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Posts posted by straykat

  1. 21 minutes ago, hazelnutz said:

    As far as I know from the feed updates.....YES....so far... Kevin isn't in the offering as a BD so, if he just keeps quiet he won't go up. They want to evict Jason...I'd rather see Alex go. She has a hold on Jason. We may see more spontaneous gaming without Alex. 


    Funny how Jason is the only one to comment in the DR about the finger gets pointed, that person becomes the target and then the mob attacks.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Canopus said:


    Then why was the question brought up?


    As I already stated, I don't believe it should be viewed negatively, but it's a simple fact that it is (for many people). I think you already knew that, despite claiming otherwise.


    Go to a playground and watch how people react to the sole man sitting on a bench watching the kids. "Oh, what a nice stay-at-home father" isn't often the first thought people have of him. It's sad, but still true.


    I have to agree here for the most part. Our society still holds onto a lot of gender stereotypes.We as people are trying to get past them but they still linger. You can see it in the work place quite often. Women with young children are sometimes still not considered for jobs because employers don't think she can divide her time between caring for her children and work. This has never been a factor in hiring men.

  3. Yesterday, around 6:28pm, Josh, Paul, Alex outside on the hammock bashing Kevin. Josh says, let's do something crazy. Alex says, "Want to shit in his bed? What me to shit in your bed? They actually told me it was one of the things we could not do." Paul says "Shit in the bed?" Alex, "yeah". Paul, (sarcastically maybe) "Glad you asked." Alex, "I asked, so where's the line." And then we go to FotH.


    So she went into the DR and asked if they could shit in Kevin's bed. This goes beyond disgusting. 

  4. Just now, Lamasquerade said:

    Yep eating food is chump change compared to past antics in the house. But there is no point in having have nots if no one eats the slop. It was a stupid concept to begin with.


    The have-not punishment is boring, especially when the HoH gets to decide. I like when they had to compete for food. Half the house against the other half or teams. Losers become the have-nots. Or the comps where the whole house did comps and had to win certain types of food. 


    Also, when people keep singing, there should be a whole house punishment. No hot water for 24 hours or no beverages except water.

  5. 4 minutes ago, graceomalley said:

    what does a penalty vote mean in the BB house?  how does it register?  are there so many penalty votes that you get and then you are out?  are you restricted from playing for the veto? HOH? banned from voting for the winner?  do they mean anything at all?


    Seems like it is just one vote that is applied during the eviction but I don't know. Paul said something about the penalty accumulating but who knows? Would it be one for every day? Every time he eats? Every shower? What if someone does it when they aren't on the block? 

  6. 7 minutes ago, PAULISABUNION said:

    I think the breaking of one of the house guests or the shunning of the houseguests that's the mark for the week to be evicted is a new angle. It disables the marked houseguest from being able to campaign. The ringleader or the majority of the house decides that that's how they'll force their hand. If you allow or listen to anyone's to campaign and getting  in your ear whether or not it would change your mind is now a betrayal. I think this is the first season where the shunning and breaking of a houseguest is the norm. It's disgusting but maybe that's where societies going now with this desensitizing and heartless approach. I enjoy good gameplay I enjoy the strategic way of getting to the end, but not this redundant manner of abuse. Evil dick has been mentioned and he was in an asshole and there have been other people that have been nasty like this in past seasons but not consistent and redundant abusive ugliness, that is now normal and expected behavior. First it was Cody and Jessica, and everyone kind of got it because Cody was such a dumbass, but one by one they're doing it to each person and will continue to do it to each other, which speaks volumes in how they're seemingly fine with dishing it out... If Paul or Alex were suddenly on the receiving end of it they wouldn't take it in stride. Paul was going on and on about his imagined feeling of being treated so badly last week, was that BS?  Did he actually feel like that?


    You may be right. This would be similar to younger people using social media to gang bully others in an attempt to break them. And the shunning closes all doors for any kind of conversation between the shunned and the rest because association with the shunned my put you next in the list. The thing with E Dick  is that he acted alone. He didn't have the rest of the HGs being nasty at his direction. Even other seasons where things got mean, it was always one group against another. 

  7. 29 minutes ago, Gram02 said:

    I also don't understand this "break" someone ,do they not understand these are the ppl going to jury to and are who will vote . I should give you the money because you were horridable to me?  Poor Kevin what ever he did in this game does not justify this reaction.  He has to think this is what they did to Cody . Sad to say but the ppl in the jury house will show him so much more respect.,

    I can't imagine any one of these ppl family being proud of how they play the game.  Can you imagine inviting friends to come watch BB with you, come watch my family member being a screaming, nasty a**hole.


    I can't figure that out either. Where is the sense in making a jury member feel like crap and then expect them to vote. But while they are gleefully trying to break these future jury members, Paul is mister calm and reasonable, grooming each one for their vote. 

    The network broadcast doesn't show just how nasty it gets for the victims of the gang attacks and the isolation. Viewers don't see the systematic build up over days of comments, nasty head games and coldness that each of the victims deal with before the actual gang confrontations happen. I'm sure the close families are seeing it but if people aren't reading or watching on the internet, I don't think the are seeing how cruel the gang is to  those who they decide are out.

  8. Alex (who says she is a really nice person IRL) said after this eviction, they will amp it up on Kevin and "break" him. This has been the pattern with this group and it gets worse with each person they target. They all gang up and harass, bully and shun the person that have chosen as the next one out. They probably believe that they are wonderful people and that this is all just game but that nastiness is there inside them even IRL. "The Game" just gave them an excuse to release it.

  9. If BB lets this go without repercussions, future HG's can do the same, especially if they feel pretty safe that the HoH isn't targeting them. I'm sure it has to be in the contract that they will accept/perform any task or punishment BB has within the game. Has he been on slop at all? I can't remember because he is such a nothing on the show.


  10. 31 minutes ago, Lamasquerade said:

    Yes Jason you are now famous for all the wrong reasons.  His comment about rape on video has been reported in the New York Daily News. "Big Brother contestant under fire ..." 


    Yeah, also  TMZ and quite a few others have picked up on this. Seems that this isn't the first time he has brought up raping a woman. 

  11. 13 minutes ago, Roli said:

      But it WILL be amusing to watch the rest eat each other alive.  

    Yes, the second the blood hit the waters it was go time for the frenzy.

    It's always fun when people who were planning on putting two others up on the block, get put up by those people and then have a huge melt down because HOW DARE THEY! 

  12. 11 minutes ago, Lamasquerade said:

    A sick one. Didn't take these words for me to realize what an asshole Jason is. The way he clowns around shows his immaturity. Unfortunately, he is still one of the best players there and they will all wish they got rid of him earlier in the game.


    I didn't like him from day one. Not for game reasons, just for who he is. I'd rather see Paul win than him. 

  13. 45 minutes ago, Canopus said:


    Yeah, it's just talk. Who cares? Does anyone actually think Jason has plans to rape Kevin's wife? I don't much care for Jason, but what he says doesn't bother me at all.


    You're locked in a house with many people you don't like for 3 months, and have far less freedom than real prisoners. Damn! I'd be saying a lot worse than that by this time in the summer.


    It's not that he would really rape Kevin's wife, it is the fact that his reaction to Kevin's hypothetical nomination of him wasn't, I'll kick his ass or punch him in the face, it was I'll brutalize his wife and daughters. What kind of man thinks of that first as revenge? Would he think it was funny if someone said the same about his wife?

  14. 12 hours ago, HeleneL said:

    Paul on the other hand always tries to poke the worst out of everyone. 


    How is it the minions don't notice that Paul pushes THEM to attack but rarely says a word during the confrontations? He just stands there looking all worried and concerned. Then as they move off to pat themselves on the back about how righteous and justified they are to attack their victim, Paul slinks off to the victim to listen to and console them and give his sage advice.



  15. 43 minutes ago, stevea11 said:

    I'm surprised they showed her antics on last night's BB. That girl has got some stories. If Matt hooks up with her after the show he's got some serious issues as well.


    Matt is lazy. He goes for easy. Cereal 20 times a day is easy. No cooking, little clean up. Raven is easy. No work involved with keeping that freakshow clinging to him every minute of the day. Free sex for minimal effort. BB is easy. Just hand his game to his master and he will take him to the end while he just eats, sleeps, does Raven and once in awhile get a bit annoyed that something might disrupt his easy way to F3. So, after the game, easy Raven will become difficult Raven and that won't fit in his life. 

  16. 12 minutes ago, HeleneL said:

    I so wish they would have them all back 3 months following the final and after they watched their season to see how incredibly ignorant they were.  


    Don't they do that in some way on the Bachelor? I'd really like to know how they feel about being completely played by Paul. I am resigned to Paul winning this season. I just want it to be over now. I must like to torture myself because I still will watch the show even though I dislike all of them and cringe listening to them talk about their master, Paul. 

  17. 39 minutes ago, Gram02 said:

    WTH how are they going to convince ppl that Raven was voting Matt out?  Did I miss something here?


    When Paul started saying that it had to be Kevin and Raven voting for Matt, Xmas was going right along with it but Josh said something like, Are you kidding me with this right now? But who are they really trying to convince this is possible and why? Paul, Alex, Jason and (obviously) Raven know it's not true. I doubt Matt would believe it. I don't think even Kevin would believe Raven would throw a vote at Matt just to stir things up and he knows the other one wasn't him. 

  18. 38 minutes ago, stevea11 said:

    Who were the two votes for Matt? I missed that part.


    Jason tells Kevin that he and Alex were the votes. Kevin asks why they didn't tell him, he would have voted for Matt, too. Then later he starts saying that it was him but not Alex. Then Alex finds out and calls him all kinds of stupid and tells him to tell everyone he lied about voting for Matt. They want to blame Kevin and Raven. 

  19. Seems like there has been little success in catching the rat that has been seen in the house. Some HGs don't believe there is one but I see it all the time in the feeds. Hairy, beady eyed, nasty creature, it scampers from room to room. Cameras follow it all the time. Obviously production is happy with the rat. This rat will end up biting every one of them in the butt before it's done.









  20. I don't watch the feeds very often but has anyone here who does watch the feeds ever seen her make a run for the bathroom to throw up? Or even any convos where she just came out of the toilet and people are being sympathetic because she was throwing up? Or any evidence at all that  she can't keep down that bag of chips or pizza?



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