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Saturday June 25, 2016 Big Brother 18 Live Feed Updates


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This forum thread is for posting live feed updates & screen caps that reflect what's going on in the BB house.  Comments and BB18 discussions are in the Big Brother 18 Discussion section.

If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment] around the text.

Remember your time zones. Big Brother 18 Time is West Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here).

Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter. I've been tripped up not knowing if "B" is Bronte or Bridgette.


To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who. Download PDF And here's DRG's guide by team Cast Cards PDF.

Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:

British Bedroom (UKBR)

Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet (WC)
Kitchen (KT)
Dining Table (DT)
Living Room (LR)
Back Yard (BY)
Bedroom (BR)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
Storage Room (SR)

You are all encouraged to add info in your posts letting others know that you can only stay an hour, or, "I'm done, can someone else take over!" or whatever, so that lurkers, or "floaters" will be encouraged to fill the gaps.  


It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. 

Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at  http://www.tvfanforums.net/index.php?/chat.html/ Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds and dish about the HGs at the same time.  


I'm in dire need of late night updaters, newbies always welcome, just start posting, please!

Thank you!

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12::00 AM BBT 13 houseguests at the DT with Bridgette asleep and Paul in DR. Frank burps in James' face as a dare. James goes with Cory.

Cory goes with Truth. Natalie asks if Cory has ever slept with 2 different girls in 24 hours. He takes time to answer but eventually says yes.

Cory selects Paulie. Paulie selects a dare. Cory dares Paulie to take four fiber choice tablets. Jozea gets called to the DR.

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12:10 AM BBT Paulie selects Bronte and she chooses dare. Paulie dares Bronte to kiss Paul. Bronte doesn't want to kiss Paul and Paul says he is shy. Bronte stands and tells Paulie may I remind you you're up for eviction this week? The tell her just give him a peck. Bronte finally gives in and kisses Paul. Bronte again reminds Paulie he's on the chopping block and Paulie says I'll consider your vote is against me.


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12:15 AM BBT Bronte selects Victor and dares him to run butt naked throughout the house. Since Michelle is still in her costume from the veto comp, she gives Victor her pixels so he can be covered while he streaks from the WA to the Tokyo BR. (12:17 AM BBT for flashback)

Nicole chooses Natalie and Michelle dares Natalie to put Paul's beard in her mouth, but she refuses. They then dare her to kiss Victor and she says no again. Nicole says who do you want to kiss then. She says anyone but Victor. They decide instead she has to lick James' nipple. Which she does.

Zakiyah is then dared to kiss Paulie. After much cajoling, and Da'Vonne says just kiss him girl, she leans over and gives him a little peck.

They said there's no more alcohol and said the game is over. They tell Victor he's been screenshotted and his backside is all over the internet.

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12:40 AM BBT Frank, Tiffany, and Cory get ready for bed and go to lay down. Corry complaining to Frank about Natalie calling him out on the feeds. Natalie and James come into the Tokyo room and Cory says something to Natalie and asks the same questions and she says no. Natalie tries to smooth things over and tells Cory he's handsome and will have lots of messages from girls when he gets out. Cory says the future Mrs. Brooks will think I'm a slut. Frank tells Cory the girls on the other side are feeling bullied. Frank also says some of the guys said something to Bridgette because she went upstairs. Frank does shout outs and tells his mom to go to bed, he hoped he didn't embarrass tonight, he's sorry for all the cursing, and he loves her. Then shout outs to family and friends. He then says if anyone is wondering there's a third nominee because of a twist called the BB Roadkill Challenge and your competition beast, Frank won.

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1:00 AM BBT Da'Vonne and Michelle come into the Tokyo room and Frank fills them in on Bridgette and suggests for them to make her feel comfortable. They are talking about how drunk Jozea is they think he had extra and drank the rest of Nicole's wine. Frank feels he can flip Bridgette and Bronte. Michelle asks Frank what his mistake was on his season and he responds not listening to his gut. Michelle says her gut is telling her Bronte is not and she shakes her head. She mentions how rude Bronte was during truth or dare and Frank says he thinks she was just embarrassed. Michelle says Victor is his number one and Frank agrees.

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1:10 AM BBT Paul is telling Jozea and Victor in the KT that their girls are falling apart and he thinks they need to reassure them. Victor says no we leave them alone because if we reassure them they are going to freak it. Victor says we won't say anything to them all week and then on Thursday talk to them to make sure we're good. Paul tells Jozea not to approach Bridgette anymore either because she's a moron and they will need to get her out because she's too spunky.


Meanwhile, in HOH with Da'Vonne and Nicole. Nicole thinks Cory is cute, but she says she is there to win. Da'Vonne says Cory likes Nicole and that Nicole shouldn't be embarrassed. Nicole says thank goodness she didn't get a truth or dare.

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2-2:20BBT all houseguests appear to be sleeping except paulie, paul, and jazea who are getting ready for bed and then they sit out in the departures area talking. I had them on mute so not sure what they're talking about, must be production because BB keeps switching over to sleeping houseguests.

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2:30AM BBT Ok it appears that they're still talking about Bridgette and one of the female past players. It's very hard to hear them because they're whispering and scratching their mic's at the same time. Jazea is talking about having a meeting to call people out (I think). It goes between them talking and WBRB. I seriously can't hear Jazea but Paulie keeps talking to him about a boy going home and how a girl can't go home this week because of their current situation.

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2:45BBT I don't know why these three guys don't just go into the a closed room to talk because I seriously can't hear Jozea and Paul. Paulie I can kind of hear, and I have my speaker all the way up and my ear to the speaker. Tiffany and James are mentioned together in the same sentence. A group of five is mentioned, and I think Jozea wants to get rid of these five. Jozea is doing most of the talking so I'm not sure what's being said. 

2:57BBT Jozea is talking about everyone being afraid to do stuff because they want to win the game and then how they all just want to be friends. Jozea just said he doesn't lie. 

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3:05BBT I switched over to the other speaker and I can hear them better! Paul mentions having an hour conversation with Tiffany and she never talked game with him. He thinks she's really smart and probably would vote to get rid of him. Paul mentions how everyone seems to be freaking out and how you don't want your people to be freaking out. Jozea and Paul are doing most of the talking while Paulie is sitting listening

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3:14BBT Paul asks Paulie and Jozea who they think they have votes from. Jozea says he thinks Corey won't vote for him. Paul WANTS to know where they think they stand with everyone else in the house.

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3:17BBT Paulie is pretty much just taking in everything these two are saying. I can't handle trying to hear/keep following their conversation so I'm out. Though we can probably just assume it's stupid stuff since it's just Jozea and Paul talking...
Paul said he'd vote depending on how nice each person was because he can't know a person in 10 days. He still wants to know where the other two's heads are at. Paul will vote for the third person in place for him (not Paulie and Jozea). 

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10:15am BBT Frank is out in the backyard talking to the live feeders...he is the only one that appears to be up! lol  He is talking really weird about parts of his body...this is too weird to retype....and sooo...I will wait until others are up to post anything further.

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10:52AM BBT: Paulie giving Frank the run down on his kitchen conversation he had with Jozea the night before. The two complain about how dumb Jozea is and what a liar he is. Frank suggests that Paulie not talk game with Jozea any more for the rest of the week. Re-cap of the conversation continues and it's very clear how annoyed Paulie is with the situation. Frank just wants Jozea to feel comfortable because he wants it to be a blindside on Thursday. Frank calls Jozea is the mouth and "the glue" that holds that small group together (Jozea, Paul, Victor, Natalie and Bronte). Fank jokes that he thinks Jozea doesn't know the game and only watched a "YouTube compilation video of Frankie Grande" before coming.


Paulie says that Corey gave him the advice to find one person to vent to and let the rest go. Frank says he and Mike did the same. That they actually sat in the same spot and vented the whole time. Frank recaps with Paulie what it is like to play HOH after a blindside and how it messes with your head, which is why he wants it to be a blindside on Thursday.


11:05AM BBT: Talk continues about Frank and Paulie's annoyance (still the only two awake). They talk about the Veto comp and how it was mostly luck. Frank laughs that Paul said he won't be able to "beast it out all summer" like he did in this comp, even though it wasn't a 'beasting' type of comp. They go over how close everyone was in the comp.


The two go over votes and Frank is sure its going to be at least 7-4 for Jozea. Paulie is still a little nerve racked, so Frank goes over who is sure will vote out Jozea. Frank says that he thinks that Jozea will continue to act crazy and swing the vote further in Paulie's favor. Talk turns to Bridgette and how Frank is trusting her more and more as the game goes on. That she feels intimidated by Jozea, Victor and Paul and doesn't like the way they play. They go over how those guys continue to push away the girls (Bronte and Natalie) and that they are close to flipping. Talk turns to Bronte and how she may be smarter than they give her credit, that she observes a lot. Frank says he has to pee and we get FOTH.

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11:31AM BBT: HG's are up. Bronte, Tiffany and Natalie are in the bathroom doing ADL's. Jozea, Bridgette and Paul are sitting in the BY talk about the comp. James is helping Nicole who got her finger stuck in one of the lawn chairs. Bridgette comes to check on her, but Nicole says she is fine. Da points out how quick James ran to help her when her finger was stuck. 


Da and James walk off, but Corey stops and sits down to chat with Nicole about the night before. Cam switches back to Paul, Jozea, Da and James talking in another part of the BY. James asking what  he missed since he went to be drunk early. They all joke about the drunken antics of the night before. Paul is worried one of the girl's dad is "sharpening a knife" for him right now. Da says its too hot work out and everyone says it's pool time weather.


11:38AM BBT: One set of cam's is on Victor doing dishes in the kitchen. The other is on Paul and Jozea watching Paulie work out. Brief FOTH, when it comes back they are joking about someone singing. Nicole and Bridgette are lounging by the pool, while Paulie continues his workout and Paul talks with Jozea about Tiffany(I think, they are talking in code), about how shady she is and that she's "f-ing with the wrong clique." 


Victor and Natalie are making breakfast, Paul and Jozea continue to stare at people, everyone else is idling chit chatting, no game talk happening. 


11:44AM BBT: Camera changes to Zakiyah and Tiffany are up in the HOH doing makeup and getting ready. Still on Paul and Jozea sitting in silence staring at the other HG's across the BY. 




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1:45pmBBT Paul, DaVonne and Nichole are in the HOH room.  Paul has been discussing how people on his team would feel if he used the veto on himself.  James knocks on the door and joins the group.  Paul is worried what his other group members will think of him if he uses the veto on himself.  James tells him to use the veto on himself and save his on a**.  The group is telling him if you win the veto you should use it on yourself.  He thanks the group and tells them he appreciate their advice and leaves. The people left in the room wonder if Jozea got in his ear about the veto.  Nichole says that Bridgette came to the HOH room the night before to spy on them. Nic says that Bridgette said the others were bullying her.  The HOH group don't believe Bridgette and say they don't like bullying and don't think anyone would be doing that at this point in the game.  

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Flashback 10:57am BBT Frank and Paulie talk in the BY. Frank wants a blindside this week. He cant wait for Jozea go be gone, no one is buying into his crap. No one likes his talk about the second coming.

11:15am BBT WBRB wake up call.

11:48am BBT Paul and Jozea watching some HG in the pool, some HG are in the KT, some are changing into swim suits.

12:56pm BBT Its pool side tanning and cooking in the KT.

1:37pm BBT still in and around the pool and BY.

1:45pm BBT James, Da', Nic and Paul in HOH. Paul saying he is going to use the POV. He doesn't want others to freak out because he saved himself. James says to save your butt. Da' says he earned it he deserves it. James says its his veto, use it, don't ever risk it. Paul says thanks guys and leaves. Meanwhile in the BY: Vic and Jozea chat on the lounge. Vic tells him to do what he has to do but know that he is on Jozeas side. It wont be tie vote. Bridgette might be a lose vote. Who ever gets on the block can't vote. Vic says they will have 6 votes regardless. They shouldn't stress ppl out. Bridgette is stressed out.

2:15pm BBT Jozea and Da' whisper, Da' gets told to stop playing with her mic, she says she is trying to fix it. Jozea says Nic did come downstairs and asked him how the meeting went. Jozea says he held his stuff. If she had asked if they had a meeting he would have told her. But at the end of the day it is what it is.


2:44pm BBT It's food in the KT and sunning in the BY


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11:50AM BBT: Da and Zakiyah getting ready for the pool. James, Frank and Bridgette are int he pool, chatting with Paulie and Corey who are working out. Everyone is joking about missing their phones. James and Bridgette start a water splashing fight, Frank gets in on it and they play a while. James jokingly sings Hollaback Girl, but we don't get a FOTH. 


Da and Zakiyah are still up in the HOH, chatting about musicians who sing about 'reality girls' while getting dressed and putting on lotion.


Playful pool time continues as James and Bridgette break out into a full blown pool toy battle while Frank is completely lounging.


11:58AM BBT: Nicole joins Da and Zakiyah complaining about how weird Victor is being. Apparently the girls complained about always having to do dishes and Victor took it personal. Da says 'those boys' are moody and just mad that they have to clean up. They all say that they clean as they go.


Nicole asks about 'the meeting' from the night before. Da tells her that they were trying to paint the picture that they were worried about going up. That Jozea was saying no matter what Paulie is going. That James walked in and it threw off Jozea, so he was just talking in circles. When Michelle walked in, Victor, Bronte and Natalie left which effectively ended the meeting. 


Da tells Nicole that while in the Safari Room Jozea was all about mirror angles and how to spy on people. Zakiyah ask Nicole if she asked Bridgette how the meeting went. Nicole says she said it as a joke to James, but Da says it's a card Bridgette is playing a card saying that Nicole 'called her out'. Da and Z tell her that Bridgette had been sent to spy during the meeting. Nicole talks about how Bridgette was complaining that 'they' are bullying her and how much she doesn't like 'their' game play. Nicole says she never said that Bridgette 'ratted them out'. She already new about meeting. Nicole says she like Bridgette and wouldn't do that to her. Nicole wants to talk to her about it, Zakiyah tells her she shouldn't. Debate continues whether or not Bridgette was trying to spy or not. 

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2:52pm BBT James tells Jozea that he may be one vote but as long as you know where his vote is going he is loyal. Jozea says he is bold in what he says. Have a good meeting boom done. James says he has to roll with his team, if they are for it so is he. Jozea says take out the weakest link that my be a problem at the end or take out a floater. James tells him he's got him. James swears right hand go God that he is not the road kill person.


2:56pm BBT James and Frank tell them that their cell phones will blow up the first time they turn it back on. "You are not allowed to talk about production." James counts votes for Jozea and tells Jozea that he is good. James tells them that BB social media has all their social pages on one page, they don't have to worry about shout outs.


3:02pm BBT Tiff is gently starching Coreys back. Da' is talking to them and rattling ice in the bottom of a plastic bottle. WBRB


3:04pm BBT Tiff says Nat is such a Jersey girl, she reminds her of the girl on season 6 with Janelle and Kazar. Dark hair...anyways. WBRB


3:10pm BBT Jozea and Frank talking politics. James head keeps turning from one to the other...WBRB back and the discussion is still going on. A little heated, both have strong opinions. (want to hear it, flash back. Mortys doesn't talk about politics)




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12:14PM BBT: Nicole in the WR talking to James about how she didn't know that she wasn't supposed to say anything about knowing about the meeting. Nicole and James debating if Bridgette was really spying. Nicole is annoyed that Bridgette 'tried to make her look bad'. Paulie joins the conversation about how weird last night was. Nicole is annoyed about having a target on her back because of people misunderstanding her. James decides to go make breakfast.


Frank and Bridgette still in the pool, Corey joins them for idle chit chat. More recapping of the drunkin antics of the night before.


Cooking and pool time general chatter continues as Natalie runs laps.


12:30PM BBT: Most HG's are the kitchen or BY, chatter continues. Tiffany joins Zakiyah in the HOH room doing hair and makeup.


12:40PM BBT: Tiffany asks if Zakiyah if she thinks she can trust Paulie. They aren't sure if they can say anything to him. They are concerned what the house is thinking about them. Zakiyah says he's cool, but she only trusts her 'peoples' as she heads out pf the HOH.


12:53PM BBT: Paul, Da and Nicole talk about the competition. What their strategies were and how they felt after. Paul thinks it was less than 10 minutes, how he hammed in the pieces and how things were dangerous.


Nicole leaves and Da tells Paul how Nicole told her she felt like people were isolating her. Da says she is going to spend some time with her to help with that. Paul talks about how they all feel that way at times. They chat about how 10 days in they feel like a family and can't play like robots because all you have is each other. Paul says he doesn't want to burn bridges and keep those friends, because these are the only people who get the experience, they all have to stick together.


12:58PM BBT: Frank and Nicole in the kitchen. Frank whispers, telling her about the conversation he had with Paulie, telling him to calm down. That he just needs to stay calm and not put himself in a bad situation. Michelle finally gets out of bed and now all the HG's are awake.

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3:46PM BBT: Victor, Zakiyah, Jozea and Paul in the BY. Jozea decides to give Zakiyah a recap. He and Victor tell her that Paulie said he wasn't sure about her vote. He's making it seem like Paulie doesn't trust Zakiyah. Victor keeps trying to interject, but Jozea just keeps talking about re-capping all of last nights game talk. The conversation changes to Bridgette and the votes. They aren't sure exactly where the vote are, but they feel comfortable enough that things are going to go their way. Once one of their 6-7 wins HOH, the other side will be on their heals. Zakiyah asks what they think of Michelle and Victors calls her a scallywag. Jozea says he extended the olive branch and she wouldn't take it, but pops up every time they are talking. Bronte joins and they talk about how Corey, Tiffany and Nicole all gotta go. Jozea tells Victor that he is sure they have Jame's vote.


3:56PM BBT: Da and James are in the safari room. Da whispering about the conversation she and Bridgette had, that she couldn't get anywhere with her. James tells Da about what he told Jozea. Zakiyah come in and fills them in on the conversation she just had outside. They are not happy about Paulie's conversation last night and that they think Tiffany is a little shady. They think Tiffany and Paulie are too close and even though she is a part of their group, there are certain things Da doesn't say in front of her. They notice that Tiffany is always following Paulie and they are whispering.


Frank walks in and they fill him in on the Paulie/Jozea conversation as well. Frank tells them Paulie is fine and they shouldn't worry. Zakiyah is annoyed that Paulie said he had her vote to Jozea. Frank tells them he told Paulie not to talk game to Jozea anymore.


4:02PM BBT

Bronte, Victor and Jozea continue their conversation in the BY. They are debating Bridgette's actions and that she is too paranoid. They talk about the smart player cast and how you can't play alone. Corey walks by and conversation changes. Bronte leaves saying she will relay any info she gets. 

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3:21pm BBT Nat talking about her favorite songs. She loves romantic songs and movies. In WA Bridgette and Bronte fixing hair


3:27pm BBT Frank jokes with Michelle by telling her to hit that red button for him. James says nooo don't hit that button. Michelle says she is on to Frank, she didn't even look at it. In WA Bridgette and Paul talk about how Bridgette had left love texts and hey listen to this song for her BF and now with her phone shut off he wont get them. Paul says that you have to be careful what you say, you don't know who you might offend, even your future potential boss. Da' comes in and Bridgette says she is avoiding the pool area for now.


3:32pm BBT Da' and Bridgette move to the Safari rm to talk about food. Da' is folding laundry. Da' says Bridgette can cook!! Bridgette says she loves her life, loves travel nursing. Her dream is to go overseas, Doctors w/o Borders. Da' says Bridgette is on top of things in the house, she is glad she is here. Bridgette says it was scary when Michelle passed out, she was probably just dehydrated.


3:37pm BBT Tiff whispers to Michelle saying she can trust Vic 100%. He's good, he likes you. and Zak. (Tiff is the only one not is a suit, she is sitting with one leg in the pool dribbling water down her leg.)(its hard to hear them with the water, talking and plane noise)Talk moves to how much Tiff pays for an apartment.



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4:05PM BBT: Safari room conversation continues with Frank, Zakiyah, James and Da. They continue to make fun of the way Jozea thinks he knows everything going on. Frank comments that he saw them trying to count votes on their fingers and just laughed. Da saying Victor is Jozea's secretary. Conversation changes to Frank being annoyed about not get new underwear for his costume and we get a brief FOTH.


4:11PM BBT: Da and Zakiyah are the only ones left in the safari room, still discussing votes and who to trust. The start to talk about Bridgette, but we get a FOTH. When it comes back, Tiffany has joined Da and Zakiyah in the Safari Room. They tell Tiffany what Jozea was saying in the BY conversation just then. Tiffany says she doesn't care, he's going home, but she is going to need help biting her tongue. Tiff says she wasn't talking game, that she was just talking about non-game stuff. Da is getting annoyed with people being worried about Jozea, just tells everyone to keep doing them, that Nicole is the only one in charge of anything, because she is HOH. Zakiyah tells them that Bronte is making awkward jokes about Paulie going home and how rude it is because he is on the block.


4:18PM BBT: Paulie joins the Safari room conversation, with Da, Zakiyah and Tiff. All game stop pauses and they are just talking about how dirty the house is, bright lights, sleeping and food. Da is going to go cook to wake up and Zakiyah says she is going to go sleep in the HOH bed.


James and Bridgette are in the kitchen talking about how the girls was Bridgette to teach them to bake. Frank joins talk about his 'old lady's' cooking. Apparently she doesn't cook that often. Bridgette says she can't make pancakes. They are talking recipes as Bronte walks in saying she has hit her sun limit for the day.

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