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John McGuire (Week 5)


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I thought that Johnny Mac would do better on a music clip comp. I just hope that he's not asked to take another dive for somebody else's game. I understand that he really doesn't have a choice, but he could at least suggest that another HG do it and give him a break.

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I know Jackie will only put up people that have not been on the block. 


I think Vanessa will go along with getting Austin evicted.

Surely she can see that Austin has become a loose canon with game info; is overly obsessed with Liz; and a big liability to her game.

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Surely she can see that Austin has become a loose canon with game info; is overly obsessed with Liz; and a big liability to her game.


Everyone is a liability to everyone. Wall maybe Shay is one unit but they are all playing the game. Some more stupidly then others. Austin just does not have a Big Brother brain to know  how to play. 


Austin was giving the title "loose cannon" by Vanessa and she starting twisting every thing he was doing and saying. Vanessa is that good that she has convinced the fans that he is a "loose cannon" whatever that means to her. 

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Ahhhh...forgot about his being tight with Becky. Then again, I forget Becky is even in the house.

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Everyone is a liability to everyone. Wall maybe Shay is one unit but they are all playing the game. Some more stupidly then others. Austin just does not have a Big Brother brain to know  how to play. 


Austin was giving the title "loose cannon" by Vanessa and she starting twisting every thing he was doing and saying. Vanessa is that good that she has convinced the fans that he is a "loose cannon" whatever that means to her.

I think that Vanessa viewed herself & Austin as a strong duo. She selected him early on in the game when she got the "Express Pass" from Phil. Since they both have GFs back home, there was no chance of a showmance.

When she & Austin won the HOH's together she saw a different side of Austin. He was clearly more interested in showmancing Liz than playing the game. I don't think than Vanessa ever had any intention of aligning within a showmance trio. Vanessa tried to take Audrey under her wing, and that ended horribly and emotionally.

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I think that Vanessa viewed herself & Austin as a strong duo. She selected him early on in the game when she got the "Express Pass" from Phil. Since they both have GFs back home, there was no chance of a showmance.

When she & Austin won the HOH's together she saw a different side of Austin. He was clearly more interested in showmancing Liz than playing the game. I don't think than Vanessa ever had any intention of aligning within a showmance trio. Vanessa tried to take Audrey under her wing, and that ended horribly and emotionally.


Spot on

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I've been watching some You tube videos and I think there are some tiny little sparks flying between Johnny Mac & Becky. it's too bad that he couldn't win the veto to save Becky, that would have been so sweet.

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I've been watching some You tube videos and I think there are some tiny little sparks flying between Johnny Mac & Becky. it's too bad that he couldn't win the veto to save Becky, that would have been so sweet.


I hope Jason goes (assuming that plan actually sticks) so we can see if anything comes form Becky and JMac ... Sure would be better than the other 2 faux showmances

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I really want Becky and Johnny Mac to win the next HOH's. Together they seem like rational players, and I want a break from the emotional players because they are making me crazy. I'd love to see Becky nominate Shelli & Vanessa and Johnny Mac nominate Clay & Austin. A real BOB with no pawns.

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Oh nice one! I like that one better ... Let's make that happen MacBecky

I had so much hope that Johnny Mac and Becky pairing up would be a good thing, then last night as BBAD was going off, Johnny Mac was making a F4 deal with Clay that included Shelli & Becky. I don't think that MacBecky aligning with Clay & Shelli is good for their game.

I thought that Johnny Mac was smart enough to figure out that Clay is reaching out now in case MacBecky win the next HOH. I now that Johnny Mac doesn't get involved in the petty dramas, but he has to see that Clay & Shelli are aligned with everybody.

Beware; When ever Clay or Shelli tells a HG that they trust them, that means they can use you to advance their game. I hope that MacBecky doesn't fall for it.

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OMG Clay and Shelli just had a final 4 with Jackie and Jeff then sent Jeff out the door. They had a final 4 with Jason and Meg and Jason is going out the door. 


I know they got busted yesterday for other alliances and lying to people and when Vanessa found out she just wanted to put it in her back pocket. 


I really hope J-mac and Becky are not buying this

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I hope that Johnny Mac and either Jackie or Meg to win the next HOHs. Initially I thought that MacBecky would be the best pair to win, but Becky is still under the influence of Clay & Shelli.

I think that James, Jackie & Meg are pissed at Vanessa & Shelli enough that they would nominate them outright. If they win BOB or veto is used they should backdoor a big target and take out one of the powerful pairs.

Best case scenario is either Clay & Shelli or Vanessa & Shelli in those nominations chairs next Thursday night. Dream scenario is Vanessa & Shelli because they've been in power for too many consecutive weeks. Being nominated will bring them down a few pegs, they've had it too easy and they've never been vulnerable in this game..

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I like John but I hope he can be swayed to vote out Becky and join Jackie, James, Jason and Meg.

I like Johnny Mac too, but he only seems to be interested in playing Clay's game, more than his own. I read on another thread that he "secretly" aligned with Steve for a F2 deal, but I don't know if that's true or not.

I like that Johnny Mac has been playing low key, but James, Meg & Jackie now know that he's been working with Clay & Shelli by throwing BOB comps. I don't think that they would trust Johnny Mac, especially considering what happened with the Blue Moon alliance.

Clay & Shelli only want to use Johnny Mac to target Jackie, Meg & James, so they can continue to play all sides.

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