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Everything posted by TwinCity

  1. Hey, heard pictures of the house are out and it is mod style, mostly black and white. Anyone know if thsi is true? not finding any more.. bet it is another hoax !!
  2. You are right King..... ok.. starting to get the fever again.. lol.
  3. Just saw my first BB ad on TV during Amazing Race
  4. Evel Dick Twitted that he will post a video explaining everything after the west coast show ends to night at www.rtvzone.com. But, if you go there now... you get an error page and up in the URL .. it Says the account has been suspended. Coincidence... i think not. CBS flexing their muscle probably. Wonder what they are trying to hide. URL looks like this: http://www.rtvzone.c...spendedpage.cgi
  5. Evel Dick Donato But to squash the rumors, I am not in jail, don't have cancer, my mother son and girlfriend are not in the hospital & I was not kicked out. He goes on to say that a public statement from him will be posted later on explaining everything.
  6. yes.... the feeds are up.. the music is playing..... I HATE the chat there ... worse than EVER... every time someone types something a bubble appears with the text over the feeds.... typical for Real... still batting 1000 or should I say -1000
  7. Dan would have kept Keesha I think and I actually think if Dan had to pic... Memphis or Keesha.. think Keesha would have gone with DAN
  8. Actually, I found his body repulsive.... so freekin over the top and I do NOT believe that is not a roid body...
  9. Dan had said that his uncle is a financial advisor and had helped him for a long time. He will listen to his uncle before blowing a wad on Memphis's crazy scheme.... thank goodness.
  10. Newbies are always welcome... especially active newbies !!
  11. I remember being a newbie !!! ... and felt very welcomed by everyone.... WELCOME NEWBIES !!!
  12. no way fizzle... if you get pushed out the site will fold...
  13. you said it DreamAngel... and as we all stated early on ... ton's of newbie's
  14. ... that's just uvp's byline and intro.... lol
  15. Definiately go to Firefox.... I had the same problem.. switched...and all is well. I love it. no more problems.. !!!!
  16. Big Brother Chat Room 15... best room in there !!! ...my Roomies told me about Morty's .. been here ever since..... you rock Shiloh !!!!
  17. all still sleeping...... WAKE UP !!!!! ... LOL
  18. Kaysar said they should get Ivette out next week then Sarah. He said Sarah is pissed at Ivette for doing a dance for James and flirting with him. Janette talks about how ugly Ivette is.. says no matter how hard she tries she is still ugly. Janette said it pisses her of for these little people to try to work her for information. Kaysar tells her to just hang in there. Kaysar says that James let the Veto go to his head and can't be trusted now.
  19. Maggie, Beau,and Eric are in the kitchen talking about having a good day working out. Rachel comes in.. mostly chit chat; nothing much. Eric is making some type of protein shake that looks nasty. Maggie asks if they taste good.. Eric responds "as far as shit goes". [gosh the guys cannot say anything without cussing]. James comes in and tells Beau he is his favorite day friend. He tells him that he reminds him of an old friend, very funny. Beau is being funny talking about the rats in the walls (camera crew). Beau tries to bet Eric to do dips... Eric replies that he has already worked out twice today. They are all just acting goofy. Eric is trying to mix peanut butter in his shake to make it taste better. Sarah just came in and said "holy crap where did all these dishes come from" .. eric replied "from the gold room".
  20. Eric said everyone is sleeping except Janelle who said she had a cut on her foot and got called to the diary room. Eric said bb did not sound happy. Beau said Michael went through when janelle went to dr and he was not happy about something. Jenny and Rachel just came in saying something that sounded like wax on the nipples. They are talking about the movie Show Girls where they put lip stick on their nipples when the girls is going to kick some guys tail for beating up on her girl friend (in the movie). James comments that he loves that movie. Jenny tells Rachel she will work with her on some choreography dancing. James teases her about stip act. She kicks him and says I am not that kind of dancer. BB just announced lockdown.. to go outside. Someone, which appeared to be Michael, just walked through doing a mock 911 call for distruct 57 for alleged rape. [what a smart ass]... then right in the middle of his immitations..fish.
  21. Eric in the kitchen talking to Beau. Telling Eric that Kaysar asked if it was normal to use a cuss word at the end of every sentence. They both say it is just a part of American Culture. Beau said he called Kaysar out the other day because Kaysar blamed him for the ordeal between Eric and Michael. Kaysar jumped Beau for not keeping things calm. Beau said he then turned on Ivette and started yelling at her and blaming her for the ordeal. They are wondering how Julie will handle this on the show. They are talking about how Michael has not done the snake eye stare since they called him out on it. They both think Michael is not really a bad guy but is just use to running the show and having his way and being popular.



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