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Status Updates posted by Katydidit

  1. I truly thank you for the lesson on "squaw" -- never knew that. Is it sort of like hag, slut, and ho?

    Why do you use those terms?

  2. You do a great job on the BB updates, Eric. Thanks for all your time!

  3. Just wanted to say that any friend of Mitch is a friend of mine! Go meerkats!

  4. Yeah, deedsy - congrats.

    And GO GreenBay!!!

  5. Hey, Crazy - COngrats on your BB8 prediction win. Don't stay away now!

  6. Congrats on the BB win, DB. Great Job!

  7. Congrats on the BB win, Lala.

  8. Just thought I'd check to see if there was any downshiftin' goin' on in here!

    All squeaky clean

  9. Your updates are great. Even the duplications ensure we've got it right.

  10. We have screencaps here at Morty's. Why point elsewhere?

  11. Just want to say that I like your thinking. At least so far -- LOL

  12. “Fife for sheriff, Honest, Fearless, Incorruptible.”



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