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Yes Dear (sitcom)

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:P That was too funny... Jimmy Hughes makes it into the BB house and gets disqualified when his brother in law sneaks into the house to "warn him" about a double cross. The other houseguests were a mix from previous seasons... including Marcellas, Amy, Allison, & more. It must have been filmed before BB5 because there was no one from that season on the show. It even poked fun at certain housguest's "traits." Such as Amy snacking on a whole hunk of Velveeta cheese! Funny! Keep an eye out... as this show is on syndication now.
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Ya loved it. My favorite was when it showed marcellas planning to betray him by telling everyone that the main character was wearing lisa's underwear, in reality marcellas was the one wearing it... THAT IS FUNNY.

Even better, after marc told will that it was just a lie, and he was only telling it to ali, WILL STARTED TO JUST SAVE HIS CHEST< OUT OF NOWHERE, very funny indeed.

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It was really good. They really did a good job mixing the 2 shows. And all the former houseguests were wonderful. It was a lot of fun.

This show is on about 5 times a day anymore. Check what channels are airing it, and usually they will have a schedule, telling you which show will be on.

It's one of the best 'Yes Dears'.

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YES, DEAR - "Big Brother" episode: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=INPH82NZ

(This link should be good for at least all season.)

Clip properties

Filename: YES DEAR episode featuring Big Brother houseguests.avi

Opens with: Windows Media Player, and other players

Video Size: 500 x 380

Length: 21 minutes, 25 seconds (no commercials

Audio Codec: MPEG Layer-3 Decoder

File size: 107.24 MB

To download from MegaUpload

First, click the link above. Then,enter the 3-character check code into the box and click on the button which says "Download".

(You can close the small pop-up window which will appear after a few seconds.)

(If you are taken to an advertising page first, just click on "Continue with MegaUpload" in the top left.)

You will be instructed to wait 45 seconds.

A small pop-up window will appear after a few seconds. You can close it.

AFter 45 seconds, the countdown will be replaced by the words "Click here to download".

Right-click on the words and select "Save Target As...", then indicate where on your hard-drive you would like to save the file.

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I've tried using Rapidshare, but it "hates" certain people, and I fall into that category.

At least I am now able to download from it (even though it limits each non-premium user to 1 file every 90 minutes, which is annoying when there are so many live feed videos to download during the BB season!), but I'm not willing to pay for membership. Since it hates me, I hate it back now.

I just tried to upload it 3 times now, and it failed every time.

Since I cannot upload, please feel free to upload it instead, if you think other users will prefer it.

Thank you.

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I don't understand what to do....Ahh being computer stupid is my trademark! :angry:

I can't/don't know how I can watch it with the instructions, I can't follow it anyone can feel free to help me ........ :rolleyes: if you can :rolleyes:

I think you need an account there at that page and I cannot see properties.?

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Sorry, I only included the "Clip properties" so people would know a bit about the file they were downloading before starting.

It did not say CLICK properties! (But you aren't the first to misunderstand.)

You do not need an account. It is free, and similar to "RapidShare".

So... let's try it again. (It's not that hard, really.)

  • To download from MegaUpload, start by clicking here: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=INPH82NZ.

    (Keep this window open, so you can flip back and forth to follow along with these instructions.)

  • Then, enter the 3-character check code that will appear, into the box next to it, and click on the button which says "Download".

    (You can close the small pop-up window which will appear after a few seconds.)

    (If you are taken to an advertising page first, just click on "Continue with MegaUpload" in the top right.)

  • You will be instructed to wait 45 seconds.
  • A small pop-up window will appear after a few seconds. You can close it.
  • After 45 seconds, the countdown will be replaced by the words "Click here to download".
  • Right-click on those words and select "Save Target As...", then indicate where on your hard-drive you would like to save the file.
Once it has finished downloading, click on "OPEN" if you want to watch it right away.
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