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Everything posted by Goldylucks

  1. And the following memes were all created by Facebook Friends of Morty Port Cathy "Do you want to be in an alliance?" Julia "Forced Into Hiding" and "I Wonder If" Charlotte "Liz or Julia?" Amy "I Forgot Where I Left Judas" Elizabeth "Do You Want To Be My Friend?" Craig "I Aint Cecil" and "Chipped Mandible" Kim "Bye" and "Fair Thee Well" and Darlene "Neck Out Of Whack"
  2. The following memes were all made by members of Morty's TV Facebook Group. Melody "Mouse Takes The Cheese" "I Can't Live" & Sixth Sense Shelly "What Twin Did I Kiss" "Really That's It" "Bye Shelli" Christina M. "When Mama's Away" Andrew "Eenie Meenie" Michele "Still a Rat"
  3. Here is a meme from Mona, a FB friend of Morty Port "Still Having Fun?" Another meme from Christina M. a FB friend of Morty Port "Redneck Asian Squirrel" And Katherine, a FB friend of Morty Port "Santa's Workshop"
  4. Pam, a Morty Port FB friend "Bonsai Tree" Andrew Bradley FB Group member "Drool" AND "Boyfriend Looks Like Brother" Christina M Morty Port FB Friend "Go Home Squirrel" AND "Lucky Charms Jessie FB Group Member "Five Second Rule" Michelle FB Friend of Morty Port "Puss In Boots"
  5. 7:03 PM BBT In the BY Jason tells Clay that he has done the math. He doesn't think he can flip Liz and Austin and he would need to in order to stay. Clay says this move wasn't good for him and Shelli either, but there was nothing they can do. 7:07 PM BBT In the BY Jason tells Clay that Vanessa blamed his nomination as Clay and Shelli's doing. The talk stops because Meg walks up. 7:14 PM BBT Not much going on in the house. The HGs are talking about how bored and sleepy they are. This similar conversation is taking place in the BY and the HOH at the same time. Different versions of the same thing. 7:18 PM BBT Jason is in the BY with John, Shelli, and Clay. He says it's weird that Liz has been in the house all week. Julia must be in lock down all by herself all week long. Liz is the one that competed in everything this week. 7:20 PM BBT Jason says he is going to watch the twins come into the house together with Julie. He also says he is going to catch a burger with Da because she only lives twenty minutes away. He hopes she is in the audience for him. 7:26 PM BBT Meg and Jackie are in the Ocean BR whispering. They decide that if they can win HOH and secure five votes, they can turn things around. Jackie says she needs a throw down. 7:28 PM BBT Jackie and Meg say they have to play things really cool. If "they" find out that they are on to them, they have no choice but to pick them off one at a time. 7:31 PM BBT Not much going on. Feeds 1/3 are on Becky, John and Jason in the BY talking about the difference between Windows and Mac. Jason wouldn't know what to do with a Mac if he had to use one. Feeds 2/4 are on Jackie and Meg attempting to nap in the Ocean BR. 7:37 PM BBT Feeds 2/4 switch to Austin helping Liz work out in the BR. BB yells for Liz to put her microphone back on. It then switches again to Clay and Shelli in the KT. 7:37 PM BBT In the BY Jason tells Becky and John about an old story about a headless dead body found under his school bleachers. The head was supposedly found on a reservation. The thing to do as a kid is to drive through the reservation at night. 7:41 PM BBT Shelli and Vanessa are in the HOH. Shelli says she is concerned. She is hearing that she alone is being blamed for Jason being put on the block. Becky told Jason it was her fault. Vanessa says what Becky heard was Jason saying "You girls are running this sh*t" Vanessa is very careful what she says to Becky. 7:47 PM BBT Shelli says she is very nervous about Becky telling people Jason's nomination is her fault. She also heard she was Jackie's target more so than Vanessa is. Vanessa talked to Jackie and says it's because she wasn't going to say to her face that she is the biggest target. Vanessa tells her not panic. 7:50 PM BBT Vanessa tells Shelli in the HOH that the three of them are really strong. People are going to start trying to split them up. Meanwhile in the BY Jason says he has been on the block every week except when he was HOH. He thinks Clay is the next one out the door. 7:52 PM BBT Vanessa tells Shelli that Liz and Julia know they helped them get this far. They are loyal. Shelli says she doesn't have an issue with Austin either but she does worry about what Judas is up to. 7:55 PM BBT Shelli tells Vanessa that she has doubts about Becky. She knows Becky is talking to Jackie. She may sit back and watch Becky nominate her and Clay together so that she doesn't have to do it. Becky is with them for now, but doesn't think she will be for long.
  6. 5:33 PM BBT In the BY Jason, James, Jackie, and Meg are talking about what they have done to put them into this position. In the HOH Vanessa tells Clay that she expects Johnny Mack isn't nearly as clueless as he is pretending to be. 5:35 PM BBT In the HOH Clay tells Vanessa that he respects Johnny Mack's game play. Clay says he feels really good about him. He trusts him and John keeps his confidence. 5:38 PM BBT In the BY Jackie tells Meg, Jason, and James that she cornered Vanessa earlier today to the point of Vanessa being literally scared. She told Vanessa that she is coming after her now. 5:42 PM BBT Clay and Vanessa are in the HOH discussing how they can cover up that Steve and John are working with them. Meanwhile in the BY Jason asks who he has to blow in production to get a telephone booth. 5:47 PM BBT We keep coming in and out of FOTH. Jackie, Jason, James and Meg are talking about how their mothers are going to react when they see the veto ceremony on TV tomorrow. They all think their moms are going to be really angry. 5:50 PM BBT In the HOH Clay and Vanessa are talking about Jason. Clay thinks that Jason is going to have a lot of opportunities outside of the house. Vanessa says she guaranteed him a job when they get outside of the house. Her mission will be for him to be gainfully employed. 5:52 PM BBT Jason tells Meg, Jackie, and James that all the big personalities are leaving the house. The feeds are usually boring when they get down to just 6 HGs but this year it will be sooner than that. Jason "See you BB18" 5:55 PM BBT James and Jackie are now alone in the BY. James says he has been loyal to Clay and Shelli from day one so all of his DR sessions probably make him look like an idiot. Jackie says they have been in power a long time. They probably have made deals with everyone. 5:58 PM BBT Jason takes a dig at Liz. He says if she and Austin touch each other he will vomit. He says she is a prostitute for half a million dollars. She came into the house to pretend she likes someone and it's disgusting. 6:00 PM BBT Jason tells Jackie, Meg, and James in the BY that he has no one to blame for being on the block but himself. He should have agreed to be a pawn like they asked. This has been the Shelli and Vanessa show. They can't let them keep the power. Jackie thinks it's been a fluke. 6:05 PM BBT Meg tells the HGs in the BY that she is going up to the HOH just to annoy them. Meg goes upstairs and tells Clay and Vanessa that she doesn't associate herself as working with James, Jackie, and Jason. It wigs her out when she hears that. Clay says it's because they are always hanging out together. 6:10 PM BBT Clay says he still trusts Meg even though she is associated with the others. With a laugh she says "You better you b***c, you are the one that lied to my face." Vanessa laughs and says she needs to stay off of Meg's bad side. 6:14 PM BBT In the HOH Meg, Clay, and Vanessa are talking about what kind of HOH competition will take place next week. All live comps make Meg so nervous. Vanessa says she hopes it's a super physical one because she can't play. She jokes that she hopes they are out there sweating for hours. 6:20 PM BBT The HGs are back to general chit chat. James talks about his crotch rocket. He once took it to 158 MPH. However, he doesn't make it a habit to do that. It's too easy for something to go wrong. Even a box turtle can screw up a bike real bad. 6:27 PM BBT Steve suggests to Jason they do a podcast. Jason says hell no. It's a TV show within a TV show and just a plea for attention. He came on the show to be himself, not to plea for attention. Steve says he never thought of it that way but that's a really good point. 6:30 PM BBT Jason says this is not a show to get famous from. He laughs when he sees people try to get on the show to get famous. If they want fame, they need to go on MTV. "The whole world doesn't watch this show. All of America doesn't watch this show." Steve estimates only 2-3% of America watches it. 6:39 PM BBT The HGs are all talking general chit chat. Meg, Vanessa, and Jackie are in the HOH. Steve, Jason, James, and Clay are in the BY. Jason says he is on vacation now. He isn't doing awnings and he isn't doing dishes. 6:43 PM BBT The camera scans across Liz and Austin on the round lounge in the BY. She appears to be wearing a thong swim suit. Jason says the ladies need to be really careful. The camera can zoom in really close and their (insert private part here) will be all over online. Steve didn't know they can zoom in that far. Jason "You have no idea." Steve says BB in HD. 6:53 PM BBT James and Steve decided to run in the BY. In the HOH are Jackie, Meg, Vanessa, and Becky. They are talking about movies. 6:54 PM BBT Steve asks James if he wants to stretch before they run. James says stretching is for girls. James "Whew, ice cream" Steve "Do you want to wait?" James "Waiting is for girls too." Steve "Well, BB must be for girls too because there has been a whole lot of waiting." 6:58 PM BBT Steve and James are in the BY running. Austin is helping Liz work out with the weights. Liz has put on a pair of pink shorts. No more thong bikini bottoms.
  7. 5:00 PM BBT On feeds 1/3 we have Meg, Jackie, James, and Jason in the BY. On feeds 2/4 are Vanessa and Clay in the HOH. The HG in the BY are talking about how they need to win HOH so they can reclaim the power in the house. 5:06 PM BBT Jackie tells Jason, James & Meg how things went down after the noms. Jason says, they were cheering Clay on in the comp. Jackie says, Vanessa created all of this to make them seem like they aren't trust worthy, when it's actually them who aren't trustworthy. Jason says, he calls them the human centipede. 5:09 PM BBT Vanessa & Clay are still deep in conversation in the HOHR. Clay says, Austin needs to try to win HOH also. Vanessa says, yes, he can't win the game, but he needs to win HOH for sure. 5:16 PM BBT In the BY Meg, Jackie, James, and Jason are talking about how if anyone outside of them wins HOH that they are screwed. They will backdoor them one at a time. Jason says it's going to be one bitter jury. 5:17 PM BBT The group in the BY are speculating that there might be a double eviction coming. They anticipate that Becky might be on their side. She is probably upset the way this week went down. They all think they are being picked off because they can't be manipulated.
  8. Here is a meme from Cassondra, a Facebook friend of Morty Port. "I Want Girl"
  9. 5:00 PM BBT John and Meg are hanging out in the BY. Vanessa and Clay are in the HOH. Vanessa is rehashing her conversation with Jason and how she explained why he was the replacement nominee. She emphasizes his performances in competitions. 5:05 PM BBT Feeds 3 and 4 switch to Jason, James, Becky, and Jackie in the OBR. Jackie appears to be asleep. Jason says to no one in particular that "Both girls can go eat D**k". Meanwhile Meg and John are discussing how things are going to be really weird tonight. 5:12 PM BBT Clay and Vanessa are in the HOH. They are making plans that whoever wins the next HOH, they will have to fight to make sure that they and Shelli are safe. They appear to be prioritizing themselves and Shelli as the least expendable in the alliance. 5:15 PM BBT Clay rehashes to Vanessa about his conversation with Meg. At the end of the day, Austin can go home. He told Meg he would have been stupid not to go with Austin and the twins before. That's three guaranteed votes. However, it wouldn't upset him if Austin left. Vanessa references Austin as being like an injured bird. 5:23 PM BBT On feeds 1/3 Vanessa tells Clay in the HOH that Austin is just a love struck idiot. She also says that they also can't let the floaters float all the way to the end. They make plans to make James the target next week. Vanessa says she can spin that to Jackie that they are keeping Jackie safe, thus owing them. 5:25 PM BBT Clay and Vanessa are wrapping up the convo in the HOH. By taking out Jason this week and James next week, they are eliminating any real competition in the house. Vanessa tells him to work out and eat his protein so he will be ready for the next HOH comp since she can't play. Clay heads downstairs. 5:30 PM BBT Liz joins Vanessa in the HOH. Vanessa tells her that she is unhappy that she has killed Jason's BB dreams but at least she has saved Austin's. Liz tells her that Austin at least has been her friend through this game. Vanessa says it was a choice between her friend, and one who the others want out who isn't a friend. 5:31 PM BBT Vanessa tells Liz that they made the smart game move by aligning with people who win competitions. Vanessa tells her that she is literally putting her BB life on the line and to remember that when her sister enters the house with her. Liz says she knows. 5:36 PM BBT Vanessa and Liz are still talking in the HOH. Vanessa is rehashing about the earlier conversations. She says that Meg is an emotional player and when she is upset, you can't talk to her. 5:39 PM BBT Austin has joined Liz and Vanessa in the HOH. She is still rehashing conversations about how she justified putting Jason on the block. Meanwhile Meg, Clay, Steve, and Becky are eating in the KT. 5:43 PM BBT Liz tells Vanessa that Jason has been mean to Austin. He talks down about him to anyone who will listen. She quotes him "And he eats all the dang food. No more eggs for you Austin." They are still trying to justify why Jason is a necessary replacement nominee to each other. 5:45 PM BBT Vanessa tells Liz and Austin that she told Jason "If you are on a ship that has a hole in it, then you don't give up. You find another ship." Liz "But not our ship, our ship is full. Grab a life vest and hold on as long as you can but you aren't getting in." Vanessa and Austin have a good laugh over it. 5:49 PM BBT In the HOH Vanessa tells Austin and Liz that no one in the house knows just how close those two are with Shelli and Clay. The house knows that she is close to them and that is unfortunate. However, if the two of them play their cards right, they can keep their secret for a while longer. 5:54 PM BBT Vanessa asks Liz and Austin about her POV speech. They call it the BB speech of the century. It appeared she was talking about Austin but then turned the tables on Jason. Austin admits he was scared. For a while Austin he truly thought he was going to be the one going up. 5:57 PM BBT Shelli joins Austin, Liz, and Vanessa in the HOH. They now rehash everything they had been talking about to her. Meanwhile Meg and Clay are in the hot tub with Steve and Becky sitting on the side. They are just talking about life outside the house.
  10. From Jessica, a facebook friend of Morty Port "Imma Let You Finish" From another facebook friend, Kay "Talk To The Headband" From Tamara, a member of the Morty's TV FB Group "I Can't Even" And from Desiree, also a member of Morty's TV Group "Stick Up" "Please Help Me" by Darci, a member of Morty's TV FB Group "Help" by Wendy, a member of Morty's TV FB Group And the next 3 are all from Andrew, a member of Morty's TV FB Group "The Face of Love" "What Have I Done?" "Somebody Help Her"
  11. "Afraid of the Dark" from Andrew from Morty's TV Facebook Group. "Shelli is not old" from Christina M. a FB friend of Morty Port
  12. From Christina M. a member of our Facebook Group "Twin Twist 2" and Deena, also from our FB Group "Crazy Train"
  13. From Wendy, a member of our FB Group "Batgirl" Karen, a friend of Morty Port Facebook "Me Want Cookies"
  14. Suzie, a FB Friend of MP "I Believe I Can Fly" And another FB Friend of MP Karen "Hammer Time"
  15. From Christina S. a FB Friend of Morty Porty "My Headband"
  16. Rolan a member of our FB Group "Check Yourself" Beau, also a member of Morty's TV Facebook Group. "Screech and Mr. Belding"
  17. Alyson from our FB Group "My HOH" Melody from our FB Group "Bat Crap Crazy"
  18. From Erika S. from Morty's TV FB Group "Clelli" and "Mothra Lives" http://s1242.photobucket.com/user/mortystvmemes/media/Clelli_zpsib9a1otj.jpg.html'>
  19. "I Believe I Can Lie" from Stephanie, a FB friend of Morty Port Awesome Job. "Like a bird" from Rolan, a facebook friend
  20. And here are two memes from Kimberly, a member of Morty's TV Group titles "Psych Unit" and "Batman" "I'm Batman" from Kelly on our FB Group From Erika, a FB friend of Morty Port
  21. "Is It Really Reeeealll?" by Christina, a Morty Port Facebook Friend "Whack Street" by Christina M, a member of Morty's TV Facebook group. "BB never bothered me anyway" Christina A. from Morty's TV Facebook Group "The Light It Burns Us" From Kaylan, also a member of Morty's TV FB Group "Takeover" from Melodie, a member of Facebook's Morty's TV Group.
  22. "Bat-Sh*t Crazy" by Christina M. a friend of Morty Port on facebook
  23. "New Level of Crazy" by Christina A. a friend of Morty Port on facebook
  24. Wendy from our Morty's TV FB group entered "My Reflection" "Emperical Evidence" by Brandy, a Mory Port friend on FB.



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