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do you think it is fair for america to vote someone back in the game?


do you think it is fair for america to vote someone back in the game?  

57 members have voted

  1. 1. do you think it is fair for america to vote someone back in the game?

    • yes
    • no

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me i think it is bs and very cheap of the producers to allow this. because quite frankly the ones who get voted back in are usually gone in two weeks. most of the time it seems to me america votes for the hg that is consider the good guy/girl who usually gameplay wise is a terrible player eg kaysar,amy. me i am from the school of thought once a loser always a loser. the producer needs to stop rewarding these bad players just cause they are fan favorites.

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Well, if you are talking about America's Choice, then it is fair and square that the HG gets to get back in the house, because BB wants someone popular back in and that's how they find out who the people like by the votes. I agree that whoever gets voted back in is usually gone very quickly and I never thought about that until I read your post. I like the thread, thanks uv

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What an interesting thought. I must be from the new school then. Everyone deserves a second chance winner or loser.


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it really isnt fair to the people in the house and the gameplay of it all but as an audience member, i really liked it when they did that because it made a very big majority of the bb viewers really happy and part of bb is just to entertain us and make us really excited.

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Its not fair to the people in the house - but I think its fun to watch on the feeds or whatever.

For example last year - Maggie and her group really thought they were well liked and that Eric would come back because of it. I enjoyed the drama that played out from that. Even if that person leaves again shortly after - its fun to watch all the drama that comes with it

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You know, I just don't get it. I don't get WHY the people voted back in are evicted very fast, because, obviously America likes them, and these people voting them out are just making America hate them more, so what's evicting them doing? it's not like America will get to choose at the end who wins. It's the other HG's

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marcellas left before her cause he is a bad bb player

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ok thats what they need to do in this bb then if they the producers are headstrong on letting losers comeback.

me i think no one should have a second chance

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I answered yes, only because it is all-stars.

As for the regular seasons with new people - NO. Which leads me to a thought...with the vote back in of Kaysar wasn't that kind of cheating on CBS part - they knew darn well Kaysar would get voted back in.

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thats somewhat my point ginger why even have ac when the results is already known who is gonna win.

. eric, mike had no chance of winning

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I just think it would be more fair to let America vote someone back once in a while, just to show whom we like the best. It just seems that a HG who gets on the viewers' nerves gets to stay on and on forever, in favor of a good or more entertaining player being voted off too quickly because the HGs see them as a threat.

Sometimes I feel cheated in a way and wish the show would have stayed just a little bit more like BB1. However, I do see the point of those who see it as a spelling contest, where if you misspelled a word you get another chance, which would certainly be unfair. I just don't see the BB game like a spelling contest, though, it is more like life, and in life I think everyone deserves another chance -- all of us do. Just my thoughts. :)

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It's a twist, nothing mroe, nothing less. The 'side' that spends all their chips getting rid of someone only to have them there again forces them to alter their strategy somewhat - changes things from being a foregone conclusion to being up in the air. It would have worked too last season, if not for Kaysar being so stupidly trustworthy. It worked much better in the case of Amy, and that is why she lasted longer.

It adds to the drama, and doesn't really bother me either way. Talk to me again when someone I don't like gets back in! :lol:

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I dont see a problem with it. I thought it was hilarious last season when the friendship all thought Eric would be voted back in! They were seriously delusional! I think it gives the houseguests a good idea of who America is rooting for!

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It's all part of the game just as alliances are. It's not fair to gang up on people but they do, its not fair to lie but they do, its not fair to give a second chance but they do. They know its probable when they play and its great for us as the audience to let them know what we think. When the FS thought Eric was coming back and how sure they were of themselves (which continued well after Kaysar came back...as I recall, they said BB Cheated and America didn't vote?) and Kaysar came back, I was laughing for a few days until you know who did the worst backstab in BB history, lol. Kaysar will be back this season too, as will Janelle and Howie. They may not want to but they will probably have back all of last year's BB HGs that were up because of their controversy and/or popularity. Back on topic, is it fair? No less fair then the HGs lying to get someone out, lol, so, we get to choose because we see all and know all and this year the HGs know it.

On a side note, since this year is called "Big Brother 7 - All Stars - America's Choice", I wonder what other choices we will be offered?

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