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Everything posted by Dade

  1. You really didnt miss a thing. General chat. Joe told Jani about Frank wanting an alliance and him feeling safe this week. How Frank plans on going after Shane and Willie next. Jani says we have to tell Willie and at 11:10AM BBT we get Trivia. 11:40am BBT still Trivia...POV meeting going on.
  2. 4:00BBT General chat, talk about family. Jojo asks if anything is going on in the WA. They go in to look. Wil finds the condom and says no one is that tacky in the house. Ian gets some paper towels and picks it up, Jojo takes it and puts it back. the rest of the HG come running to look. Brit and Willie still taking in HOH. Brit says they are working with Jani but at the end of the day they are for their own team. in the BY Ted gets blamed for the condom. Brit tells Willie to keep his mouth shut he is telling all their secrets. Brit is tired and just wants a day off, she is a slave to this game. they are both LOL. Brit says she wants him to win the whole thing, he is her best shot. Willie needs to shave his legs. Jani joins HOH tells them about Jojo's prank. Brit says stupid funny doesnt do it for her. Jani says Zoolander was funny. Brit leaves, Jani and Willie talk movies. (take it away you two, i am out for the night)
  3. 3:15BBT ojo, Kara and Shane set up a prank ...a condom with something in it to make it look used. Shane gives advice, then puts it in the shower floor. Shane starts to go thru Ian's bag to find a pair of undies and gets "Shane stop that" In HOH Willie and Dani talk. Dani says Frank came up to her and tried to convince her to keep him. He is going after Willie and Shane. Willie asks her if she was stacking chips in the POV. she says she stacked 2 then later found a stack and moved it closer to her but she didnt stack chips. Willie says it looked like ppl were working together. Dani says the only person she would have worked with was Kara. Dani says kara has a better chance of staying against Frank. Frank and Wil are convinced that if noms changed Jenn or her would go up. Dan doesnt like Boogie at all, doesnt want any one near Boogies team. Willie: wish Ian didnt get that key, he would have been up and out the door. I really dont you to go anywhere. I want you in this house. If someone brings up your name i will vear your name away. Dani says I will do that too. I promise as long as you wont to continue this that i will never ever put your up..until we get to the 3. Willie: Ian can not win HOH next week. He can NOT. Ian will be good 5/6 weeks from now, his memory is excellent. Dani: Ian will go up if I get HOH. rit walks in and they joke back and forth. Down in the K Dan asks what Paprika is. Joe says he thinks its from a pepper plant.
  4. ((please updaters...if one person is updating that doesnt mean you can't do it too. The more people the better. I may type something that someone else missed and vise versa. Also if more then one person posts the same thing, it means it really did happen. Post away even if someone else is posting.))
  5. 11:53am BBT Willie, Brit, Shane, Ashley, Joe, Jani, Wil and Jojo gather in the HOH...they tak about who they want out and why. Joe: Kara is cracking, Frank is strong and likable. Jojo: think both are strong could win HOH, guess Kara; have a better chance of winning HOH if she isnt there. Wil: looking at team play it would be Kara. As individual play Frank would be better to keep. Joe: this am Frank was trying to get away from Mike. (all talking at once) Jani says if we do get Kara out this wk Dan is down to 1 player, he is screwed. If they get rid of Dani too he is gone also. Brits afraid Dan will pull others in to his side....FOTH Willie says to deflate one team and it helps us. Jani says they cant trust Frank. Wil: we have majority and can use that against him. Maybe Mike told Frank to tell ppl he doesnt like him. They agree. Joe will bet half of one of his girls, girls are expensive. Brit: Mike cornered both her and Jani seperately to say his team wanted to work with each team. Wil says Ian listens to everything they say and passes it on. Dont listen to anything he says. Jenn is the same. Shane: as long as we can trust Frank to not come after us. Willie: thats the difference between Kara and Frank. Kara will listen to Dan. Brit: Frank is the gamble, there is no gamble with Kara...FOTH (They are starting to repeat the same things.) Brit: we are not pulling over Kara, we are pulling over Dan and we cant trust Dan. Joe: i am saying get rid of Frank and forget about Dan. Willie: if he would put up one of his own ppl that would prove it to us. ??: he would throw the HOH if that was the option. Joe: that would prove it but he has to go after a couple wks Brit says we all need to think about it all and come back later, maybe Tuesday, to talk about it again. Jani: tell them we havent come to a discission. Shane: so I wont use POV. Jani: we need to blindside Dan. So Dani....FOTH meanwhile in the BY: tanning is going on, talk about gumbo and if Crawfish has been eaten in BBH. Mike says yes, at his Birthday dinner. Mike wont tell what his first choice was for Bday dinner this season, he could be disqualified if he says. HOH room chat starts to break up. Jani: Brit and I will compete in coaches challenge next week and if Dani goes out the door so does Dan. Brit: we are going after Dan not Kara. Jani says Meeting is adjourned.
  6. 11:28BBT Jojo and Dani lay out by the pool. Willie, Wil and Shane go to HOH, Jani and Brit come up to change. Willie says they have to stick together, if he doesnt talk to them it doesnt mean anything. Best case is Joe or Jojo win HOH next. Keep the targets off our backs. Shane says its 50/50 on votes this week. Willie: if we are talking to other ppl it doesnt mean we are talking game. Going to try to get ppl in HOH later when some go down for naps. Wil says it will be a cold day in hell that he would let go of some thing in an enduro just dont give him something to throw. Jani says she thinks that Ian is Americas Player, he is in the DR all the time. They think America told him to wear the duck hat (?) 11:40BBT Talk goes back to the POV comp and how Dani was working with Dan and Mike. Talk quickly changes to getting Jenn out over Dani. and they are onto Ian wanting to clock air time. Running naked, quacking and doing odd stuff.
  7. 10:05BBT 4 minutes of FOTH must be wake up call. (altho most of them are up already) 10:18am BBT HG up doing ADL's. Talking breakfast foods, what to put in your eggs. Joe walks into the SR and forgets why he came in. Wil takes the garbage to the SR, whispers to self "what the hell did I come in here to get?" Joe is going to clean our the fridge later. Jojo says POV meeting will be tomorrow. She told Kara she will vote out Frank, once Kara is gone it doesnt matter. in the BY with Willie, Joe, Jojo, Ashley: talking about how they will keep Kara calm by saying they will vote Frank then vote her out. They look around for Ian (he appears in some odd places) Today we find out that HG can bring college logo stuff but not pro, Willie cant have caffeine and Joe and Wil are forgetful. Talk of perids while Ashley collects dishes from BY. Jenn lost her job. Dani starts to sing, gets shhh'ed, we get FOTH Mike tells Ian that he creeps the girls out when he is in the BR when they are in shower. Mike tells him this will be a good intro for him to pull the girls aside and start talking to them. Start with sorry, didnt realize he was doing it, go into he is nervous etc. Wil says they should have a celebration at 4:40, they've been in the house a week, 10 more to go. Talk about the after party and finale. Shane volunteered to be a HN. in BY: Talk turns to tattoos. They can hear someone yelling over the wall. General chat inside and out. Willie likes So You Think You Can Dance and American Idol. Brit likes So You Think You Can Dance (hmm wonder if they follow mortystv for updates) In BY Brit and Mike are dropping names. in Kitchen they guess if someone is coming back or what the next twist will be.
  8. You havent missed much. Brit, Dan and Jani were jogging/walking the back yard. General chit chat in and around the hot tub and lounges.
  9. 7:35pm BBT Outside chat quickly goes from food to booty calls to odd relationships. Willie tells us this long story about him being jealous of an old girlfriend that lied to him. He could have been in jail but he got off easier because he didnt have any other trouble with the law. (Thank you Hek)
  10. 3:49BBT Jenn chats with Kara and Shane in the shoe room. They congrat Shane. we keep getting FOTH as they talk about production making the sets. Kara talks alone to Shane, asks him to keep her safe, promises to keep him safe and not backdoor him. Shane says they are not leaning towards getting her out. Know that she has the votes to stay. Brit: he is more of a threat then I am. Shane: I know, he is a beast. Shane says that at some point the coaches are going to be able to vote in the game.
  11. 12:20BBT guess it wasnt POV comp. Feeds back and HG talking about eating or drinking foods and rainbow colors. Brit asks Willie for fashion advice then says nm she will go ask Janelle. Brit changes her sandals. Shane spits out this big long word for a muscle and then has to explain it. Sternocleidomastoid-its in the neck.(yes I looked it up) General chat, Jojo is still in DR. 12:38 BBT we have Trivia.
  12. 11:50am BBT Brit and Willie talking in HOH WR. Brit says if you make it obvious that he throws the POV to Frank he is done. Willie says if its a puzzle they might as well say Willie is out. Joe tells Kara she is the only one in the house he hasn't had a chance to talk to, to get to know. Dan pulls Kara aside and tells her to not show emotions, to put her tongue behind her teeth and push. Brit tells Willie she is going to hang out with Shane more so that if they go after anyone its him not Wiliie. 12:05BBT FOTH
  13. Jani, Frank, Brit and Wil go upstairs to the chess board. (its huge! would take two hands to play LOL) they arent playing chess tho they are talking funny weddings. Kara and Dani talking in HN room. Kara is afraid of going home if Frank comes down and anyone else goes up. 11:52am BBT Jojo called to DR again. Kara and Dani says this is probably it. Dan comes in hugs them both and tells them to concentrate on what they gotta do. Dani tells Dan that Willie came up to her and said he hopes she isnt planing on throwing it. Also says that they all think that if one of them comes off the block she (Dani) will go up.
  14. 11:33am BBT Kara and Wil stretching, Willie and Dani chatting in WR, Frank joins them. Others in livingroom just chatting.
  15. 11:22am BBT General chat. What movies they like, did Ian ever have to memorize the periodic table, complaining about the HN beds. All still waiting for POV to start.
  16. 7:50am Willie is up, goes to SR where Shane is changing batteries. JoJo tells Shane she is creeped out sleeping next to Boggie. She just wants to slap him. JoJo will be hosting the POV comp today. She and Shane say it will be about noon. Shane is all sore and stiff from sleeping on the HN bed. 8:05am Other HG starting to move around. Boogie and Jenn use WC, Jenn heads back to bed. Boogie makes coffee. 8:15 Boogie wants to paint Ted #1 on the back of Teds (his bear from the HOH comp) shirt. JoJo offers liquid eye liner. They talk about what to use and what else could be put on it. WBRB hmmm wake up call? yup feeds back and HG doing ADL. Some asks if Ashley ever made it downstairs and we get FOTH 8:35am Ashley makes her way downstairs, she is still groogy. She wants to talk to DR, she is worried she will be evicted for sleeping upstairs. HG tell her 'they' said it was ok. Fabio lends his arm to help her walk. HG comment on how Ashleys pic looks like Ashley Olson. Compare a few other pics to stars. This am we find out that Shane has a knot in the muscle of his leg, Jojo has star tats on the back of her arms. Jenn is a blanket hog and HG have colored aluminum drinking bottles.
  17. One chatter was having trouble getting into chat, she would get a message that said it couldnt be found or something...she then again clicks on the chat button and she gets in. Don't know if that helps but give it a try.
  18. Welcome back all. Good to see familiar (and unfamiliar) "faces". Don't forget to check chat, with it getting closer to BB there are more people coming in. Right now most people come in around 8pm eastern. See you there.
  19. Glad it let you in finally Rel. Good to see you again.
  20. TY TY TY You're the best!! Off to check it out.........
  21. It would be disasterous if it was during BB!!!!!
  22. I am trying Morty. Feels very very odd to be tweeting SYTYCD and not be in chat.
  23. ok, some different. Not to bad.....BUT....... Must stay calm..... Must be patient...... All good things come to those who wait..... (Morty...wheres my chat?! )
  24. Calendar updated and holiday show thread started



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