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Everything posted by yath

  1. Thanks for dropping by...always a pleasure...

  2. right back atcha, baby!!

    thanks for dropping by..

  3. yath


  4. yath

    stealthily stalking...

  5. Hookers???


  6. Now be nice, Wicked. The newbies don't know about you yet.
  7. just clicked on your fifth star...

  8. Welcome Melissa!! Pull up a piece of floor and make yourself comfortable.
  9. And Happy Canada DAY to YOU, eyel!! edit: I'm in Ottawa...U?
  10. Melia, as Dream and others here could testify (but I hope they won't...), I am always trying to figure stuff out, and always screwing up, and I haven't got the excuse that I'm new. I'm just tarded. But really, there are saints around here who will help with anything, anytime. So welcome, and just holler if you need anything. Well, really, no need to holler; asking quietly, politely and nicely COULD work. Or holler.
  11. Wicked, glad to see all your visits.

    But please...be gentle?

  12. I'm still at 4 stars, but thx for trying...I just tried upgrading you too.

    Oh god, this is like first grade, lol...

  13. Jem, I gotta tell ya...saying WELCOME with that terrifying avatar doesn't work somehow.
  14. yath

    Paris Hilton

    That was totally weird. I couldn't decide if that was a very misguided attempt at humor on Paris' part, or if she's just a whack job. I'm thinkin' the latter...
  15. Hey chicky! Hope you have a good weekend.

  16. yath

    Paris Hilton

    There was something in the news last night--but I missed it--about some new controversy (yawn) she has stirred up while relaxing in the private and posh "medical" unit of the clinker. Anyone know what that is?? Anyone care...??
  17. yath

    Just came by to say hi. Surgery booked for the 29th

  18. WTG Ginger. I'm sure whatever you said was sweet, kind, and welcoming, and in keeping with multi-cultural Morty's!
  19. Hi.

    Thanks for dropping by.

  20. Two show hosts in two days...this is creepy. But glad they're both okay.
  21. Glad to hear he's okay. He's an odd duck, a quirky guy, but I've always liked him.
  22. yath

    Hi Kanae. And welcome!!

  23. Thanks for stopping by Cajun...stay and chat next time.



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