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Posts posted by straykat

  1. We will find out on Thursday if Jackson has a penalty vote on him for cheating. Well, hopefully he will still be on the block on Thursday but if Jess gets worried that the vote might not go to get Jack out like she wants, she might put someone else up. But I think BB needs to make it known that Jackson has some kind of penalty for cheating because if they don't, why would any other HG suffer for a week eating that crap if there are no consequences for cheating. I was thinking that his cheating is the reason there are no have nots this week but now I heard the HGs say that the have not room is being remodeled for the Area 21 punishment. Is this just BB covering their ass by using the excuse of needing the room for a comp punishment so they can't have have-nots this week?  



  2. I don't trust her. She says she's not putting up a woman. But it seems to me that she has been trying so hard to be part of the now defunct 6 that she may try to use her HoH to get an alliance going with some of them, like Jack, Christie and Tommy. I really don't think she wants to associate herself with the outcasts and could possibly put up Jackson and Nick to appease both sides.

  3. 25 minutes ago, WOC said:

     It reminds me of Nick and Bella believing everyone in their alliance when Nicole tried to tell them their alliance was plotting against them. Like anyone will admit it? Trust is something they should leave at the door when they enter the house. You can act like you trust someone, but if it's more than an act you're doomed.


     Bella: Nicole says you guys are plotting against us.

     The 6: What? She's a big old liar. See our mad faces. That means we aren't telling lies, she is.

     Bella: Cool. Those mad faces really show me that you aren't the liars, Nicole is. I trust you guys! 

  4. He's always saying he is so honest in this game and he loves everyone, blah, blah, blah. Then the shit hits the fan about Holly and Kat knowing each other and all the crying and moaning about betrayal and there's Tommy and his pal Christie, shaking their heads in disbelief at that terrible truth that was uncovered. :crybaby:

  5. 4 hours ago, WOC said:


    Raven needed it though, there was a chance the slop would get caught in the hole in her spine!


    I thought she had a backward or upside down spine or something. BB has always attracted some very unique people.

  6. Well, there was Raven who had about ten different diseases who conveniently gained a slop pass. I know I have seen HG's who were suspected of cheating  a little bit, just a mouthful here and there, and they said that BB came down on them in the DR. This just seems like production is trying to completely hide the whole issue. There was a clip where he was telling Christie (I think it was her) that he was taking a something (Xanax?) without a prescription for a long time and then got a scrip right before BB. BB changed camera view quickly from that convo at that point. He has some problems with more than eating.

  7. 1 hour ago, 4thepeople said:

    I predict this girl will be the most hated BB player in history. 


    Nah, not even close. She's just an annoying brat. There were players that "fans" hated so much that they did all they could to get them fired, made threats against their families, some got booed on their way out until production told the audience they couldn't do it. 

  8. 1 hour ago, CrazyBBFan said:

    I agree that Kat, Jess and Sam are major problems for the vote.  As soon as they seem to understand things about the game,  each one has done something stupid.  I hope DR push them into playing their own game.


    Kat and Jess are the worst. Christie has been weaving a web around them and they think she is with them 100%. I have heard Christie say that they should bring Kat into the 6 alliance mainly because they will need her vote for the next week or so depending on how things play out. I have even heard a couple of them talk about pulling Nicole in too but never have I heard of her saying anything about Jess. Christie is very good at this social game. It still isn't clear whether she will use the diamond power or not.



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