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Austin Matelson (Week 6)


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Austin is so creepy.  I mean like a disgusting level of creepiness.  Following the twins around like a new puppy, every room they shift to, he pops up seconds later.  Julia's scolding towards him when they settled down after the comp was enjoyable to watch.  

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Poor Austin, he just doesn't get it. Liz already told him that when Julia enters the game that she's gonna wanna spend a lot of time with her, catching up and stuff.

Austin compares Clay & Shelli's showmance to Jeff & Jordan, and he compares his showmance with Liz as like Rachel & Brendan. It's clear to me that Austin is living in his own little bubble of delusion.

Now that Julia has entered the game, I think that Austin's faux-mance with Liz is over. Liz never really liked Austin romantically, and only used him for protection in the game. I have to wonder now if, or when Austin will realize that he got played by a 23 year old.

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I'm not sure what Austin has done to warrant the dislike to be quite honest - I see a guy that has fallen for a woman that continues to lead him on.  If she wanted it to stop she could do it easily but Liz does nothing to stop him so as far as he's concerned she's interested in him ... Maybe she should try to be a grown adult and try to have an adult conversation with him and hope they can still work together as an alliance but not a couple otherwise keep playing him but don't expect Austin to stop hanging out with her all the time if that's the case.


I don't like the way he acts towards Steve but that's something that he actually does do and he's not the only one that does it ... but one of them is gone now :)

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I'm not sure what Austin has done to warrant the dislike to be quite honest - I see a guy that has fallen for a woman that continues to lead him on.  If she wanted it to stop she could do it easily but Liz does nothing to stop him so as far as he's concerned she's interested in him ... Maybe she should try to be a grown adult and try to have an adult conversation with him and hope they can still work together as an alliance but not a couple otherwise keep playing him but don't expect Austin to stop hanging out with her all the time if that's the case.


I don't like the way he acts towards Steve but that's something that he actually does do and he's not the only one that does it ... but one of them is gone now :)

You're absolutely right about Liz. I just want Austin to play better game of BB and get his head into the game. I'm kinda tired of seeing him act like a lovesick puppy in a showmance.

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Personally the touching really creeps me out. I am not a fan of touching. Last season Cody and others with all their touching was puke worthy.


That being said even though I think the touching is creepy I don't think Austin is a creep. I see Liz stroking his arms and stuff and giving him different signals. All Liz has to do is set boundaries and tell Austin that she doesn't like any romantic attention. Tell him hands off and friends only. It is not fair for her to do DR's implying that Austin is a creeper. 


I tell you some times guys are such knucleheads and stupid when they have crushes or lusting. I think Austin is into all this romantic stuff and Liz is just a have fun party girl. Not a good match. Wake up Austin! 

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I think, ironic as it sounds, the Austin should grow some stones and throw James threats right back at him. Oh really we are replacements if one of the Slays come off? Well there will still be two votes and probably three with the Slay vote, gunning for you next week if you do and we go home. Even say there is a 4th and 5th with us that will remain nameless. Go threaten Vanessa.

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The first thing Austin needs to do is win a comp. Liz is just an attention whore.


Liz was in the storage room today telling Julia about Austin farting and not owning it. She said then he touched me. ewwwww 


I wish she would just be real with him if she doesn't like him instead of pretending and they talking smack about him behind her back. 

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Exactly Marty! She's ruining his game. IMO the twins are no great beauties. This may be Liz's only chance to play Delilah to Austin's Samson! Of the two twins, I personally would prefer Julia over Liz. Liz is an annoying little bonehead!

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When Vanessa & Jackie got their costumes last night, I sorta got the feeling that Austin was fantasizing that it was him & Liz. Austin would have been in 7th heaven if his punishment had been shinning Liz's armour for 24 hours, and she would have been in hell.

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Khal Drogo, Khaleesi's husband.

I can see where Austin would say that because of the hair and big muscular body, but I never thought that Drogo was all that handsome, but then neither is Austin.

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I can see where Austin would say that because of the hair and big muscular body, but I never thought that Drogo was all that handsome, but then neither is Austin.

I think he looks way better in real life.  He is also actress Lisa Bonet's husband. Check out this recent pic of them walking together.


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Those two really lit up the screen together! Maybe he's living with those rock people and will return.


You have noticed my profile picture haven't you? LOL 


I would also love for Jon Snow to return 

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