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Everything posted by Yana

  1. Welcome to Morty's and enjoy posting!!!
  2. Eric and Maggie have talked about the fact Eric is going home to his family and how happy they are about it... If they are sequestered they don't know about it before they are evicted at this point... Of course they know if they make the jury they will be but not at this point...
  3. I just gotta say I loved it when Marcellus and G told it like it was at the end of the show and said that when the million is revealed then we would see how many of them are still saying they aren't in it for the money!!!
  4. What I saw happen was a little something I don't think we were supposed to see... They had the feeds off Mike while he was working on the safes... for a short second the feeds switched back to Mike while he was asking BB if he could open it now then the feeds went back to the BY... No-one knows what he was talking about opening though...
  5. I would've hung up on that caller too... She really had no right calling and talking to them the way she did... I think any other talk show host on TV or radio would have done the same thing... Why should they have to take abuse just because the show is about Big Brother?
  6. I for one don't think HC would be as good if Marcellus wasn't on it... I think he and G work well together... He is also my favorite HG of all time so maybe I am a little bias... I love his personality... Like he said if you don't like him don't watch the show... You have that right... I for one love it...
  7. Marcellas if that is really you and I hope it is... Please please give Eric hell for us when he leaves the house!!! I have always been a fan of yours and am very happy you are on housecalls...
  8. Just for the record everyone has now come out so to speak... Only Ivette and Beau say their only connection is the fact that Ivette has been his waitress a couple of times and Jen and April say they have only met a couple of times and don't really know each other...
  9. Jen and April also confessed last night... That leaves only the lying pair of Beau and Ivette...
  10. Not only is it more logical it's cheaper... BB has to redo that house each year... With the prize money higher if a pair make it I don't see them putting a ton of money in the house when they are just going to have to redo it next year...
  11. Right Sarah did confirm she wasn't supposed to come... Myxter had knee surgery... Could be... HHMM...
  12. House mates... To us in the USA it's usually HG's...
  13. Julie isn't going to tell them who the pairs are only that they all have a pair... They all already know anyway...
  14. They are now showing the PB&J inside the house while they all sit outside... LOL
  15. It doesn't matter... They went back and corrected the mistake and they are still going to have to eat PB&J for the week...
  16. We won't know until it's post on the screen in the house...
  17. They corrected it... OMG I just know now they are all going to be talking behind Kaysar's back that it's his fault they are on PB&J this week when they all wanted him to spin...
  18. Yes it doesn't matter with or without the L she spelled it wrong... I think that's why we got the fish now...
  19. Now that is what I heard too... No she didn't get it right and I think that may be why we are now getting fish...
  20. Adore you're right!!! Even Julie reminded him when she said "You didn't hear anything first hand right?" And Eric answered "No no I didn't"... Julie stopped him from saying that Mike said anything about his parents like he knew what was said...
  21. I did update mine and added Kaysar... hehe...
  22. HHHMMM Yes they did let the HG's answer questions from viewers last year...
  23. No the only vote to keep Mike was Kaysar...
  24. We don't KNOW anyone is coming back... It's only guess work because of the way Julie is acting...



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