morty Posted August 7, 2015 Share Posted August 7, 2015 Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, and Big Brother After Dark observations here ! If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment]around the text. Remember your time zones. Big Brother USA Time is Pacific Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here). Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter. To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who. Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like: Activities of Daily Living = ADLs Battle of the Block = BotB Back Yard = BY Bedroom = BR Cabana Room Lounge = CRL Comic Book/Colorful Room = CBR Da'Vonne = da Dining Table = DT Have-Not Room = HNR Head of House Room = HOHR Kitchen = KT Indoor Lock Down = ILD Living Room = LR Ocean / Grey Bedroom = OBR Outdoor Lock Down = OLD Storage Room = SR Washroom Area = WA Water Closet = WC Please post pictures in the open thread: If you post questions or start conversations with each other here, they will be deleted. Thank you! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kitten200 Posted August 7, 2015 Share Posted August 7, 2015 1:30am-2:00am BBT: Liz and Julia go to the HOH br to talk to Becky. She tells them that they will not be gong up that Steve will probably go up and some one else. She tells them that after noms are set for the week to vote out whoever they want to vote out this week. Liz ask how the talk went with Shelli and Becky says it was fine.Steve is next in the HOh rm talking to Becky and she tells him that he will probably go up as a pawn so just act scared but you are fine you are not the target this week. Steve says ok as he leaves the HOh rm. Becky heads down to the KT and talks to Liz about her laundry when BB does it.Liz shows her where BB puts the laundry after the clean it. Becky then heads back up to the HOh rm and opens her wine. 2:00am-3:00am BBT: Liz and Austin in bed. Liz gets up looking for her bandanna, Julia helps her look for it but they can not find it. Steve and James play chess in silence.John joins them and they talk about having headaches and Steve says he has never had a headache so he does not know what they are. 3:00am-4:00am BBT: Becky, Steve and James in the KT talking general talk and Vanessa comes in and joins them and they talk about shopping. James is called to the DR. Steve gets up and goes to the WA to get ready for bed then heads to bed. 4:00am-6:00am BBT:HG are getting ready to go to bed and Steve gets up wondering around the house. James comes out of the DR and ask Steve if he wants to sleep in the rainbow room and then heads to bed. We hear doors and then, lights out and all HG are snug in their beds asleep. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kitten200 Posted August 7, 2015 Share Posted August 7, 2015 9:16am BBT: After FOTh we come back with Steve in the KT eating cereal. James is heading to the WA. Shelli and Vanessa in the STr changing batteries. 9:20am BBT: Steve making a cup of coffee, Vanessa in the KT getting water. Shelli in the WA doing ASDL's as James is taking a shower. 9:30am BBT: James is out of the shower and dressed and brushing his teeth. All other HG back in bed sleeping. 9:40am BBT: James in the KT making breakfast for himself as all the other HG are sleeping. 9:48am BBT: John gets called to change his mic in the STR he goes to the STR then back to bed. Austin now getting up and going to the DR. James ion the Kt eating his breakfast. Becky in the hoh rm doing ADL's 9:51am BBT: Becky heads down stairs and says good morning to James. he says good morning . She asked are you eating and he says yeah i have have not status coming up so gotta get it out. he ask how she slept in the pent house. she says good. he then tells her he took a hot shower and make breakfast waiting for the have nots to start today. 9:55am BBT: Becky now making herself some breakfast as he and James talk about music. 9:58am BBt: Liz in the Kt with Becky and James getting a drink and notices Ants everywhere. Becky tells her we will have to wash dishes before we spray then Bb tells Liz to put on her mic. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kitten200 Posted August 7, 2015 Share Posted August 7, 2015 10:02am BBT: Liz in the WA doing ADL's James comes in and blows his nose as Liz tells him she woke up on the wrong side of the bed and is so grumpy. Becky says you know what i have noticed that people take the toothpaste and mouthwash and lotion that's for the house and puts it in their stuff. Liz says i know i have noticed that. 10:12am BBT: Becky in the Kt spraying ants and says oh mylanta i have so many ants all over me. James is now washing his dishes as Becky goes to get a cup of coffee. 10:20am BBT: Becky and Liz in the Wa doing their hair and make up. Just general talk going on and Becky says in the comp lastnight it hurt my back. Liz says yeah that comp could not have been good for your back. 10:35am BBT Austin is out of the Dr and making omelettes for himself and Liz. Becky is in the have not rm looking for clothes. 10:48am BBT: Becky sitting in the KT talking to Austin about food. Austin has made omelettes for he and Liz with Steak and veggies.. Jackie in the WA doing ADL's. 10:57am BBT: Becky sitting at the KT table doing her nails, Austin finishing making his and Liz's breakfast. Jackie still in the Wa braiding her hair. All other Hg still in the bed sleeping. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dade Posted August 7, 2015 Share Posted August 7, 2015 11:03am BBT Becky/Austin/Jackie talking about who has hosted comps, who should she pick to host. Becky tells them when Jeff and Jordan came into the house so Jeff could propose. 11:09am BBT They talk about what HG's have gotten married after being on BB. Austin says more couples have gotten married from BB then from The Bachelor. Talk changes to Jace and his pic being replaced by Julia's. (Cam zooms in on Julia's pic) 11:15am BBT Talk changes again, to Frankie. Becky liked him, he was crazy but played the game. Austin says he wants to host Vegas type stuff. ComaCon maybe, his buddy does it. Jackie says you never know. Jackie says she is in a knight costume, she should have more fun with it. Its exhausting. Liz comes out of DR and Jackie gets called to DR. Austin says they are rushing through these right now. 11:21am BBT Liz thinks its so cute that Austin waited for her to come of DR so he could eat with her. Austin says she took forever. Liz says she was so frazzled today and had to do the lines over and over. FOTH. 11:23am BBT Liz wants to go to BY. Austin says something weird is going on. He hopes its not a HN contest. Becky says that would be bad, they just came off HN and then lose the comp. Liz says that would be horrendous. Becky mentions the raft comp, Liz says that was BB15. Becky says Howie was floppy around like a dead fish. They LOL about Howie trying to paddle the tube. 11:27am BBT Meanwhile in CBR: Vanessa adjusts her hat and John puts his hands behind his head. Back to the KT: talk is still about how bad a HN comp would be. Austin says since Becky cant play it would be 3/3/3 with Becky hosting. Becky goes but wait there are 11 of us. Austin says oh yeah. (I guess no one ever counted the HN chairs--there are 5) 11:37am BBT Liz is at the sink and attacks the ants with a paper towel. (Cam zooms in on a cooking tray as she cusses like a sailor.) She squeals and says they are all over her. She grabs the spray and sprays under the sink. She says they are so rotten. She goes to WA to washer her hands. She is freaking out about the BY being closed due to a HN comp. She cant do another week of slop, what if she gets paired with someone like Steve and loses. 11:44am BBT Austin complaining about the HOH comp last night. Dressed up in ballerina slippers skating around on crisco? thats how he is supposed to prove himself? Liz says they knew it was coming. There was no catching Becky. We have FOTH and when we come back Shelli is awake, John is getting out of we have Jeff Reels. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dade Posted August 7, 2015 Share Posted August 7, 2015 11:47am BBT False alarm..Feeds are back. HG are moving around. Vanessa whispers with Julia, Vanessa says if Steve stays up she could go home, if she goes up with Shelli, Shelli will go. Julia says to tell Becky that she would have gone home if Vanessa hadnt put up Jason. Vanessa says she tried to talk to her (Becky) and Becky said No more deals, she wont make any deals. Vanessa says this is BB who the H*ll doesnt make deals. 11:57am BBT HG that havent eaten yet are eating now. Steve in CBR whispering to himself...can only hear a few to Shelli, meanwhile things can change, doing as good as he can. (he keeps peaking up at the cam as he whispers) 12:01pm BBT Jame's breakfast of steak and eggs inspired a lot of ppl. Austin made him and Liz steak and egg omelets and other HG now want steak and eggs, but they are out of steak. HG are sore from the HOH comp. 12:05pm BBT We have Jeff Reels. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dade Posted August 7, 2015 Share Posted August 7, 2015 12:36pm BBT HN got sloppy pie joes. Becky reads the paper....They get "sloppy" joes, hamburger buns and slop ....James, Jackie and Grandma aka Meg. James is bummed he thought they were real sloppy joes. In the HN room the HN want to fix the beds, Austin and Liz chairs are twisted so they could cuddle. Meg cant get a towel unstuck from the chair. Jackie says if they cant have meetings in the HOH they can have them here. Becky laughs and says look we have all the power. Jackie says they are the joke of the show, the cant do anything right. 12:42pm BBT In WA Liz/Julia whisper: should they save Steve and put up Vanessa? Hope they don't get back doored. They need to win next week. Julia asks if Austin throw that? its embarrassing, he is that big with all those muscles, use them. Liz says I know. In LR: Austin/John/Vanessa/Liz/Julia wonder if the POV comp will be at night. Or maybe a lux comp. 12:47pm BBT In HN Becky saying that Vanessa truely believes that she is perfect, she has been good to her word. That last night Steve came in and said that he knew pawns go up. She goes...ok. Johns the better player. Stick with the plan. She says Vanessa came in right away and wanted to make a deal and Becky told her no, no way. What did Vanessa do last week? she blew up Shelli and Clay, she is working with Austin and wanted to put him up. Becky says this is her decision. Becky likes working with Jackie cuz the trust is there. 12:55pm BBT Becky says John is shaken up from the fight yesterday with Clay. Jackie says there lies the problem. James asks Vanessa? She says yeah. Jackie asks if John wins POV and takes Shelli off will he vote for Shelli? Becky says John likes Steve. Meg comes in HNR. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kitten200 Posted August 7, 2015 Share Posted August 7, 2015 1:00pm BBT: Becky talking to Jackie in then HNBR while James and meg listen and Becky says she told Vanessa she was not making no deals and Jackie says we need to get her out after last week. 1:04pm BBT: Jackie is asking what happened yesterday something about Vanessa accusing clay of something cause Shelli came in the room crying. Vanessa laying in the RBR . Liz and Austin go back in bed. Vanessa has a worried look on her face as she watched Liz and Austin. 1:10am BBT: James is telling meg and Jackie that a double eviction is a scary thing cause if shelli wins it will probably be me and Austin. Crap that's scary James says. Jackie says hopefully we can go after Shelli. Jackie tells then they need to study and if she studies then she is good at. 1:12pm BBT: James says if shelli wins then my ass is going up cause i just sent her man home. meg says yeah but we have to study. James says i do not like to study and Jackie says we have to if you want to win and James says that is like telling Meg to go workout. Jackie gets up to go to the WC. 1:187pm BBt: James and meg are laughing when Jackie comes back in the room about Shelli telling things about Austin then they laugh about the comp where clay had to roll the ball and he won and how mad others were he won that cause they wanted to vote him out. Jackie says now we voted him out and they laugh. 1:24pm BBT: john and Vanessa in the KT. John is eating cereal and Vanessa is putting dishes away. Meg, Jackie and James in the HNBR repeating themselves as they whisper really low. 1:28pm BBt: James comes back from the WC and says i just gave Shelli the weirdest look and i did not mean too but i came out of the WC and she was in the shower so i just looked at her and left and she probably thinks i hate her. meg says talk to her and James says no she can come talk to me i aint talking to her. 1:30pm BBt: meg and Jackie tell James he should talk to shelli and he says i know i should but what if she tells me to get lost and meg says she wont. James says i will talk to her after she is on the block and meg laughs. 1:38pm BBT: John and Steve in the KT talking about sliding in last nights comp and how Steve feet slid under the wood on the bowl. Steve says they had us carrying water and the funnel had a hole in the bottom and my finger wouldn't stop it from coming out so i squeezed it together. Becky says yeah Julia had a clean run and did not drop any water at all she impressed me. 1:42pm BBT: Steve tells Becky that this is the first week that the HOH has the potential to break a tie this week. Becky says yeah i would be the fifth vote if it is a tie. 1:45pm BBt: Bb calls Vanessa to the DR. Meg, James and Jackie still in the HNBR talking about getting Vanessa out this week and talking to Shelli about last week. Julia is up and goes to the WC. Liz and Austin are awake in the bed talking about making food. John is washing dishes as Becky sits in the KT. 1:52pm BBT: James keeps going in and out of the HNBR then Bb calls him to the DR and he says let me take a vacation first as he leaves the HNBR. In the KT Julia is making her some food while Steve just walks around the KT. 1:58pm BBT: Steve is sitting in the STR tossing an orange and whispering to himself. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kitten200 Posted August 7, 2015 Share Posted August 7, 2015 2:02pm BBt: John goe to ther NBR and meg says pull my teeth out i have been waiting for an hour, meg and Jason start laughing, 2:05pm BBt: Vanessa and Shelli in the Wa and Vanessa says when she puts me on the block i am going to do this as she pulls her shoe off and holds it up and shelli says what does that mean and Vanessa says it is a FLIP FLOP and Shelli starts laughing and says that is good. 2:10pm BBT: Shelli is doing her hair in the WA as she talks to Vanessa about Clay leaving and says she has cried all she can cry then she yells i need some girly deodorant up in here this crap i am using stinks bad. 2:11pm BBT: Becky gets called to the DR and James says this is it and John says is this it and James says yeah they bring her in and ask who she wants to nominate and we get a brief FOTH. Meg is getting up and putting her mic back on saying she can not sleep like this again cause last time her neck hurt for days. 2:13pm BBT: We just went to Jeff's Reels as this should be the Nomination Ceremony Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
app Posted August 8, 2015 Share Posted August 8, 2015 3:39 PM BBT Feeds come back to Becky and Shelli chatting in the HOHR. Becky is saying that James is skeptical but Jackie and Meg are open. The house is really divided into two sides more than ever. Becky tells Shelli that she is going after Vanessa and will have a lot to say about her. Shelli thanks Becky for telling her the plan and asks if Becky is telling both Steve and Shelli that they are pawns. Becky says that Steve volunteered to be a pawn and she thinks that Steve and John both dislike Vanessa. 3:41 PM BBT Becky tells Shelli that she plans to keep things very concise with Vanessa because Vanessa likes to talk a lot of game plans. Becky lays out all her complaints about the twists and turns of Vanessa’s game and Vanessa’s demands for accountability. Becky is not bringing up any meetings or conversations...she is just going to tell Vanessa that she is her target. Becky confides that Vanessa knew that Shelli was going on the block and ask Becky not to let Shelli know that Vanessa knew. 3:44 PM BBT Shelli asks what happens if Vanessa plays for PoV. Becky says that Vanessa feels safe because Vanessa believes that Shelli is the target. Becky thinks Vanessa may even throw the PoV if she has the chance to play. Becky thinks that if Vanessa did win PoV that Vanessa would take Shelli off the block. Shelli says she is nervous about Becky having to nominate another person. Becky says that that is the beauty of’s her problem and Shelli shouldn’t worry. All Becky wants Shelli to worry about is being the supposed house target. Shelli is happy to stay out of it and let Becky take the lead. Becky thinks it will be much easier and more straightforward to deal with Austin and the twins directly. Becky says that Austin and the twins don’t know that the plan is to backdoor Vanessa, and Steve and John don’t know either. Shelli thanks Becky for sharing the plan with her and they hug. 3:51 PM BBT James, Jackie, and Meg are reclining in their dentist chairs in the HNR. Vanessa has just left and James comments about Vanessa not saying anything while she was in there. James says she seems comfortable. Meg and Jackie wonder what Shelli will say about Vanessa being an independent player. They joke about Vanessa’s gameplay. Meg doesn’t think anyone will ruffle feathers with voting. Conversation turns to Becky’s speech. They were impressed with how well she handled it. James thought it was one of the best speeches he’s heard so far. They talk about how hard it is. 3:58 PM BBT James reflects on the season being straightforward putting people up. Meg points out that now it was far from that when they had BotB. Meg addresses America: welcome to the outcast room. We are the weirdos of the group and we are sleeping in dentist chairs this week. Get ready for lots of conversation. James says that they are the underdogs. They should be “Team Castaway”. 4:01 PM BBT James, Jackie and Meg talking about how they are not the ones who drew the lines in the sand. Meg wonders what Becky is going to tell Shelli and how she will sell it. Jackie doesn’t think that Becky will need to sell it to Shelli. James is wishing for his sunglasses in the fully-lit HNR. Becky, Shelli, Austin and the twins are in the KT and Dining area. 4:11 PM BBT James is rolling up a towel to use as a neck pillow. Becky comes into the HNR. Meg tells Jackie that they are going to hibernate and if anyone wants to talk to them they’ll have to come to HNR. Becky tells them that she told Shelli the plan. They compliment Becky on her speech and she takes a small bow. Meg tells Becky that Vanessa was reacting oddly and describes a sullen attitude. Becky thinks that Vanessa is just putting on a show for Shelli. Meg says Shelli wasn’t around. Becky shrugs and leaves the room. 4:20 PM BBT Vanessa has joined the group in the KT, while Shelli has gone to lay down in the Ocean Bedroom. 4:24 PM BBT Steve and Austin are in the Storage Room. Steve looks at Austin expectantly and says “find out”. Austin tells Steve that he is not the target. Shelli is...or Austin is worried that they will backdoor Vanessa. Steve wants to know why Vanessa? Austin says it’s because of her involvement with Shelli and Clay stuff last week. That’s just Vanessa’s worry, but Austin doesn’t know anything for sure. As far as he knows they want Shelli out. Steve is confident they have the votes to keep Vanessa. Austin says “we have veto.” They leave the storage room and Steve asks Shelli for a “Shelli hug”. 4:31 PM BBT In the HNR, Meg and Jackie are laughing. It sounds like they are making a list of advice to potential BB cast members. Number 6... get a twin, find a twin, you’re better off having a twin. You need a twin. Number 7.. beware of any man in a top hat. Number 8...campaign for everyone because if you don’t you will still be accused of it. Number 9...never go along with any plan because you will look like the a**hole. Always change the plan. Number as paranoid as possible. Freak people out. It’s always good to be insecure [maybe this is their take on Vanessa’s guide to playing BB?] Number 11 ... when you are trying to throw someone under the bus, make sure that you tell them something they don’t know. Number 12... don’t tell on yourself. Just keep lying and once you lie, stick to it. James adds Number 13... Paranoia will eventually get the best of you. 4:33 PM BBT Feeds switch to Vanessa talking to Shelli in the Ocean BR. They are discussing Becky’s loyalties. Vanessa thinks that John is Becky’s extra person, and not someone Becky is loyal to. Vanessa offers to give Shelli the arguments to give to others. Vanessa thinks Johnny Mac is a bigger target than Steve. Vanessa explains that while she was shining Jackie’s armor she got a lot of information because no one was paying attention to her. Vanessa thinks they can get the votes to keep Shelli but they might have to make a deal with Johnny Mac. 4:40 PM BBT Vanessa is venting to Shelli about how Becky flip flops. She was with them and now she is with James and his crew. Doesn’t she realize that she is the low man on the totem pole with them? Vanessa complains that Becky has no loyalty to anyone! 4:52 PM BBT The twins are in the KT, Steve is standing at the DT. Austin is working out/stretching in the LR. Becky walks through the LR on her way to the HOHR to sleep. Liz is called to the DR. 4:53 PM BBT Becky settles into the HOHR bed. Vanessa is on the HOHR couch with her eyes covered and the headphones on. 4:56 PM BBT Jackie, Meg and James are whispering in the HNR. James doesn’t think Vanessa would put any of the three of them up, but he thinks it’s trouble to have both Vanessa and Shelli in the house. They know that Vanessa will already be running scenarios especially with the Double Eviction coming up. James think that one of them will win the veto as long as Johnny Mac doesn’t get picked. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
app Posted August 8, 2015 Share Posted August 8, 2015 5:03 PM BBT James comes into the HNR and reports to Jackie and Meg that Johnny Mac is in the bed with Shelli and they are comforting each other and giving each other good advice and reassuring one another. Meg says that maybe Shelli has to go first. They wonder if Johnny Mac is going to take care of Shelli for Clay. They start discussing ways they might neutralize Johnny Mac’s vote, and they worry about how Vanessa is going to campaign. James thinks Shelli should go this week, but Meg points out that Vanessa is constantly flipping votes in the house. One of them needs to go. 5:13 PM BBT Austin and Vanessa are in the WA. Austin tells Vanessa that he really doesn’t think they are going after Vanessa. Vanessa tells Austin that Becky is very much on James’ side and that Becky just finished raving to her about how great it is to be part of an open four-person group. They discuss how Becky has turned on them. Austin says that Becky has to put up Johnny Mac or else go back on the Double Eviction deal. 5:19 PM BBT James, Jackie, and Meg are talking in the HNR. James thinks that all their friends are still watching. Meg says three days out of the week is a lot. James says his friends are probably having watching parties. Meg says her brothers better still be watching. James figures that Jeff is probably watching and that he is probably happy for Jackie that she has come this far. 5:28 PM BBT Julia is alone in the KT washing dishes when Vanessa walks in and starts cleaning the counter. Liz walks through saying she is going to clean the shower. 5:29 PM BBT In the HNR, James suggests that the girls use a bra to cover their eyes. When they don’t go for that he suggests rigging something with dental floss and nip petals. The girls say no. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kitten200 Posted August 8, 2015 Share Posted August 8, 2015 5:40pm BBT: Shelli sitting on the KT table talking to Vanessa and Julia as they clean about her family and her parents still being together.In the HNBR James. meg and Jackie are going to sleep. 5:45pm BBT: Vanessa and Julia continue their cleaning of the KT and talking about how bad it gets in one day. 5:47pm BBT: Julia ask Vanessa what she thinks the veto comp will be and Vanessa says i think it should be the swinging one and Julia says oh yeah the Comic book one. Liz and Shelli come in and fill a glass with M&M's and start eating them. 5:50pm BBT: Julia , Liz, Shelli and Vanessa talking about how many veto comps they have played in and how many they were chosen to play in. In the HNBR James, meg and Jackie are now sleeping. 5:53pm BBT: Vanessa and Liz saying it would be nice to clean the house and do the dishes and laundry including sheets all in one day. Vanessa starts cleaning the counter tops and Julia as what they put in the Slop to make it brown like this? Vanessa says she does not know. Liz is saying it is hard to get out of the bowl , she has to scrub it. 5:57pm BBT: Talk in the Kt is about BB taking their suckers away and Shelli says no way they took my popcorn too and i was going to eat that. Austin is working out in the LVR. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kitten200 Posted August 8, 2015 Share Posted August 8, 2015 6:00pm BBT: Vanessa and Julia say that anyone that leaves a dirty dish in the sink from now on has to wash the dishes and wash all of them. Vanessa says Austin do you hear that cause i see you do it all the time. Vanessa says she will be the dish police. 6:05pm BBT: Cleaning of the KT continues as Vanessa is now trying chips to see if they are stale and throwing them away if they are. 6:07pm BBT: Shelli says what is life after the BB house. Vanessa says yeah how do we use a phone after this. Shelli says she had a dream she was on her phone and she has an I phone and she could not get on it. Vanessa and Julia say at the same time "she forgot her password: Shelli says yes i forgot my password. 6:10pm BBT: Steve is up in the Wa and looks in the shower area and ask is there someone in there? cameras keep going to the shower then back to Steve. Austin comes out of the WC and Steve points at the shower. Austin says yeah and gets in the shower. 6:15pm BBT: Steve is in the cabana rm with 2 oranges just pacing and then sitting down then pacing again talking to himself. In the KT Becky is sweeping the floor while Julia continues washing the dishes, Vanessa and shelli talking about jealous partners. 6:25pm BBT: Austin is out of the shower. Steve is back in the cabana rm after going to get a drink. Vanessa, Julia, Shelli, Liz and Becky in the Kt talking about music as they finish cleaning. 6:30pm BBT: Kitchen is all clean and KT talk is about taking pills on an empty stomach and throwing them back up. Liz said she did that before cause she did not know you had to eat with pills. 6:36pm BBT: Austin in the KT and the girls are watching him he goes to wash his shaker and he says ok you all are watching me and you girls have to many rules at least i try. Julia then laughs and says that Austin washed dishes with hand soap one day. They all laugh and Austin turns to the sink and ask there is a difference? 6:42pm BBT: Shelli telling about sleeping in the By through her punishment last week and how it was so hot out there in the BY. 6:47pm BBT: Jackie and meg are now up. In the KT they are sitting around talking general talk. meg says she wants to go see her buns and Austin says there are alot in there. James is now up and heading to the other rm. 6:51pm BBt: Jackie is saying she did not want to eat this week but now i am eating bread. They talk about they could make monkey bread with cinnamon and sugar and honey. 6:55pm BBT: Jackie made herself some ice coffee. Hg sitting around the KT talking about food Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sayre Posted August 8, 2015 Share Posted August 8, 2015 7:00PM BBT: James and Steve are in the living room just talking, everyone else is in the kitchen, Talking. Steve says he isn't going home until September 24th. 7:05PM BBT: Steve says he has nothing to lose at this point, so there is nothing to stress about. He still doesn't believe he's made it to Jury. He is saying it's not going to be real to him until he sees it on TV. "Its been so emotional. Shelli is called to the DR. 7:10PM BBT: James and Steve are now just talking, about the HoH competition yesterday, Becky is talking about coloring her hair, The twins are in the wash room now. Julia walks back into the kitchen. Liz is over by the memory wall. Julia is wondering what's going on in the backyard they are hearing a beeping sound. 7:15PM BBT: Steve is talking about what it feels like to be a reality TV star. "temporary one" anyway. Austin and Meg are talking Austin says he is just going to "be chillin out for the rest of the summer" 7:20PM BBT: James is now out of the living room, the twins and Austin are getting ready to workout. Jackie is cooking slop in her knights outfit. Becky is joins the workout in the living room . 7:25PM BBT: Steve comes out of the living room, And Austin and the twins and Becky start their work out.Julia tells Steve they just cleaned the kitchen and they don't want it dirtied. 7:31PM BBT: James, Jackie and Steve are cooking in the kitchen, James is making slop paddies Jackie is just making slop. And the workout continues. 7:35PM BBT: James and Meg, are in the storage room getting buns, James is talking to Meg about the votes. And his talk with Steve. He says that "we need to keep them in the loop." James brings honey into the kitchen and it starts to dripping on the floor. And Julia starts to flip out "now there is going to be ants everywhere." James brings out the swifter. 7:40PM BBT: the Have-Nots are making slop paddies for dinner. And John mack is now in the kitchen. James and Becky are now in her the HoH room. James has the remote and is trying to the the screen working, Jackie is now up in HoH too. 7:45PM BBT: Meg is up there too, Becky is talking about her "big plan" she is telling them no to say the "V word" she is now talking about Shelli and how she stirred up a lot of things last week. She is saying that she is trying to get Steve to start playing the game. "The V word is not going to be used, stick with the plan no matter what." Jackie says they are all on board with it. Meg says it will be perfect. Jackie says "If you leave Shelli up there they may vote her out. but we need to keep her in our good graces." 7:50PM BBT: Austin and the twins are eating Vanessa is eating to so is Shelli. And up in the the HoH room they are still just going over their "Big Plan" 7:55PM BBT: up in HoH they are going over what all to say to Shelli, they decide to wait and talk to her right before the Veto competition. Becky is the one who is going to talk to Shelli, Now just talking about why Vanessa needs to go. and in the kitchen they are still eating dinner. 8:00PM BBT: Becky is talking about Vanessa and Jackie says "she's a bully." Johnny is talking about how he did the HoH competition. Becky is talking about when Vanessa put her on the block. Becky is talking about how angry Vanessa is going to be when she is backdoored. Meg is saying we really need to call her out on her % and *%."8:05PM BBT: the talk in the HoH now breaks up James the only one left in HoH they walk out, Everyone is now down in the kitchen. Julia wants to clean some more. 8:10PM BBT: Steve has been in the living room by himself, Liz goes to get him for dinner. James is now eating a slop paddy, Becky is eating, Steve says he is not hungry. Everyone is in the kitchen eating and talking.8:15PM BBT: nothing new to report, they are still just eating dinner, Meg is making slop cookies, and Julia is cleaning. 8:31PM BBT: Meg and James are in the Have not going over the order of the nominations. Becky is at the table eating. 8:35PM BBT: Liz takes the slop cookies out of the oven, and Meg and James are still going over everything. they are now on week 7 8:40PM BBT: Jackie comes into the have not, Austin is making his dinner. Julia and Liz are now eating crackers. Jackie is now in her chair. James is pulling out his cloths to show off his HoH stuff. Shelli is sitting at the table now. 8:45PM BBT: Jackie wonders if BB will let her keep her armor. James shows off his crown. Shelli is looking at Clays picture on the memory wall. Liz is eating again. and Austin is cooking. 8:50PM BBT: Jackie is now talking about Jeff, and it's only been four weeks that he has been away, The twins are eating and talking to Shelli, and Austin is still cooking. 8:55PM BBT: Liz made turkey burgers for dinner James says he wants Shelli to go home over Vanessa. Jackie says they through the double eviction was this week so they acted a fool. In the have not Jackie is talking about getting Steve out this week. Now talking about PoV and what if we put like Johnny up. Jackie is saying that they are not bulling Shelli she gave her word to them. she says Steve thinks the PoV will be a counting one. 9:00PM BBT: in the have not they are still going over what may happen with the PoV. And what kind of competition it will be. They think it's a counting one, in the kitchen they are now eating turkey burgers, and talking. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cassondra0222 Posted August 8, 2015 Share Posted August 8, 2015 9:00 PM BBT In the HNR, Jackie & Meg are discussing who Becky will really use the Veto on, & who she would put on the block. Meg says, it's too risky to put someone up that not's going to go home. James comes back to te HNR with a box of foil. Meg wants some, & James gives her a tiny piece of the foil. James is making something out of the foil. Meg guesses an ice cream cone or a microphone. James says, they will see. 9:03 PM BBT James tears off another big piece of foil to continue making something. Jackie guesses an asteroid. Meg says, they are trying to guess what he is making. Meg says, she wants to wash her hair in Becky's bathtub to use the warm water, since she's a HN. Jackie says, she is waiting until she gets to take her Knight costume off at midnight to take her shower. 9:06 PM BBT Jackie says, everything is meant to be. She says, if she leaves she leaves. She says, it's already in the cards. Jackie says, it's going to be a long 50 days. Jackie says, she wants her phone. Meg says, she's feeling it today. James says, he's over it. Jackie says, she made it to jury, now she wants to win. James says, while they are stressing, they are going to get f***ed over anyways. Meg asks who this is that James is making? James says, it's a voodoo doll, & he's going to put it in Austin's bed. 9:07 PM BBT Jackie says, she really likes them, but they have to many people that are in their heads. Meg says, that's too morbid. James goes to the CBR to put the aluminum foil voodoo doll in Austin's bed. It has an antenna on it. Vanessa tells him he has it on Liz' side, so he moves it to Austin's side, & puts his comforter over it, with the antenna sticking up. 9:09 PM BBT Vanessa is in the CBR counting everything & studying it for the possibility they may use it in the POV Competition tomorrow. James looks at his 2 dress shirts. He says, he brought 2 pairs of khaki's. Vanessa tells James what she saw. James tells her she's good. Vanessa says, she likes clothes. Vanessa asks if he fits in any of the other guys clothes? James says, no, he's kind of small. He says, he has some things he hasn't worn yet. He says, he wears a size 28 x 28. 9:11 PM BBT Vanessa gets up to look at James' camo pants. She says, she has a pair at home that she wears every day. Vanessa tells James some things he can wear with a light blue pair of shorts. James tells John he's sorry for waking him. John asks what time it is? Vanessa says, probably about 8:30 p.m. James leaves the CBR. John says, he was finally able to sleep. Vanessa asked if he slept last night? John says, no. He will get up to eat at some point. 9:14 PM BBT James goes to the HNR & tells Meg & Jackie that Vanessa is studying in the CBR. They all agree they need to study, & they don't think Vanessa trust's them. (Which she shouldn't.). Meg says, they have to get Steve out. James says, he'll do what he can to win the Veto comp if he plays in it. Meg says, she can't stand that they make a plan, & then they have to figure out how they won't screw it up. 9:15 PM BBT They are coming up with game plans to counteract what happens. Jackie says, they have technically been in power 3 weeks in a row now. Jackie says, she's f***ed it up every time. James asks if it's him or is it hot in the HNR? Jackie says, it's hot. Meg says, it's him. Jackie gives her little noise. BB tells Jackie to please relocate her transmitter. Meg unzips her outfit so she can move the transmitter. 9:17 PM BBT Jackie says, she wants them out, one gone later that night, bam bam, she doesn't care what order. Meg wants to know if they can trust Johnny Mac. Jackie says, Becky's good with him. Meg says, she knows. James is thinking hard. He has his sunglasses on, & whispers to Meg & Jackie. He tells them that Clay was giving up his game & he was 23. They talk about the argument that happened. 9:20 PM BBT Meg says, they will have to watch the whole show & then they can put the pieces together. Jackie says, they've never lied about anything, they are in the dark about everything, & they are going to look like idiots. Meg says, like Nicole from last season. James says, "I'm always the last to know," the way Nicole did. Jackie wants all of them to go in there & say that. Meg says, she thinks she did. Jackie says, she pulled, the "I can't trust anyone in this house, I'm all alone." They laugh. 9:22 PM BBT Jackie says, she thinks they are going to try to get Steve out. Jackie says, Vanessa is studying so hard to win next week. James asks Meg what she's thinking? Meg says, she thinks they are going to vote Steve out. James says, they need to see who wins the Veto. He says, Steve wasn't a good pawn, they should have put Johnny Mac up. We see FOTH. 9:23 PM BBT James says, he just noticed something, it's quiet in this house. Meg tells him to go scamper. He says, Shelli was at the DT, & the twins are in the KT. Jackie says, she's all alone, & she would hate to be in that position. Meg says, she did it to herself by just hanging out with him all the time. Jackie says, especially in the end. Meg says, Becky's speech was good today when she talked about the fights that happened & something being behind them. 9:25 PM BBT Jackie says, they can't do anything about it, & they aren't going home. She says, she better not go home later that night though, but whatever, if it's meant to be, she doesn't want to be there if people don't want her there. 9:26 PM BBT Meg asks how Vanessa got involved in all that stuff? Jackie says, because she's Vanessa. She says, when you're involved in all that stuff, you're the problem. Meg says, she always called the meetings. James says, you have to split them up that's it. He says, it's another Clay & Shelli situation. Jackie says, she thinks she's an f'n idiot that she would campaign to keep Shelli there that she would put her up the next week. 9:27 PM BBT Jackie says, Vanessa was so desperate that she put Crisco in her d*mn bowl. Meg asks if they will show that on the show? James says, probably not, but she got called out for it. James says, she was putting big a** chunks in the bowl to. Jackie says, she can't believe that Vanessa was cheating. James says, she wasn't going to win anyway. He says, Jackie's bowl was way ahead of hers. James says, Shelli had a good technique. Jackie was using the same. They say, Becky was just really fast for sure. 9:29 PM BBT Jackie says, it's probably better that they just lay back this week. James says, Shelli is just really coming out of her shell isn't she? James says, she was so in love. James says, Shelli has been in a marriage & got a divorce. James says, her wall was built so high, there's no way that Clay broke it down that quick. He says, it takes a lot to get into a woman like Shelli. Jackie says, she stayed no questions asked. 9:31 PM BBT Meg says, she would never let someone do that for her, never. James says, his gut tells him she liked him, but she was thinking if he was going to give her the game, give it to her. Jackie says, she just has to go on. Meg says, she just can't fathom, but maybe because she's cold-hearted, how do you fall that hard here? Jackie says, because you get caught up in the moment. Meg says, you don't know what will happen after this. 9:32 PM BBT James says, Clay may go home & do other stuff. Jackie says, she knows how it feel from her experience with Jeff. Jackie says, it was hard to go back to her life after that without him, because they were obsessed. She says, Jeff was even looking for a job in Las Vegas. James asks how old Jeff is? Jackie says, the same age, 27. James says, there's no way Clay would move from Texas to Georgia. 9:34 PM BBT James thinks that Clay's ex might be texting him when he gets home. Meg says, he'll never have a shortage of girls. James says, it could work or something, maybe they will get married & have a bunch of babies. Meg says, cheers to them. Jackie says, it could work. Jackie explains what happens after you leave the show because of what she did. She says, there it's everything together, but then they go back to their real lives. 9:36 PM BBT Meg says, she can't wait to watch her & Jeff on TAR. Jackie says, they won't see anything like that. They had their extra time in between the races. James says, they know them, so that's better. Jackie says, when they had time, they just spent it together. She says, they went back to their normal lives, & Jeff had to get a job, & she went back to hers. She says, they weren't in the same place. Jackie says, he'll be a friend for sure for the rest of her life. 9:37 PM BBT Jackie says, Shelli is a strong girl to. She says, if she has feelings for him or not she has to stay in the game & build her relationships all over again. Jackie says, she had to fight harder after Jeff left. Jackie says, now she's like Jeff who? She says, she's just kidding. She says, it's weird to think about him & Audrey, since they are gone. Meg says, she wonders how things would be if they wouldn't have left. Jackie says, they are gone for a reason, they were huge huge game players, & they are gone. 9:39 PM BBT Jackie says, they need to find something on the twins because they are just moving along, sitting pretty. Meg says, pull a James & put them both up at the same time. James says, they lie all the time. He says, they lied about the final 4 with Shelli & Clay. Meg asks how James knows about that? James says, he didn't know about it, but Jackie is sure of it. 9:41 PM BBT Julia, Vanessa, Steve & Shelli are all sitting at the DT. Becky is telling a story about Denver. Liz & Austin are in the KT. Becky says, it's really expensive to live in Boulder, than any of the other parts. Vanessa wants to plan a white water rafting trip. In the HNR, Meg says, she can not wait to see the show to see the meeting before Vanessa's Veto. 9:43 PM BBT They talk about Jace becoming the target. Meg says, she can't wait to watch that. Jackie says, she was talking to Johnny Mac yesterday, & she says, Johnny Mac says, yes, Clay talked to much, just like Jeff did. James says, Steve told him he made a good decision putting the two of them up. James says, he was like what the hell? He says, he asked Steve why that was a good decision? He says, what the hell does he know that he didn't know? There was no response. 9:45 PM BBT The girls are in the HNR laughing & saying that they can't wait to see what the audience is thinking. Meg says, it will air Sunday. James says, Clay was so upset he was telling him to get the hell out of his face. Becky goes in the HNR. Meg says, they are hibernating. Jackie says, she wants to wait until midnight to take her suit off. Meg says, she's really cranky. Jackie says, they left Becky with the wolves. Jackie asks if everyone is getting close to Shelli? 9:47 PM BBT They tell Becky they are thinking of other plans. Becky says, she's not going to panic yet. She says, Clay was not Shelli. She says, Shelli always had to tell Clay to be nice, & stop that. Becky says, Clay was always getting upset. Becky says, every now & then Shelli will say something, & no one is scampering. Becky says, they just need Clay, Shelli, her or one of them to win the POV for sure. 9:48 PM BBT Meg tells Becky that Vanessa may try to make a deal with them to get Steve out. Becky says, they only need 4 votes. Becky says, they have to wait for the Veto. Jackie says, they need to pull Steve down & put Vanessa up with Shelli. Becky says, she has to pull Shelli down & put Vanessa up with Steve. Becky says, she has to keep her word, because Shelli has the strong likelihood of winning HOH in the near future, & she needs to cover her bases with the double eviction coming. 9:51 PM BBT Becky says, they can't say what if right now. She tells them not to get paranoid in their dentist chairs. Becky says, the DR is probably not understanding how she stays so calm. She says, they will worry about what they will do when the Veto is won. Becky says, they need to win the next 8 weeks, & they're be set. Meg asks what time it is? Becky says, it's 9 PM. Jackie wants to get her suit off. Becky tells James he looks like he's tanning in a way. 9:52 PM BBT Jackie says, she's in spandex, she wants her suit off. Meg is cranky. James is chilling. Becky is going to get coffee & go back to play with them. James says, they need to stop freaking Becky out. Jackie & Meg say they've played this way every week. James says, Becky is saying to wait until Veto. Meg says, they need to plan ahead though. Jackie says, they can't plan anything until the Veto is won. 9:54 PM BBT Meg says, someone actually gave her the advice to think every scenario out in her head ahead of time. Jackie says, that's a good idea. Jackie says, Vanessa came up with all these reasons to vote Jason out. Jackie says, that's what she does, that's what they do. 9:57 PM BBT Jackie says, she kind of wants to play in the Veto. They talk about being pulled to play. We see FOTH. 10:00 PM BBT Live feeds come back. Meg says, she doesn't think that Becky fully understands how much they control in this house. James says, Vanessa & Shelli control a lot of what's going on in the house. Jackie says, she needs to convince Vanessa that Austin & the twins aren't good for her. Jackie says, if they win, they are going to come after them, & their odds of winning aren't good. Meg says, she even beat him. James says, Austin sucks at comps. Jackie asks if he's just playing that way? James says, no, he sucks. 10:02 PM BBT Meg says, she can't wait for them to watch her in the comp. Jackie says, oh, she watched. James says, he told the smurfs he thought he saw a turtle lap Meg twice. They all laugh. James says, he doesn't understand why people want to copy his style of something when he does it. He says, he did the squat on the wall, so everyone wanted to try it. 10:05 PM BBT Jackie says, it was weird that no one was cheering for them in the comp. Jackie says, she still says nice things. James asks if they gave Jason a shout out? Meg says no, when that day comes she will. Meg says, it's when you know who goes. James says, the "S". Jackie says, & the "V". Jackie says, Becky is thinking, do not talk about the "V". Jackie says, she was supposed to get coffee & come back, but nope. 10:08 PM BBT Meg asks what else are they supposed to talk about? James throws out different ideas. He says, except cars, because Meg doesn't have one. James asks Jackie if she has a car? She says, yes, a Mercedes. James says, for real, what kind? Jackie says, an E-500 that she just finished paying off. James says, they are good cars. Jackie says, she needs a new one. James says, they ride like a tank. Jackie says, & she drives it like a tank. They all laugh. 10:10 PM BBT James and Jackie talks about motorcycles. Jackie won't ever get one, but she will ride on one. James tells her she needs to go to bike week next year with him. She tells James they finished TAR in Dallas, Texas. James says, he could have been there. Jackie says, she was. She says, they stayed in a hotel, & then went over the finish line. She tells James everything they were looking for was color-coded red & yellow. She tells about her backpack was at the bottom with her compass in it. 10:13 PM BBT James tells Jackie he would always have the compass if he was on TAR. Jackie says, she did, but she left it at the bottom on the bag. She says, production finally told them they could take the car, but you can't see that. Jackie says, they didn't tell them what to take. She says, she took a compass, but Jeff didn't. James says, they could use bead markers for every mile. Jackie says, they got Fitbit's given to them. She says, they are in the middle of the world looking for clues. 10:15 PM BBT She says, you have to use clues, translate languages, be with a stranger, use the little money they give you. She says, it's hard, but it's thrilling. James asks what happens if they get pulled over by police? Jackie says, they don't like LAPD in Vegas. James says, what if they get pulled over on TAR? She says, they are tracked, but you have to pull over, pay the ticket, & do whatever before you leave. 10:17 PM BBT Jackie says, she was watching TAR one season. She says, there were two blonde country singers. She says, they were in Africa, & the one that got the ticket couldn't leave the police station, so her partner couldn't leave to get the money changed. She says, they had to trust a stranger to do that. She tells James they were on All Stars with Rachel & Brendan. James didn't know they were on TAR. Jackie says, they were on Season 20 & All Stars. James thinks Caleb is going to do TAR. Jackie says, he's supposed to be on Survivor. 10:20 PM BBT Jackie tells James that when you go to some shows from another show, you have a target on your back. She tells some people get voted out because of their games on other shows also. She says, there were twins on Blood vs. Water. James says, if Clay & Shelli went on Survivor, he would vote one off right away. He says, they wouldn't know them like he does, & they have to get rid of them. Jackie says, she was freaked out going in the house. Meg says, they didn't know them. James says, Steve knew them, & that was about it. 10:22 PM BBT Jackie says, Jeff was telling her that Steve was saying stuff about them hiding stuff. She was saying all of this while she was stretching & doing splits on the HNR floor. Meg says, Jeff is so paranoid. Jackie talks about how paranoid he was. James says, the house is so different. 10:23 PM BBT Jackie says, Jeff was on a whole other level, & it was freaking her out. Jackie says, they were blasted when they walked through the door, & that's it. James says, he walked in on them once in the SR. Jackie says, Jeff always talks intently, but it looks like he was talking about game. Meg says, Jeff could have gone far in the game. Jackie says, she knew his mouth would get the best of it, but not that soon. Meg says, he needed to just pick 4 people to talk to & stick with them. 10:25 PM BBT James talks about the way Jeff used to always start his conversations. Jackie says, poor Pepe. She says, she saw this before they even did the show. Jackie says, all of his friends told him he wasn't going to win, but he would be on the show. James says, that's the kind of pep talk they would give Meg. Meg says, she made it to jury, a**hole. Meg says, she didn't say she was athletic when they asked her. James says, Meg has a good social game. 10:27 PM BBT Jackie talks about everyone that used to question Jeff about what he said to other HG's. Meg says, Jeff's game was so ridiculous. Jackie says, he was trying to ignore the people that he was close to. Jackie says, she knew what was going on, but Shelli & Clay were getting paranoid. James says, a lot changed after Audrey left. James says, keep your enemies close, & your friends even closer. James says, he doesn't even care what happens anymore. Jackie says, they made it to jury, they can sit there. 10:29 PM BBT Jackie says, Derek, Cody, Caleb & Victoria were all sitting pretty last year. Jackie says, Nicole was struggling the whole time until she left. Meg says, the other side was in power this whole time, & now it switched, so they have to deal with it. Meg says, you don't take out big targets until the end. She says, you should take out little targets first. Jackie says, & then bam bam. Jackie says, there's no alliances this year, none. (Wait until she see's all the alliances after she leaves.) Jackie wants to make up an alliance name for the 4 of them, so they have one. 10:31 PM BBT Meg says, James is good at figuring out names. James is falling asleep. Meg wants to go to sleep. Jackie says, she's going to go scamper. James asks her to cut the light out when she leaves. Jackie asks if it's o.k. to shut it off? James says, yes, it's after 10 PM. Meg says, she's thankful for both of them. Meg says, she needs to talk to Steve today. Jackie says, she talked to him a little today. She is putting her Knight costume on. She says, she can't wait to not hang out with the Knight anymore. Meg wonders what the next costume will be. She says, it will be later though. 10:33 PM BBT Jackie finishes up putting on her Knight costume. Meg says, there she goes, go scamper. Jackie turns the light off. James & Meg make noises in exhilaration of having the lights off. Jackie laughs & leaves the HNR. James says, he was actually falling asleep. 10:34 PM BBT The camera view changes to Steve & John playing chess. Steve tells John he broke something. John says, yeah he did. In the LR, Jackie is sitting on a couch near Vanessa. Shelli & Julia are sitting in the chairs. Liz & Austin are sitting on the other couch. They are playing a question game. Julia is asking questions. 10:41 PM BBT Meg tells them they should have asked her to play Celebrity with them. They call her grandma & say they thought she was sleeping. Julia is down to only 2 questions left, & guesses Will Smith, which is the answer. Shelli wants to go next. She covers her head with a pillow, so they can come up with a person. Meg goes to the LR to join in the game. 10:47 PM BBT Not much going on in the BB house right now except Steve & John playing chess & the Celebrity questions game in the LR. Shelli answers Martha Stewart in 15 questions, & it's the right answer. 10:48 PM BBT Liz leaves the LR, so the HG's can figure out a person. She comes back in start answering her questions. 10:56 PM BBT The Celebrity guessing game continues in the LR, while Steve & John are still playing chess. 10:59 PM BBT Steve is in the LR now. Kathy Griffin was the answer for the latest person they were guessing. Meg says, she's going to fan girl out right now. She talks about Kathy Griffin about quitting her job when Joan Rivers died. Meg says, the statement she released was brilliant & she tells everyone to read it when they leave the house. Austin is the next person to guess a Celebrity. Steve tells him he knows of this person, & knows some of the basics. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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