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Shane Chapman - Houseguest Discussion

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Age: 24 | Hometown: Brevard, NC | Occupation: Roofer

How did you get on the show?

I've watched since season 17. And 18, I don't know who won, don't tell me. I applied online. I did a tape and it's happened so fast. They were like, "Hey, come out here."

What made you want to apply?

I love the show. Do you know the show the Real World? It's kind of like that.

It's not like the Real World!

It's the same for me! I've always heard about Big Brother and then when i started watching it I thought I could see myself in it. The physical aspect of the show is what draws me to it. 

You've only watched season 17 and 18. Are you familiar with other seasons?

Not really, no.

From the past two seasons, who were your three favorites from each season?

Season 17, James was my favorite, Austin [Matelson]. He's just a big teddy bear to me. I liked him a lot. And his strategy was good. He made it to the end with a showmance, which I want to be in. Everybody asks me my strategy. Number one, I am going to be myself. I'm a very friendly person, which attracts people. For season 18 I like Paul, Nicole and Corey.

So you like showmances.

I think it's great! 

You're looking for love.

Everyone is looking for love, right? It's going to be fun. Of course there are going to probably be amazingly hot girls. Every girl is trouble. That's what I've learned in my life. The first thing I look at is in their eyes. I love their eyes! Their eyes and their nose. But my goal in this game is to just throw out my lure and wait for the girl to come to me. I throw out the bait and wait for the girl to come to me. There's going to be an alpha male that wants the same girl that I do. It depends on the girl. Because it depends on the fish too. How many fish are in the sea? If there's a hotter one and a mediocre one I might just go for the mediocre one without causing drama. 

Fame, love or money. What do you pick?

Love! Love is better than money. Love is better than fame. If I was to die what would I bring to heaven? I would bring love. I love being loved and I love having my heart broken too. Everyone should fall in love a lot of times and have their heart broken a lot.

Obviously you have long hair. Will you shave your head in the house?

Will I shave it? Unless it's very important, no. I've been growing it out for two and a half years and i want to donate it for a good cause. If I was on the show and all of a sudden I started shaving my hair, it's not going to be donated to a good cause. It would be a cause for America to see because it's funny. .  .

Would you not do it for $250,000?

If you're offering me that, yeah of course! But if it was just a joke I don't think I would.

Why will fans root for you and might they not?

I'm a southern charm, a sweet guy. I'm chill. I'm going to put blood on my hands, but because it's online you want America to like you. I'm sure they will have some sway on this new season. They might not like me for hurting people's feelings, like girls. The only reason someone won't like me it because if I'm portrayed as a sweet guy and all of a sudden they see this sweet guy lying to people and backstabbing them. Let's say I get into a showmance and all of a sudden I break it up and cheat on someone with another girl.

You would do that?

Why not? (Laughs)! You know what I mean? I'm here to have fun. At the end of the day, I've heard that if you get in the game you should go for the money. I'm not walking in there with $250,000. If I don't win it, I've had an experience that not a lot of people have had. It doesn't really bother me if I don't walk out with $250,000. I want the fans to have fun. 

If you last long in the house you will miss the election. Do you care?

I hate Trump and Hillary. (Laughs)! They're both terrible people and it's sad we only have two candidates that are them. It's just insane to me. I don't want Trump to win. If I was to vote I would vote Hillary. I was raised as a Jehovah's Witness so I don't vote. I was raised as it. I don't practice so me missing that stuff, it's just another day.

What's something fans wouldn't know about you unless you told them?

A lot of people don't know I was going to be a professional golfer. I went to school in Carlsbad and was doing the program to be a pro and then I realized it wasn't what I wanted to do. Being with country club members and try to figure out their last names, they're kind of douchey. I was like, "This is not my type of life." I loved it so much and I played everyday and I got to the point where I hated playing golf. 

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Really disliked his interview questions answers....I'd just like people to be more familiar with the game then one season. Justin also wanted to be on The Real World. The connection between him and Dani seem real but after a season of couples making it far I'd like to see more of an individual "I'm here for Big Brother" kind of game being played. 

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3 hours ago, blehbleh said:

Really disliked his interview questions answers....I'd just like people to be more familiar with the game then one season. Justin also wanted to be on The Real World. The connection between him and Dani seem real but after a season of couples making it far I'd like to see more of an individual "I'm here for Big Brother" kind of game being played. 


Justin tried out for a cooking show and Big Brother grabbed him. He joked a lot and asked if Big Brother was like the Real World. 

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On 10/6/2016 at 0:30 PM, blehbleh said:

Really disliked his interview questions answers....I'd just like people to be more familiar with the game then one season. Justin also wanted to be on The Real World. The connection between him and Dani seem real but after a season of couples making it far I'd like to see more of an individual "I'm here for Big Brother" kind of game being played. 

Yes!!! Like back when players didn't care about fame. They were deep into the game and willing to really get blood on their hands. Instead of this whole showmance junk and picking off easy targets. 

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5 hours ago, Moonpetal said:

Yes!!! Like back when players didn't care about fame. They were deep into the game and willing to really get blood on their hands. Instead of this whole showmance junk and picking off easy targets. 

 And exposure! Like "after this I'm going to become famous". Wasn't it last season (18) when one of the returnees (I want to say Frank) totally crushed Jozea's dream by saying something along the lines of "Nope, that doesn't happen at all. You basically fade into obscurity". What a shining moment. 

On 10/6/2016 at 4:42 PM, Marty said:


Justin tried out for a cooking show and Big Brother grabbed him. He joked a lot and asked if Big Brother was like the Real World. 

Yeah I saw that after, that he has a restaurant and couldn't get on MasterChef. 

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