cross checked with Memphis when she blamed Tyler for telling her to vote David out.


We get stars


Cameras return to Tyler and Christmas playing backgammon in the kitchen.


Camera moves to HOH room.


Cody is talking about Christmas telling him she never said anything bad about Nicole F, even though she had done that to him.  He says he baited her, but it happened.


Enzo says Christmas "just wants to DO s**t". so she can say she started it.


The tree of them are chuckling it up, cracking jokes, mocking Christmas's facial expressions and comments when she was sure Danielle was going to stay on the block.


Cody says they should have kept Danielle just to see Christmas react to it.


Cameras go back to the backgammon game.


When the game ends Cody heads for the snack station on the kitchen counter.  Christmas eats a spoonful of Cookie Butter, Tyler realizes it is vegan and tries it.  He says it is very good.


Nicole F comes into the kitchen, they tell her about Tyler trying the Cookie Butter.  Nicole F says "is it vegan?" Tyler, "yeah, it says 'may contain'".  


In the HOH the trio (Enzo, Memphis, Cody) are still entertaining themselves with stories about Big Brother. They call themselves the Wise Guys, and laugh. (More like the Goof Troup--Grannysue)


Enzo tastes one of Cody's snacks (jerky).  Cody tells him to taste it because it is good.


Enzo says, "it tastes like a big flat turd".. He crams another big piece in his mouth.


Enzo tries another piece of jerky (different).


Memphis says he is going to go walk around before it is time for bed, he leaves the room.


Enzo tells Cody that Memphis told him "they" threw him under the bus, saying he "started it" (David eviction).


Conversation is interrupted when Nicole F and Tyler come into the HOH.


Cody starts talking about his season again, Memphis has come back into the room.  The only person missing is Christmas.  Memphis is talking about a big fight on his season and during the fight Big Brother sent in a birthday cake for Keesha.  He says it was right after the fight, and everyone sang happy birthday to her.   He says the whole house was filled with drama.


Talk about fights in previous seasons continues.




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10:00pm Big Brother Time


Everyone but Christmas is still in the HOH room.


Talk continues about previous seasons.


at 10:15 the group starts to break up, Memphis leaves to go to bed, he goes down to the washroom.


The rest of them continue talking about their seasons.


Christmas is in the washroom with Memphis, she is getting ready for  bed as well.


We get stars



Earlier post::: 9:51pm is correct for Big Brother Time--I misspoke.


Thank you dear for the correction!!!

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10:33pm Big Brother Time


Feeds return to the HOH room.


Cody, Enzo, Tyler and Nicole F are in the HOH room. 


Memphis and Christmas are in the key bedroom.


We get stars again....


They are talking about the Veto coming.  Christmas says she hopes it is in her wheelhouse.  Memphis says "Me too."


They give a shout out to live feeders, Memphis makes a comment about the dude behind the wall and we get stars again. 


When feeds return all cameras are on the HOH.


Nicole F is talking about the Amazing Race.


Cameras move to key bedroom.


Christmas says she touched base with Cody, she knows it is a game move, not personal.


Stars again...(grrrrrrrr)


Memphis says he talked to Enzo today, he let Enzo know that he wants Christmas to win the Veto, even they know they have the votes.


Christmas say she wants to win whatever she can win, but wants Memphis to be safe from the block.  Christmas says she told Cody that she respects his game move.


Christmas says next week they need to figure out the hierarchy in the house.  She says she is thinking ahead, whoever wins the next HOH can't play in the 4-3 competition, that HOH is guaranteed final 3, and the Veto winner decides who goes to the final 3.


Memphis says he is thinking about tomorrow, he thinks they are in a good place, they have three of the five.


Christmas says if they throw the HOH to her next week Memphis could play in the 4-3 competition.  She is hoping it is comics tomorrow, but Memphis says Tyler is good at that.  Christmas says then she wants it to be what she is better is out.


Christmas tells Memphis he needs to bring his child for a week and they can spend the week, have a birthday party.  She makes it clear they won't "stay together". Memphis laughs.


We get those dad gum stars again.  I never want to see another star in my whole rest of my life. ;)


Just a few minutes later feeds return, Christmas has left the room, Memphis gets out of bed and rummages around on the top of the dresser, he takes of his shirt and crawls under his covers just as she comes back in.


Christmas asks if he has asked for the lights to go out yet, he says not yet.  They settle in and after a few minutes of pillow smacking Memphis gets settled in, before the lights go out Memphis tells Christmas the cameras settle on her all night.


Christmas, "Thank you Big Brother, you are the best."

BOB, "You're welcome"










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11:00pm Big Brother Time


We have stars/feeds/stars...


Feeds return at 11:09pm Big Brother Time


Tyler has left the room and is getting into bed in the photo bedroom.


Cody, Nicole F and Enzo are still in the HOH room


Cody is talking about The Challenge, he says he thinks people get paid a weekly salary to be on it.


Two minutes later we get stars......


11:25pm Big Brother Time


Nicole F and Enzo are in the washroom getting ready for bed.


Enzo is imitating Christmas digging at Danielle when she went to vote her out.  He has Nicole F giggling. He goes on to demonstrate the exits of evicted house guests.


Enzo says he is going to bed, if she wants someone to sleep in the have not with her, just tell him.  He will let whoever she wants to come up know.


Danielle finishes her bedtime routine.


Enzo goes to the photo bedroom with Tyler.


Tyler tells Enzo he has to win the veto, Enzo says he is rooting for him.  Enzo says he wonders what the Veto will be tomorrow, maybe the word one. Enzo asks if Tyler talked to Cody after the nominations, Tyler says "no, not really."  Enzo commiserates.


Enzo asks if the vote is the reason, Tyler says it was just his excuse.  Tyler says he would have done the same thing regardless.


Tyler says he has to win the veto, if anyone else wins it "that's a wrap, man."  


Enzo tells Tyler that Nicole F told him she didn't know what to do, Tyler isn't coming after her. 

Tyler agrees to tell Nicole F that he will tell Nicole F he isn't coming after her, he laughs and says "I wasn't there." (about the vote to evict her).

Enzo says, "Tell her--I haven't eaten a decent meal in months". 

Tyler says, "I didn't know who was on the block, I remembered your name because I like you." 

Enzo cracks up, says "You voted Ian out!!! You've been voting people out the whole time." 

Enzo says, "Make her laugh, yo."  


Enzo says he went to the HOH room to see if Cody was giving away money.  He said they were all up there.  Tyler says "he hasn't even been on the block."


Enzo thinks Cody and Memphis have some kind of deal, he says either they have something now, or did have something because Cody is protecting Memphis.


Tyler says the only way he sees Enzo to the end is if they work together.  Enzo says Memphis flipped over to David when he (Enzo) thought they (Memphis and Enzo) were working together.


Tyler says when he did his goodbye message to David he got a little choked up.


We get stars....


Feeds return in just a few seconds.


They talk about dumb things they have done this season, mainly votes they are looking back on, and people they have trusted.


Tyler says he is going to win the next 3 competitions.  Enzo says Tyler needs to win the Veto.  Enzo tells Tyler if he wins the Veto and the next HOH he can pick the final 4 himself.


(Enzo is making sure if he is nominated Tyler will not vote him out, he is cutting up and encouraging Tyler)


These two boys are giggling so hard they can't breathe.  Tyler is laughing so hard he can't catch a breath, we have snorting.  Enzo is jumping around imitating house guests, yelling "yo" at intervals, cracking jokes.


Enzo collapses on the bed, Tyler is watching him, laughing. No one has been left out of this giggle fest.


Tyler says, "that was the worst alliance ever."  (talking about the 6 person alliance)  He says they were sh***ting on each other the whole time.


Enzo says Danielle hates Cody, but Tyler says no, she knew he would choose Nicole F over her.  Enzo says they need to tell them this was in the works for months, stained in blood.  Tyler says "I have been trying to do this for months, I did something stupid and now I am up".


Enzo says he didn't say anything, but Nicole F went to Cody and told it.


Tyler says he doesn't want to be in the jury house with the people who are there.  Enzo says as far as he knows it isn't him going, he says Memphis will vote to keep Christmas, that's a given. He says Nicole F is the one he can get.


Tyler is worried that Nicole F might not want to say anything until nominations are locked.  Nicole F will vote Tyler out and Cody will act mad so he isn't in danger and can avoid the block.


Tyler says if he wins the Veto, Enzo tells him he needs to go at it.

Tyler says they need to take Nicole F away from Cody to force him to work with them.


Enzo agrees, he mentions taking Christmas out after.


Tyler says if he doesn't win the Veto or Enzo can be in trouble.


Enzo say he thinks Memphis and Christmas have something going with "him", and they will put him (Enzo) on the block.  They think Cody is involved in that as well.  Tyler says they need to take a piece out of the other side of this.


Enzo repeats that he thinks Christmas, Memphis and Cody might have something.  (Memphis and Cody, Memphis protects Christmas)


They decide to get themselves ready for bed, Tyler goes to the lavatory, Enzo crawls into bed and tells Big Brother to go ahead and shut the lights off.


Nicole F is in the have not room--sleeping

Memphis and Christmas are in the key bedroom--sleeping

Cody is in the diary room (unless he is done and has gone to bed)j

Enzo is tucked in waiting for the lights to go out.

Tyler is in his bed.


And that's a wrap---at midnight.


It is 12:00am Big Brother Time----Saturday


We all know what time it is for this old lady.

Do something special for yourself today, maybe ice cream for dinner.

Goodnight dears

hugs,  Grannysue












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8:05 PM BBT Memphis and Christmas are laying in their beds in the KBR about general chit chat and people. Christmas tells him "

People who try to kill people, I can't even wrap my head around that." He agrees


8:09 PM BBT Tyler and Cody are talking in the kitchen. They are trying to determine the mood of the jury house. Tyler expects that Day is going to be giving the girls that she feels betrayed her some attitude. The entire tone of the jury house is probably going to get worse as time goes by.


8:14 PM BBT Memphis has joined Cody and Tyler in the KT. He says he needs to walk around because he is just so bored. He tells Cody that he almost beat Christmas at Backgammon. Cody teases him that Memphis almost beats Christmas when she tells him how to play or plays for him. Memphis says that the first time she beat him, it was only because she had a crazy double 6 role. Cody continues to tease him that Christmas taught him how to play and has been beating him ever since.


8:25 PM BBT The house is rather quiet. Memphis is called to the DR. Tyler asks BB to call him before 10 tonight. Cody and Tyler are just hanging out in the KT, teasing about Enzo's accent. Cody wants to ask BB for booze. Tyler says that because he and Cody got booze in their baskets, BB won't give the house any.


8:27 PM BBT Christmas is alone in the KBR and talking to the cameras. She says the only thing that can't happen is Tyler winning the veto. He will take himself off and Cody will put up Memphis or Enzo. Most likely Memphis. Tyler will vote for her to stay. Enzo will vote for Memphis. That was apparent to her today. FOTH


8:30 PM BBT The feeds return. Cody is complaining to Tyler that the KT towels don't dry anything, they just move the water around. Christmas is still talking to the cameras. She says he (Cody?) has a final two with Nicole. "Nicole is trying to say she wants a final two with me. I got distracted by the smoke and mirrors, which caused me to be on the block, but not evicted. I am going to get the chance to say happy birthday to my sweet baby boy. I have the chance to tell my family that I love them. And that I am here to play and go the distance." She continues to say that Her game has been consistent. Her game has been straight forward. "I won't say whose game hasn't been. I don't want to campaign against him. Let them come up with their own conclusions. I won't say we are in the clear because we are not. But, right now, it is 2 versus 2 with 1 in the middle, Enzo. I have no clue where his real loyalties lie." 




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8:34 PM BBT Christmas continues to talk to the cameras. It has been a stressful week. She saw the look and knew what Memphis was going to do. She saw the look. Nicole can't win next week. She has had a lot of blessings in this game. She loves that girl. But Cody has been awesome. Enzo can't go to the end. He will win. Nicole can't go to the end. She will win. At this point, I am not sure that I will win at all. Nicole and Cody get thrown out there over the fence. She and Tyler get thrown out there. How do you play with people who have played and won before? It is too much. Don't think I am stupid. I am not f***ing stupid. Nicole says she will do anything because she is a gamer. But, her voting Ian out wasn't her doing what needed to be done. It was needed to be done to protect Cody. 


8:40 PM BBT Christmas admits that she is frustrated and afraid of being let down again. Cody joins Nicole in the HN room to check on her. Nicole says she laid down because she had the worst chain pain. Probably from heartburn. "I am still alive, so I am good." She had 2 protein shakes and a little slop today. She has no idea what caused the heartburn. Cody says it might help her to put down the protein shake as fast as possible instead of drinking them slowly. Memphis joins them. He says that this room should be a huge, big, bed. It would make a great bedroom. It really is cozy. 


8:46 PM BBT Nicole and Cody are talking in the HN room. She tells him that Enzo told her about a conversation that he had with Tyler. Tyler told Enzo that he needs to use the veto on him because Nicole and Cody are together and Christmas and Memphis are together. Tyler is already trying to get people to use the veto on him. "Is that not crazy?" Cody "Nah, because that is the kind of stuff Dani was telling Tyler." 


8:48 PM BBT Cody and Nicole discuss that Enzo needs to become Tyler's #1. This all falls apart if Enzo ends up on the block. They need to win this veto. Enzo is feeling like Christmas is following him. Cody says that Christmas has Memphis tied up in the back room forever earlier. It is clear that Christmas and Tyler are really close and that Nicole would have gone after Nicole and Dani too if she won the HoH. She could have gotten away with it but not after she voted the way that she did. 


8:53 PM BBT Cody tells Nicole that he would never do to Nicole what Christmas is doing. She talks about her all the time. Nicole says that's fine. Nicole says that if she ends up in the finals with Cody, it is going to be 9-0 for Cody. Nicole "It had better be". Nicole says that Cody is the best ally that she has ever had. She feels like he got her through that da*n triple. "Holy crap, my mama loves the crap outta you."


9:00 PM BBT Cody and Nicole continue to talk in the HN room. They discuss that Dani only did what Dani wanted and she had zero flexibility. Nicole says that Dani wanted to do something and then would suggest it to her implying it was best for Nicole or was something that Nicole wanted, even when she knew better. Cody says that she was not in control of all her alliances like she thought she did. Dani was not loyal to anyone. He says his mistake was telling her that Kevin needed to stay the permanent pawn because whoever sat next to him had a death sentence. He thinks that resulted in Dani being threatened by Kevin. 

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