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Monday, September 14, 2020 Big Brother 22 All-Stars Live Feed Updates

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 11:43AM BBT Feeds are back. Kevin was saved and Ian is on the block. Ian hugs Tyler. He says they are good players and it happens. Nic is crying. She says that she feels bad. Xmas is trying to console her. Nic says that Dani says Ian is a pawn but she doesn't feel like he is. Xmas says that is how she felt last week with Bay.


11:47AM BBT Ian and Dani in the HOH BR. She tells him that everyone loves him and she will campaign all week for him. Ian says it is ok. He says he needs 4 votes and she will break the tie in his favor. Dani tells him he has it. Ian says he will put a shirt and tie on and if he goes he goes. Dani is worried he hates her. Ian says he isn't going to hate someone over a game. He says you have to take your lumps.



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1:00 PM BBT

Enzo is talking with Dani in the HOHR 

Dani tells Enzo that everybody thought she was putting him up "Enzo, I would never put you up....but that's good because they don't know we are working together."

Dani says Christmas, Da'Vonne, Ian and Kevin think Tyler is going home; they will be "blindsided"



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1:39 PM BBT

Nicole is talking to Cody in the bathroom. He asks how she is doing

Nicole: I'm frustrated

Cody: who at

Nic: Honestly, Dani but I can't tell her that

Nicole begins crying

Cody: what happened

Nic: she is always yelling at me....I can't even breathe in this house

Cody: why is she yelling at you?

Nic:   everything I say; I can't even talk to anyone.....she is like why did you say this, why did you say that; she told me I have to vote Ian out; You and her were both telling me I have to

Cody: listen, this game there is nothing that you have to do but I'm telling you there are some things that look some kind of way

Nic: I've never played so micromanaged before

Cody: that's what she does

Nic: I just want him to get two votes so it looks like it's me and you...and she runs to Tyler and tells him we had a meeting

Cody: she does that because she wants to look like the one who said it first






1:58 PM BBT

Da'Vonne and David are talking in the Love Lounge

David says Ian was surprised,..he didn't know it was going to happen "that's because you are an intelligent player and I am an intelligent player"

Tyler comes in and Day asks David if she can speak with him alone

Day: I want to talk with you about using this veto

Tyler: do you think it saved me?

Day: he had the votes to stay (Kevin). I don't think Ian has the votes to stay

Tyler: this might have saved me! I told you I knew I was going

Tyler says he will work the votes.."Nicole and Ian, there is no way I'm getting her vote; there is no way Dani is breaking a tie so it needs to be...;  and Cody, I don't even want to ask Cody...I don't want to know. I can get you, Kevin, David, and Enzo and all I need is one more. I can try with Memphis  *feeds cut

[Tyler definitely has Christmas' vote  -MamaLong]




Tyler: Day I know you as a player and as a person. I know that is impossible...I literally stuck my neck out for this

Day: let me ask you this....at any point during Dani's HOH did you ever go to Dani and say put Day on the block!

Tyler: NOOO! She told you that? SHe told you that. I am gunning for her 

Day: you can't say anything

Day says she doesn't want to look stupid

Tyler tells her she will not look stupid, that he would never do that he wouldn't "throw anyone's name under the bus...you could have asked me before"

Day: I couldn't use the veto on you because you were involved in the Bayleigh thing and that would have looked like a shit show...did you tell Christmas it was your idea

Tyler: I told her the same thing...I told her I was trying to self sabotage and that I should be up there. She said she that's not good for her game to be backdooring people

Day: I'm trying to figure this out....do you  still want to go now?

Tyler: no I want to play...I'm here...I'm going to jury now but I don't want to go first...I understand that this is my karma

*feeds cut


2:13 PM BBT

Tyler is now enjoying the sun in the backyard. Kevin and David are whispering int he Love Lounge.

Cody and Nicole are whispering in the KBR.



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2:20 PM BBT

Da'Vonne opens the Love Lounge door and tells Kevin and David they can be heard through the door

Kevin: what was I saying?

She gives them a warning and leaves

David raises his voice "And then I went to the store. I bought some apricots some bandaids some Doritos some eggs"

Day opens the door again "You tried it.....I could hear that all the way to the bathroom"

David: she's funny "You tried it"



David: you know what Tyler told me...he told me you will win when you need it most. When did I win?

David points out that Kevin won when he needed to and now Enzo has respect for him and treats him differently

David: We win when we need it

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4:30 PM BBT

There has seriously been little game talk but lots of napping in the BB house today. It seems the stress of the veto meeting was too overwhelming for some.

Cody, Memphis, Dani and Ian are wide awake in the backyard. Kevin and Enzo are passed out in the backyard. Day and David are in the HaveNot room relaxing.

Christmas is asleep in the CBR. Nicole is asleep as well.




Nicole is up now and searching for snackage in the kitchen.

4:44 PM BBT

Cody joins Ian in the hammock. Ian says he can't begrudge Da'Vonne for using the veto. Ian says they have to figure that they will each go up once or twice. He feels bad for is handler

Cody: why?

Ian says he will be difficult to deal with if he goes to jury early



4:50 PM BBT

Dani and Nicole have been sitting next to each other on the backyard couch for a long time without talking or even looking at each other

Tensions are high today, as Nicole cannot grapple Dani allowing the veto to be played (as if she could have changed Day's mind)






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5:08 PM BBT Cody and Ian are in the Hammock talking. Memphis and Dani are talking outside about the chances of one of the being good and the other being bad. Interment stars going on too. 

5:13 PM BBT  Dani gets up from the couch area outside and goes inside Cody gets up from the hammock. Ian is happily swinging in the Hammock. Cody and Tyler are playing corn hole. Dani is in her HOHR talking to Enzo. Enzo tells her he dont care who goes, Dani jokes and says this is the worse HOH ever. 

5:20 PM BBT Dani tells Enzo that she thinks Enzo will put her up if he wins and maybe Cody and Nicole. Enzo says he dosent know where Day is at. Dani agrees an says yeah she dont know where she stands ethier. Dani and Enzo both agree that with Tyler he is worried bout his appearance with outside the game. Enzo says yeah the hole bay thing took a toll on him. Enzo says Memphis has never been on the block at all he went final 2 with Dan and lost and now he hasn't on this season yet. 

5:27 PM BBT Enzo talks about how Day wouldnt tell anyone if she is using the veto are not. Enzo said he knew hen she was going to use it no matter what. Dani said why dont you just your friends with Kevin. she says it so weird and Enzo agrees. Dani says that Day is denying she is close to David but she knows they are close. Enzo said she is acting werid seculding herself.  

5:34 PM BBT Cody comes in the room and they talk about Nicole. Dani ask him who he think Nicole would put up Cody says probably tyler. They go back and forth who would pup who.  Tyler told dani that David said he want to keep Tyler to screw with dani. 

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5:39 PM BBT Cody says to Enzo and Dani that no matter what there going to be a blindside to multiple people. Dani asks who they think Day who would she put up before the blindslide. Enzo says he is worried it cody that she would put up. Cody said she not playing strategically just on emotion now. Dani said she asked Nicole who Tyler who he would put up and Dani says Day. Dani says Ian feels 1000% safe. Cody said he went to him and asked if he has his vote and cody told yes. 

5:45 PM BBT Cody talk about how he wants to really talk to kevin but he knows that it going to go back to Day because they know she is working with Kevin and David. Dani just warns her to be careful with him.  Dani brings up how they all wanted to work with Day from the begining but she never trusted any of them. Cody says etheir way we are going to blindslide someone and it sucks. 

5:50 PM BBT Kevin and Ian are talking to each other. Ian tells him he want to get more information from Enzo. Ian says at first he felt safe but now that he is on the block he dosent feel safe at all. 

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 5:55 PM BBT Ian tells Kevin he doesn't want to be the first to go to Jury. We get stars and then the cameras switch to HOHR where Dani Nicole Enzo and Cody are talking. The four of them are talking about Day. Dani said she came up to Dani and told her she is using the Veto but she didn't tell anyone else. Dani said she thinks she can run her mouth then next week mend things with her. Cody said he is going to run his mouth to her and Dani said please don't. 

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6:00 PM Feeds cut to stars. Ian and Kevin are talking about votes. Kevin tells he needs at least two more votes. Ian said he going to try and get Enzo and Christmas. Camera cuts to HOHR and Dani asks Nicole who do they think she would put up if she was HOHR. Dani tells her we are pretty sure we know but we want to make sure. 

6:05 PM BBT Enzo is talking about a penguin suit and general chit chat and joking. Dani bring up Day and how she is playing Enzo mention how she never told em that she is using the veto. Enzo says that maybe in in the fact that she was bullied with the fight with christmas. 

6:11 PM BBT We get stars on the screen again. Dani says something to Cody Nicole and Enzo but it all whisper. Enzo says whoever wins HOH do whatever they want they all laugh about it. 

 6:22 PM BBT   Dani and Cody tell Nicole that after this week David and Kevin have to go there is no other option. Nicole says Ian would never target any of them and that Tyler would. Dani says she knows. Cody asks the 3 of them if he was to win the HOH do they think they can he have the convo with Day about being a pawn and that he has no other choice. 

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6:48 PM BBT

David tells Ian in the backyard that he would be surprised if he is the one that goes

Ian: well that's good, but you never know....If I am the first to jury I am telling you right now

*feeds cut

Ian: my life is being gambled right now. I don't know what happened. If I go, I'm telling you right, I'm gonna be pissed

*feeds cut again





Ian: I mean if I go you just got out someone who hasn't won anything.  What if I'm not the target? WHat if I'm not. It's always that 'what if' and the twist.....everyone is at risk. We don't know.

Memphis and Christmas are talking about the powers in the backyard. Memphis says that David has a power and there's two others.

Christmas: what have you got?

Memphis: It ain't me babe

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 6:25 PM BBT Dani says Day never hangs out with her anymore. Cody says the same thing that he was hanging out with Kevin and David earlier and that she went to the back of the backyard. Cody what does she want me to do apologize they couldn't have 1 on 1 time.   Nicole says she spends a lot of time in the Kitchen. Enzo says she didn't like seeing himself by himself and to come in so he did. 

6:31 PM BBT Nicole Dani Enzo Cody are talking about the Next comp might be. Nicole says it might be something where you have to watch something. Dani asks bout what the bleep and they said that closer to the end. Nicole says ask ian about that. Cody says we haven't had a quiz one in a while. Enzo think it might be a luck comp. 

 6:38 PM BBT We get stars for a second and feeds come back to Kevin and David outside. David says you what is crazy is that one think I'm an intelligent player. Kevin says well know you got to run with it and feeds go back to the talk in HOHR. They talk about maybe this week about being a double eviction and Enzo says no there too much going on with the powers. 

6:45 PM BBT Enzo talks about how he heard someone walking all time when he was a have not he says he at least lost 7 pounds. He said what are they doing trying to get their steps in. Dani and Nicole and Cody all laugh and think that is funny. 

6:52 PM BBT Memphis and Christmas outside talking about who they think have the other 2 powers. Memphis thinks maybe enzo has a power. Christmas doesn't think so. They know that David used his so Kevin and Day dont have one. Christmas asks him if he has one and Memphis says he dont have one at all. 

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7:37 PM BBT

Nicole and Dani are talking in the HOHR

Nicole: I'm just a little upset with her, I said look, me and Dani are your allies, as she called us, and he is just your friend. Both of us don't want you to use it. She probably thinks that was bullying but I was nice as pie, and that's probably why I got pushed over, too.

Dani: there's Christmas

Nicole: say come in

Christmas joins them in the HOHR  "what up?"




7:53 PM BBT

Ian enters the HOHR and asks to speak with Dani alone. Christmas leaves. Nicole had already left to eat her dinner.

Dani: what's up?

Ian: not much, I just want to ask this question. How did you decide on me?

Dani: I don't know Ian  I never wanted to put you in this position. I didn't know what to do and I wanted Tyler to go. Everyone I was looking at, I thought they would vote them out. There is also still a power. Two powers. So it's like. David? Off the table; Tyler is up. Nicole? Like, I don't freakin' know....really risky. Can't do Da'Vonne. You? Enzo? I feel like people would vote him out... he has won three comps and everyone likes him. He is like th whole package. Kevin is off the table. Christmas, Memphis and Cody...Like everyone sees Cody as the biggest threat in the house right now. Memphis I am slightly frightened of him and I don't think I could mend it; And remember, there is still two powers left in the house. Christmas? She's a big threat, too...there is nothing I can say. I am so sorry. I have nominated half the house. I didn't know what to do. I feel horrible. 

Ian: the thing that scares me for me and you is like

Dani: a power?

Ian: not a power....this week could end with you putting up half the house and sending someone home that is not going after you at all 

Dani: I know, Ian...but you have the votes

Ian: well I know but I'm already hearing resistance

Dani: from who?

Ian I have heard he is a winner and really close to Nicole so it's a chance to get her out 

Dani: who is saying that?...Da'Vonne? David? Kevin?

Ian: Kevin

Ian tells Dani that the votes will come down to Da'Vonne, Kevin and David and they will go for whoever is tighter with Cody

Dani: they really hate him, huh?

Ian: I can see the cogs turning...I know if it's a tie I know, obviously, we would be good. But of the four of us, only two of us are voting. I need to make sure I have 4. 






Ian: the only other thing I want to say is that I don't want to be the first in jury, But I have to say if I do go to jury and

*feeds switch the Memphis and Cody talking in the backyard


[All day the feeds have been cutting during conversation when Ian and/or Tyler discuss going to jury. They have both openly stated they would walk off the show before going to jury. BB clearly doesn't want that conversation on the feeds. I call it poor sportsmanship. Ian and Tyler both knew what they were signing up for.  However, if mental health is at stake then I highly support any escape.   -MamaLong]

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8:18 PM BBT

Memphis & Cody are playing cornhole against Tyler and Nicole in the backyard... Nicole calls it "bag toss"

Memphis and Tyler are so good at this game. They have enjoyed playing together for the past several days and they pretty much always land the bag on the target board if not directly in the hole.






[I'm out for the night  -MamaLong]

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10:05pm Big Brother Time


Christmas and Enzo are on the sofa in the back yard.


Christmas is telling Enzo that Danielle mentioned him as a possible replacement on the block.  She tells him that Danielle said it would be Christmas, Enzo, Memphis, then later mentioned Ian.  Christmas tells Enzo that Nicole F got very upset when Ian was mentioned and tried to change Danielle's mind.  Christmas tells Enzo she is not sure why Danielle chose Ian, but wonders if it was because she (Christmas) made a few points in his favor.


Enzo is surprised by this information and he promises Christmas that he will not mention it.  He also says he will not talk game with Danielle.


Christmas tells him that Danielle is very paranoid and Enzo should not block her off.


Enzo and Christmas both say Tyler is not campaigning to them, Enzo wonders if Tyler is waiting for things to calm down.  Enzo says that Tyler is missing Angela very much, Christmas says at least he can get messages in jury.


Cameras move to washroom area where Danielle and Nicole F are talking about Davonne believing that Ian has four votes to stay.  Danielle says that she told Davonne that would be a tie vote and she doesn't want to break a tie.  Danielle complains that Davonne doesn't seem to care.


Tyler comes in to use the lavatory, he mentions the dirty sinks.


Danielle, Nicole F and Tyler all say they are going to bed.


Tyler wants someone to check on Angela, he had a bad dream and is worried.


Camera moves to back yard


Christmas and Enzo are winding up their conversation on the back yard sofa.  

Enzo thanks Christmas for talking to him and calming him down.


Christmas stops to talk about her cutie patootie, Loyal. (he sounds like an amazing baby!--grannysue)


Camera moves to David and Ian


Ian says he was surprised to be put on the block, he thought it would possibly be Memphis since he is injured.  Ian says he has not done anything to Danielle, he says, "I don't know what the h**l I did."  David agrees that he has no idea why he (David) was nominated either, he thought Danielle liked him.


Ian says he has to pack his bag Wednesday.


Both of them left the hammock.


Christmas and Enzo are still talking, the winding down conversation has rewound.  David joins them on the patio, Christmas says goodnight, she says she is going to bed.


Enzo says he is also tired and plans to go to bed soon.


David says when she (Christmas) starts talking "she don't stop."


Enzo agrees and says he has enemies he didn't know about.


Enzo says Christmas took the energy from him, David and Tyler laugh and say they know.


Ian comes to the patio, he sees popcorn that Kevin made.  Enzo says it is good.


Just general talking.


Christmas and Nicole F are talking in the cartoon bedroom.



Christmas is complaining that Davonne was so happy because she had her first win.  Christmas starts to tell Nicole F something about Davonne but Davonne comes into the room.  They start talking about remaining powers. Christmas does not indicate she has one.


Davonne leaves the room and Christmas continues telling Nicole F about Davonne going into the HOH room after nominations.  Nicole F says Danielle and Davonne have made up and are fine.  Christmas wonders if it was for show because she was in the room (Davonne and Danielle at odds over nominations).


Christmas tells Nicole F that Ian asked her to let him know if she hears anything.  Christmas says that he told her he doesn't want to go into jury. (assume first),  Christmas tells Nicole F that Ian told her if he got part or all of the money he has earned so far he will leave jury and go home.


We get stars after one sentence and cameras move away before we learn more.


David and Enzo are talking about keeping Tyler because he remains a target, he says that getting rid of a champion excites him, but he doesn't seem to be sure about that either.


David says Ian is wrapped up with Nicole F, Danielle and Cody.  He says if Ian goes home that weakens them, and Ian would go home on Danielle's HOH.


Enzo says he would like it to be four to four vote and force Danielle to break the tie.


David says Ian is for sure with that group, Nicole F has been crying. He also says Ian has been throwing competitions.


Camera moves to cartoon bedroom


Nicole F, and Ian are talking about the votes.


Ian tells Nicole F that Kevin told him (Ian) that people are not voting to keep him (Ian) because of his connection to Nicole F.  Ian is hoping it is a throw away comment.  Nicole F is worried that it is true, Ian says Kevin hasn't given him a solid answer but the have a "pawn pact".


Ian tells Nicole F that people in jury are only allowed to have phone calls with their kids and camera moves away.


Enzo is cracking jokes about sending Ian home, he says if they keep Tyler, then Tyler will go after Danielle.  He thinks Tyler will try to win competitions now because he has been on the block.  Enzo says Christmas chewed his ear off and he is tired now.


Kevin asks what Christmas said, Enzo says Christmas is on board to get rid of Ian. He talks about Christmas in general, it is obvious he did not believe much of what she said.  Kevin points out that Christmas did not help Davonne stay, she knew Davonne had the votes to stay,


Kevin says Davonne using the veto on him was a reminder that everyone has someone else in the house. He says that is the basis of her speech.


Enzo calls attention to the fact that Memphis and Christmas were not put on the block, but Ian was.  He says there is something going on, he tells Kevin he notices it. Enzo says it isn't only Tyler, Memphis and Christmas.


Kevin says there are overlapping groups, Enzo agrees.  He says if the other side of the house wins they will put David and Kevin again.  Enzo says that is enough of that. He is very unhappy with the way house guests are acting in the house and their lack of game play.


Enzo laughs about David winning the power and lying.  He says "he won it and is scared to tell it."  He says David has been a target in the house so much he is scared. 


(10:59pm  Enzo starts his comedy routine regarding David's treatment in the house---hysterically funny stuff--grannysue)











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11:00pm Big Brother Time


Kevin and Enzo continue talking about the nominations.


Kevin says Tyler is so relaxed he must have the votes.


Enzo says Kevin is right, and Nicole F has been crying today.


They are hoping Tyler has a power so she has had to nominate 5 people.


(Enzo and Kevin are having fits of giggles over this conversation, I am laughing so hard my tummy hurts--start your rewind at about 10:58pm BB Time on camera 1-Grannysue)


Kevin says he is grateful that Davonne used the veto even though so many people demanded that she not use it.  Enzo says if you have an ally or friend on the block you save them.  Kevin says the whole house told him that he (Kevin) was staying before the veto was even used.  He says Tyler has people in the house too.


We get stars


Enzo thinks Ian has thrown competitions, and that when he didn't play veto he just didn't want to get involved.  Kevin says Ian should have done much better on the wall than he did.  Enzo says that the result is that Ian is leaving.


Enzo says he thinks the double eviction will be next week, but this week will be something different.  He plans to watch who celebrates the winner.


Kevin says David will be nominated again for sure, because of his bad move this week.  Enzo says David should have just owned it.


Enzo says Davonne has a real good chance to win the HOH and hopes she does this week.  He feels like her veto win has given her momentum.


Kevin says it is a good thing Enzo avoided the block, he says they thought about ways to get Ian on the block.  Kevin says they were worried that Enzo would have been the ultimate pawn.  Enzo thinks he might have been okay, but the two powers could have changed that.


Enzo and Kevin both wonder why Tyler has not bothered to campaign to them.  They both think it is because Tyler has a huge alliance.  Kevin says either Tyler knows Danielle will break a tie in his favor, or he has a big alliance.


Enzo says David is thinking about getting rid of Ian, but both Kevin and Enzo say that Tyler needs to approach them.  Enzo says that Tyler needs to ask for his vote or he won't get it.  Kevin says he told Ian he is being used but Ian didn't believe him.  Kevin says regardless Ian would be up next week, that Ian thought he had a final two with Nicole F.  


Both of them talk about the pre game relationships.  Kevin says Ian said he knew for a fact that Cody and Nicole F pregamed.


Camera moves to washroom area.


Davonne is sitting with David.


They are talking about Tyler, Christmas, Ian but we came in the middle of the conversation.  Something David learned has alerted them that Christmas, Tyler are working together in some way and that Ian has upset Christmas. 


David leaves to go check on his slop, Danielle asks him where he has been all day.  He tells her he has been outside, she wouldn't see him from her room.


Nicole F comes and asks to talk to Danielle, she goes to the HOH room to wait. Danielle follows.


Nicole to herself, "This is the worst thing for my game."


Danielle enters the room.


Nicole F tells Danielle that she feels bad about sending Ian home, and that Ian told her that Tyler would be sitting in the final two.  Nicole F says that Ian knows he is going home, that he doesn't understand the decision to put him on the block.


Danielle repeats the excuses she made to Ian.


Nicole F says that sending Ian home is a bad idea.


Danielle says The Committee wants it, Nicole F says "two people".


Danielle is a little harsh with Nicole F.  She tells Nicole F she doesn't like lying to Ian, but she can't put her neck out for him.


Nicole F says when Ian leaves she (Nicole F) will be the only previous winner in the house.  She also says that to keep Tyler over Ian is a bad idea.


Danielle calls Ian "just a vote", she says Tyler is bought in to The Committee and is more valuable.


Danielle says she feels horrible that she is telling Ian he is staying, but this is where they are because of the twist.


Nicole F says Ian going up on Danielle's HOH is horrible, and now she has to vote him out.


Danielle keeps repeating the word "horrible" while she makes excuses to Nicole F about sending Ian home and about lying to Ian.


Nicole F says "we are being played." 

Danielle, "no, we are playing everyone."


Nicole F says this is going to shorten her game, she doesn't trust Tyler at all. She says the way it is happening, Davonne now has ammo against her, and casting a vote against Ian is hurtful.  Nicole F says this makes her feel bad about herself for doing this.


Danielle continues to block Nicole F's appeals, finally says she will talk to Memphis tomorrow.  Nicole F says she will talk to Christmas and Memphis too just to see if things can change.


Danielle tells Nicole F she wants to stay on the same page.  She says they can put out feelers for keeping Ian.  Danielle tells Nicole F that it will probably not make a difference, Ian has won nothing and has not even been close.  


Danielle complains that Davonne has not said "sorry" for putting Danielle in a a position like "this".  Danielle says she cannot trust Davonne, Nicole F says this is exactly what happened during her season, and she (Nicole F) got her first.  Nicole F says they never buried the hatchet.  Nicole F says Davonne is walking on thin ice because she used the veto.


(Nicole F says that Davonne should not have used the veto because she (Nicole F) did not want her to use it.)


Nicole F continues to make points about why Tyler should go. Danielle continues to shoot down any point she makes, then she changes the subject to complaints about Davonne.


In the back yard Kevin and David are talking about next week.  David says if you try to recruit people they will be too fluid.  People could expose it to others.  


They think Tyler will target Danielle and Nicole F, David says he has not said it out loud, but he thinks Tyler is thinking that way.  David says that Cody will look for easy targets, he thinks the same of Nicole F.  


Davonne comes back outside, they continue to talk about who might be put up, depending on who wins HOH.





12:00am  Tuesday

Goodnight dears, Bedtime for old ladies

Hugs from Grannysue











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9:00PM BBT: Da'Vonne and Kevin are in the hammock chatting, Kevin asks how it's going with Dani. Da'Vonne says Dani gave her a hug and said that she wasn't mad at her. Da'Vonne says she doesn't care, says this is one of the reasons she hates the game. Kevin says he "doesn't get why" Tyler isn't "shook." "I think he's got the votes," Da'Vonne says. Kevin says Ian has the votes. 


9:08PM BBT: Kevin tells Da'Vonne about his conversation with Ian early and when Ian came to campaign. Kevin says he told Ian that he's "90%" that Cody is voting for Tyler to stay and thinks that people are just telling Ian that he's safe. "He seems to think he has the numbers," Kevin says about Ian, "he is counting you and I though." Ian walks over. The other HGs are scattered around the house, some getting ready for bed others eating in the KT.


9:12PM BBT: Things feel awkward on the hammock since Ian has joined Kevin and Da'Vonne. They try to figure out if anyone has made it through the game without ever being on the block. Ian doesn't think so. Silence falls over the three before they talk about the rest of the week. BB cuts the feeds on and off. 


9:20PM BBT: Kevin has left the hammock and is now on the outdoor couches with Enzo talking about the upcoming vote and what Ian told him earlier in the day. Kevin says Ian thinks he has Cody's vote and Kevin told him he didn't have Cody's vote. Enzo says he told Ian he would vote for Ian to stay. Enzo talks about his conversation with Ian earlier. On the hammock, Ian and Da'Vonne are talking about the votes and who Ian has. Ian says Christmas "implied" that she would be voting for him to stay. Ian says he feels good about Nicole. 


9:24PM BBT: Ian and Da'Vonne continue to discuss the votes, Ian says he's not quite sure he has Cody's vote. Da'Vonne says Ian only needs two more votes and then Dani would break the tie in his favor. On the couches, Enzo and Kevin whisper about the vote as well. Enzo says Ian has already "won his money" and he'll get to be the first in jury. Across the yard, David and Christmas are whispering near the pool table about previous seasons of BB.


9:28PM BBT: Ian leaves the hammock, says he's going to go find Memphis before they call in into the DR. He says hello to Christmas and David as he walks by, the chat about sleeping soon and getting their evening medicine. Christmas tells David that Ian is a very skilled player. In the WA, Nicole is doing her make up while Dani watches.

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