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About lindslis

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    Chilton, Wisconsin (somewhere you probably never heard of)

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  1. 8:50PM BBT (I wasn't live, so guessing at time) Davonne and Nicole talking in WR about needing to get out a certain girl. Talk goes to jury. James comes and joins them. Sleeping arrangements are discussed
  2. 8:48PM BBT The houseguests are using the phone to talk between the HOHR and UKBR. James and most of the boys are in the HOHR while Natalie and most of the girls are in the UKBR. James and Natalie are talking back and forth setting up blind dates
  3. Still not much going on. I'm almost done with work and heading to my other job so I'm done for now!
  4. 12:30PM BBT Paul and Pualie in living room talking yet. Paul had a dream that it was him and Frank in the house with a gorilla and they couldn't let it out, but that was the first thing the two did. 12:32PM BBT Girls in WR getting ready. Paulie and Pual in living room, general chit chat.
  5. 12:26PM BBT Most houseguests in living room playing 20 questions 12:29PM BBT Backyard opens and people start to head outside
  6. 12:10PM BBT Zaki believes that BB thought the two black women would clash so it's great that the two are working together. They agree that Tiffany needs to go and Davonne says that she needs to go before jury. James and Paulie talking about Vanessa. They believe Tiffany is feeling a lot of pressure to get so far. They agree she needs to play her own game, not Vanessa's. Paulie names off Paul, Bronte, Bridgette, and Natalie as the last outsiders. James mentions wanting to keep Natalie longer than the girls would. They talk about jury. Pualie believes that once Bronte is out the other two girls can't do much so James won't have to worry about it. Paulie says but you know there's going to be a twist. James and Paulie throw out ideas for the twist 12:20PM BBT Girls in WR getting ready for the day
  7. 12:04PM BBT Cameras on Davonne and Zaki in have not room but audio is on houseguests in living room playing 20 questions. Audio switched over and the two are saying she needs to go next week. Davonne says that Bronte would have been great for final five but she's messed up too much already. Zaki doesn't trust someone but Pualie has his attachment to her. Davonne mentions she was talking with her [Tif?] about getting Paulie out and she fully agreed. Davonne believes they (Paulie and Tiffany) were put in the house on purpose to work together because they're siblings just like how the returners were put in there to work together. Davonne talking about how so many girls wrote to her and told her that they'd never have a chance to win and that it's rigged. This is why her and Zaki have to work together and trust each other.
  8. 11:56AM BBT Nicole and Michelle in WA talking about how next week would be great to get somebody out. Bronte isn't close with anyone so she's fine another week. Michelle says Paul, Bronte, & Natalie are the ones left on the outside. Paul comes in and talk ends. James & Paulie still talking in HOHR about Victor and not being able to trust Tiffany because she gets so worried and paranoid
  9. 11:47AM BBT Paul, Victor, Corey, and Frank in kitchen talking about taking shots of fireballs and how it messes them up! Paulie and James talking about Bronte. Pualie remembers her saying to him that he wouldn't be around next week.
  10. 11:43AM BBT James and Pualie talking in HOH about his nomination speech to Victor? Frank wanted him to say it's the house decision but Pualie has decided to take it upon himself and make it about his lack in trust in him so that way Victor doesn't feel isolated Davonne in have not room, doing not much!
  11. James joins Corey in the WR and he has the extra can of shaving cream, he says he needs to carry it with him. They're contemplating if Nicole is done for the night. 2:25BBT Everyone in bed except for the three in HOHR Talk goes back to Tiffany and how they need to be careful with her. Tomorrow they will do damage control. 2:30BBT Everyone is in bed. [Finally! I'm out!]
  12. 2:09BBT Appears that Davonne, Zaki, and Nicole have gone downstairs and Corey and Nicole are spraying shaving cream on each other, James is getting in on it as well. BB tells them to please stop that. Then BB tells Nicole to put on her mic. Nicole and Paulie are cleaning the floor Corey showering downstairs and Nicole upstairs Zaki and Davonne come up to HOHR to tell Nicole that James got her from behind so they need to get him.
  13. 1:33BBT James now joins them as they scheme how to prank Nicole 1:35BBT Nicole and Davonne in HOHR watching TV waiting for Corey. They're watching James, Victor, Jozea, Bronte, and Natalie sitting in LR. Someone asks if Victor or Bronte are next and Nicole says she doesn't care, they can put both up. Nicole questions if James is in Jozea's alliance. Nicole switches to kitchen and sees Tif, Michelle, and Paulie walk out. They wonder what these three were up to. 1:42BBT Corey, Paulie, Jozea, James, Bronte, Natalie all in LR. Don't know what they're saying bc I'm seeing what Nicole's watching in the HOHR. Nicole now peaks her head out the door to listen. Tif and Michelle talking in WA. Tif still going on about Frank and Michelle is assuring her its fine. Tif, "I get vibes from people." Nicole really is afraid of what Corey is going to do to her and continues to spy on them.
  14. Jozea talking to James about Instagram and how famous he got. They talk about how much Frankie's following grew from this. Jozea wants to get on Dancing with the Stars James joins Paulie, Tif, & Michelle, they're talking about how to get up before the music wakes you up. James leaves 1:16BBT Nicole sneaks into Tokyo room to try to prank Corey with shaving cream. He wakes up before she can get him and he says it's on and gets out of bed. He grabs benefiber to put in her water as Nicole hides in HOH room. Corey comes up, and Nicole opens the door before running out 1:21BBT Corey chases her around the backyard and the house. He has her cornered in the kitchen. James Jozea and Victor are watching. James opened the storage room and Nicole ran in there, she's begging BB to not unlock it. Corey got in and Nicole runs for the Tokyo room before getting up to the HOH room and locking Corey out. 1:28BBT Corey has joined Paulie, Tif, and Michelle. They're trying to get into the chest, Michelle and Tif can fit. I think this is how Corey is going to get Nicole later
  15. 12:40BBT Tif, Michelle, Paulie now in room next to bathroom talking about how to spell oregano. Walmart is the shit says Paulie Girls upstairs say Bronte is the biggest threat and needs to go 1:00BBT Jozea and Victor in kitchen for food while Natalie says the ants are disgusting. James is there as well. Michelle, Tif, Paulie still randomly talking
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