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Sunday September 4, 2016 Big Brother 18 Live Feed Updates


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This forum thread is for posting live feed updates & screen caps that reflect what's going on in the BB house.  Comments and BB18 discussions are in the Big Brother 18 Discussion section.

If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment] around the text.

Remember your time zones. Big Brother 18 Time is West Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here).


Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter. I've been tripped up not knowing if "B" is Bronte or Bridgette.


To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who. Download PDF And here's DRG's guide by team Cast Cards PDF.

Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:

British Bedroom (UKBR)

Tokyo Bedroom (TBR)

Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet (WC)
Kitchen Area (KA)
Kitchen (KT)
Dining Table (DT)
Living Room (LR)
Back Yard (BY)
Bedroom (BR)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
Storage Room (SR)


When referring to Da'Vonne, you can use "Da," "Dav," and, of course, "Da'Vonne," but for some reason "Da' " with the apostrophe, jams my proofreader program, and "Day" is confusing, so use Dae.

You are all encouraged to add info in your posts letting others know that you can only stay an hour, or, "I'm done, can someone else take over!" or whatever, so that lurkers, or "floaters" will be encouraged to fill the gaps.  


It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. 

Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at  http://www.tvfanforums.net/index.php?/chat.html/ Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds and dish about the HGs at the same time.  


Thank you!

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12:00 AM BBT Nicole and Corey in the Tokyo BR. Nicole says Corey averaged 2 minutes in a room. She says that’s pretty good. Nicole says they don’t have to worry about going up this week. Nicole starts talking about a past relationship (I don’t think she’s talking about Hayden in this instance)


12:03 AM BBT Vic and James in the KT eating. They are talking about MacGyver. They say it starts the Friday after the finale. They said it looks badass from the preview they seen. James says they could have put a cartoon on and we would have thought it was badass. Talk turns to whether it will be a two eviction week. James says they have to do it because they are off track now. They discuss if an eviction was going to happen Wednesday, then they will know depending on if they get the yard back. James says if not this week, then definitely next week.


12:09 AM BBT James and Victor are talking about production so we keep getting FotH. In between, James is telling Victor he’ll go home the next day, late in the evening after the finale. FotH. Then we hear them talking about wrap parties and James says Rachel Reilly usually hosts one. FotH. We come back and James says she might not do one this year. Victor asks when she had her baby. James said recently and maybe that’s why she didn’t do this. James talks about how their showmance is one of the few that worked out, they did the amazing race, and then got married and had a baby.


12:13 AM BBT James talks about jury and how they think certain jurors will vote. James talks about last season and Vanessa. Vic says he’d vote based on game play and not personal. Vic asks if Steve was a good player and James says Steve played as the underdog. James says some seasons have bitter juries and some vote for who played the best game. James tells Vic how F2 questioning and speeches work. James tells Vic if he’s F2 to just be ready for Big Meech’s question. He says she’s going to be the rogue one. Vic says but if you respond with a good answer then you can put her in her place.


12:21 AM BBT Vic goes upstairs and lays down in bed with Paul. Paul asks who’s in DR and Vic says Natalie. He says he just got done eating with James in the KT and Paul asks if he said anything. Vic says no they were just talking. Paul says what do you think we should do and Vic says he’s still in the air about it. Vic says if you really think Natalie is our best bet, then I trust your judgement. Paul says it’s a risk either way, but he’d rather face James in a comp than Natalie because she’s been doing really well. Vic says well let’s do that then. Vic tells Paul didn’t go to the wrap parties because he had Bold and the Beautiful the next day.


12:27 AM BBT Paul says Natalie is just ignoring everyone. Vic says mmmhmmm. Paul says send her ass out. Vic says I don’t get it, I really don’t get it. Vic says maybe you have a distaste for her so maybe you are hypersensitive to her. He says that’s just his take on it. Vic says into his mic production will you please call Paul next and Paul says fuck you. Vic says after Natalie is done, just go ahead and call Paul.


James and Nicole in the KT. Nicole tells James they’re awake and he can go into the Tokyo room and talk with them.  He goes in and they turn the lights on.

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12:30 AM BBT James tells Corey he told Natalie to hang out with everyone and talk to them. He says but she wants to spend time and Corey says yeah, that’s cool. James says he thinks he’s the target and he assumes he’s going home. He says he feels bad. Corey says why do you feel bad? James says he’s already mentally checking out and Corey asked why he was doing that. James says you all better not do any crazy shit man. Corey says he’s not doing anything crazy, he’s sticking to his guns. James says that’s good, I think. Corey said it’s been a crazy couple weeks and he doesn’t want people yelling at them. James says I’m not going to yell at you all. James says why would somebody yell at you all and Corey says I don’t know. James asks Corey to vote him out because Natalie is on the block because of him. Corey says you need to stop doing what you’re doing right now. James says I voted Victor out and she told me not to. Corey says that was a game move, you didn’t know he was going to come right back in. Corey says I don’t think it’s you. Corey says they’re going to do what’s best for the game, they don’t know what’s going to happen and he tells James to hang out and have fun. James says he feels responsible for her and Corey says you shouldn’t. Corey tells James not to give up.


12:38 AM BBT Nicole came in and Corey says he just told James if he was on the block with Nicole he’d campaign hard against her. They talk about random stuff.


12:47 AM BBT Nicole says her and James lasted longer than last time and they both stayed off the block for a long time. James says he forgot what it felt like. Corey asks if they felt like they had an advantage. Nicole says yeah how do you think I made it this far. James says riding coattails. Corey says that’s why my back hurts. Nicole says she knew who to align with. Nicole talks about Jozea telling her to her face that he was coming after her. James says well they made it easy. Corey starts talking about Tallywackers. Corey has also been to a gay bar once. James says you can meet girls at a gay bar and you’re not competing with 6000 guys so the odds are in your favor. Corey asked how many gay bars Nicole has been to. She says she’s only went when she goes to hang out with Andy in Chicago. Corey doesn’t know who Andy is so they tell him. Corey says he’s gay I’m guessing and Nicole says yes. Nicole says Andy is just really fun.  

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1:00 AM BBT James comments on how long Nat’s DR session has lasted. Nic and Corey say they’ve been long. James says his have been long because he sucks at them right now. FotH.


1:03 AM BBT Nicole says Jozea had a crush on Corey. Corey says he tried to put a wedge between them. Corey says he got put up by his own teammate. They talk about the 8 pack blowing up. Nicole asks James if he thinks if the season was rough. James says yeah because of the personalities, teams, roadkills, buy backs, round trip tickets, people calling each other out, etc. He said it just never ended. Nicole and James talk about Michelle and why she was voted out and James says Michelle asked why he’s always protecting Nicole. But he didn’t know that until after she left. Nicole says thanks for sticking up for me and James says no problem. He says he didn’t realize he was doing it, it just naturally happened.


1:15 AM BBT They talk about the veto comp again. James is talking about how bad he did. Nicole says it was hard. They have decided they probably won’t do BB Comics this year. James says the guy who does the comics might be tied up this season. James says they wanted to do shirts outside of BB and James said he was booked like crazy. Nicole says they make two of each one and James says how much they cost and BB tells them they are not allowed to talk about production. They think the comps look expensive and they says Survivor’s comps aren’t as expensive. We get FotH. Corey talks about coming back for another season. James says he’d come back and be in another showmance. Corey says no, not another showmance. Nicole says that’s what I said. Corey says that’s what James said too.


1:30 AM BBT They are talking about the people who slept in the other beds in the Tokyo BR were all evicted.   

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1:32 AM BBT Nicole, Corey, and James still in Tokyo and Nat comes out of the DR. They say there she is and she says she’s going to eat pizza. James says he’s going to hang out with the old lady. James heads to the KT and asks why her DR was so long and we get FotH.


1:33 AM BBT Corey gets up and turns the light off and goes to the WC. As he walks by the KT James tells Corey Natalie said he looks like Goku. Corey says from Dragon Ball-Z and he says yeah. Natalie says you are Goku and Corey says you kind of do.


1:35 AM BBT Nicole is called to the DR. She asks if they have to wear their comp shirts and Nat says she wore hers but they didn’t request it. Nicole goes to put hers on and touches up her make up. Corey goes to get a bowl of cereal. Nat says the pizza is delicious. Nat wants more pizza and Nicole yells from the WA that there’s more in the fridge. Corey yells at Nicole to hurry. He says if he gets called in at 3am he’s going to be pissed. FotH.


1:50 AM BBT Natalie says she can’t believe she just binged when she was doing so well on her diet. She then tells James not to wash her dishes because it makes her feel bad. She asks why he’s so nice to her. He says I’m from Texas that’s how we do it. He says I don’t know how them Jersey people do it and Natalie says Jersey people are nice. They head off to the UKBR leaving Corey alone in the KT.


1:51 AM BBT Nat and James sit on the floor between the beds to play Dominoes. Nat says she’s going home this week. She’s going to campaign against herself so he can stay. She’s ready for jury. She doesn’t want to be with those people anymore. She’s not have fun and if she’s not having fun doing something, then why do. If she can make just as much money and go to the jury with her friends and sing and dance and go in the pool.   


1:54 AM BBT James says he talked to Corey and he fills Natalie in on the conversation. James says do you think they’d flip the votes on Victor? Natalie says I can see that happening. James said it would be 3 against 1 if he stayed. Natalie says James I don’t care, I’m ready to go home. To go to jury. James says if I won, I could put up and Natalie says it’s a smart move on their end because you’d end up working just with them. Natalie says you haven’t made a ruckus, you haven’t shit on them for doing what they did to us. James re-hashes his conversation with Victor, telling Natalie he took the blame for Victor being evicted.


1:57 AM BBT James says if you go to jury and leave me here and Natalie interrupts and says James, Nicole and Corey are not going to vote to keep me here over you. She says think about it. James says Victor said I’m the target. Nat says yes but Corey and Nicole want you to stay over me. Nat says if they keep you and you win you will put up Paul and Victor. Nat says if one of them wins they’re going up. James says their odds are better if they’re three to one. Nat says Paul wants her out. James thinks they’re going to blind side Victor if they do that. Nat says they trust James over her and she says seriously. If you work with Nicole and Corey after you stay, don’t ever talk to me ever again. James says that’s really mean to say. She says it’s the truth. James says why would you say that? She says because. They are the reason you and I are on the block and why I’m going home. And you’re the one that made me trust them. So if you work with them going forward, it’s your game, but I honestly won’t talk to you.

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2:00 AM BBT Nat and James still playing Dominoes in the UKBR. Nat continues not to be mean or anything but they’re the reason I’m going home and you’re going to work with them? Corey and Nicole know if I stay I’m putting them on the block. If I win, I can win comps. Or at least I have the potential to win a comps and they know that. James says so Victor wants me to go home and Paul votes for me and they blindside Victor, I work with him anyway? Natalie says honestly do whatever you want. But Corey and Nicole backstabbed us and you’re going to work with them after they backstabbed us and it’s the reason I went home, then go ahead with them, do whatever you want. They’re going to use you to get to the top now and they’re going to have three people on their side. No one’s going to want me to stay over you, James. Especially after this veto comp, I’m a threat to them. Even though they’re the biggest threats in this house. James says he’s stuck in the middle. Nat says what? He says if one of us goes whoever stays is right in the middle. Natalie says they’re going to come after whoever stays. James says Nicole and Corey are going to want to pull for you and Victor and Paul are going to need you because you’re going to be the swing vote. Nat says no they are going to put you on the block and he says who. Nat says whoever stays me or you. She says it looks like you’re staying. James says we don’t know that, I’m just tossing out scenarios.  Natalie says if they keep you James it’s going to be you, Corey, Nicole against Paul in the HOH competition. James says so if I win HOH, I return the favor and put Nicole and Corey on the block. Nat says what do you have to lose at that point? They backstabbed us. James says why wouldn’t I put one up from each side? Nat says that’s what she was going to do. Like roulette. And whoever comes down their partner goes up. James says that’s to say I stay and win HOH. Natalie says it would be detrimental to Nicole and Corey’s game to keep me over you. Because they know I apologized to Victor and Paul. James says so they know you would go over there. Nat says why do you think I apologized to them? I knew Paul would go tell them. Just let me know if you’re staying. I’m not going to be mad at all because that’s what I want. Just so I can really like prepare for a great speech. James says they’re not going to tell me.


2:05 AM BBT James says if this is a blindside, they’re not going to want to tell anybody until the last second. Nat says Nicole and Corey just play everyone out. And you’re going to work with them. You better put them on the block. (At this point James looks away and sighs heavily) James says, first off, you don’t know that. James says second off, I would never, I don’t care if this game gets involved or not, I would never tell you if you made a decision then don’t ever talk to me again. Nat says James I’m not meaning it like that. They just betrayed us and you’re going to keep working with them? (Again, James looks away and sighs) Natalie says it’s in your best interest if you keep Victor safe, then he and Paul will be loyal to you over whoever is left standing out of them too. Natalie is in his most vulnerable state when Victor can’t play HOH. Natalie says you have to be loyal to Victor, you don’t have to be loyal to Paul, you just have to be loyal to Victor. She says at this point in the game she doesn’t know anything about loyalty. (Again, James heaves another huge sigh) Natalie says she didn’t mean it in a bad way, she just wouldn’t respect it. How about that one? I’m not going to respect that game move. But you do whatever you need to do, whatever you think is right. But just know that I followed you into the dark and I trusted them because you trusted them, and I kept doubting it and doubting it and now I’m going to go home for it. So, and you’re going to go work with those people? James says I didn’t say I’m working with them, Natalie. He says the fact is if they keep me, I’m by myself. It’s two groups and two groups. I have to decide which group I want to go with and which group I want to attack. And it’s a 50/50 shot. Natalie says why are we talking about this? I don’t even care about this game. So let’s play. James says because that was really mean what you said. Natalie says well I’m sorry, I said it. It came out of my mouth, I’m sorry. (She gives a one should shrug and a slight smile) James says well, that’s really mean. I’m just saying I would NEVER (emphasis his, not mine) say that to you. She says (loudly) sorry, I said it. Can we finish playing? (Another sigh from James) Natalie says I’m sorry I said it. I’m sorry I didn’t mean to upset you. James says it’s not about upsetting me, Natalie. He says my feelings for you obviously are and Natalie interrupts you really think you I’m going to stop talking to you because of that. She says I just said it out of frustration because I don’t want you working with them. She says I’m not perfect, I say things I don’t mean sometimes. I would just prefer you not to work with them. Honestly, put one person up from each group then and play roulette. And if one of them pulls themselves down, then put one of their teammates up. James says that’s what he planned on doing. She says allright, sorry for upsetting you. He says it didn’t upset me it just…


2:10 AM BBT Natalie says Victor was very precise in his speech. She says Victor said James you are MY target and Natalie you’re a sweet girl and I hope you can pull yourself off. So you are his target, so he might not even know that I’m probably going home. James says that doesn’t make sense. If they’re working together, then why do they have two different targets. Natalie says they want both of us gone. Natalie says I’m best for Victor’s game. James says ok, but it’s Victor’s HOH. Natalie says Paul wants me out. Paul wants me out, Nicole wants me out, and Corey wants me out. James says so everyone wants to shit on Victor? Natalie says he’s not playing next week. James says it doesn’t matter they’re supposed to be on “teams”. Natalie says Victor is not going to get pissed if they keep you. James says he literally just said I was his target to go home and Nicole and Corey keep me? Nat says Paul wants me out too. James says Paul is Victor’s ride or die. Natalie says they are going to tell him she’s a bigger threat in comps. James says so they switched targets. Natalie says honestly, I don’t care, I’m going to campaign for you to stay. Natalie says Paul doesn’t have her vote in jury. Natalie says Victor was a jerk to her, he was rude to her for 20 days. So the fact that Natalie apologized to him, and it was sincere and Paul shit on her and made fun of it and didn’t care, if she stayed she’d put up Paul and Nicole. If Nicole wins and comes down Corey goes up and if Paul comes down Victor goes up. She’s going to say that in her speech they’re going to play roulette so take that mother fuckers. James says when did you become gangster? Natalie says when they shit on me and kept shitting on me. She says does he really think he can shit on me and get my jury vote? Are you kidding me? At this point, if Nicole and Paul were in F2 yesterday she would have voted for Paul, but after today and she apologized to him Nicole would get her vote. James says babe, if you do you happen to go home, she says I’m happy about it. James says if you go you can vote for whoever you want to vote for. Nat says he’s going to shit on me after I put my pride aside, he’s not getting my vote. She says the only other person she’d vote for is Victor and she hopes he makes F2 because clearly she’s not. James says we don’t know that yet. We still got a lot of game. There’s a lot of time between now and Thursday. She says she has to go to the WC and she apologizes again for upsetting him and says it was the heat of the moment.


2:16 AM BBT James in UKBR alone and says boy I tell you what, girls ain’t loyal. Don’t ever talk to me again. Wow. He whispers what are you doing James. He repeats again. You came here to play Big Brother and he heaves another sigh. He goes to refill his cup.


2:19 AM BBT Natalie comes back and asks James if he has a F2 deal with Corey and Nicole. (She’s smiling/smirking as she asks this) Or Final 3? James says no I don’t. Nat says do you have a F2 with Corey or Nicole? James says no I don’t. Nat says did you throw the comp today? James says no I couldn’t do it. He says why would I do that? Nat says I was just wondering. He says why are you interrogating me? She says I’m not I’m asking questions. He says you’re asking about F2 deals and Nat says I don’t know. She says even Meech thought you had a final two with Nicole. James says you think this whole time that I would not tell you I had a F2 with Nicole. Nat says I don’t know. James says it’d be pretty shitty. He says ok we’ve been together for 80 days. Do you not know me by now? Do you not trust me? Nat says I do trust you. I just don’t know, I’m making sure. Like, I’m just asking questions. I’m sorry if these questions are weird, just from my perspective it looks weird. James says a couple of hours ago before this comp I was content with going home. I was like wanting you to stay but now that weird thing happened and Natalie interrupts and says no, I know I’m going. James says it just doesn’t make sense that he was the target at noms, but they win the veto and can vote him out and they’re going to keep him now. He said it doesn’t make sense in his eyes.


2:21 AM BBT Natalie says because Nicole and Corey are going to manipulate Paul and Victor to keep you over me. (Another heavy sigh from James) James says Victor is just going to sit there and take it right. Nat says mmhmm. Nat says I really don’t care James, I’m just saying. James says that’s a waste of an HOH if you ask me. Natalie says voting Michelle out was a waste of an HOH. She wasn’t a threat, she won one veto, and never won an HOH. 


2:23 AM BBT Natalie is tired and ready to go to sleep. They start cleaning up the dominoes. James says to answer your question I have no final 3 or final 2 that I don’t have a deal with Nicole or Corey. He says I don’t know what else I have to do to convince you. Nat asked if Nicole and Corey told James he was staying. He says no. James says he told them earlier to vote him out and Nat says why, I’m going to do that. Natalie says I’m going to beat you to it. James says it’s too late I already did it. Nat said why didn’t you tell me and James says cause you didn’t ask. Nat says she doesn’t want to be here if they’re going to be mean to her. He told them he was already checked out and he just wants to have a fun week. FotH.


2:27 AM BBT James says she’s a strange creature. She says he called her that on tv. She says she’s been called that before. That’s why she was casted. I’m not your average chick. James says I noticed that. James says you hurt my feelings. Nat says I’m sorry, James. I’m sorry. You really think I would never talk to you for working with two people who betrayed us. She said it was word vomit. She said something she didn’t mean. She says he’s a grown man he can work with whoever he wants. Even if it’s working with two people who betrayed them and are the reason they’re on the block and the reason she’s going home. James says isn’t it worth it if it’s the best game move to get me to the win. She says you trusted them one time and it’s going to get me evicted. James says if he had won the veto she was going to get pulled down. She wouldn’t have allowed that. He was certainly sure that when Victor said he was the target he was throwing in the towel and mentally checking out. She’s planning on campaigning for them to keep James. James says what if they say the same thing to you they said to me. She says it’s different.

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2:36 AM BBT James says if I put up Paul and Nicole will you be happy. She says yes. She says you say to them you’re playing roulette in honor of Natalie and if you come down your partner goes up. He says how about I just say I’m nominating you in honor of Natalie. She then says he threw the comp today. He says you watched it. She says she’s teasing him.


2:39 AM BBT James says DR must like Natalie because they keep calling her. He says was called a lot the last couple of days. Natalie says it’s because she doesn’t get the material right and she has to repeat stuff. BB tells them they are not allowed to talk about their DR sessions. Nat asks James if he’s jealous. He laughs and then asks if she has anymore weird questions she’d like to ask him today. She says she just wanted to be sure he’s not playing her out, to be honest, because she’s been played out a lot in her life. She’s had a lot of people in real life swear to God and lie to her so she just wanted to make sure. She says I trust you James, I trust you whole heartedly, but in this game sometimes you do get doubts in your head and I just wanted to make sure I could trust you. She just needs his reassurance sometimes, she doesn’t think it’s a big deal.  James said but if I would have, and I’m not saying this in a bad way, but I like said Natalie do you really like me or are you just playing me out. BB tells Natalie not to obstruct her mic. Natalie says that’s a different story because that’s not even game related. James says yeah it’s better because it’s personal and heart related. Natalie says yeah, that’s rude. James says but sometimes in this game you have doubts and Natalie laughs and tells him to shut his hole. James tells her if she stays play a STRATEGIC game. She says she would. She’d link up with Paul and Victor even though Paul is shitting on her.


2:44 AM BBT Natalie says I just know you’re going to work with Corey and Nicole. James says you don’t know that. He says can’t I just stay in the middle? Can I just be neutral? Can I just say I don’t have anybody so I’m going to put one up from each side to make it fair? BB tells Natalie to not obstruct her microphone. James says is that fair? Will you still talk to me? She says yes. She says just kidding, play the game you want to play babe. Link up with Corey and Nicole again. James says it’s so funny I know you so good. She says make sure you link up with people that got me sent home. Natalie says after today’s veto and they got to watch, they were all shitting themselves. That I had the veto over Vic. James says you’re a smart cookie. He says she made it past the third room. Natalie says this was my comp but Corey was bigger and quicker and he has a better grasp of things and was stronger. She’s smaller and it takes more effort and energy than him. She really liked this comp. She likes problem solving like this and she’s good at it. She says I was supposed to be an FBI agent or a CIA agent, I’m really good at that stuff. James says I don’t even know who you are anymore. She says what do you mean and he says I don’t know who you are anymore. She says why’d you just say that. James says because you just like have been hurting my feelings all night. She says she’s not an FBI or CIA agent. She asks (again) do you swear you didn’t drop this comp? He says really? You could tell the panic on my face. She knows he threw that comp.


2:58 AM BBT James is called to the DR. James says to sleep well and he’s going to DR. She tells him to go into DR with a smile on his face. She says are you mad at me, did I joke around too much? James says were you joking around? Nat says I was serious during dominoes but I haven’t since.

3:59 AM BBT James is out of the DR. He says the BY is open. Paul and Victor are upstairs asleep. Corey and Nicole are in the Tokyo BR asleep. James gets in bed with Natalie and lets her know the BY is open. They go to sleep. All HG tucked into bed.

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4:11PM BBT Paul and Nicole chatting in the back yard couch area.  James and Natalie chatting on the backyard hammock.  Nicole is whining about not being ready for another relationship when she's "frikkin' drowning in her real life." James trying to be the voice of reason, but Natalie enjoying her pity party too much.


4:13PM BBT Vic has joined paul and Nicole at the BY couches.


4:19PM BBT Nicole joking with Vic asking how he and Paul cuddle.  Vic says he slept on top of the covers until he woke up in the middle of the night.  Paul says he got a good 10 hours of sleep last night and he needed that.


4:21PM BBT Nicole figures out it's Sunday and tries to see what the schedule for the upcoming week might be.  Paul is confused. Corey comes out and says he hears BB music and what is that, and we get FoTH.


4:38PM BBT Still FoTH


4:59PM BBT Nicole explaining to Corey in bed that when you feel comfortable in the game is when crap happens.  She's stressed because she needs to stay on her toes.  She want's to make sure she's given 100% of being aware all the time.  Corey silently thinking about that sandwich he had for lunch while his eyes dart from place to place.  Nicole reiterates over and over that she's stressed and Corey says nothing.


5:00PM BBT James and Natalie still on the hammock.  Paul and Vic playing pool.



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11:00AM BBT The HG were woken up to "Don't Stop 'til You Get Enough" (Michael Jackson).  James and Nat remain sleeping.  Paul and Vic are outside talking about the weather.


11:50AM BBT Paul and Victor outside eating breakfast.  Paul is sure James has been throwing comps.  Victor says Nat tries sometimes.  She was all pumped up after the Veto comp.  They think Corey has also laid low and let others underestimate him.  Nat goes outside and asks Victor and Paul to evict her and keep James.  She will continue to fight if she stays, she's not going to roll over.


12:00pm BBT Victor tells America to not buy into Nat's plea.  Last night she threw James under the bus, now she's trying to use reverse psychology.  Nat returns and they guys change the topic.


1:00PM BBT Nat is sunbathing in the BY, Victor and Paul talk about having had no stimulation in the house and what it's like about not having been with a woman for so long.  Both guys are still close to their parents.  Victor tells Paul about surviving Katrina and living in Puerto Rico with his grandmother.  Nat keeps inserting herself into the convo.  


2:00pm BBT Nat and James argue in the BY.  She wants to be friends and she's trying to get voted out to save James.  Paul and Victor argue about whether BB is reality TV.  It's not scripted, but Paul questions whether people are being real in the house.  Corey comes out to the BY and tells Vic and Paul that both James and Nat are trying to get themselves evicted to save the other.  Nat apologizes for her emotions and what she said last night.  James says he's dealing with a lot of emotions too.  She hates public displays of affection but likes cuddling in real life.


3:00pm BBT Nicole complains Michelle took her foundation makeup before she left.  It must have been unless Nat did it.  Nat gets upset and says they don't have the same skin color, so why would she? She's just a sh*tty person, Victor says of Meech.  Corey says she took Pablo too.  That's probably on eBay by now, James says unhelpfully.  Nicole is sure Michelle is related to Dan and wonders what Dan thinks of Meech's game. 

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7:00 PM BBT Paul & Victor are sitting in the couch area of the BY & are laughing & joking around. Natalie goes into the house. James asks her if she stole all of the Blow-Pops? She talks in a British accent & says, no, I didn't steal all of them, I only took a few sir. They head to the UKBR. James tells her that she thought it would be hilarious to beat him 8 times. In the UKBR, Natalie tells James that she is cold. Natalie tells James she only needs her bathroom stuff & she will be all packed. James says they packed for a DE & they still have several days, so they are good. Natalie asks James if he's an alien for liking orange over blue raspberry. She rubs it in James' face that she beat him 6 games in a row. James takes Natalie's Blow-Pop & sucks on it. He tells her it's good. She acts like a baby wanting it back. He gives it back to her & continues to suck on his orange sucker. We see FOTH briefly. James is wiping Natalie's face. She tells him that she got so used to him pranking her that she's literally always on edge now. Victor & Paul are now playing pool in the BY. James says all of America knows they are on the block now, great. Natalie says that's o.k. James tells Natalie that he literally saw her sucker breaking in her mouth. She asks if it was in slow motion? He says yes. She says she loves candy. She tells James that he's going to take his daughter out Trick or Treating. James says he drives 17 hours, 5 states over to see her. Natalie tells him he should fly. He says he fills his tank up about 3 times & it's about $45.00 each time. Natalie says that's over $300.00. She says a round-trip ticket is probably cheaper. He says he would have to rent a car there. He says the drive clears his head & he takes his friend Jason with him sometimes. He says he always checks his oil, fluids & tires before he goes on the trip. He says he takes good care of his truck.

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5:00PM BBT James and Natalie are still on the hammock. Paul and Victor are playing pool.

5:30PM BBT Nicole is crying in the UKBR.  She's stressed that she's so close to the $500k.  Corey can only stare a the wall silently.  After 10m, Nicole says it's been 3 months since her period and something's wrong.  Corey doesn't show any sign of hearing her.  Nicole says she feels guilty over something but not what.  The two start cuddling but Corey gets up and walks outside.  Dodged a bullet, he tells Paul and Victor.  Nicole was mad about something.  Nicole comes outside and tells Paul about Hayden, says he was a fun guy.

6:30pm BBT Nat accuses James of throwing the Veto comp, which James denies.  She jokes his military training should have helped him.  That was too long ago, James responds.  James says next comp he's going to pretend to be Nat and whine and ask someone else to let her win.  They go outside to play Dominoes.  


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7:09 PM BBT He says if he had a smaller car it would probably be better. Natalie says he can use cruise control. He says he has cruise control in his truck, but it's bigger, so if you go over a little bit you are in the other lane. Natalie tells him she has a present for him. He says it's a baby umbilical cord. He tells him he has a present for her & it's his foreskin. She is laughing so hard. Natalie tells him the umbilical cord is hers from when she was a baby. James tries to put it in her shirt. She tells him it's really part of the skin from an orange. She says it's the orange's umbilical cord. They goof around. James tells her to talk to the hand. She says, because the face doesn't want to hear it. James sits on Natalie & holds her legs back. He's untieing her shoes & tieing them together. She tells him to wait until he falls asleep tonight. She tells him she hates him. She says she could have fallen asleep in her sneakers & if he did that it wouldn't be good. He talks about hog tieing her. She fixes her laces. She tells James that he is talking sick jokes. He says it's hog tieing & you do it to pigs. She says, aww. He says you have to do it so they don't run away because they are fast. Natalie says she loves pigs. He says if you can catch a chicken you are fast. James talks about catching chicken for money. She says that could be a great fundraiser. James says everyone could pay $20.00 to enter & whoever wins will get half of the jackpot. James tells Natalie that you can give chicken caffeine. He tells her you don't really do that. She wonders if people can really do that. He says it's hard to catch birds. Natalie says, yeah. She says Victoria was taken to Final 3 because she couldn't win any comps. James says that's why he was telling her not to win any comps. He says she wouldn't listen to him, because she wants to come out of the house as a beast. He says he knew he would go before her. He says they are afraid of her now. Natalie says he's making her feel more like sh*t. He says he's playing, but it's true. He says now they see she's not just ditzy. He says now she can be seen as being a threat & people are afraid of her.

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7:18 PM BBT In the BY, Nicole has joined Victor & Paul playing pool. Thy are all laughing. Nicole asks where the dominoes are? Victor says James & Natalie keep stealing them. Paul tells him to tell them to leave them alone. Nicole asks Corey how long he's going to work out? We can't hear his response. Nicole says she doesn't have a shot in the pool game. Back in the UKBR, James is still sucking on his orange lollipop. Natalie is lying down shaking her left leg. James rubs her face & breathes in & out really deep.

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7:21 PM BBT Natalie asks James if she gets a manager after the show? James says it only lasts a little while. Natalie wants to model after the show. She wonders if she should to the route to do commercials, dance & model. She says she was in a catalog for a company in New York. She says she was in their emails also. She says it's like the Adidas & Nike of sports. James asks how much she got paid? She says a couple hundred bucks because she was in college. Her microphone is muffled. James tells her she can request more because she has a fan base. He tells her to do it for a legit photo company. he says there are some creeps out there. He says his baby momma did some modeling. Natalie tells him she's really pretty. James says, thanks. Natalie tells him that she's above average. James says so he can't get above average pretty girls? Natalie says she wasn't expecting her to be that stunning. She says it sounds wrong. She says there is beautiful, but she is stunning. James asks why she wouldn't expect that? She says she loves f'n with him. She says she knew she would be gorgeous, but she's stunning. She tells him he can get a lot of girls, that's obvious, but she is beautiful. He says, so, he picks up below average girls? She says, no, he picks up stunning girls. He says he's humble & kind & he doesn't brag. Natalie tells him he should. He says he will tell someone what she like if they ask him, but he doesn't going around just bragging. He says he wouldn't just go around saying he's talking to an NFL cheerleader & she's so hot. She says she wouldn't like that. James tells her she's in the dog house tonight to sleep in the other bed. James says he wants to see her ex-boyfriends. She says she was the only one that thought they were cute. James says, she was attracted to their personality then. She says, yes. He says he's onto him. She says she was attracted to their personalities until they became buttholes. James says she can date cute guys also. She says her cousin told her that. James says he wonders what they will say about him. She doesn't respond. James asks what she's thinking about? Natalie says, what? She tells him what does he think she's thinking about? She says she's thinking about her cousin & she hasn't shouted them out so they probably hate her. Natalie asks what James is thinking about? He says why she said her ex's weren't really cute? She says she thought they were cute, but her friends didn't think so. He asks if they told her that & how it made her feel? She says yes & sad, but she didn't really care.

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7:30 PM BBT Natalie tells James that her ex's were interested in her exterior, not her interior. She says they wanted her as a trophy, but didn't want to put in any work. James asks if Loren has ever told her that her boyfriends are douche bags? She says she doesn't say it like that, but yes. James says, "Good job Loren." James asks if she has dated some cute guys? She says, yes. He asks how many? She says 1 or 2 that were cute to the public. Natalie says no one hits on her on social media. She says when she's out & about she does get hit on, but not by cute guys. James tells her she should go to Texas. She asks if there are cute guys there? He says there are really rugged guys there. He tells her to try a different atmosphere. She says she needs to find herself a cowboy. Natalie asks, like him? He says he's one of kind, a rare bread. Natalie says there is no one out there like her. He tells her she is definitely one of a kind. He says she is Natalie Mercedes Negrotti. He asks what makes Natalie unique? He tells her to pretend she's on a casting interview. BB says you are not allowed to talk about production. Natalie says she is very outgoing & personal. She says she loves glitter, does charity work & has 3 jobs. They whole time she's talking like a baby. James tells her she's unique. She says she does non-profit work, she's bilingual, her first language is Spanish, & she used to be an NFL cheerleader. James says, then she does a hair flip & winks. They argue about her being unique. She says she is very peppy, loud & loves to have a lot of fun. She says dancing is fun & she loves to dance all the time. She says she loves to dance in the car all the time. She says she accidentally kicked in a door one time to save her cell phone. James asks how she did that? James asks who let this girl on Big Brother? She says she loves puppies. James plays with the comforter over Natalie's face. She says, "James Joseph." James laughs & stops. He is still smacking his lips on the orange lollipop as he lays down. Natalie talks in her British accent & asks James what makes him unique. He says to listen to the way he talks. He says there is no one out there like him & if they find them he will give them $100.00 & he drops the mic & walks away.

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7:39 PM BBT Natalie says being on the block is turning her back into herself. She says she doesn't feel trapped there anymore. James says he really doesn't care about being on the block. Natalie talks about a movie using a country accent. James says she sounds like she's from the country. She is talking about Reese Witherspoon, but she can't remember her name. James knows what movie she is talking about. She says she's the blond woman from Legally Blonde. James tells her she is sketchy about relationships because she has been toyed with a lot. We can't understand what she's saying because her microphone is muffled. Natalie says some people can't handle someone with baggage. James asks if she has backage? She says everyone does & she likes putting her time into charity work. James tells her that's pretty cool. She says in her everyday life she works, works out, spends time with Loren, sees her family & friends. She says number one is always God. She says it was always God & then work, but now she is trying to make her number two family & friends. She says she's been killing herself with work & it's not getting her anywhere. James asks if she's sleepy? She says, yes. He tells her good night. She says good night. It's going to be nap time for them. James asks her if she saw A Walk To Remember? She says she watched it with Loren before she went to the show. James tells her he will help her with BB if she makes him a promise. She says he has helped her. He says he will help her more if she makes a promise. She says she can make a promise without him doing that. He wants to quote something off the movie & she rude it. Natalie says they kiss in two different cities. BB says you are not allowed to quote dialog from movies. James tells her to promise him she won't fall in love. He says they are so eavesdropping on their conversation. James' microphone is muffled now, so we can't hear what he's saying. They are talking about a band that got famous really quick. James says words to a song. BB tells him to please stop singing. James is moving Natalie back & forth & he says shake and bake. She asks what that means? He repeats shake and bake. James tells her she hates him. She says he's her best friend.

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7:49 PM BBT James says no one puts baby in the friend zone. He tells her not to go to sleep. He hits her with the comforter & tells her to talk to him because he's bored. She tells him to socialize with his friends because he will be staying there. Natalie tells him he has beautiful eyes. He says, thanks babe, you do too. In the BY, Corey is in the hot tub. Nicole says they didn't give them Jenga or anything & she goes to look at herself in a mirror out there. She has jeans & a sweatshirt on & is sitting on the edge of the hot tub. Corey asks her what's up? She says, nothing much. An airplane flies overhead. Corey says it's weird what happened earlier. She says it made her feel like things were going to change. She says it was the same feeling when Frank & Bridgette were on the block. She says she knew it was to good to be true. She says they should never feel comfortable in the game unless they are HOH for the week.

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7:53 PM BBT Back in the UKBR, James asks who let this girl in here. He asks her how she likes her arm rubbed? She says like he's doing. She says she just wants to be pet. James asks if she wants to be pet like a dog? She says, yes. James tells Natalie they should go outside. She tells James to go check. They play rock, paper, scissors. Natalie asks if they are screaming? He says yes. Natalie says she does need to go pee. She says if there's a twist they wouldn't be yelling. She gets up & puts James's Crocks on. She tells James to go with her. They leave the UKBR. Victor is screaming about a beard while sitting at the KT table with Paul. James tells him he has lost his mind. James brushes his teeth as Natalie goes in the WC.

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7:56 PM BBT Natalie washes her hands in the WA sink. You can hear her hips popping as she walks away. James tells Natalie she looks sleepy. He tells her he's going to brush his hair. They walk past the KT, where Victor wants Paul to freestyle a rap. In the BY, Nicole says that Natalie is asking like she thinks she's leaving & she will be shocked when she actually leaves. She says she doesn't think she's going for sure. Nicole says that she listened to James & Natalie talk for about 40 minutes & didn't say anything. She says that Natalie told James she is not a relationship person. She says that Natalie was saying she has to be asked like 100 times before she commits. Nicole says that she likes to find someone & spoil them. She says that Natalie tried to act like she was like her. She says that James wants to go to Venezuela with her but she wants to go & have him go later. Corey asks Nicole if she thinks there are big secrets out there? Nicole says she thinks there is more out there for Paul. Corey thinks there is more with Paul & Natalie. Corey asks what Frankie's last name is? Nicole can't remember. She says he has two last names, but she didn't try to investigate. She says she knew his last name was Grande. Nicole says that Victoria talked about Ariana all the time & didn't even put it together. Nicole says that she honestly think Corey has a big secret. Corey says she will be disappointed. She says she wouldn't be shocked, he has connections everywhere. He says it's just from playing sports. Nicole says if people are keeping secrets it's something they are hiding that would make them a target. She says it's has to be something that could get them voted out. She says occupations wouldn't really change anything at this point, unless it's something really big. She says she really doesn't know what someone's secret could change right now. She says being someone's sibling that is a really good player would mean they were coached really well.

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8:05 PM BBT She says she would still take Corey to Final 2 if he has a secret. She says if he's related to someone & she finds that out she would feel betrayed. She says that would be like dropping a bomb & knowing her chances are slim would be hard to deal with. She says she wouldn't be taking him because she would beat him, it would be because she was being loyal to him.

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8:07 PM BBT Nicole says Paul may be related to the Kardashians. She says his parents have money. She says he talked about mansions & a neighbors house being worth a couple million, so that means his house is worth that. Corey says that would be hilarious to meet the Kardashians. He says it would be so fun. She says he should have gotten America's Care Package if that was the case. She says she doesn't follow any of them on Instagram. Corey says he's surprised he didn't get a care package & he did. Nicole says that was good for them. Corey says it was a good feeling getting the last one that America was voting on. Paul & Victor go to the BY. Paul says he remembers Natalie bringing up a lot of things about not dating people for their looks. Paul says that means she is saying that James doesn't have looks & why would she say that? He says she wasn't thinking that through. He says that would be saying the person you are dating is ugly. He says he knew she was full of sh*t when she started saying things like that. Nicole says she went up to her Day 1 saying she was in love with Corey. Victor says she was jumping from one person to another. Paul tells Victor they should have boned. Corey says he only said she was cute & she thought he was interested in him. Nicole says she told Corey that if he wanted a showmance she didn't care, but to keep his head in the game, because he's on her team. Paul asks Corey if he's going to be in the hot tub a little longer? Corey says he wants to get a protein shake & get a shower. Paul says the closer to the end they get they will see his true personality. He says he only cares about the four of them. He says he doesn't care if he gets someone's jury vote. He says when he orders from a menu to order a Cobb Salad he will say cock salad. He says he tosses the fist my ass in things or finger in my mouth. He says he cracks himself up doing stuff like that. Corey says his friend Dillon is in Commercial Real Estate. He says they have to rent the buildings out. He says he will come up with a word like giraffe. He says they go to like the 26th floor & says they are so high a giraffe couldn't get you there. He says that his boss cracks up. He says when he follows up with the person he will ask if the person has seen any giraffe's lately & the person remembers him. Paul says he has a friend that has his name on it & says he does whatever the f he wants with his phone number. Nicole asks if the Veto meeting will be at 9 AM BBT tomorrow? Corey says he's not going to use the veto since both of them want to go home. Corey says all of them want to stay, but both of them have said they want to leave so there is no point to use the Veto.

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8:18 PM BBT Paul says he will stand up & clap if Corey says something like that in his speech. He says that James followed Natalie to the WA. He says if Victor was behind him he would tell him to get the f out. Nicole wants to know what time it is. Paul says it's around 8 PM BBT or so. Paul says they didn't do sh*t today & it was probably the most useless day of his life other than entertaining people. Paul wants a guitar. He wants to make one out of strings. Nicole tells him to make one. Victor says they will tell him to stop that really quick. Corey goes to the WA & takes a shower.  

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8:21 PM BBT In the BY, Paul tells Nicole & Victor that BB might wait until they are the Final 4 to have a comic like they are the Fantastic 4. Victor says Nicole's nails grow fast. She says that's her only power & it's useless. Victor says if they were going to do BB Comics they would have it set up a long time ago. Nicole says it might not happen. She says it's fun as a game player & it's fun to watch. She says it's comical to see everyone's comics, because it relates to the show. Paul says they make sense. Nicole says they have enough on everybody to do something. She says they have options for her with snake & showmance. Paul says they have super safety also. Nicole says OTEV is usually people & this time it was different. Nicole says they are changing things this season. Paul says everyone must be liking things. He says not everyone was mentioned in the weather report. Nicole says they had to talk about the Final 8, & they usually wait until towards the end. Nicole says she's Glenn got some more time. Paul says no one is coming back, it's just a matter of leaving faster. He wants next week to go flawlessly so they can say they did it. Victor says this game is draining him. Nicole has her feet in the hot tub know with Paul sitting next to her on the ledge of the hot tub. Victor is sitting on a lounger next to the pool. Nicole says she feels like she can go to sleep tonight, wake up drink coffee, have the Veto meeting, eat good meals & chill outside. Paul says they may lock them down. Nicole says she slept until 1 PM BBT today. She says she had a late DR sessions last night. Nicole says Corey had another anxiety attack last night & she rubbed his back for 30 seconds to 1 minute & then he was snoring, Paul says he had one of them a few weeks ago. Nicole says he's never had them before. Nicole says they come when you have nothing to worry about. Victor says he's going to listen to some music upstairs. Corey is getting dressed in the Tokyo BR.

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8:29 PM BBT Nicole asks Paul if something is wrong with Victor? Paul says he's really tired. He says Natalie is really grinding his gears & Victor can't stand Natalie. Nicole wonders if it had something to do with what she said about Natalie liking Corey from Day 1. Paul says, no, he can't stand her. Paul thinks that Natalie came into the house wanting to latch onto a guy from the beginning. Paul says she would joke around with him, but he didn't give an f. He says he didn't care to be in a showmance. Nicole says the was the last thing she wanted. She says she hasn't kissed anyone since Hayden. She says she's only kissed 4 boys in her life. She says 2 of them have been on National TV. She says she literally ran from Corey for 3 weeks because she knew this would happen. Paul says it's not a bad thing. Nicole says, no. Corey goes to the BY. Paul & Nicole both say they are ready to sleep. Paul says he wants to go pass out. He says he was going to work out, but now he doesn't care. Nicole tells Corey that Victor went upstairs to listen to music. Nicole wants to try Corey's protein shake. He says it tastes like the Chocolate Extreme Blizzard. Nicole says they are her favorite. Paul says Cold Stone doesn't really exist anymore. He says there are a lot of frozen yogurt places in California. Paul says he's really tired. Nicole says she wants to go to bed within in the next hour, or at least lay down in the Tokyo BR with the lights off. A helicopter flies overhead. Paul says he thinks that the blow-up doll had something to do with Natalie. Corey says it said, "Turn Nat #1." We see FOTH briefly. Nicole says Corey that it said to trust Natalie. Corey says he never said that. Nicole thinks it was something positive. Paul says they aren't going to send a positive message. Nicole says she wasn't full fledge targeting her at that point. She says the doll was a girl with dark hair. Paul says it was small. Nicole says she forgot about that & she's curious as to what that was. Paul says they got the message & she will be leaving this week. He says they still need to convince James that he's the one leaving. Nicole says Natalie keeps saying she is leaving, but she would be going crazy if she was. Nicole says she's brought it up to her & Corey like 4 times today. Paul tells her to say she doesn't want to go against Victor. Corey & Nicole go to the hammock. Paul tells them he loves them & he's going to bed. He says he will take Victor's dominoes upstairs unless they want to play. Nicole says she may want to. Corey asks Nicole to take some baked lays chips out for them. She goes to the WA. Paul goes to the KT to fill his water bottle. Victor says he's getting some clothes that BB washed for him, get his shower & go to sleep. Paul says he's probably going to shower also. He asks Victor is there is anything on the TV? Victor says no. Paul goes to the WA & tells Nicole that he's paranoid & if there is another riddle he will solve it. Nicole says, yeah. Paul tells Nicole to go upstairs to hang if they get bored. She is putting her hair up using the big mirror by the sink in the WA.

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8:40 PM BBT Victor is getting ready to take his shower. He asks Paul if Nicole & Corey are coming up to chill? Paul says they are outside. Paul shuts the lights in the HOHR off. BB says, "The bedroom lights must remain on." Paul says, "G, we are going to bed." He asks Victor if he fed the fish? Victor says, yes. Paul puts on the headphones to listen to music.

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