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Everything posted by Dade

  1. 8:15pm BBT no else has dropped. they are all moving around alot, bending knees, stretching arms etc. Ash and Ian whisper, Jani and Brit talk low. Dani's teeth are chattering, she sings and we get Trivia.
  2. 8:04BBT Joe drops 8:05BBT HG ask if they are eating pizza already. Mike saying he is too heavy, that was made for certain people.
  3. 8:00BBT Mike says...It's been fun and drops Jenn also drops
  4. 7:52BBT We hear the seagulls again and HG get splatted with white, then it rains. Mike screaming. Rain stops, they say good job y'all. They keep twisting back and forth and letting go of the bar. Mike farts and they all LOL.
  5. 7:33pmBBT Trivia, when feeds come back hg say Ian will be pleased...(no HN this week?) Ian says can you image Jodi being sequester for 27 days then being told....nope Dan hit the button. Ian checked....the platforms they are standing on are glued, not mobile. Wil wants to play a game....A to Z pirate names. Ian says HN shower. 7:47pm BBT all hg still there. Mike flexing his arms.
  6. Update.....feeds were Trivia till after the show aired eastern..... 7:30pm BBT all hg are still on the ship. Ian has peed himself already. Mike is having the most trouble. Brit tells them that there will prob be some notes to read as they fall down. Wil wants to know what coach pushed the button. ....will update as people fall off the ship....
  7. From 1:00pm to 3:00pm BBT 1:08BBT The HGs are now out of HOH ld..Shane in HOH feeding fish. Ashley, Janelle, Jenn downstairs in bathroom. They are all sitting around waiting for the restroom to open up. All HGs look really tired. HGs are moving around the house getting ready for tonight. Dan & Dani are in the headphones rm. Frank,Joe & Shane in Kt eating . Ian in the bathroom talking to Asley & Britany. Boogie in DR. Britany & Ashley still laying on chair in bathroom, they are trying to go over some of what happened last night. They are afraid Frank is staying tonight & someone is lying to them. They are whispering because people keep coming in & out. 1:25BBT Joe is whispering to Ashley & Britany about his conversation with Dan. He says Dan wants him to trust him if he goes into the game. Britany says Dan is already playing his own game. Wil, Shane ,& Dani in headphones rm , all three laying in bed together whispering about how Joe almost blew the blindside w Frank last night. Wil says he is going to corner Ian before HOH & get a promise from him not to go after him. They dont trust Joe but want Frank out first. 1:42BBT Boogie now in the bathroom w Ashley,& Britany talking about Orlando,Fl & all the attractions. Dan joining in every now & then from the shower. 1:58BBT Boogie laying on chair in bathroom. Boogie questioning Ashley about herself. Dan doing ADLs Ian getting ready for shower. In the KT, Britant, Frank, Joe, & Dani eating, cooking, & chatting about the difference between having a girl or boy. 2:10BBT Britany is concerned about the way Dan is acting. She tells Dani about Joe saying that Dan wanted to work w him if he was put back in the game. Dani doesnt think Dan really said that. They think Joe is making it up. In the storage rm , Dani confronts Dan about Joe. Dan says he is unbelieveable & nuts. Britany comes in & repeats the story to Dan. Dan denies ant of it. They all wonder if Frank knows he leaving. 2:21BBT In the storage rm, Dan says he was just trying to see who Joe would put up & it was Joe that said he wanted to work w him. Dan tells Dani not trust Janelle & they already know not to trust Joe. Britany comes in & tells Dan that Joe is storytelling in the LV about him. Ashley also just said Frank was leaving in front of Jenn. Dan, Britany, & Dani in the arcade rm discussing Joe & how he cant keep his mouth shut. Britany says Dani looks stressed. They all laugh at Joe saying he invented you know its not butter. 2:58BBT Janelle up & in the KT w Boogie cooking. Britany, Dani, & Dan in arcaade rm talking about insurance on engagement rings. Gerneral chit chat .In the LR , Ashley, & Joe are listening to a story by Wil.
  8. cj make sure you have the latest Java install, they just updated it. also delete cookies and clear cache. another issue we have found is if your log in name is different then your board name, for some reason it wont let you into chat. If you think this is the problem, contact Jedi he can help.
  9. Frank tells Dani he is sorry for asking. She says no you can ask just dont get upset if I just sit here. Frank says He and Mike are surprised at how Jani is lying, she is hurting herself more this week then helping. Mike awake. Frank still pushing how Jani lies, how she pushed to get him out. Trivia Frank tells Dani not to worry about Ian, he and Mike have him under control. Dani gets in the shower, Frank goes to make eggs. ***10:29BBT Change cam just in time to see Jani and Dani pinky swear, but didnt hear what it was about. (Did any one catch it?)*** (even using Flashback I couldnt understand it sorry) In HOH Jani and Brit saying they did it. But they will be nervous until Julie announces it. They talk about how Frank followed Dani around. Brit says if he gets through this week he will win. Jani says she thinks the coaches will be called into the DR and they will have to choose to enter the game or not. Jani says Frank stunk so bad his BO smell kept her awake all night. Brit says sorry Nana but he needs deodorant. How could any one sleep with that. 10:49BBT HG making way to HOH. Joe says he was in a fight with BB about sleeping on the HN bed. He is going to grab a couple hours sleep in HOH in case its enduro tonight. 10:58BBT Frank washing his breakfast dishes, Jani please change your batteries. Mike grabs last min stuff from BR. "HG please report to the HOH bedroom."
  10. Dani and Frank talk in WA, Dani doesnt know who to believe. Frank trusts Shane, he had to go up so there wasnt a risk. Frank understands. Dani says he and Shane will have this back and forth the whole time. Frank says Jani is his enemy, been telling lies, throwing him under the bus. Before the POV Ceremony trusted Shane 100%, does being nom hurt him a bit, yes, but he is not a man that holds a grudge. As long as the votes go his way. OK by gones are by gones. Frank trusts Dan more then Brit. He trusts Dani and Shane. Brit got paranoid about him getting the votes to keep Joe and got it into Shanes head. Hopes he can do something down the road to get Brti to trust him. She doesnt trust Mike. Frank: if I go home this week or down the road its because ppl think I lied. When they see the show they will know.
  11. 9:27BBT FOTH Frank up, jogs his way to WC. Washes his hands, give his teeth a quick once over & fluffs his hair. 9:37BBT Trivia (??) 9:53BBT HG are getting up. Wil saying when life gives you play doe you make a Jodi. HG doing ADLs. BB ready for later today, they are using Trivia instead of FOTH. Ash asks Frank to get her an ice pack, he says only if she votes to keep him in.
  12. 9:02BBT HG sleeping except Joe who is laying in the crane room. (EEEKKKKKk ...I look away and glance back to see a very close up of Joe's face.) 9:13BBT Joe gently snoring. HG moving around in their sleep. Can hear a robotic sqeaky noise. FOTH and then Joe saying he dont have a bed. (guess he got yelled at for not sleeping in a bed) He tromps into the HN room, says Better? FOTH Jenn up, uses WC, changes batteries, goes back to room. She tells Frank its 9:20, she didnt see anyone else up.
  13. 4:02BBT Brit has gotten along with Ian, others are kinda picking on him. She feels sorry for him, she thinks he doesnt think about things before he does them, like the quacking. Brit says if the coaches do come in the game she is throwing HOH to Ian. Jani keeps telling Brit she has to win it, has to win it. Jani wants Brit to keep her safe.
  14. 3:20BBT HG are going to play keep away from Frank using Ted.. Brit takes him upstairs and hangs Ted from one of the openings upstairs. Frank comes out of DR, asks where Ted is, sees him. Brit tosses him down stairs. and the chase is on. Brit ends up with again and things calm down. Brit reads the clothing restrictions from the rule book. no whites, no home made messages etc. She continutes: you abandon any rights to personal items left behind. Frank and Mike in crane room. Mike says Jani seems depressed, she must know she is losing Wil. Frank says it great that they are all sitting in the LR not talking game. Mike says the LD is great, not many places to go to talk game. Mike and Frank talk food then come out of crane room. Brit still reading rule book. Frank talks to Jani, she is missing Violet. Joe comes in, Jani says she was just having some alone time. Its snack time for everyone else. 4:01BBT Brit goes to talk to Shane. Brit says if he wins HOH he will go after Janis team. Shane says he talked to Ian, he asked him what if Mike told him to put Shane up, Ian hesitated.
  15. 2:31BBT Janelle & Britany feel that Dan & Boogie have a deal. They discuse getting Boogie out next week.& not trusting Dan. Jani feels she definately has Joe & Ashley. In the LR, Dan Frank Joe Ashley Ian & Shane talk about previous endurance comps. Ahley says that Ian & her have broken up because he made duck noises.. Britany & Wil in HOH . Wil listening to shane's CD . Britany says she will check it out later. In the LR , the dicussion has moved to rats. They say New York has really big one's.. Talk mves to jobs they have all had & gross stories about the jobs. Joe get word from the DR & a warning about the HNs not being able to taste their cooking when cooking for everyone else. Wil & Britany in HOH, Wil wants to work w Shane & Britany w/o Janelle & Ashley knowing. Wil wants them to make a deal w Boogie. 2:56BBT Wil does not like the way Janelle plays the game & wants to play for himself. He also does not trust Ashley. Wil thinks that Janelle sucks up to everyone & that it is catching up w her. Ian gets on their nervous. Wil says agian that he wants to work them . Neither feel that Danielle is not going anywhere soon & they feel they can trust her. Random conversation in LR. about pizza , movies, how lazy they are & how much Boogie sleeps. 3:03BBT Ash asks Ian what the quack means, Ian says its just a quack. Joe asks if he could give up the quack for Ash. Ash says She doesnt want him to change, keep quacking. Joe suggests other sounds, like a purrrr. Brit thinks the Coaches comp will be part of the HOH but doesnt know if they will be able to save or trade. Frank asks her if he goes does she think Mike would trade? She says but you arent going. Frank says if the Coaches comp keeps going this or next week will be the last. In LR Jenn says she was glad to see some eye candy in the house, says the guys were too right? But she wont be that kind of girl on national tv. 3:13BBT In HOH, Wil and Frank talk about Jani, she's played the same technique this time as before and it didnt work before. Frank called to DR and says he will let Mike know Wil is down for it. He leaves, Wil puts on headphones, covers eyes with a blanket and says...teeehee. Frank in DR, Wil in HOH, Jani and Mike sleeping, the rest in LR chatting.
  16. 1:08BBt Danielle Janelle Britany Ashley sitting at KT table talking about flying & different trips they have taken.. Shane Jenn Joe cooking. Ian now sitting at table listening. Jenn Wil Ian & Ashley around KT chatting about egg yolks & different foods. Most other HGs in KT eating breakfast/lunch. Boogie & Frank cant be seen. 1:28BBt Janelle in sneaker Rm reading Bible. Wil & Danielle in bathroom on big chair talking about her ex-boyfriend. Dan Britany Asley Ian Frank at KT table chatting. Shane still in KT cooking turkey bacon. .Jenn sitting at bar eating . Lots of random chatting. Wil & Danielle were taking about the best way to blindside Ian & Jenn so they will lose HOH tomarrow. Jenn Ashley & Danielle in Arcade rm talking about her ex boyfriend. They laugh at people coming back to play the game so often. They are all tired of being in ld. Dani says she hates being the girl that crys all the time. 1:45BBT Frank Dan Shane Britany Ian Wil all at Kt table talking about being in sequester before the game. Britany says she knew who the other coaches were before coming in the house. HGs keep talking about production & getting in trouble with BB. We keep getting FoTH because of it. 2:09BBT Britany goes into the sneaker rm & throw pillow at Dan .She says the DR just asked her about gift giving. HGs are laughing & chatting . Frank moves Ted the teddy bear to the couches in the LR. Janelle & Britany in bathroom talking about the HOH tomarrow. They agree that they have to try to hang on as long as possible. Britany asks if Boogie would go in & Jani says definately. They think Boogie will be tough to beat. They discuss that he will be blindsided tomarrow when Frank leaves. Jani & Britany move to Arcade rm to keep Jenn from listening to them. Jenn just walked into bathroom, Britany says Dan was down playing coaches coming into game to everyone. Britany doesnt think Danielle is super smart. They think Shane is good athletic wise but not game wise . They feel Ashley will probably surprise them in the game . Talk moves to working on getting Boogie Ian & Dan out. They think the competetions will get harder.
  17. 7:54BBT Ian and Mike play pool. In the Kitchen Brit says Sam Club and Walmart are same ppl, they started in Arkansas. Brit passes the rest of her pasta to Frank. Shane and Frank talk about how its strange to think there is enough space in the walls for ppl to walk. Wil says BB is the never ending sleep over. Brit teases Ian....I like BB!! lets face it Ian you live in a dorm. Ian: I used to live in a dorm
  18. 7:00BBT ani and Mike continue to talk about what HG should be called back for All-stars....Dr. Will, Dick, Dani, Chelsea, James, Dan, Memphis, Kesha, Jeff, Jordan, Hayden, Enzo, Ian and Ash. thats 14. Ian says he cant do it next summer. Changes Ian to Shane. Jani and Ian agree BB wont do All Stars next season, prob season 16 or 17. Mike says now that there has beena third time he might as well do a fourth time. Jani says he wont come back but she would appreciate a call. Mike tells us they said they might do a Legends. Spanish lessons going on in the Kitchen. Talk changes to wines. Jani and Mike name drop and we get FOTH. Mikes says its F'ng boring in there. From Sunday to Wednesdays are the worst. Mike says BB2 was like living in a trailer not a house. the food was very limited. instead of being worried about food on the last day like now, you worried about it on with 3 days left. Mike and Ian relive the comps from BB2. Ian knows them better then Mike does. BB2 was so low budget they had to lay on the ground and spell out food they wanted with their bodies. Pasta is done, the haves gather around the table. Ian still in the hot tub, Mike joins Joe on the outdoor couch. At the table Brit tells a story about some wasted girl throwing up on her friend. Ian comes out of the hot tub and showers off in the outside shower. 7:41BBt Jenn is reading sections of the bible to Jani. FOTH
  19. 1:51BBT Jenn takes her coffee to the shade by the pool, she says hi to a little spider and lets it run away. Ian says he didnt work in HS and he hasnt been to the movies since last August. Brit and Jani talk in WA. Brit asks if she really thinks he (Wil) would really vote Joe out? Jani says he has been chummy with Frank. They will lose him for sure if Julie says to get their athletic gear before voting. Jani says its week 3 and he is thinking about flipping on me. Brit says he thinks we are coming in. Thinks if he had Mike they can work together they can get us out.
  20. 1:02BBT Dani woke up with cramps this morning. Mike says he wouldnt have Ronnie on his team, would give him to someone esle. Brit met him briefly in Vegas. BY chat is about BB after parties. Joe paces the K like he wants to cook something. Dani asks if he wants to lay out. He says yeah and play in the pool again, that was fun. Dani goes to lay down for a bit, Joe and Ash go talk in the crane rm. Joe tells Ash that Wil said he couldnt stand Jani and they are in serious jeopardy. Joe thinks he may have already joined them. Ash says OMG. Joe feels Wil has flipped. Joe says It basically means that he is leaving our team, he is voting for Frank. Joe says its the worst case scenario. Joe says Wil says he misconstrued what jani said about them working to get Ash off the block. That he didnt do anything. Joe coudlnt answer that cuz Mike walked out. Joe says if he totally flips they have to get Jenn. Ash says if he (Joe) goes home she is alone then. They have to talk to Jani. Ash says some how they have to get Frank and Wil to fight. Joe says that wont happen, Frank is up Wils ass. Ash goes to get Jani. Joe tells her Wil has gotten worse, he is insanely mad at her, they are in serious jeopardy. Joe repeats what he told Ash about Wil. Jani says she didnt say that at all. Jani keeps saying OMG, she didnt say that at all. Joe says thats how he took it, he misconstrued what you said about you doing all the work. Jani says thats not what I said. jani tells Joe to calm down she is going to go talk to him. Joe says Frank has his penis half way in Wil. He sees an opening and he is poncing on it. Joe says Wil rolled his eyes and then went to bed after Jani left. Joe keeps repeating himself. Jani says she and Wil talked in the K today and seemed ok. Ash tells Joe to not freak out until Jani talks to Wil. Ash goes to lay down. Joe asks why now? they had everything going for them. Jani goes to talk to Brit. Jani says if she has to show Wil the numbers she will. Ash changes her mind about laying down and sits in the K eating peanuts instead. Her and Joe are going to lay in the big lounge outside. 1:31BBT Ash quietly tells jani that she thinks Joe is exaggerating. in BY is talking about how many HG are in each season. Ian says there was one girl that quit when she found out there was a camera in the shower (its only used if there is game talk between two ppl in the shower itself) Mike says buy 5 bathing suits geez. Shane eating, gets called to DR, he says thats 4 times. Ash repeats that she thinks Joe is exaggerating, Jani says she is not worried about it. Shane out of DR. In BY Brit tells Mike they are in limbo. Shane asks them if they have a message to pass on thru his blog. Mike and Brit says they cant handle the camera today.
  21. 6:00BBT Dani tells Brit that Frank keeps her in his sight at all times, she doesnt want to be alone with him. wishes Shane would be around her more often cuz Frank tones it down when he is there. Wil comes over to the hammock. He is going to do exercises but sits down first. Girls tell him Frank is following Dan's every move. Ash is eating cooked garlic, onions and peanuts. Jani heads in to make Tacos for everyone. Brit says Dani hands are freezing, Dani says she is anemic, she is always freezing. Brit and Dani plan how Dani can get to the HOH w/o Frank. Brit and Dani head inside, Frank stays in BY. Brit tells Shane they are keeping Frank in the game and getting rid of him. She tells him about Frank following Dani and calling her 'sweet cheeks" and saying he will be all over her all week. Brit says Frank would have sex with Dani or give her pleasures for her vote. Dani says no way!! in the BY they talk about working out, not being to DR in a while. Wil and Joe working out. Dan, Ian and any one that wants to join them are going to run. 6:19BBT Brit grilling Dani on if she has looked at Frank sexually. Dani says he stinks, doesnt use deorderant. There is no love for Frank. Dan and Ian start their running. Jenn wants to have more opportunities to compete, she feels she is at the bottom. Frank would like her to win HOH, Jenn says she is ready for it. Frank asks what her plan of action would be. She says she wants Shane out. Frank says if he stays he would put up Wil and Ash and possibly backdoor him. Ian gets encouragement from Ash and Jenn on his exercises. They run 25 laps then do work out, repeat. Frank taste tests the guacamole dip, Jenn comes in to help Jani with Tacos. In HOH Shane tells Dani she needs to be seen with Joe. Frank makes his way to the HOH, they talk about Tacos. Talk changes to wanting Joe out, and how Ian doesnt give definitive answers Frank gave him a hug and told him he was ok. Brit says she feels bad for him when he thinks he is in trouble. Brit says Ian doesnt want to back himself into a corner. they say that if Ian had come into the game w/o a coach Ian would have gone home first. Shane tells Dani to talk to Joe and them but dont get caught by them, they will be in her ear until show time. (this is all talk in front of Frank to make him think they are after Joe) 6:44BBT Frank wants to call Joe out on the stuff he has said. Shane says to see where he is. Brit says as soon as Joe gets HN the family dinners to the way side. Dani wants to make pasta. HOH breaks up to go make cheese dip. Dani asks why Shane told Frank to follower her around. Shane says he was going to do it anyway. Mike, Jenn, Dan and Ash talk about % of body fat. In the K they are making cheese dip and Tacos. Wil wants to have all the HG sign a wine bottle, auction it off and give the proceeds to charity. Wil suggests that they have a potluck with each of them making something.
  22. 12:25 BBT feeds...Jani says we GOT to get Frank out. Brit says she doesnt like Franks attitude. Mike talking to Shane. Mike scared Jani got to them. Shane says it secures votes. Mike says he respects the move, all good man. Mike leaves Shane to go to Frank and Dan. Mike says he just wants to shake the kid. asks Dan if he knew that was going to happen. Dan says he will talk later. In HOH Brit tells Jani and Ash that Mike said Jani got to you. Mike was pissed. (Shane used POV and put Frank up)
  23. 11:00BBT Brit telling Jani and Wil that Shane is going to put up Frank, will tell him its to secure the votes. Jani says Frank needs to go. Frank, Brit, Shane talk. Frank says Ian will not vote for Ash he has a crush on her. Shane says they can get rid of Ash. Brit says tells Frank she thinks Joe is going home no matter what. Frank wants a like of communication open. Frank says he knows what paranoia is, if they see him talking to someone just ask him. Brit is unsure of how Ian will vote. She tried to question him yesterday and he was cryptic about who he would put up if he won HOH. Frank suggests putting Ian up. He swears on his and his nana life that he has not talking to Wil about a F2 deal. He says both Wil and Joe are feeling defeated. Shane says the only reason would be to secure the votes. Frank says he and Mikes players will roll with them 100%. Shane says he is putting his trust in Ian who is so up and down. Brit says 4 days is a long time to get in ppls minds. Ppl change their minds in half a second. Frank and Wil working together scares her. Jenn or Ian will take it as a negative thing if Shane puts them up. Brit says she is secure with Dani vote. Its a risk either way. Frank says Mike wants Jani out! Frank leaves. Shanes tells Brit at least he understands where they are coming from. Brit says they are going to be pissed. Shane says he thinks Frank knows he is going up. Shane says dont leave me, Mike will try to change me. They will to do HOH after POV ceremony and wait for them to nap. 11:20BBT TRIVIA....POV ceremony time
  24. chat has been odd for a few days now. QD, try about 7 or 8 pm eastern.
  25. 2:38BBT Most of them are in the pool counting how many hits they can keep the ball in action. So far the highest count is 24. Frank climbs into one of the metal decorative lawn balls and Joe has to stabilize the ball for him to get out. Dan & Ian running laps inside the pool. Looks like lunch time for some, others still sunning. Frank is a bit sore from climbing into the ball. They splashed so much water out of the pool that Dan gets the hose and is playing with it in the pool to help refill it. 2:57BBT Jani and Wil going to work out in the LR. General sunning, chatting, working out, doing nothing.



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