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Everything posted by Goldylucks

  1. Here is a meme from Shetaan819 on Twitter. "Adversity"
  2. 6:00 PM BBT Jace, Jeff, and James are hanging out in the BR on feeds 1/3. They are discussing how many pairs of shoes the ladies brought with them. James thinks he is the only that packed light. On feeds 2/4 we have Clay, Meg, and Audrey hanging out at the hammock. They are discussing their favorite foods. Audrey says they should go inside and hide all of the food. 6:05 PM BBT Jeff leaves from the BR and Jace and asks James what's up. He wants to know if they are still good for F5. Jace says what happened yesterday was just crazy. James says it was a game changer for him. Jace says he got in the middle of it and doesn't even know how. James says he was pulled into the middle of a backdoor plan and doesn't even know how. 6:10 PM BBT James is explaining to Jace that he was not aware of any plan to BD him. He rehashes his conversation with Audrey earlier. Meanwhile, Meg, Jeff, Audrey, and Jackie are in the SR deciding on what they want to eat. 6:15 PM BBT Half the house in the SR going through the food. The other half are sitting in the BY. Audrey tells Clay and Meg how controlling Jackie is. She says that she is going to start telling Becky everything. She has a really weird vibe. 6:16 PM BBT Audrey tells Meg and Clay not to say anything to Jackie that they don't want Becky to know. She explains that she saw Becky and Vanessa talking game last night. She mentioned it to Jackie and Jackie went straight to Becky to tell her. 6:21 PM BBT James goes up to the HoH room. He wants to talk game with Jason. He explains that Jace just approached him in the BR. Jace was fishing for his next nominee. He explains how dodgy Jace was and denied his part in the BD plan. Jason says James' name was never brought up to him. He is too loyal to him to lie about that. James told him that Jace dropped Jason's name again as a BD plan. Jason said that with the alliance, there are not 7 votes out there anyway. 6:25 PM BBT James tells Jason that his allegiance is to the High Rollers. He doesn't want to come off like a jerk when he puts him (Jace-I think) up. He is not going to throw anyone under the bus in his nomination speech. Jason says that they don't know how this game works. 6:27 PM BBT Jason says he will be floored if Jackie goes home. The numbers won't match up. Everyone would have had to been telling them lies. They expect no more than a 9-2 vote. 6:30 PM BBT Audrey comes into the HoH. James asks how his name came up as the one wanting to BD Jason. Audrety tells him that it Jace. Jace told them it was James who brought it up. He rehashes his conversation with Jace downstairs. 6:34 PM BBT Jeff joins them in the HoH. Jason tells James, Jeff and Audrey that he will have no respect for for Austin and Liz if they don't vote for Jace to stay. If the vote is 11-0 then they aren't loyal to anyone. Jason will never care if he is a single vote. He will vote for someone he likes. Basically, if they have a spine and are loyal people, they should be a vote for Jace. 6:36 PM BBT Jason tells James, Jeff and Audrey that Liz and Austin are playing to dumbest game. They keep trying to make these big moves when they are perfectly safe. They are just putting Jace into more hot water. 6:44 PM BBT Jace, Austin, and Liz are in the BY. Jace and Austin have no intention of rewatching themselves on TV when they get out of the house. They imagine they both will be portrayed badly because they have said some stupid things. Austin says he can be the evil wrestler. Jace says maybe they'll take him too. They can be a tag team. They say the line in the sand between the nerd herd and cool kids will be soon, and they can't help but be the cool kids. Then they will have to eat crow when they get beat.
  3. We officially have our first entry into the Live Meme Contest. Courtesy of Melody. She is a Morty Port friend and I call this little doozy "Royal Flush"
  4. #BB17 6:28 PM BBT Vanessa is challenging the other HGs to an arm wrestling match in the KT. She beats Shelli and then gives Jeff a run for his money. Jeff gives her credit. "You are really good." #BB17 6:31 PM BBT Jeff tells Austin that he needs to arm wrestle Vanessa. She says she knows she can't beat him but wants to know if he thinks she is good. Austin practically lifts her off her feet so, it isn't really a match, but tells her that he can feel her power. #BB17 6:34PM BBT Vanessa gives Da'Vonne arm wrestling advice in the KT. She explains how it's all about who can crack the wrist sooner. If you can crack the wrist, then it's all about wearing your opponent down. #BB17 6:37 PM BBT A little fun in the HoH Room. Becky is laying on the couch listening to a DVD. James and Jeff are squatting down and hiding at the end of the couch. They keep touching the top of Becky's head with a piece of paper. She keeps scratching at her head. They do it three times before she catches on. #BB17 6:41 PM BBT Becky is talking to James in the HoH room. She is talking about how she is proud of everyone who played in the comp today. She says someone always misspells a stupid word or really stands out. She is proud that everyone came up with a good word. James thought he had it in the bag until he saw Steve's word. #BB17 6:44 PM BBT Jeff exits the HoH WC and jokes with Becky and James about how many times people have called him (jokingly) an asshole today. Becky "Well I can honestly say, you are my favorite asshole." #BB17 6:51 PM BBT In the HoH James and Jeff are talking to Becky. She is talking about almost all her boyfriends of the past are really tall. They tell her that means only Austin has a shot at her. Meanwhile in the WA meg is washing her hands and Austin is using the hair straightener. #BB17 6:54 PM BBT Da'Vonne and Austin are now alone in the WA. He explains to her that he did not make a final deal with anyone. He hasn't even had a chance to talk game to anyone. "I'm not trying to play that fast. I'm safe. There's no need for that. I'm thinking jury. Not final 3 or 4. I'm not playing that fast." Da'Vonne says Uh huh and leaves shortly after.
  5. #BB17 5:10 PM BBT Flashback on Camera 2!! We have a new alliance called the High Rollers. Da'Vonne, Jeff, James, Jason, and Audrey met in the HoH room and shook on it. The alliance is to include Meg and Jackie as well, though they were absent from the meeting. #BB17 5:55 PM BBT Jeff, Jason, and Da'Vonne are in the Dentist Chair Room. Da'Vonne is telling Jason not to start any trouble with the other HGs. Jason says that the two of them better protect him. "He (Austin I think) might pull me into the back room and rape me." #BB17 6:06 PM BBT Da'Vonne and Jason are in the Have Not BR. Da'Vonne says they lost out on a great opportunity to get rid of Jackie. They talk about how stupid everyone is. They should have saved Jace. #BB17 Da'Vonne and Jason are in the Have Not BR. Liz walks in talking about how cold the water is in the shower. When she exits Da'Vonne tells Jason "I wanted to like her. I really did." Meanwhile John, Meg, and Audrey are hanging out in the WA. Just general chit chat. #BB17 6:21 PM BBT Clay and Austin are in the BR. Clay tells Austin "James isn't with us, he's out." Clay tells him that James is on the outside but doesn't know. Austin is worried about who James is going to put up.
  6. Looking forward to seeing some great BB Canada Memes!!
  7. 5:06 PM BBT Cody and Victoria are lounging on the couch. Derrick is throwing cards across the room trying to get them on or in something off camera. Victoria is talking about her holiday and prayers. Derrick quits with the cards and goes to lay down on the couch. He covers his face with the baby blanket. 5:20 PM BBT Derrick is laying on the couch. Victoria and Cody are on the other coach. He is resting his head on her lap and she is rubbing his hair and back. They are just talking. Cody says Caleb better stay away from his sister if she is there at the finale. 5:30 PM BBT Cody and Victoria are talking about bar mitzvahs. They are great parties and the dancing by the kids makes the event. They start talking about different holidays. Derrick is just listening quietly from the other couch. 5:40 PM BBT Victoria, Cody and Derrick start talking about cars. She wants to buy a new one. She wants a high end car, four doors, yet small. Cody recommends the C class Mercedes. Derrick and Cody continue to talk about cars. Victoria decides to play Solitaire. Cody goes to pack. 5:50 PM BBT All four feeds are now on Victoria. She is going through her whicker box of extensions. She then heads into the KT and sits at the DR table where she is plucking her eyebrows. Cody is packing. Derrick is still on the coach. 5:54 PM BBT Victoria heads back towards the WA. Cody is standing at the KT counter by the bowl of plastic limes. He is throwing them at the cook pot on the DR table. Derrick tries to block one and starts taking some shots of his own. The KT floor is now littered with plastic limes. 5:57 PM BBT Derrick and Cody are now picking up the plastic limes off the floor and shooting them from wherever they picked it up at. After they get them all picked up and in the pot they begin the game again. 6:05 PM BBT Derrick and Cody are officially packed and ready for the finale. Victoria is sitting in the LR. She is praying. After her prayer she lays back down on the couch. 6:11 PM BBT We have been on WBRB for about 5 minutes.
  8. 4:05 PM BBT The HGs are sitting in the LR. Derrick is speculating that his family may be at the airport already for tomorrow's finale. Victoria says they only have twenty four hours to go. 4:13 PM BBT Victoria walks up to the BY doors. They are on IDLD. She can hear music on the other side of the patio doors. She walks right up to the glass and we can hear the music through her microphone. It sounds like a party is going on in the BY. BB "Stop that." Victoria "Sorry....I love music." 4:20 PM BBT Derrick goes to lay down in the Fire BR. Cody and Victoria are laying down in the LR. They start to doze off. BB reminds them that sleeping is not allowed in the LR. Victoria goes to the Fire BR. All four feeds are now on Derrick and Victoria in the BR. 4:33 PM BBT Derrick gets up and goes into the LR. He tells Cody "It's not happening. I was hoping to go to sleep but it's not happening." He tells Cody that he thinks Victoria is almost done praying now because she's sleeping now. 4:36 PM BBT Cody and Derrick are talking about the battle with the jury tomorrow and the questions they are going to get asked. They think Frankie is going to try to downplay what they did together. Derrick "Zach is going to say something like Fruit Loops or Cheerios." Cody "Fruit Loops, all day long." They agree that Zach is probably going to be funny. He might start the question with "Even though I hate both of you..." 4:38 PM BBT Derrick doesn't know if he is more excited for the finale or to see all the jury members again. They are both bored now though but Derrick says "Someone out there is in a factory right now busting their balls. We are earning our money here chillin." 4:44 PM BBT Derrick says that he is already packed and ready go. Cody is planning on packing later tonight. They want to take some stuff from the comps home with them. Cody says his Dad would die to see the inside of the BB house but BB won't allow it. BB does everything to be equally fair to everyone. They won't let him because they would have to let in all the families. To give him hope Derrick reminds him that BB is only flying out three families so maybe there's a chance. 4:50 PM BBT Derrick and Cody are in the LR. Derrick is worried that he will be about 5 days late to work. He took a 90 day leave. Cody says he has been working with them for eight years. They will probably forgive the 5 days. Victoria gets up and joins them. She checks the time because she has to pray again at 7:30.
  9. And here are a couple memes from Hesaro Hermes. He posted these to Morty's FB Wall.
  10. Another meme from Andrew of our FB Group. Here is a meme from Megan of our FB Group.
  11. 5:03 PM BBT The HGs are playing Hide and Seek. Victoria is hiding by the picnic table. Cody is hiding in the fire BR behind the orange chair in the corner. Derrick is it. He goes upstairs and Victoria practically gives herself away by giggling. She follows him downstairs to see where Cody hid. Derrick and Victoria are in the fire BR. Derrick "This is where I would go if I was him." After looking around Cody makes a weird noise making Victoria jump. 5:07 PM BBT It's Victoria's turn to be it. Derrick and Cody go to the DR. We can hear Derrick tell Cody that they will be there for days and will probably die from starvation in there. Victoria checks the SR but does not go into the door right next to it that leads to the DR. BB is actually allowing us to see the hallway that leads into the DR. BB calls Victoria to exchange her microphone. Victoria "Oh man, in the middle of my search." She gets a new microphone and after looking around some more she says "What the heck. Are you playing a prank on me?" 5:12 PM BBT BB is actually allowing us to see inside the DR now. They are hiding behind the DR curtain. Derrick and Cody can't stop laughing. "We'll be here tomorrow." Victoria finally goes to the DR and says "What the heck, is that them?" She isn't entirely sure so she touches it with her foot and they jump out at her. She screams. It's Cody turn to be it. He says he is going to crush it and it will be the best round ever. 5:17 PM BBT Derrick has gone to the SR to hide behind the fridge. Victoria is hiding in the rock BR. She has buried herself under a bunch of throw pillows. The whole time the game is going on Derrick is getting almost continuous Hollas. Cody "Those guys are on it. That's pretty legit. Derrick Derrick Derrick Derrick." 5:19 PM BBT Victoria has changed hiding places to behind a piece of furniture in the rock BR so he finds her easily. He then goes almost straight to the SR and finds Derrick. Victoria says the SR smells like mold. They find the mold in a large cylindrical container. Derrick smells it and almost gets sick. Derrick says it is an awful smell and tells Cody that he has to man up and smell it too. Cody says he can't smell anything. Victoria "That's really bad if you can't smell that." Cody "How is my nose that messed up?" 5:24 PM BBT The game of Hide and Seek is over. They are now playing a basketball type game in the Dining Room. They have a large cook pot on the center of the table. They are trying to throw the plastic decorative limes into the pot. Cody goes first and gets 0 for 10. Derrick gets 2 for 10. Victoria gets 0 for 10. Cody and Victoria have a 5 round shoot off now. Cody gets 1 for 5 and Victoria gets 1 for 5 but in her defense, two of them bounced out. The shoot off continues. Cody is 0 for 3 and Victoria gets 0 for 3. Now they go shot for shot for second place. For some reason when Cody shoots he says "Onions." 5:31 PMM BBT Victoria beats Cody for second place so Victoria and Derrick play in the finals. In the finals round Derrick get 1 for 15. Several of them have bounced out. After this round Cody says he is putting a towel in the bottom. Victoria gets 2 for 15 so she is the "throw limes in the stew pot" champion. They place the towel in the bottom of the pot to prevent them all from bouncing out. 5:35 PM BBT They play again. Cody gets 2 for 10. Derrick gets 1 for 10. Victoria gets 1 for 10. it's another shoot off, this time between Derrick and Victoria for second place and a chance to meet Cody in the finals. Zing Bot gives Derrick a very loud Holla. 5:40 PM BBT Derrick and Victoria are still at it for a chance to play Cody in the finals. In case you are just now tuning in, I am not talking about the BB finale. I am talking about the Throw the Plastic Lime into the Cook Pot Competition. 5:44 PM BBT Derrick has beaten Cody and without any fanfare or celebration at all. They decide to play again.[And for those that think Victoria can't count...she really can. She is playing barefoot and isn't using her toes at all to count to fifteen.--Goldylucks] 5:55 PM BBT The HGs have stopped playing their lime in the pot game. They are talking about the finale night. Derrick is a bit bummed that he won't be home until about the 27th or the 28th. Victoria says her family has never been to LA and is hoping they can explore the city a little while they are there.
  12. And some more memes from Desiree, member of our FB Group. . And a meme from Lorne from our FB Group.
  13. And from Sonya of our FB Group And a meme from Paula of our FB Group. And some quality memes from Marie of our FB Group
  14. Here are the latest from Andrew, member of our FB Group. Here are some memes from Leah, member of our FB Group. And some from Haley, also a member of our FB Group.
  15. 3:06 PM BBT Frankie is asking Nicole about Advil dosing. He thought he could take eight in twenty four hours but she said no, he needs to stick to six or fewer. Caleb is talking to Cody and Christine about that gland in his chest. They notice a lot of debris sitting in the bottom of the hot tub and that BB needs vacuum it. Just general chit chat. 3:16 PM BBT Caleb and Derrick are in the HoH talking about the option to backdoor Frankie. Derrick says if Frankie is gone next week, who is left for Nicole to target? Caleb "We can easily send her home, she hasn't won crap since she came back. Do we send her home now or someone who wins comps?" Caleb says Frankie is a mental and physical beast and it's tough. It sucks that he doesn't know what Frankie would do. Derrick says he doesn't think Frankie would start targeting them this early. 3:19 PM BBT Derrick says he supports Caleb either way. Caleb says he wants it to be a group decision. Derrick "What is your heart telling ya?" Caleb "Not to do something alone. All of us need to do it together." Derrick says you and Cody are beasts. That will be in everyone's minds if they win. Caleb "What's on my mind is who can I beat? Frankie is a beast." Derrick reminds him that if Nicole makes it to the final two then nobody would beat her. She has Hayden, Donny and Jocasta already. 3:24 PM BBT Caleb is talking about the Pro's to getting rid of Frankie because Nicole is not a good competitor. Derrick is talking about the Con's. Caleb says there is no way Frankie would take him or Cody to the finals. Caleb says it was Frankie that got paranoid and threw him under the bus to Christine. Derrick "Are we just talking or have you made your decision?" Caleb "Who is more dangerous?" Derrick "Depends on the comp." Caleb "Doesn't depend on the comp." 3:27 PM BBT Derrick reminds him that if Frankie is gone next week there will be three girls and two guys in the next HoH. Caleb says it doesn't matter because they can smoke them in the comp. Caleb wonders if Frankie is really with them or not. Derrick says he gets where he is coming from but doesn't think Frankie would hack him off with so many people still in the house. 3:36 PM BBT Derrick is saying no one can take Nicole to final three. She has too many votes in the jury. Caleb "two of them will be gone on Thursday. I think it is smarter to send Frankie." Derrick says they still need to talk to Cody. Derrick "It comes to down to what you can live with more." Derrick says the only one he could beat is Victoria and she isn't going there with him. 3:39 PM BBT Derrick says he will support Caleb either way. Caleb "So you don't personally think Frankie would come after me in the double?" Derrick "I can't say that he doesn't see you as a weapon." They both agree that they don't know who Christine or Frankie would target for the double. Derrick says people would cheer for Nicole if she sent Caleb home. Caleb says Frankie would want to do it himself more. 3:46 PM BBT Caleb says if it comes down to it, why put up someone he knows he can beat. He says Frankie is probably going to target Cody and Caleb because they are competitors he can't beat. Derrick "And what about Nicole?" Caleb "She isn't coming after me. She is going after Christine." 3:48 PM BBT While Caleb and Derrick discuss backdooring Frankie, Victoria joins Caleb and Derrick in the HoH. Derrick says "I need a sponge bath Victoria." Victoria "What's that?" Derrick "Pretty self explanatory. A bath with a sponge." Victoria "Ok." Derrick laughs "I think that would get me divorced." Victoria "What about in a swimming suit?" Derrick "Nope. Still would get me divorced." 3:52 PM BBT Caleb and Victoria are talking about Victoria's drunken antics last night. Meanwhile in the fire BR, Frankie is talking to Nicole. Nicole says Frankie is not back stabbing like others in the house have. "If we could get somebody on the block that is a bigger target than me...I have nobody and I would owe you my life. I would not put you and Caleb up." I have to go out on a limb because it's such a unified house. 3:55 PM BBT Nicole tells Frankie that she isn't done fighting to stay in the house. She says she should have won the comp and she had four chances to do so. Nicole says it appears that Frankie and Caleb are on the weaker side of "them" even though Frankie isn't weak. Nicole is proud and it sucks but she is still trying. She will campaign and not stop playing until she walks out the door.
  16. 10:55 AM BBT BB "Derrick, HOLLA." Derrick "Really? While I'm sleeping? F*ck me." 11:21 AM BBT Not much going on this morning in the BB house. The HGs are sleeping in. BB has been giving Derrick some Hollas about every 10 minutes or so. BB "Derrick, Holla, Girl." 11:30 AM BBT All HGs still sleeping. 11:58 AM BBT BB "Derrick, HOLLA." No one stirs. "Derrick, I say HOLLA." Still no reaction. 12:03 PM BBT Victoria is awake. She grabs some clothes off the bed and heads to the WC. 12:06 PM BBT Victoria comes out of the WC and starts to put her hair in a pony tail. BB "Did you wash your hands?" Victoria "Geez." 12:08 PM BBT Victoria has gone back to bed. Once again, all the HGs are in bed. BB "Hello HGs, it's going to be hot out there today. Don't forget your sunscreen." 12:13 PM BBT Caleb is awake. He taps on his activity bracelet and sits up on the edge of the bed. Frankie asks him how feels. Caleb says he is still sore. BB "Buenos Dias houseguests." Frankie says the music this morning was great. Caleb heads to the shower. 12:22 PM BBT Derrick gets another Holla that he ignores. Caleb puts on his cowboy hat and grabs a snack. It looks like a Reese's cup. He then heads downstairs. 12:28 PM BBT Caleb has gone to the BR to collect some laundry and heads outside to the washer. He starts a load then heads inside for some ADLs. 12:44 PM BBT Not much is changed. Caleb is making a snack. It looks like he is attempting to make some kind of tuna salad. He takes out the trash. BB "D-Bomb Holla". 12:45 PM BBT Cody in his Dino suit gets up and goes into the KT. Caleb looks at him and quietly laughs. Cody "This thing is just so hot." 12:48 PM BBT Caleb tells Cody how they were up until 1AM last night. He tells him about Victoria being drunk on the floor. Cody goes to brush his teeth. Christine is now also awake. Caleb is called to the DR. 12:52 PM BBT Cody is complaining to Christine about his Dino outfit. He says it is just so hot. He also says every time he raises his arms up it pulls at his crotch. Christine gives him a rehash about what happened last night after Cody went to sleep early.



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