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Posts posted by straykat

  1. Jesse has Michelle, that pudgy guy, Libra and April (cuz they hate Angie) and Jerry (because you have to do what the leader wants) pretty much wrapped up. The only ones that aren't as commited are Ollie and Dan but they will probably go with the others. Renny would vote against Jesse if she thought it wold do any good but knows that if the others don't turn, she has to go with the house.

  2. I can see how some posters might think Angie isn't really interested in playing the game. If you aren't running from room to room, repeating endlessly the conversations you had with other HGs, trash talking on everyone, even the people in your own alliance and then smirking and thinking that viewers just love you, you just aren't into the game. Come on Angie. Get with the program. Talk with Keesha, swear that you will keep the convo to yourself and then run and tell Jesse word for word. And Then Michelle. And then Memphis. And then all of them together. Then trash on Jerry for awhile just for bonus points.

  3. April just said she is trying to "better Janelle as a person." I almost choked when she said that. She said she feels it is "her job" to do this. I didn't think I could be any more surprised by her comments, until now.

    WOW... Janelle, the wonam with the worst soul known to mankind, will be made a better person by Ivette the enlightened! How gracious and godly is Ivette. Oh please, Ivette, make her into a wonderous and shining person like your glorious self and your selfless, soft spoken, loving friends.

    I think I will be sick now.

  4. Well said, Tums. We have to keep watching in support of Janelle and Howie and the ones who have been evicted.

    The only thing that really depresses me is that if there are only sheep left in the house, the feeds will be soooo boring. I wonder if they will still trash Janelle every night even if she is not there?



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